Wk of Sep 24--2007 WISH Walking/Running Club


<font color=deeppink>WISH Racing Team Member<br><f
Dec 17, 2004
Hello everyone!

For those new to us, we're a group of people who are planning to participate in walking/running events throughout the year. Some of us are training for the 2006 Disneyland Half and for the 2007 WDW Half/Full marathons. We'll also be posting news/training for various other events throughout the year. We range from non-running beginners to triathletes. Come join us, whether you're training for an event or walking/running for fitness!

2007 WISH Team

akasleepingbeauty Rhonda TX
aladdinsgirl Krista OH
AmyBeth68 Amy NJ
Andrea718 Andrea NY
andromedaslove Dana FL
bekagain Bekah
Buckalew11 Brenda TN
Calcio Craig MA
CarolA Carol GA
Cheryl N. WI Cheryl WI
chimera Mel FL
Chropistopy Christy GA
Cingoutload GA
Cruella de Mom Cecilia GA
crzy4mk Michael GA
crzy4pooh Lynnda FL
debm IL
Dennyha Denny OH
DianeL Diane
disneybelle Darcey NJ
DisneyGirl Marissa
disnygoof Christiana SC
DJBounce Darcey IA
donac Dona NJ
dthogue Tammy PA
escape Susie AR
gatorphipps Christa NC
getnthinr Wendy NC
goingthedistance Paul NM
goofyguy1958 Mike
gradtchr Beth TX
hmgolden Helen NY
Hockeychic Kim CAN
hockeygirl Laura NY
Honeibee Judy NY
Houstonmouse Tracey
icunurse_celeste Celeste IL
Jen117 Jen WI
Jodi Jodi CT
jodistar Jodi CT
k_hase Kim NY
karebear1 Karen OR
Kareneast Karen NJ
Kaycee Kaycee KY
keenercam Cam DE
KeenHo Howard DE
KelNottAt Kelley MD
KeriZ Keri AB
Kim10110 Kim
Kimickey Kim MD
Kimwim8 Kim NJ
Kristi1357 Kristi NH
lillouisianagal Claire LA
Lisa Loves Pooh Lisa FL
littlegreydonkey Helen NZ
LittleMissMickey Ashley MN
lizdotcom99 Liz IN
macrosswife Kimber AL
magslite Maggie IL
maherae Anne
martysmom Jenny FL
maryliz maryliz ON
MelRhoads Melissa AR
MickeySP Lisa MA
Minnie Suzy
momoftwogirls K
monte Monica CO
Mouse Skywalker Dave NY
MouseDogMom Jackie NC
MrsTrx Tracey FL
msblrobs Sara NY
NYCpa Kathy NY
ohMom OH
Papa Deuce PA
perfectmatch300 Nancy FL
plutosmyfav Sunny MA
pollioni Robb ON
princessmomma Colleen NC
Pungodingy Angie NH
Rachael Q Rachael BC
RedSonya Sonya UT
rKyDeX Chester FL
RunningLilo Dena FL
ryley26 Rich OH
sap1227 Christy FL
ScoJo15 Scott GA
sjams Janet TX
skfulkers Steve OH
solotraveler Kevin MI
Stenogoddess Lauren GA
stitch lover sith Erin
sugaswim Holly MD
TammyNC Tammy NC
taz4disney CJ IN
TEK224 Terri PA
thndrmatt Matt FL
TiffJ Tiffany AL
TigerLily03 Lily OH
TnTsParty FL
TXBelle Heather TX
Valentine Kathy NY
Viking Eric GE
Wbgirl Melissa MN
WDWfan 9 Pat IL
wfloyd Bill FL
WIsh I Lived in FL Felicia
wiskband Renee NY
wtpclc Carrie MI
xterratri Lynne ME
4 miles for me today with good and bad spots. I ran the first 19 min again and made it a bit farther than last week (1.58 miles). But just before mile 2, I got a nasty stitch in my side and crashed. Gathered it back together by the end, but there was much more walking than I'd intended. And now my foot's bothering me :guilty: splits were 11:48 (my first sub 12!), 13:15, 13:53, 12:43.

Kristi...I've never followed MFM exactly. I stick pretty close on times and distance, but I've swapped rest days, SR and LR days as I've needed to according to my schedule.

Matt...great pace and great photos from DL! Look forward to seeing you at RftT!

Monica...can't wait to see your race report! Snow!?!? Already?!?!? Is that normal?

Kathy...great to hear from you! Good luck on your race! Which one are you doing?

Denny...good luck on your race as well. Are you and Kathy doing the same one?

