Yay For May Super Goofs Challenge Thread

Good morning my sweet Goofs (and you too Mike :rotfl: ). Great job this month getting out there and getting it done. With our new members, we should definitely have great numbers for June.

I have no miles reported for the following members for this week:
Princess Vija

If you could all report in by tomorrow, miles or not, and just let us know how you are doing and what you are doing. We would love to hear from you whether you are exercising or not just to make sure we are all on track for this summer.

For the person who asked, the original intros were on the original Super Goofs challenge thread from February (or maybe before that) I cannot remember. Maybe we can all do a short bio for our newest team members. I will start...

My name is Lisa (aka Princessrunner your lovely and charming captain on this voyage to fitness) and I live in a VERY small town in central Maine. I have 2 kidlets, DD13 and DS6 who keep me really busy as they are into multiple sports but I wouldn't have it any other way. They like to be active and I love them to be active. DH is a self-employed contractor who does landscaping/earth work (driveways, septic systems) during the summer months and hauls logs during the winter months. I am primarily a runner (jogger, slogger, skipper, hopper, etcetera) and am currently working on my CFT (certified fitness trainer/personal trainer) certification. I have been lifting since 1990 and running for 2 years actively. I am also a medical transcriptionist and work for the local hospital at home, so I am here most of the time (5 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.) in the mornings to help or answer questions, direct you to the right place, etcetera. I am also head cheerleader but the squad behind me is awesome!! :love:

There, now you know enough about your wonderful captain, how about the rest of my Goofs reintroducing themselves...:listen:

Tomorrow is last chance workout day everyone. Then it is onto the June challenge thread for us! Summer already, yay.....:woohoo:
2 miles/32 mins

1.5 miles/23 mins

3.5 miles/56 mins
My name is Angie (aka Pungodingy). I am 38 and I live in a very small town in NH (pop approx 900). The joke is that it says “Welcome to Hill” on both sides of the sign (and that’s not far from the truth!) I am a Production Control Specialist. I am also a leader for our Girl Scout Cadette troop (for another month, then I'm handing the torch over). I am involved in fundraising activities like Making Strides and the Penguin Plunge, and I drag my family into it too! I have two kids, DS17, who is now driving and working and very very tall, and DD13, who is into softball, field hockey, Girl Scouts (for another month), and works as a CIT for summer camp. My goal this year is to do a race a month (but I'm having a really hard time finding a June race, it's hard to justify driving an hour each way to run for 40 mins!). I started running, well, I started walking, because I wanted to lose some weight, and found a walking club that I used for motivation. The club didn’t last, but I’m still going! I am working at doing more running and less walking, and trying to get faster. So far, I have "inspired" 2 sisters, 1 sister-in-law, the other Girl Scout leader, and a co-worker to start running! Lisa is the best Captain ever!!! Go team go!
Angie: :hug: Thank you you sweet thing. I am still going to try to get to the Smuttynose even with the Relay that weekend. I may be tired, slow and well, you can guess the rest, but I am really planning to be there. It is 2:15 for me each way but the shirt is worth it!!!
Yesterday, 2 hours on the bike, 34 miles.

Today, 50 minute recovery pace , 4.2 miles and 55 minute 2000 yard swim.

My name is Mike. I live in Chicago, and work in the energy business from my home.

I have never been accused of being particularly smart, which is why when I decided to try a triathlon that I went for a 1/2 Ironman as my first event..

The support on these boards has been incredible, and although I have only met a few of the people here in real life, I do feel close to a number of the folks here.

I'll be gone for the next two weeks, but I'll post the numbers when I return.

Mike, best of luck, let us know how you liked/disliked it. Heck, you're in Hawaii, how can you dislike????? I am really excited to hear how you like the 1/2 Ironman. Talk me into the sprint thing will ya??!! :rotfl2: :faint:

Are you doing the full or half in WDW in 2009? ToT? RFTT? Any of them?? I am doing ToT but not the full or half this year. It is Goofy 2010 for me but I have to get a full marathon under my belt first before I feel comfortable committing. Oh, wait, I have to commit in January of 2009 and I won't complete the full until the spring.....:eek: Oh well...

