Would you still go?

the john said:
I would still go.
hey sorry to interuppt this board subject but has any one played vmk virtiul magic kingdom if you ohave i need big time help.
I'm glad you decided to go. Maybe you can begin to plan a follow up trip for when your husband returns. Planning it together will make the 18 months fly by for everyone.

A big thanks to your husband for protecting our freedom. :thumbsup2
I say you need to go for your childrens' sake. They will be so upset about their dad leaving they will need a distraction. It won't be the same as if all of you were there and you will miss your dh but you will still make great memories with your children. I recently lost my mother and was seriously considering cancelling our trip but I didn't. It did open my eyes as too how many people go to WDW that had recently went through some bad memories. WDW is the one place (maybe) where we can put our saddness on hold for a few days. Go and ENJOY!
I'm new here so coming into this thread late. It sounds like you decided to go and I'm so glad. The kids will really need it and you will too. I think you should definitely try and plan a trip when he returns. Maybe make it a surprise.
I would say go. Your kids and you will need it. Maybe you could scale down the trip and then take a return trip in two years and do some of the other things (tea party, etc.) when Dad can be there. I'll be thinking about you!
Thanks so much, everyone. We're definitely going -- but I've thrown the touring plans out the window..... We'll get to whatever park whenever we want to and have 10 days to do whatever we want.

We've cancelled the bigger things, except for the Perfectly Princess Tea and the MVMCP (we were able to get a refund on DH's MVMCP ticket). By the time DH gets back, I'm afraid some of the magic would be gone from the tea, and at age 7, I think the timing's right now (and he hadn't planned to go to it anyway...he had mentioned wild horses having to drag him to it or something).

Thanks again for the support. I'm having some challenges now dealing with the way the Army's doing things. They're activated November 18, given a pass for Thanksgiving (found this out after I made flight arrangements to go to NC to my brother's for T-giving -- were able to get a reasonably priced ticket for DH, though).

Then he goes to KS for 3 weeks, then back December 22-January 1 for the Christmas break. We're back December 23 (we offered to come back early, but he's looking forward to time to himself). His mom and sister are coming the day after Christmas until he leaves. What a zoo.

Sounds awful, but it would have been much easier on everyone if they'd either sent him for good or kept him here until after the holidays. Then the Army sends us to a mandatory "marriage enrichment seminar" this weekend. DH says I'm not approaching it with the "right" attitude. Sigh.
My husband has been in Iraq since September, and me and my two daughters are going BECAUSE of the deployment so we can have ourselves a happy time. If you're up to it, then I think it's would be a WONDERFUL bonding experience for you and your 2 kids. My daughters are 6 and almost 2, and while it may limit us on the rides we go on, it will be such a pleasure to get that one-on-one quality time with them and let them lead the way through Disney World. (A tip: one day I'm using the Mother's Helper service offered by Kids Nite Out, and this individual will escort me around and watch over my little one while me and my older daughter ride Splash and Space Mountain. I had to figure out a lot of things such as this, but it's been a fun discovery, and our vacation looks like it's only going to have 1 thing missing: Daddy. Everything else is a GO!)

Good luck with the separation, and if you need any help, I'm here for you! The deployment scared me and had me ready to give up everything just to have my husband by my side. But, here I am as happy as can be by the grace of God, and there's so much I'm thankful for. Message me if you wanna talk.
SusanMomOf2 said:
My husband has been in Iraq since September, and me and my two daughters are going BECAUSE of the deployment so we can have ourselves a happy time. If you're up to it, then I think it's would be a WONDERFUL bonding experience for you and your 2 kids. My daughters are 6 and almost 2, and while it may limit us on the rides we go on, it will be such a pleasure to get that one-on-one quality time with them and let them lead the way through Disney World. (A tip: one day I'm using the Mother's Helper service offered by Kids Nite Out, and this individual will escort me around and watch over my little one while me and my older daughter ride Splash and Space Mountain. I had to figure out a lot of things such as this, but it's been a fun discovery, and our vacation looks like it's only going to have 1 thing missing: Daddy. Everything else is a GO!)

Good luck with the separation, and if you need any help, I'm here for you! The deployment scared me and had me ready to give up everything just to have my husband by my side. But, here I am as happy as can be by the grace of God, and there's so much I'm thankful for. Message me if you wanna talk.

Thanks so much. I may do that! Best wishes as you continue your separation as well.
Enjoy the trip with your family. Start planning now for when your husband returns. In case you don't know, your family is eligible for Shades of Green, the military property at Disney World. Go ahead and plan to reunite there as the cost savings for active duty military, guard,reservists, and DOD civilians is awesome.
Take care,
Former military wife Marie
First of all, let me say "thank you" to your DH and to you and your family for the sacrifices you make for all of us. :thumbsup2

I am glad you decided to go. And when he returns, you can have a Disney trip celebrating his homecoming.

Hope you have a wonderfully magically trip and a safe return for your DH :wizard:
I would still go. It would get it off your kid's minds that Dad is gone, so they won't be sad sitting at home.
God bless and good luck to your family. I would still go just maybe save some of the special stuff like the tea party, luau etc for when Dad could come along.


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