Dave...I was just reading about yoga for runners on RW's website. I'm between that and tai chi for my XT.

Rachael...great DL photos!

Dana...that time it snowed in Jax, DH built his first and only snowman :teeth: I've always lived too far south for real snow...only seen it twice (in GA and MI) and I consider it a public service if I never try to drive in it :thumbsup2

Christa...congrats on your 18!

And where is Krista?

Judy...hope you're feeling better soon!

Carrie...are you thinking about coming for Minnie '07? That would be too cool :woohoo: Flying for me requires a certain level of Benadryl. I'm a bit of a control freak...makes it hard since they won't let me drive the plane ;) Looks like I'm going to have to get over it, though...my mid-life crisis plan includes a lot of travel! :teeth:

MelR...can't wait to hear about your race!

Cecilia...that ice bath was pretty hard-core!

Well, I'm thinking I need to get back to something more regimented for my training. I've been trying to see how far I can run all at once, which is cool, but I think it may be hurting me as far as training goes. I had wanted to train to run the half, but I got behind when I was injured over the summer. I think I may be better off going to R8/W2 for a consistent training rate instead of continuing to try to run longer at each LR. Do y'all have any suggestions?

Have a good training week!
MEL - Lynne and I are doing the Army Ten Miler on October 8 in DC. Teh rece starts and ends at the Pentagon so there is a lot of security and restrictions about what you can have with you.
Hi WISH Team!

I'm thinking about our weekend event people. Hope all are doing well.

MelR, I'm tired just thinking of you.

Monte, hope that you get in a great event. I look forward to report/pics.

I follow the MfM plan, consider myself a Penguin, but I don't follow it to the absolute letter. I look at it as more "guidelines" and then try to stay within them, but if I must adjust I do. Mostly my adjustments are with pace I don't follow the strict 3/1, 4/1, 2/3...or whatever plan. I do always mix up my r/w or w/r with what my body is comfortable and keep working at pushing the pace when I can during the week. I also try to keep on a similar schedule with the run days since I think that is most important for muscle recovery yet if I've got something going I do adjust as necessary. I don't know if it is a good idea or not to do this, but it got me through the Goofy with the training base I built last year.

Kathy, good luck shaving that time. Sounds pretty restrictive for a course. I look forward to your report. Will you be allowed pics?
Morning Everyone,

Sorry I haven't been online more - - I've just been really busy with work and then with training plus trying to fundraiser :crazy: .

Last Saturday was my fundraiser party with PartyLite Candles.....I just found out yesterday that we will have just about $250.00 going to TNT :woohoo: I still have a huge goal as far as the fundraiser goal goes but I'm doing what I can.

I've been keeping up with my running - - Just yesterday I did 11 miles with TNT (in the pouring rain), it took me a little bit longer than I expected but that was due to a couple of times stopping and just walking -- I was just getting pelted with rain so hard I couldn't see where I was even going.

Today is the Bigelow 5k -- looking forward to it, but it looks like I might be running in the rain again.

Ooh - just heard from Judy, she going to try and go to the 5k too! See you there Judy!! :thumbsup2

Next official run after today will be the Hartford Half Marathon - - looking forward to that one, although from what people have been saying almost every year it rains.

Well, I have to start getting ready for my run today - - I will try to keep up with all of you better this week :goodvibes .
Good morning all!!!

Just a quick update before I head in to work.....

Judy-- Hope you are feeling better!!

Christa-- 2:40 for 18 miles!! Yowza! Great job!

Disneyrun-- :welcome: Glad to have you here!! :thumbsup2

Kristi-- I'm as big a MfM fan as their is and yes , I definately did some modifications. I moved days around to better fit things in my schedule, changed some of the LR intervals a bit, etc. Even if it's super tough, I might try to use the tougher intervals-- at least from time to time if you can. I think you might be suprised just how fast you are!! :thumbsup2

Friday was a big huge bust... supposed to go four miles and I did....nothing. :guilty: I worked about 21 hours straight Thursday (into early Friday morning) and never really woke up on Friday at all. I usually get this way the day after football, so no suprise. Yesterday I went 8 miles (3r/2w) in 1:15:20. It was considerably humid, but I toughed it out. Splits were:
Mile 1: 8:40
Mile 2: 9:30
Mile 3: 9:37
Mile 4: 9:36
Mile 5: 9:46
Mile 6: 9:40
Mile 7: 9:35
Mile 8: 8:53
Total: 1:15:20, or 9:25/mile average.

If I can manage 10 minute miles this week, it'll be a 26.5 mile week on my end :faint: That strikes me as a LOT for September....

