Yee Haw Bob Sexual Harrassment

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Once an accusation is out there- a person's reputation is ruined.
That isn't true, though. How many stories are we hearing just this month about men who harass and abuse people for years and are only now facing consequences for their actions? Here's just one:
"DC Comics top editor got promotion even after women reported sexual harassment" It took many, many years for anything to be done about this. Many others abusers are still working in their industries with no consequences -- nothing has been done, so people resort to quiet warnings.

Regardless, if person A gropes person B with no witnesses, why should person B have to stay silent? But what you said above is why so many victims stay silent. "I didn't want to ruin his career" or "I thought it was my fault" or "I was scared to say anything" or "I tried to forget it ever happened" or "No one will believe me anyway."
Once an accusation is out there- a person's reputation is ruined. In cases like this the burden of proof is on the accused to prove that they DIDN'T do it, instead of the accuser proving it did happen.

I don't think that's as true as some try to make it out to be. If we've learned anything in the last year or two, I would think it would be that our society is very, very slow to accept anything negative about someone they generally view positively, and very, very willing to continue using "boys will be boys", "locker room talk", "maybe he didn't mean to" and other excuses for inappropriate sexual behaviour when they don't want to see a particular accused face consequences.
That isn't true, though. How many stories are we hearing just this month about men who harass and abuse people for years and are only now facing consequences for their actions? Here's just one:
"DC Comics top editor got promotion even after women reported sexual harassment" It took many, many years for anything to be done about this. Many others abusers are still working in their industries with no consequences -- nothing has been done, so people resort to quiet warnings.

Regardless, if person A gropes person B with no witnesses, why should person B have to stay silent? But what you said above is why so many victims stay silent. "I didn't want to ruin his career" or "I thought it was my fault" or "I was scared to say anything" or "I tried to forget it ever happened" or "No one will believe me anyway."

I don't think that's as true as some try to make it out to be. If we've learned anything in the last year or two, I would think it would be that our society is very, very slow to accept anything negative about someone they generally view positively, and very, very willing to continue using "boys will be boys", "locker room talk", "maybe he didn't mean to" and other excuses for inappropriate sexual behaviour when they don't want to see a particular accused face consequences.

I do see what you are both saying and thinking about it, you are correct. A certain former President comes to mind. I hate the "boys will be boys" mantra.
So I have never been to his show so I am not sure of the set up. But he was sitting on his piano bench, she and others all gathered around for a picture and she sat with him on the bench? So I am assuming the friend who took the picture was behind them? And they were all there only a couple of minutes while taking the group shot? So in the group shot, would it not have been obvious that one person was taking a picture of something?

And I have to say, I think if this is true she has every right to feel how she feels and to be upset but so traumatized that she can't even look at the picture? I have to agree with the pp on that, it's a bit much. Sorry, I would have slapped the stew out of him at the time.
I want to say first and foremost that I recognize that to have your butt, or any other part, grabbed/pinched or groped unwanted is never ok, in any circumstance. It shouldn't be accepted or brushed off as ok no matter who did it or how old the guy is (or gal)
But I also have to say, I can't imagine that it's so traumatic to any adult woman she can't stand to see a photo of it. I'm honestly asking any other adult women here, what your thought on that is. Could you really not even see a photo of a hand on your butt?
. Yes, I could look at the picture. And I’d deliver pic to the police myself. This woman claims Disney offered she report her story to the police, she declined. Yet, she wanted Disney to fire the man? OUTRAGEOUS!!
I don't think that's as true as some try to make it out to be. If we've learned anything in the last year or two, I would think it would be that our society is very, very slow to accept anything negative about someone they generally view positively, and very, very willing to continue using "boys will be boys", "locker room talk", "maybe he didn't mean to" and other excuses for inappropriate sexual behaviour when they don't want to see a particular accused face consequences.
No one on this thread has said "boys will be boys" or "locker room talk" or anything similar. I do think "maybe he didn't mean to" is a perfectly valid argument. Intent is the lynchpin. I am NOT making excuses for inappropriate sexual behaviour. If he did indeed grope Michelle then he should be fired immediately. I do believe that Michelle felt violated however, I am also NOT convinced that intentional inappropriate sexual behaviour happened. I admit that my giving Yehaa Bob the benefit of the doubt is because I like him and I find it difficult to accept that he intentionally groped Michelle. I'm not ready to immediately tar and feather him.
No one on this thread has said "boys will be boys" or "locker room talk" or anything similar. I do think "maybe he didn't mean to" is a perfectly valid argument. Intent is the lynchpin. I am NOT making excuses for inappropriate sexual behaviour. If he did indeed grope Michelle then he should be fired immediately. I do believe that Michelle felt violated however, I am also NOT convinced that intentional inappropriate sexual behaviour happened. I admit that my giving Yehaa Bob the benefit of the doubt is because I like him and I find it difficult to accept that he intentionally groped Michelle. I'm not ready to immediately tar and feather him.
And add to this it can't have happened 1 time and be intentional groping. This man couldn't have been in the photo situations he was in as many times as he was in, be someone predisposed to groping women and never do it again or before.
No one on this thread has said "boys will be boys" or "locker room talk" or anything similar. I do think "maybe he didn't mean to" is a perfectly valid argument. Intent is the lynchpin. I am NOT making excuses for inappropriate sexual behaviour. If he did indeed grope Michelle then he should be fired immediately. I do believe that Michelle felt violated however, I am also NOT convinced that intentional inappropriate sexual behaviour happened. I admit that my giving Yehaa Bob the benefit of the doubt is because I like him and I find it difficult to accept that he intentionally groped Michelle. I'm not ready to immediately tar and feather him.

