Yay For May Super Goofs Challenge Thread

Well, for my first race ever, the Minnie 15K was amazing!! I am going to start my daily exercising again tomorrow now that I can walk upright again! I am having problems with posting my pics, I need to check into photobucket or something tomorrow but I did want to share with my fellow Super Goofs a you tube video my DH made of my finish. This race was dedicated to my Mom who passed away in December. Let me know what you think!!

Good morning Goofs. So glad to see all your bright smiling faces this early morning!! :goodvibes

Cecilia: Again :hug: for your week. We all missed you here on the Goofs thread as I am sure they did elsewhere too. Glad to have you back.

Suzanne: LOVE the movie. You did such an awesome job. Funny that you look exactly like I did after the half trying desperately to open my water!!! Congratulations again. Did you get your time yet?

Disneyluv: Do not fret this past weekend. I did the same :rolleyes1 with all the rain we had here. It is a new week of a new month and your total from the last week is being added to this week so you will start May with a bang!! :yay: Hey, at least we look good on paper right....

Joanne: You are tooooooo sweet. I cannot wait for the Applefest. Are you doing any Disney races???

Laurie: If you are planning a short run so soon after your half, you are a better woman than I. I usually take at least 3 days off cuz I tell myself that I can....:rolleyes: I am glad you are happy with your time.

Chad: I WISH I could "squeeze" in as many miles in a short period as you do!!! :worship:

Everyone else: Hope to hear from you soon. Now that Cecilia is back, we should be moving up in the standings (no pressure of course...:sad2: ) so keep the faith Goofs. I am also lobbying for a triathlete or high miles biker for us!!

I did my hills yesterday instead of today being as I got left at home with my own 6yo and my SIL kidlets with DH running a 3 hour errand. Who takes 3 hours to run an errand? So I had to run up the hill in my driveway. Add on 15 minutes of core work and you have my sad, sad day. Supposed to be 3 miles and strength, but as you can see not so much. Softball game today after school so another hit or miss. Someday, I will get my schedule straightened out.....maybe summer vacation!! Have a good one Goofs!!! :thumbsup2
as either a donation or becoming a team member.

Saturday: 46.3 Miles in 2:45:00 on the bike

Sunday: 30 minute swim, 80 minute 8 mile run.

Today: 90 minute, 27 mile bike.

as either a donation or becoming a team member.

Saturday: 46.3 Miles in 2:45:00 on the bike

Sunday: 30 minute swim, 80 minute 8 mile run.

Today: 90 minute, 27 mile bike.


Ok Mike, (touching you on the left and then right shoulder with my sword) you are now a knight of the court of "Super Goofs". The beautiful and merciful Captain PrincessRunner rules with an iron hand and a soft heart.

Guys here is your new player.

Recruiter Panda:hippie:
:welcome: To the Super Goofs Mike!! party: Glad to have you officially with us. We report miles from Saturday to Friday for our weeks and I have to adjust them accordingly on the team spreadsheet. There is a link to the sheet on the Runner/Walker thread if you want to check it out. :thumbsup2
Welcome Mike!

love a new player that comes right in with miles and minutes!

Tomorrow I am going to start my coach to one mile swim program. The thing starts with about 14 laps in the pool. I hope I don't drown!

Welcome Mike!

love a new player that comes right in with miles and minutes!

Tomorrow I am going to start my coach to one mile swim program. The thing starts with about 14 laps in the pool. I hope I don't drown!


Cecilia, have we told you lately how much you mean to us? You are such a wonderfull example both as an athlete and a person.

(I know in this I do speak from the whole scurvy bunch of us WISHers)

We love you:love:

Welcome back Cecelia and welcome Mike.

My thoughts and prayers are with you, Cecelia, and your family.

Kids are back in school and I am planning on getting back to my somewhat normal crazy life.

Monday- rode for two hours and ran 3 miles in 30 minutes.
for the warm welcome.

Do all minutes of exercising count, as in swimming? The reason I ask is that i always lose track of laps...its kind of difficult for me to keep track what with trying to breathe/not drown and all.

I guess I'll just post each day's workout and let out esteemed capitan figure it out...like she doesn't have enough to do:lmao:

Cecelia: Welcome back, hope the sudden chaos isn't too big of a shock!
Clarification for Mike (and anyone else who needs it):

All exercise activities count such as bowling, catching for my DD13 at softball, mowing lawns, anything that gets your heart rate up (minds out of the gutter :lmao: ). The only thing so far we have determined does not count is housework, so I hired a housekeeper so I can exercise more, lol.

Anything that you can track miles for counts. If you cannot remember your pool laps it is no big, the hours/minutes still count. Some people wear a pedometer mowing so they can count the miles and hours, some only count the hours, your choice.

All hours/minutes count. Stretching, warm up, cool down, core work, aerobics class, yoga, pilates, etcetera and, yes swimming too. Groovygirls rides horseback so you will see her posting hours that she rides, just as an example.

Phew, any questions regarding what counts and does not count you can put out to me and if I cannot answer you, I will check with the wise and almighty Panda for clarification. :faint:
Hi Goofs,

I'm back from Minnie! So nice to meet Suzanne and Angie and Susie at the meet.

I posted a race report over on one of the other threads. I'll just report the basics here.

I finished in 1:31:29 for just about a 9:50 pace. I'm pretty happy with it. Maybe over time I can learn to run faster (I've done shorter distances faster). I have a lot to learn about racing.

Met some other nice WISHers at the meet and had fun overall. Took yesterday and today off--will get back to the gym tomorrow (in my new Minnie shirt)

Congrats to all the Minnie runners/walkers!!!! Good job by all!

yesterday's totals

Time: 60 min
Miles: 5

Just read the thread.....should have done that before! :sad2:

:welcome: party: Mike!!!! Glad you could join our fun!

Cecilia: Welcome back......we missed you! Hope the donated miles and time helped out.

Rode for 2 hours, spin class for 45 minutes and ran 3 miles in 40 minutes.

I have to run on the treadmill for a few weeks- my running partner, Bella Buttercup, has a gross infection on her neck and I cannot put a collar on her. She will be far to sad if I even thought about leaving her behind.
H Goofs,

65 minutes total exercise time today
45 minutes on TM for 3.2 miles.
20 minutes strength training lower body and ab work

Welcome to Mike and also huge congratulations to all the racers and the good reports.

Cecilia, welcome back. Prayers with you during this time. :grouphug:
Cecilia...Welcome Back!!!

Mike...Welcome to the Goofs!!!

Squeezed in elliptical after dd's soccer practice.
4 miles..1 hour
Now that I can walk upright again after the Minnie, I will get back on the treadmill tomorrow.

A couple of updates from this past week:

Wednesday (the 30th)...45 mins treadmill/2.12 miles

Saturday...20 min slow walk around ASSports/1 mile or so

Sunday...Minnie marathon...137 mins/9.3 miles (14.73 min/mile, better than I thought)

I am going to sign up for the 10K Race for the Taste in October and my goal is a 14 even min/mile pace. I CAN DO IT!! If I write it down, I have to do it!! :laughing:
45 minute 40 lap swim, 45 minute run; I'll post the run mileage later when I figure it out...



I guess adding a couple of songs and re-randomizing the play list worked...in a 52 minute run I went 5.79 miles, which I calculate to an 8:54 average pace...holy shnikes, and i almost didn't go!!! That run felt really rough, but :woohoo:


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