Just 104 days til the Half and 105 days til the Full!

Happy training all!
Kevin :earsboy:
For those of you who do breakups like 3r/2w like Kevin, do you include the walking in your split times? I'm confused because 9:25 pace seems awful fast if you're walking 2/5 of the time... :confused3
Hello Team:

Great job everyone on their LRs.

Amy- How's your ankle doing? Were you able to do any running this weekend? Do any SWOGGGING in the pool?

Kevin- I'm impressed at your 8 mile run after working 21 hours straight. Maybe all that work can count as some x-training.

Jodi- I hope the 5k went well for you and Judy. Sounds like you're getting all the rain we had yesterday.

Judy- I hope you're feeling better, not pushing it too much and had fun in the 5K.

Lily- Keep plugging along. Sounds like you're getting it done. I really like my yoga class. For the most part it works well into my schedule. There is a reguarly scheduled class on Fridays at 12:15p at the gym at my work. If I don't have experiments or meetings, it really works in well for my x-training. Plus, as the mileage adds up I feel I really need some more time to stretch.

Christa- You are amazing!!! 18 mile LR followed by 3 performances. Wow!!! You take care of yourself.

Mel/Chimera- You are doing great too! WTG! You keep getting out there and putting your steps in!

Monte- Good luck on your snowshoe marathon!

OK for my training, I did my 8 mile LR as called for by MfM. It went really well. I did 9R/1W intervals and finished in 1:19.10 for a 9:53 mpm pace. Here are my splits:

Mile 1: 9:25 min
Mile 2: 9:48 min
Mile 3: 9:55 min
Mile 4: 10:09 min
Mile 5: 9:38 min
Mile 6: 10:15 min
Mile 7: 10:05 min
Mile 8: 9:52 min.

I soaked in a cold bath when I got home for 30 min. For the most part my shins have been OK. During my runs though I have some tightness in my left calf I can't seem to get rid of. I've been trying to stretch it before I run, and about halfway into my run yesterday I stopped to stretch too. I'm also having some soreness in the shins today. I think I might have pushed that speedwork a little too fast last week, and about half of my LR yesterday was on city sidewalks which did not feel good. I have my rest day today, and I've already taken another cold bath for 30 min to soak my legs. I think my legs are OK, and I just need to rest them well. It is just a little soreness, not like when I hurt them this summer and could not walk without a major limp.

OK, off to Sunday chores, laundry, mow the lawn, etc.

Krista- Go Steelers!!!! Beat the Bungles!!!!
thndrmatt said:
For those of you who do breakups like 3r/2w like Kevin, do you include the walking in your split times? I'm confused because 9:25 pace seems awful fast if you're walking 2/5 of the time... :confused3

Matt-- I do include the walking in the split times. My running sections are usually anywhere from 7:15-8:15/mile and then during the walking sections I'm usually never any slower than 14:00 miles. So, if I run 8:00 miles for 3 minutes and walk 14:00 miles for two minutes, that'll average out to 9:26/mile pace. (At least according to my quick math here) In training for this years races, I'm thinking I might need to start extending my run intervals a bit-- 4/1 or 5/1, maybe.
Thanks everyone! I just started reading MFM. I'm thinking of doing the walk/run program then the run/walk and finally the run since I have so many months to prepare. Any thoughts? Tomorrow's my big day and I'm excited :)
Hi Everyone,

Just got back from the 5k --- it was brutal with the humity but it didn't rain :goodvibes . I finished the race in a little under 30 minutes.....I remember the announcer saying that me and the people that had finished with me had come in a little under a 10 min/mil pace.

Judy did great - - I give her a lot of credit, she is just getting over her cold and she still managed to make it to the race. :woohoo: Judy!!!! go Judy, go Judy :cheer2: :cheer2: Congrats on finishing your first 5k!

Okay - I'm off to my shower...
Hi there everyone!! I finally caught one of these threads at the beginning of the week! LOL!!

You all inspire me so! I want to join in on the fun! I am doing the Disney 1/2 in january... and did both the Minnie 5k and 15k this past may. I must confess that I did them both with absolutely NO training! Yeah.. I know.. Nuts!! Of course I didn't run. I walked for the most part.. and ran when I could. I has soooooo much fun!!

I did feel sorta woozy at the end of the 15k though.. so.. I know that training for the 1/2 is just mandatory!!!!

I hope it's not too late to join all of you wonderful folks!! Unfortunately.. I did miss out on the shirt ordering bonanza! So.. I guess i will just have to come up with my own poor imitation! ;) LOL!!

