Wk Of Oct 7 - WISH Walking/Running Club

:rolleyes1 Can I sneak in here?:flower3:

I've heard I've been missed, which both makes me feel good and saddens me to the core, as I knwo I've missed so much that's happening to everyone. I started to catch up, but I have limited time adn would never get aroudn to posting. Forgive me, I miss you all so much. I just can't get ti together enough to ge here. I will work on it. I have kept up with training, though adn have doen a 10-mile bridge run adn a half since I last popped in.

I have a 6-mile trianign run Saturday and tehn get to meet Pat fo teh Detroit half!!!! :banana: **Still hoping Jen can sneak away. :thumbsup2

And the nex week......:scared1: TOT! I can't believe it's here already! I cannot wait to see everybody! WOn't liekly be until pre-race, but I'll be joining teh WISH pre-race glow wherever it ends up!!!!!!!

:wizard: :wizard: :wizard: and :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: To all you who need healing!

Extra :grouphug: for Dave. I am so sorry about your mom.

Anyone here from Tiff?

Jen - Has your life gotten any beter?

Sunny? How's your world? Sorry I have not kept up with it. :hug:

OMG!!! Did Kevin leave me??????? :(

I am thinking of you all. Hope trianing is going well. We're gettign to the tough parts, so hang in there. Then again, I'm doing a hapy dance that it dropped 30 degrees since MOnday adn it's not hot anymore!!! :cool1:

Happy training everyone!!!!!!
OK - I was a good girl today.! I ran 3 miles on the TM then I did yoga. I rode 6.75 w/ boy on the trail-a-bike at the nat. military park. He had a great time. My legs were a little sluggish after the 100mile ride this weekend, so the hills were a challenge today. I used my mt. bike which is heavier, but I didn't want to pull the heavy trail-a-bike behind my skinny tired road bike!!

Krista - the job is great. The new dog has ISSUES!! She was so sweet and quiet when we got her. she is insane now. We take her running quite a bit. Even took her on an 8 miler and she did fine. Today was the 1st time she had been around the TM. She is a red heeler (mix) so the whole time I was on the TM she was trying to herd me by biting my calf!!! I had to run w/ one of the boy's little plastic POTC swords in my hand to point at her when she would come at me. It was quite the sight!! (and sound for that matter!)
Well, well, well, a couple of my favorite WISHers posting right after each other! Carrie, yes indeed, you and your wobbly spelling have been missed!:grouphug:

Melissa, do I know you? JK, good to hear from you. Too funny about the dog, would have loved to see you wielding that sword today.

Cam, hope you start feeling better.:wizard: I am glad you are able to run TOT!

Angie, thanks for your stories re the docs. You know, I used to think doctors were all-knowing. :rolleyes: Was I ever naive. Funny thing I forgot to mention. I asked all three orthos how long it would have taken for my bone spurs to develop. One said 3-5 years, one said 1 year and the last said 5-10 years, that it would take 5 years before they even showed up on a X-ray. Hmmmm, who to believe, who to believe.:sad2:

Off to put the kids to bed.
Hey all... Instead of running I went to bootcamp class for the first time. I'm gonna feel that in the morning!!!!!

CARRIE - OH MY GOSH!!! I can't believe you are here!!! :rotfl2: Thanks for asking, but no things have not gotten better. I just grit my teeth and pray!!!! Is the Detroit race next week? OH I wish I could but work is making me fly to Washington State for a presentation. BLAHHHH! All alone none the less.

Cam - Oh I am so sorry to hear about your diagnosis! :grouphug: Take care of yourself so you heal quickly! I have a back injury that gets irritated frequently, so I can relate to what you are going through!!!

Martha/Judy - We are in Harley country here (even tho DH is not the biggest fan). Oh but DH does also want a dirt bike so he can fart around in the back 40. MEN!

Stephanie - You look great in those pics. So if the clock time was 4:11, what was your chip time? That is awesome.