Joanne, are you planning on Vermont in the spring of 2009? I know your first full is MCM which I cannot make but you did mention Vermont before. Maybe we could hook up for a full somewhere in New England...and no...not Boston...:scared1: :scared1: :scared1:

Yesterday's days trip to the gym turned into a panic shopping trip as I discovered both my daughters had outgrown every dress they own. As in, won't pull down over their chests outgrown. Somehow over the winter they have gone from size 7 to size 14s. ACK!

We have a graduation, a wedding, an adventure race and two baby showers this weekend. All out of town. (the same town though so I still have to hit them all) Major LTO.

My name is Cecilia aka Cruella or Cruella de Mom. I live north of Atlanta with my 3 kids and DH. Dh the Operations Controller for an international mining company. He also competes in triathlons either as an individual or the bike rider for a team. I am a Stephen Minister and I like to run.

I ran my first marathon at 40 years old. I ran with Team in Training. My Dad has been struggling with blood cancers for over 12 years now and I ran in honor of him. Before I ran that marathon (WDW'07) the farthest I had ever run was 6.1 miles. I went from 6.1 miles to 26.1 miles in 6 months. When I finished, I wasn't about to let all that work disappear and I have been running races ever since. Last year I ran Goofy and literally danced to the finish line!

I know there are at least 3 of us on this team that would be more than glad to help you run a race. If you want to ensure you have company the whole time, that you can PR (depending on your speed), that you finish, whatever - we would LOVE to be there for you.

Cecilia, I can make you feel waaaaay better about the chest thing. DD13 is going to the 8th grade prom tonight with her BF and I bought her a strapless dress to wear so she had to have a bra. Yep, my size:eek: , disgusting isn't it......okay, really it is pretty funny...:lmao:
Lisa - Are we still on for VA Beach in 2009?

I haven't decided about Disney in 2010. I need to find a good reason to go back again. Its a tough time for Dh to get away so I have to go alone or find someone to go with.
So far, VA Beach 2009 is a go for me. And, consider yourself having someone to go with for 2010. I am planning Goofy, I would LOVE to have your moral support. DH cannot get away at that time either and kidlets are optional for me. Sharing a room would work out perfect.....:idea:
Cecilia, I can make you feel waaaaay better about the chest thing. DD13 is going to the 8th grade prom tonight with her BF and I bought her a strapless dress to wear so she had to have a bra. Yep, my size:eek: , disgusting isn't it......okay, really it is pretty funny...:lmao:

:scared1: :faint:
I am so not ready for this. DD12 already has more uptop than I did at 30. She has this curvy little athletic body with no body fat. And yet she is completely unaware and runs around the pool like a kid should. I feel sorry for the teenage lifeguards at the pool.
So far, VA Beach 2009 is a go for me. And, consider yourself having someone to go with for 2010. I am planning Goofy, I would LOVE to have your moral support. DH cannot get away at that time either and kidlets are optional for me. Sharing a room would work out perfect.....:idea:

Now THATs a plan! I am definately going to pencil it in.
Yay for Goofy 2010. Who else is in?????

I was not ready for the whole GF/BF thing either and we laugh at the fact that DD13 could beat the crap out of most of the boys in her class if she wanted. We have some friends that take DD13 with their DD13 (2 weeks apart and together since 8 months old) to the beach during the summer months. The dad says to DD13 "which bathing suit do you have, the pink one?" ::yes:: says DD13. He says "well, you know the rules, if you aren't in the water, you're wearing shorts". :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

I have to say she is well put together. I was skinny and muscular at her age, she is a beefcake with a body. She has ripped 6-pack abs and those beautiful shoulders that I am still working on. I have pictures of my abs.....:rotfl:

So, penciling in 2009 VA Beach labor day weekend (right Beth ;) ) and Goofy 2010 with friends! :woohoo:
I did C25K Week 5 Day 1 today. Reached approx 2 miles in just under 31 minutes. Gag! Once again I'm taking longer than a 15-min/mile average, so once again, I'm afraid I'll get swept at RftT! If you count my extra-slow warm up (while I tried to figured out how to push my iPod Shuffle and Nike+ Sport Band buttons simultaneously -- and still can't do it) and my backwards walking cool down on the treadmill, my total running time was 36.5 minutes and I totaled 2.25 miles. Bleh! That makes my pace look even worse, but I want every minute to count for the challenge.