I will also be working with the lovely ladies from Team Tiara. I met them when they were doing the expo for the Minnie.. and they are what got me through the 15k! so.. i told them I would work their expo table for a few hours while I was there for the Marathon. So.. stop by and say hi! :)

Anyway.. I hope you all have a great day! and thanks for the inspiration!

OK I'm half Polish and a Taurus so you know I'm pig-headed and stubborn. I'm not feeling 100% yet but I got it into my head last night that I REALLY wanted to do this race today so guess what...I DID IT! :banana:

I'm too embarrassed to tell you my time but I had great fun and I'm sooo glad I did it! It was my first official event ever! :thumbsup2 All I wanted to do was FINISH and NOT BE LAST and I managed to pull off both! :cheer2: I'm very happy with it. :teeth:

The other great thing today was I got to meet Jodi! :yay: And her very sweet DH. :goodvibes

Jodi - Thank you so much for finding us. (Although, I don't know how you could miss us in those shirts!) I was looking all over for you and hoping I would find you. Thank you so much for being so supportive. It was great to meet you and I was glad you were there. You were my "DIS connection". Although there was NO WAY I was going to keep up with you! :teeth:

OK it's my turn to hit the shower. I just wanted to tell you all I finally did it! Whooo hoooo!
Hi everyone, I have been lurking a lot this week. Mostly because I have been so busy with work and my home internet was having some major problems. So I just didn't have time to post. Here is my update...

Yesterday I did a 4 mile run. I woke up so not wanting to go out, but knew I had to. I just wasn't feeling great, so I was determined it would be a stonker. My DD3 got me up super early, so after making a great breakfast and sitting around for awhile, I finally got off my duff. I pulled out my WISH shirt for the first time and wore it, along with my new MP3 player, I WAS READY. And I did it, 4 miles in 49 minutes. My best time ever. And I ran all except for about a block because I had to get across a busy intersection and walk through some construction. I squealed when I got back to the garage to see my time. I really need a Garmin to know my splits!!!

Jodi and Judy - CONGRATS on your races. I may do one this coming weekend if it doesn't rain. I haven't signed up yet, but it is called the Rump Roast Run at Beef O' Rama. It is about a 1 1/2 hour drive, so that is why I haven't commited to it yet. The male and female winner each set a HUGE hunk of meat.

Now I need to surf through the old posts because I know there was so much out there, but I forgot what I wanted to post.
:thumbsup2 Hey everyone! Great job getting out there this weekend!!!!

Dave: Wow....guess what my time was for my 8 mile LR on Saturday??? :rotfl: 1:19:15 I had a great deal of ankle soreness around Mile 5 but pushed through and it seemed to work itself out pretty well by the end. I was stiff and sore last night but nothing that an ice bath and some advil didn't cure! I was given the go-ahead to resume training with the understanding that I have to get fitted for orthotics AND go back to see the doctor if things go downhill. THey believe I have a combo of tendonitis and some ligament damage that was long-standing due to my over-pronation and years of basketball. :confused3 We'll see....

Matt: I stick to a solid 4:1 run:walk interval. I run pretty fast on the run portions and try to do at least a 14 mpm walk. My 5K races include shorter walk breaks and overall currently maintain about an 8 to 9 mpm on races, somewhere in the 9:30 range for weekday runs and my long training runs are around a 10 to 10:30 mpm. I find that I'm actually faster with the walk breaks than without. I guess the little rest allows me to burst into a quicker pace for those 4 minutes. :confused3

Judy: Soooo glad you are feeling better!!!! And I give you so much credit for getting out there!!! Just make sure to take care of yourself ok!! :grouphug:

Jodi: Nice job on your 10K! Was a big race weekend :)

Kevin: WTG on your LR this weekend! Great pace :thumbsup2

Mel: Sorry to hear you had a tough run :(. Are you having foot problems again? Maybe I missed that!!!! Hope you are doing ok!!! :grouphug:

So I managed to finally get back into training late in the week after dealing with my ankle/foot/lower leg issues. We are still not 100% sure what the story is but I'm taking it day by day. I did 30 minutes of ski machine XT on Wednesday....609 minutes of KBX on Friday and FINALLY got out there an ran on Saturday. Did my 8 mile LR in 1:19:15....which was a pretty nice pace. I did have some discomfort and pain after 4 miles...but managed to work through it with minimal swelling! I'm sure the advil and ice bath helped...but oh the torture of the ice bath!!! :eek:

I was supposed to run a 5K today. However, I made the call to walk it instead of run since I've been having so many issues with the ankle. It was SOOO hard to not get up there and run...especially since it was a nice fast course and I probably could have made a personal best time :(. BUT....I can't risk further injury so I walked and decided I wanted to be the first walker to cross the finish line! Which...I'm happy to report...I was :banana: . I did the 5K in 45 minutes....my ankle was a bit sore in the end but I think the walk did my legs good after the LR yesterday!!! Hopefully I can get out there and run all week. Keeping my fingers crossed!!!!
Judi and Jodi - A big congrats on your 5ks :cool1:

Amybeth - you were smok'n :smokin: your LR! WTG! Lots of :wizard: for your ankle!