OK, I guess I better pay attention to my family! Have a great night all!

Good luck with your half this week. Where is it? I much appreciate the kindness you showed in the spring sending the routes and distances around the Charles River basin, but as I've driven in to my new job I've noticed the routes are (1) on concrete and (2) you have to stop at the bridges and lights. I have those calf tears so concrete is a danger, and once I'm going I don't like to stop, so the lights are a no-no as well. The runners in the early AM look nice down there, but for now I'll pass on the basin.


Too old and too heavy? This is a doctor of philosopy speaking, but I've seen you twice for a fair amount of time, and I think you are a total babe. Tell your MD to pull his or her head out of that place where the sun don't shine. What a dope.


It is always good to hear from you. Enjoy the sun, but be careful driving in a county where the average age is 97.

Okay, the bike thing is the topic du jour. I've spent the day teaching finance to 160 undergraduates and graduate students, so I've been out of reach. When I was in the office early this morning I saw the fellow who taught Steve McQueen to ride had died of natural causes last night, the fellow who did the jump over the barbed wire fence in "The Great Escape." I sent the story to Martha with the comment, "I still want a bike."

A few years ago, Charles "Pete" Conrad, the 3rd man to walk on the moon, a pilot and hero of mine, as all the Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo astronauts are and were, died in a motorcycle accident at age 69. All I could say when I heard the news was "bless you," and "far better than dieing in a hospice."

With apologies to Kenneth Grahame and "The Wind in the Willows:"

Martha (Badger) has locked Craig (Toady) in the study and given him a good talking to about acting responsible . . .


Craigy has seen the error of his ways, and is here to state he is renouncing motorcycles for ever.


Well, well, he he . . .


Didn't you say in there that you would never touch a motorcycle again?


Yes, in there. You're so elequent in there Martha.


And don't you agree to never ride a bike again?


Shaan't. In fact, I promise to do the exact opposite. As soon as I get away from here I promise to ride the very first motorcycle I see.


I see you are a most wicked Craig, and cannot be trusted.


Poop poop

WWDave, you are right, a beautiful babe of a wife is better for cuddling up against on cold evenings, and we get many in New England. On the other hand, riding gives an exhiliration which is quite unique in its own way.

I want a Ducati. Patented sound, red and beautiful. And Italian as well. What could be more beautiful?

I can say for certain, wife or no wife, if and when I get a place in Breckenridge, I'll get me a bike, just like the one I had when I lived there in 1970. Well there will be one big difference. The new bike will have a bit more than the 50 cc engine my honda mini trail had when I was 13.

And tonight at dinner, all Lesley could say was "here's your harley davidson dad."

Like I said, totally emasculated. I'm being oppressed.

Poop poop

I am so happy to read everyone's posts here. It is wonderful that we have become such a team! I am so swamped right now I am not sure which foot to put in front of the other. It is vaca starting tomorrow and I will be looking forward to lots of R&R.

Sorry my Boston friends, but Go Tribe!
Finally went running after something like 9 days off- first 6 days or so were legitimately taken off due to a death cold; last 3 days were more LTO/WTO/"oh what's one more day?!" Did 3 miles on TM at ok pace. I guess that's good.

I may sign up for a 5k on Saturday. I haven't decided- wish I could see the T-shirt first. ;) Part of me is thinking of going with Judy's "PR or the ER" philosophy, but the rest of me would like to sleep in...

The motorcycle thing is cracking me up. I have a friend who bought a motorcycle a few months ago. At the height of my death cold misery when I couldn't imagine running ever again, I saw her on the motorcycle and thought "why couldn't that have been my new obsession!?":lmao: Would have taken a lot less effort (and hey, "PR or the ER" would still work!)

Night everybody! I'm too tired to find the pixie dust smilie, but everybody get well and have a great weekend!

