Wk of Oct 29--2007 WISH Walking/Running Club

I haven't been here much lately - as usual, but I am starting to gat back into some sort of training now that it has started to cool off here somewhat. For the most part, I simply haven't felt I've had much to say.

I've been going out on my bike lately because it is easier on the knees and I am happy to report that my pace there does seem to be picking up. It really does seem to be easier for me to push myself on the bike than on foot. I am also doing better on hills, although not as well as I would like.

I do have one training adventure story from my ride yesterday - a gator in the middle of the road! I didn't even see him till I was right in front of him! It was a little one, and he looked pretty scared! I kept going! On my way back some of the people in living in the area where he was were trying to round him up. Poor little guy! I actually hope he got away. He wasn't hurting anyone! Now the 6 foot snake from a couple of weeks ago - that's another story! I usually like to go out at night because it's so quiet around here then but I'm rethinking that very seriously! :earseek:

I do want to send :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: to both Cam and Howard, and also to Judy and Mist. My thoughts and praayers are with you.

As for meeting online, as some of you know, I found DH in a shopping mall! I remind him of that every time he misbehaves! DH's ex did meet her curreent DH online though, so we are very grateful for internet romance, and they do seem to be doing well after 10 yrs of marriage.
Good Morning, Wish Team,

Cam -- I am sad to hear of your FIL's suffering, and sad to know that you and all who love him are suffering because he is not well. We are all sending you strength and peace.

Winter weather has moved in, and I will really need the support of my fellow WISH team members to keep to my training runs.

Best to everyone in their training, and in the juggling of life's many necessities... and keep posting!

I just got back from a walk/run with Mom. We go slower together since she mostly runs, and I mostly walk. Since she can't walk as fast as me (and I don't run the whole time like she does), we both go slower. And we talk alot, which slows us down too. Anyway...

40:24 It was slow, but we "got the steps in!"

I don't know if I mentioned this before or not. My Mom just signed up for the Half through a charity! So, she will be with us marathon weekend. I may be able to convince her to come to our Port Orleans meet.
Hello TEAM:

I got my workout in this morning. I did a "tempo" workout on the treadmill in the gym. I got there at 6am to find all the treadmills taken. I warmed up on the elliptical, and a treadmill freed up in 7 min. I ended up doing ~4.6 miles on the treadmill. Here's my treadmill workout:

10 min easy at 6.0 mph (10:00 mpm)
10 min tempo at 6.5 mph (9:15 mpm)
2 min walk at 3.5 mph
10 min tempo at 6.5 mph (9:15 mpm)
2 min walk at 3.5
10 min easy at 6.0 mph (10:00 mpm)
2 min walk at 3.0

Then I stretched. I definitely need some new shoes as I'm getting some soreness in my lower legs - especially behind my left knee. Carrie, weren't you having the same issue. I'm going to try to go to the shoe store tomorrow on my way home from work.

OMG!!! I just looked out my office window and it's snowing white, fluffy flakes. Noooooooooooo.... Yuck!!!
Dave - I'm sorry but no, I forbid it to snow in NY today! :rolleyes1 Wow, your "easy" is my "extremely fast" on the TM.

OK I realize I am sometimes a little slow, but this just dawned on me.....As we race thru the parks, will the holiday decorations still be up? According to another thread somewhere other than the Events board, yes, they will. I don't know why this didn't occur to me before! How cool! :yay: Do you guys who have done this before remember seeing them when you ran thru?
CAM & HOWARD - :grouphug: :wizard: :grouphug: :wizard: Sending lots of prayers and pixie dust your way. Keep the faith and travel safe.
Thinking of everyone just now.

Cam and Howard :hug: strength, positive energy and prayers as you get through this.

Judy, :hug: hoping and sending prayers too that all works out for Mist.

OK, who is it that "thinks" old here? Stop it! :teeth:

And, remember for all you speedy ones wondering IF you can do this. YES! you can. Even if you slow down and wait for me, you can. Remember...the party is where I am! Come play at the back.

Lots to do...off I go again tra la la...
Honeibee said:
As we race thru the parks, will the holiday decorations still be up? According to another thread somewhere other than the Events board, yes, they will. I don't know why this didn't occur to me before! How cool! :yay: Do you guys who have done this before remember seeing them when you ran thru?

Yep, the holiday decorations will still be up for the marathon!! :santa: :santa: :santa:
Tiger Lily 03 said:
Even if you slow down and wait for me, you can. Remember...the party is where I am! Come play at the back.

All us cool kids hang out in the 'back of the bus!' :rotfl:
Kristi1357 said:
All us cool kids hang out in the 'back of the bus!' :rotfl:

HA HA HA... I always wanted to be a "cool" kid!!! Now I am!!!

Cam and Howard.... Prayers and Pixie Dust for you!! Please take care!!
Cam--so sorry to hear about your DFIL! Hugs and prayers for you and your family! :grouphug:

Well, I decided to switch it up a bit this week and do my LR today instead of Sat. DS's 1st bday party is sat. and I have a lot left to do. So, I got 8 miles in today at around 76:30. Legs are a little sore, but on the whole feel pretty good!

Quick post before putting DD and DS to bed. Got in two pretty good runs today and yesterday: today was 5.4 in 42 mins at work to get rid of a lot of frustration - faster than I wanted to but I was one mad runner. Yesterday, DS was home sick and I had a vaca day so I jumped on the TM while he watched one of his Dinosaur movies. I went for 93 minutes and banged out 10.6 miles - this was more of an escape because, even though it was a vaca day, I was logged in and worked for 7 hours. I am putting in a down week this week so i wil only be doing Saturday morning run with rest days Friday and Saturday.

Cam, PD and hugs your way. So sorry to hear about your loss.