Christa, do you know what this means??? You are on track for a sub 4 hour marathon!!! (knock on wood)
You rock girl!!!
Oh Colleen - dare I even dream! Thinking about that makes me :scared1: !!! I just don't know if I could do sub 4 at WDW b/c of the crowds and such...I did just print out a 3:59 wrist band just to see if it would be even thinkable.....AHHHH!

Matt - I used to do my r/w...9/1 then I went to 11/1...now I walk when I feel like it...like at the mile markers or the water stops...The LRs are the place to practice and see what works for you....I do put them in my splits though!

Melissa - I cannot wait to hear about your race!

Jen - WTG on the LR! and your LR PR! :thumbsup2

Kathy - a big :welcome:

Did some strength training today and counted all my shows as xtraining! :rotfl: Well, I do dance and move around alot! :)
We are finally back. I had to skim to catch up!!!! Last time i did that both Krista and I misread something of mel's about food porn, so I'll have to back and read more thoroughly later!!

Well... the race report is kindof' a bummer. We started the race at 12:00 am sat. in a terrible thunder storm. It was pitch black, except when the lightening struck! I was a little put out w/ the fact that they started the race. I know it is an "adventure" race, but as far as I'm concerned starting in a serious storm is too dangerous. We basically started the 1st of 3 major sections w/ a 27 mile trek/run in the woods and on the trail. We were in the rain for the entire time. Sarah (my running partner and adv racing friend) tripped and fell over a root. I'm not sure what time that happened. Probably around 4:00am. As we continued on, her knee became swollen and it was hurting severly on the downhills. At around 7:30am she felt like the pain on the downhill was too bad to continue, so Phil used the maps to get us out to a gravel road and we called to be picked up. (the race is done as a team so we were all in on the decision to stop) At that point, we were so far away from race start, it took over an hour for them to come get us. I think we were doing pretty well. It is always hard to tell as you can take any route to a checkpoint, but as we turned around to go back, we saw lots of teams behind us. We are all really bummed about having to quit, but the rest of my team (my husband, sarah and her husband) are competing in the national adventure race championship in november so they will have another chance at a long race soon. Phil and I are racing w/ our other racing partner in October and November. Those races are expected to be about 12hrs. and 9 hours. They will be fun, but not likely to be the big challenge that the last one was. I'm disappointed, but honestly, I was very uncomfortable w the weather and was glad to be out of the woods. :guilty: Sarah's knee will be fine, she just needs to let it heal and it would nnot have been very bright to put her at risk for greater injury just to try to finish!!!!

I'll have to catch up more later!!!
It's a run by posting!! Sorry I don't have enough time to catch up right now. I just wanted to post the stats of my LR on Saturday. Longest run ever 14 miles!!!!! And I did it in 2hrs 27min. I was really proud of myself. I am definately feeling it today though. My knees are a bit sore, and my calves are a bit tight, even my shins hurt a bit, So I have been icing as often as I remember to try and make the pain stop. Thankfully this week is a slow week, only 6miles on Saturday!! You know? Before all of this I never could have imagined I would say that I ONLY have 6 miles, and be greatful!!

Take Care,
I haven't been here in ages. Mostly, I guess, because I have done absolutely nothing that vaguely resembles training all summer. Exercising, yes, training, no. We just got back from our CA trip this weekend. It was great meeting up with so many of the WISHers doing the DL half. Sorry our itinerary took us out of DL prior to race weekend. I do think you guys got me motivated because I came home and signed up for the Komen RFTC in AK on Oct 7, the non timed 5K since I really haven't been training all summer. At my level, that will be plenty of challenge! That got me back here, which is where I should be if I ever expect to get any faster. I know I really don't have enough time to properly train for the 5K, but in the little time I have I will do what I can. Hopefully, all the walking we did in CA, especially up and down hills in San Diego will help. I did a lot better with that than I expected. At any rate, I'm sure I will be back here more frequently than I have been lately. I need to stay motivated!
Jodi and Judy - congratulations on your races. Well done.

Nancy - Welcome back, and good luck for the Run for the Cure.


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