I also put in 5 minutes on the arm bike and went a distance of 1.1 miles (or whatever unit of measurement they meant by "distance"). I broke my left wrist and sprained my right elbow in an ice skating fall in February, and the arm bike had been part of my PT. I'd noticed I was starting to get some arm definition from it, so now that I'm done with PT, I'm going to add that arm bike to my workouts to keep reaping those benefits!
6 miles in 68:03

Youngsters were on bikes and you would think they rode a Century the way they are acting. I thought I would run faster with them on bikes and I did for short spurts. I think I will log this as a fartlek workout. Run really fast for 3 minutes then wait for 8yo for 1 minute, scream for others to wait for him, repeat over and over. Next week, I will gladly get up and run at 5 am instead.
I am so glad people are introducing and reintroducing themselves. I posted a request to do this a few days ago but I deleted it by accident and then I was too lazy to retype the whole post.

I am Joanne and I also live in a very small New England town (NH with one traffic light). I am a SAH mom to two great girls (5 and 8) and my husband and I have been married for 14 years this June. They are my biggest cheerleaders. Bella Buttercup is my running partner. She is a very fat golden retriever but she loves to run. I am not sure why she is so fat on 2 cups day food a day. Thyroid function is fine. Eating after the kids is probably what does it!

I am a part time family nurse practitioner working in a free STD/HIV clinic and in a mens prison. Love my jobs but I have a feeling I need to move on to something different. Not sure what that is but I have sent out a few resumes and I am waiting to see what happens.

I started running about a year ago. My cousin ran Boston and she was such an inspiration to me. I have always wanted to run a full but too darn lazy to put in the training. Years when by and I got off my butt and started running. I could not run a mile to save my life. One of my life's moments that I am so proud of was finally running that first mile without stopping and feeling like I wanted to die!

My next biggest time expense is riding. I am leasing an amazing horse and we have a blast. I will never be any big name eventer and my only goals are to move up to 3' jumps and not die. I do spend lots of time riding and I LOVE it! The biggest news is......his owner has offered to sell him to me. I am so excited and this have been a major life's dream. I just never thought it would happen to me. Please keep fingers and toes crossed for me- he has a prepurchase vet exam next week.

Crap, this was a long post.

Totals for today- rode for 3 hours and garden for 2.

Wish me luck for Sunday!
HI Goofs.

Only 30 minutes of exercise time for me tonight. I had hopd to to do more but then when I was exercising in the basement with weights and the plan was to run after that ~~~ well I saw a huge bee in the basement. My husband decided to open the windows today in the basement and must be one came in some how, through a wall crack, screen, or something. The fresh air in the basement is good. However, me and bees do not get along, I am allergic to them. Thus the work out was cut short.

After din-din we headed to the hardware store and got some bug spray among a few other things.

I hope to exercise a decent amount tomorrow !

Also at the hardware store I got batteries for the stationary bike so I can monitor and then a battery for my pedometer also, woo hoo!.

Have a great evening.

I will try and get my short bio/intro done in the morning, saw princessrunner's post too late. !
another blister question...you'd think I'd have all the answers by now huh??

I was talking to a guy who does a ton of hiking, he told me that he and his buddies always put nylons on before their socks to prevent blisters. Of course I gave him the requisite hard time about it, but he says it really works. So, my question is, have any of you heard about doing this and or tried it?

I went to Olympia too, to try on and see about getting more new sneakers (it WAS a really good sale) but felt the girls working there knew less about the shoes than I did, and I felt really pressured to buy Asics (not that there is anything wrong with them, I haven't tried them yet, but they were telling me to never buy Saucony's 'cause they are for amateurs, and Nike isnt for running and that "serious" athletes wear Asics...AND wanted me to try every pair on with the gel inserts that you simply MUST have...I cave in to pressure too often as it is!)

Hope everyone has a great weekend, we're due for some rain, so it'll be an early morning run, then catching up on housework/paying bills/indoor stuff...
DH and I logged another 1.5 miles (walking) in 24.5 minutes.

I calibrated my Nike+ sensor during the first 0.5 mile but this time, it was only off by 0.02. Usually it's off by 20% of my total distance. Hopefully it will be more accurate now that it's calibrated for walking. Still need to calibrate for running though.


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