Hey, I am hearing a lot of noise in the back of that bus, you kids better keep it down.
:grouphug: Cam.....So sorry to hear about your FIL :(. Please know that your family is in my thoughts. ((HUGS)) to Howard!!! Wishing you all strength and peace.

Dave...Nice workout!!! :thumbsup2 Way to go on the tempo run :). BTW...I've just recently been experiencing those pains behind the knee??? :confused3 Not sure what the deal is...but I have not ONE but TWO new pairs of sneakers so I know it's not the shoes. Plan to speak with them about it at PT tomorrow. If I learn anything interesting I'll let you know :).

Carrie: Pixie Dust for your leg pains!! Taking it easy for a few days before the LR is a GREAT idea! Keep us posted on how you are doing!!!

:goodvibes Yeahhh for the holiday decorations. Sooo cool!!!

My training has been slackey this week. But I did manage two back to back runs yesterday and today. And...I plan to hit the ski machine for a solid 30 minute workout tomorrow :teeth: Leg pain is minimal...just a tad sore but nothing to worry about. I've taken Craig's sage advice and slowed down. I think I have FINALLY gotten it thru my stubborn head that I need to stop being a slave to my pace and stop competing with myself. Even through my injuries I have pushed and pushed my pace...even on the long runs. I've finally realized that I should just go out there and enjoy the runs. So this week I backed way off and feel much better. I plan to run my 14...UGH...14...FOURTEEN (can you guys tell I'm a little intimidated by the number)....14 miler this weekend a full minute slower than I've been running. I just don't want to hit a wall like I did on my 10 miler. So here's to a great weekend of runs everyone :goodvibes . Happy training.
Cam and Howard - :grouphug: you and your family will be in my heart and prayers. :grouphug: I lost my dad to cancer several years ago. It is such a nasty beast! Here's hoping your DFIL doesn't suffer much from this.

Judy - good thoughts and well wishes for you and Mist. :grouphug: :wizard: :goodvibes

jodi - I still don't have my packet either. :sad2: :confused3

I reached an important milestone tonight and I can hardly believe it. According to the MfM plan, I needed to walk 3 min, run 2 min (10 sets). I DID it. I am actually able to run (well, more like a light jog) for 2 minutes at a time. When I started this in August, I could barely run 15 seconds. I am really happy with this progress. I just hope I can keep it up. Thank you, everyone, for giving me the encouragement to continue. :banana: :thumbsup2

"If you think you can or can't, you're probably right."
Christmas Dec's - Yes they will be in the parks. Not so much in teh resorts. I never thougth I'd get to see teh x-mas decs so when I walked into MK at 5:30 am to watch teh half adn saw my first DIsney X-mas, I cried. Then again, I was a little emotional the day before the marathon. ;)

Dave - Yes, behind the knee pain. Still nursing it. DH would nto let me go out last night, but it does nto hurt when walking now. Plus, I was packing for my trip to Heather's world and was up and down the stairs all night. So, rest, ice and biofreeeze seem to be working.

Thinking of Cam and Howard. :goodvibes

Amy - Glad things are feeling better. Another friend who started out great gus is havign issues too. I'm glad slowing down is helping. Then again, I started kicking in gear a littel too hard lately myself. Never thought I'd have to slow myself down. :rotfl:

GoofyGuy- Yay Glad things are ogign well!

Susie - That is great!! Way to go! :cheer2:

Wow, I always wante to be one of the cool kids at the back of the bus! :p
Today I'll be doing a 12-miler. So far I've done all my training runs this week -- a real accomplishment considering the spotty training I did last month.

Christmas doings - Yes, even last year I was able to make it to many Christmas events at WDW. (I am more a Christmas addict than Disney addict and have been training to Christmas music on my iPod for the last week!) Not only are there Christmas decorations, but there's the 3:45PM Jingle Jungle Parade at the Animal Kingdom (daily thru Jan 6) and the Osborne Family Spectacle of Lights from 6-8PM at Disney-MGM (daily thru Jan 7). Don't miss them!
Good morning, all. Thank you for all the good thoughts and hugs and prayers. We really appreciate it. I fear this will be difficult for DS13, too and I guess that is weighing very heavily on my mind. He has such an incredibly strong faith and an absolute conviction about heaven that carried him through the loss of his Nana and B-Pa (my parents) and I know he'll be okay and I'm glad he wants to go visit Grandma and Grandpa Dave. We'll leave tonight after his cotillion -- around 11 pm. DD is coming home for the weekend and I hate to leave her, but she has a couple of dates with her HS boyfriend and lunches with some friends, so I know she'll be fine.

Your training here is impressive, though mine is sadly lacking. :sad1: It was another late work night and by the time I got to the gym it was packed. I only did 20 mins hill training on the bike while waiting for a TM and then got on a TM for a mile. The amazing news is that the inhaler seems to be helping. I was able to run for 4 minutes!!!! and then again for 3:20 to finish up a mile in 13:26. For once, I was able to jog until I was tired instead of having to stop before I was tired because I couldn't breathe. :woohoo:

My physician and the pulmonologist had a chat last week and their consensus is that the amiadarone (heart medicine) I was on for so long may have impacted my lungs (scar tissue? :confused3 ). I was on so many different drugs at different times during those 10 years (including vioxx) that the pulmonologist is going to do some research on those various drugs before I see him. The chest x-rays were clear, so that is a great start. It may just be exercise-induced athsma (like Jen or Kristi?) and that is easily treated and the azmacort seems to be the right drug. So, I am optimistic.

Hoping to get in some miles Sunday night when we get back, but I am always a slug after 5+ hours in the car and I'll have to take Jenn back to campus, so I am keeping my fingers crossed for good workout time karma.

Thank you so much for your support and good WISHes, but mostly for all the inspiration you guys provide! :grouphug:


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