Jen in GA
Lily - You are from the Cleveland area as well? We might just have to meet up some day!! I'm in the SW suburb area...you? Oh and GO TRIBE!! (I'm really a Tigers fan...but I have to back my Indians when the time is right!)
Sorry my Boston friends, but Go Tribe!
Now we're talkin'!! Thanks Lily!

Eva - I grew up in Wadsworth. You near there?

Mel - :rotfl: :rotfl: about the pup! I can just imagine Carrie trying to stay on the "rotating plank" while fending off the dog.

Cam - Take it easy on the back. I am glad you are feeling better and equally glad you found a PT that you like.

Kevin - Congrats on the move and the quick sale. Good job getting back out on the road (or trail as the case may be). Enjoy running in the cool weather. You may never see it again!

Judy - Little did you know that posting a simple picture of Charlie on a bike was going to result in the marital strife of a couple of teammates. Me thinks that Craig may just as well get his Ducati because there aint gonna be much snuggling up with Martha at this rate anyway.

And BTW, I'm pretty sure that if someone posted a picture of a nice looking GF or DW (like Leana's BF picture) and I said "Yummy", I'd be compared to some porcine barnyard animal.
Angie - I did see the Bulls are #5. Nice win over WV a few weeks ago. It looks like you have an undefeated season in your grasps. However, you do have those pesky Rutgers Scarlet Knights from my home state of NJ on 10/18. Should be a good game but I would bet on the Bulls.

Lets go FLYERS! It's time to jump on another band wagon. We're 2-1.
Leana - are we going to meet this new BF at ToT?

- have a blast tomorrow!

Carrie - so glad you could check in. Can't wait to see you at ToT!

Cam - I am so glad you can still do ToT. I was afraid to ask about that!

Kevin - nice to see you check in. And selling your house in 4 days in this market is amazing!

Jackie - yay for 2 shoes! :yay:

MelR - love that you found another use for the swords! :rotfl:

Stephanie - love the marathon pics! Your time is awesome, woman! :worship:

I did get an email from Tiffany not too long ago. They are doing well. She is not registered for any Disney races coming up, but she has started training again and plans to do some local 5ks and such. She misses us too.

As for the Red Sox....I am from Boston. But, them being in the playoffs makes my job 100 times harder. So, I secretly hope they lose.:rolleyes1

I am getting nervous about my ToT training, or lack there of. :sad2:
First, my knee was sore, so I took some days off.
Then, this cold had me down for days & days.
I thought I was better.
Then last night the cough/asthma got worse again - hacking all night.
I have a 7 miler on deck today and I am not sure I can, or should, do it.
Jen - Glad you got over your cold and were able to get back out there and run. It seems that once we have a break its hard to get back into it but once we are into it its hard to get us to stop!!!

Kevin - congrats on the job and selling the house in 4 days - that is amazing!!! Looks like you will be close to my "neck of the woods" (to use an Al Roker saying!!) I would like to second that about enjoy running in the cold weather while you can because you won't be seeing much down here!! Hope you enjoy Ft Lauderdale and maybe we will be running some of the same races soon.

Mike - LOL about the porcine barnyard animal comment!!!

Kristi - I too am nervous about the TOT coming up and training issues. I hope you are feeling better and that your 7 miler today goes good. I am supposed to have a 7 miler scheduled for this weekend but I have a 5k race on Saturday morning so it looks like Sunday I will be busy!! LOL If you can't manage the whole 7 just get in what you can because you don't want to make yourself sicker.

As for me I did 3.1 miles on the TM yesterday right after work. It felt good - I ran the first 2 miles without stopping (trying to get my mind to realize that I don't need to stop to walk!!!) and then I walked for .25 miles and ran the rest. Don't really like the time on the TM but I realize I'm slower on the TM then outside so it was ok. Today is a rest day and I have a 5k race tomorrow morning. I have a meeting out of the office today all day UGH - so that means I will be away from the computer all day - double UGH!!!!