I wasn't addressing the specifics of this story at all, just the statement about ruining lives that was made by multiple posters. No one here said those things above, but plenty of people said accusers shouldn't come forward without proof because the accusation alone ruins lives. I think there are certain narrow circumstances where can be true (particularly if the accusation is pedophilia, rather than "just" inappropriate touching, and the accused holds a position of trust like teacher, librarian, doctor/nurse, etc.), but I don't think it holds true as a rule. We live in a society where we've elected men - plural - to the presidency after multiple highly-public accusations, so this knee-jerk sympathy for the accused on the grounds that their lives are ruined by the mere fact of an accusation is misplaced.

I'm not interested in tarring and feathering anyone, but the cultural mindset of "Put up (proof) or shut up" is a big part of why men feel like they can grab women's bodies with impunity. Because it is an assault that almost by definition doesn't leave proof so the presumption of innocence will always protect them.
Did everyone read her post?

She said he squeezed her butt. Squeezed. For a prolonged period.
When, exactly, did one's buttocks become a sexual body part? Absolutely it depends exactly where he allegedly grabbed.
She didn't. Her friend sent the photo in a separate complaint.
No, same complaint after being interviewed in direct relation to the alleged assault.
Michelle is now encouraging her followers to write to Disney's President and the Orlando Sentinel with email addresses helpfully provided. This isn't going to end well for Bob. :(
I admit that my giving Yehaa Bob the benefit of the doubt is because I like him and I find it difficult to accept that he intentionally groped Michelle.

This type of thinking just absolutely blows my mind. That's not how any of this works. So many people become predators and get away with it because others trust and like them. When allegations first came out, people didn't want to believe Bill Cosby and Stephen Collins (7th Heaven dad) were like that, so they made excuses. And they had MANY victims. Larry Nassar, a doctor from USA Gymnastics, has HUNDREDS of victims and when he was first accused he was backed up as trustworthy by many people. This kind of thinking is the exact problem in our society.
This type of thinking just absolutely blows my mind. That's not how any of this works. So many people become predators and get away with it because others trust and like them. When allegations first came out, people didn't want to believe Bill Cosby and Stephen Collins (7th Heaven dad) were like that, so they made excuses. And they had MANY victims. Larry Nassar, a doctor from USA Gymnastics, has HUNDREDS of victims and when he was first accused he was backed up as trustworthy by many people. This kind of thinking is the exact problem in our society.
True. But are we also just supposed to believe any and all accusations made? No matter what?
So I have never been to his show so I am not sure of the set up. But he was sitting on his piano bench, she and others all gathered around for a picture and she sat with him on the bench? So I am assuming the friend who took the picture was behind them? And they were all there only a couple of minutes while taking the group shot? So in the group shot, would it not have been obvious that one person was taking a picture of something?

And I have to say, I think if this is true she has every right to feel how she feels and to be upset but so traumatized that she can't even look at the picture? I have to agree with the pp on that, it's a bit much. Sorry, I would have slapped the stew out of him at the time.

I'm sort of wondering how exactly there is a picture of this too. Why was someone behind the group taking pictures of their backs?
I'm sort of wondering how exactly there is a picture of this too. Why was someone behind the group taking pictures of their backs?
I sort of took the scenario that someone in the group had a phone and when they saw the hand on the butt they snapped a pic, not that they were taking a pic and just happened to get a pic of it by coincidence.
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