Good luck with training everyone and races this weekend - be safe!!
Good Morning All! Today is a DO for me since I have a ton of housework to do and tomorrow I'll be walking all day because I'll be at Cedar Point for Halloweekends!!! For those of you that think the Tower of Terror are bad...take a look at these bad boys! The one with the single hill is Top Thrill Dragster and the double is Millennium Force. I refuse to ride Millennium unless it's in the front seat!!! Wooooo!!!!! Can't wait! :woohoo:


Mike - I live in Medina and work at the airport. I have lived in Litchfield and Lakewood as well. At one point I was dating a guy in Akron and would drive past Wadsworth every day. Never been there though. I heard they have a huge Super WalMart and word is...they are getting a Cabela's (I LOVE CABELA's!!!)

Kristi - I have seasonal/allergy asthma as well, and it can be tough this time of year. Not sure if your's is allergy related, but I've found that if I take an antihistamine a half hour before I run I feel better. The only drawback is, it can either make you tired or if you use the non-drowsy your heart may not like all the exercise. Can you talk to your doctor and see if they recommend anything?
Good morning WISH Warriors.

Today is final rest day, my 10K is in the morning. 10K is the longest race I do where I go as hard as possible the whole race. The longer races I just try to get in a grove and coast. I'm hoping to walk it in 1:10 to 1:12. I did it last year in 1:13:32.

All the rest this week has made my legs feel good. I did a 12 miler on Monday but then just a 2.5 mile on Wed. I usually don't taper but I needed my long walk for the Goofy training and needed to recover before the 10K.

I'm looking forward to tomorrow's race, this course is certified so it's a qualifier course for the Olympic Trials. We usually get some of the Kenyans because of the prize money but this year we might get some good USA talent also. We have a high school kid here in Bowling Green who ran the fastest 5K cross country time in the country, for a high schooler, this year.

I got BOOed, Thank you Jen:love:

2 weeks till Tower of Terror. :dance3: Is the WDW ready for the "Raiders of the lost YARC". So many Pretty Princesses in one place will surely make WDW the most beautiful as well as the happiest place in the world.

Looks like Martha has to use the royal stick on that rebel hubby of her's. That reminds me of a commercial on TV for Home Depot, a truck pulls up to this house and the driver comes to the door and says to the husband, "just sign here for your new kitchen appliances". The husband said, "What new appliances". The wife turns on a tape recorder and the husbands voice comes out saying, "honey if I can get new golf clubs, you can get what ever you want". Should be an interesting weekend around the RedDragon Lair.popcorn::

Have an awesome weekend y'all.
Man, you guys are hard to keep up with:rotfl: looks like everyone's training is going well. I took a pilates class on Wednesday and I'm still sore. lol. Guess what I got in the mail today? My medal from the Boulder Backroads, with a note stating that a shipment go lost and that's why I didn't get one on race day. I wonder why they didn't say that @ race day instead of telling me that I did not meet the required time? Hmm, strange.
Morning teammates! Thanks for the compliments on the pictures! I know where to come for an ego boost:rotfl:

Jen--my official time was 4:10:31--according to the website that was also the gun time:confused3 apparently they didn't look very closely at the clock;)

Carrie--So glad to see you!:goodvibes Glad that work is going well--busy but good. Ya'll still at SSR for ToT? Kristi and Chad are going to be heading over to drop Zack off iwth my SIL before the race, so maybe we can caravan over together!

Kristi--PD that you can get your 7 miler in, and with no issues. You need to kick that cold to the curb!

Eva--My DH is from the Canton area and I've driven through Medina many times on our way back and forth from Cleveland.

And on that note--GO INDIANS!!!!! I'm not a huge baseball fan, but if I were to root for the Sox, I'd be sleeping on the porch tonight. Now the Browns are another story--rooting for them can get down right embaressing;) I'll split the difference and root for the Pats--who, oddly enough, we have ties to as well. Okay, gotta go check out that crash I just heard!
Good morning team!!!!!!!!!!!! Happy Friday!!!!!!!!! 2 weeks from today I could potentially be on an airplane headed south. :woohoo: :woohoo: We have seats on a 3:00 flight, but there is an 8:00 am flight that has like 40 seats still open, crossing our fingers we can fly stand by and make it to WDW by noon!

I guess I should give my training report for this week, let's see 5 miles on Monday, 30 minutes on the stationary bike, random hill program (11 miles) and weights on Tuesday, a date with a couch, sweat pants, and a blanket on Wednesday :rolleyes:, and 3 miles last night. This weekend I have 7 scheduled, I'll either do it tomorrow or Sunday, with the Steelers having their bye this week, my Sunday afternoon is totally free! And I am TOTALLY lovin' this weather--it's finally fall!!!!!! The only downside is that everyone is sick as we went from a high of 96 degrees on Monday to a high of 56 on Wednesday. I swear I smelled a hint of snow in the air this morning! :cheer2:

Eva--Now you're talking my language!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE Cedar Point!! And Millennium Force and Top Thrill Dragster. My husband, Stephen (he posts on here sometimes, skfulkers) and I got engaged at Cedar Point on 7/9/99 and now we got up there at least once a summer. Great job on the running and congrats on being smoke free!!

Melissa--I would pay money to see you running on the treadmill and fighting the dog off with a plastic sword! :lmao: I'm glad everything is going so great for you and your family, hope to see you soon!

Carrie--HI!!!!!!!!!! Good to see you again!!! I miss you lots! Although I've been a stranger here myself over the past few weeks. Glad that you still love your new job.

Kevin--Congrats on the move and the new job! You know you're going to have to keep your dogs shaved, they are NOT going to like that hot weather. At least your dogs can become trilingual and add Spanish to the mix. :)

Stephanie--Columbus is next weekend, 10/21, but Stephen is not running the marathon either. On his last 20 miler, his runner's knee flared up again, he took three days off, ran 4 and it started hurting again. He decided to not run Columbus, concentrate on biking and the Disney marathon. By the way, you fabulous in your marathon pictures. What kind of arm weights do you do? Your arms look AWESOME! Very defined!

Judy--Trouble maker. ;)

Craig and Martha--You two are too funny!!! :lmao: Now kiss and make up! :love:

Kristi--How cute is Zach!! And I love the red hair!!!!!! I can't believe how much he's grown since January! Great job on your 3 miler.

Leana--Very nice!!! Will he be coming to Disney with you? Or is it still way too early for that?

Mike--If Stephen posts a picture of me and you say "yummy", I promise I will not be mad at you. :laughing:

Christa--Are you sure you biked 100 miles between the 2 pictures? Because you look AWESOME in both of them!

Cindy--Good luck with your half this weekend!!!!

Colleen--That doctor is a moron. (Can I say that on here?) You old? Too heavy? PLEASE!! You are not old and you are definitely NOT too heavy. You look great. I'm hoping you find the perfect doctor who will get you back out there on the road in no time! :wizard:

Jackie--:wizard: :wizard: :wizard: for your feet!!!!!!

I know I missed people and I'm sorry, but I've been typing this forever and my work is slowly (well, actually quickly) piling up! I'll be back later!
Good morning everyone!

Training is going well. 5 miles on Wednesday and 3 last night. No significant foot problems.

Oh by the way, I was born and raised in Massillon. However, I have a serious conflict for the upcoming series. Gotta root for the Tribe, but I have ties to the Red Sox too. Hmmmmm, what to do, what to do? :confused3 ;)
Mike (Optimator)--I was unaware that we had suddenly gone politically correct and not allow some fun and humor. I shall refrain from any in the future and stick to simple statements of fact and encouragement. I do apologize for the offense.

Yesterday: cross-training. Today: 30 minutes of running.

To all racers this weekend: GO TEAM!!

To those with injuries and ailments: lots of PD for getting well.

There. I hope this is OK with everyone.


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