YIKES!!!! I gained 7 pounds in 12 days! COMPLETE...and going back!!!!

We're leaving tomorrow for our trip :-)banana:) and we're eating at one full service restaurant a day! I've lost 4 pounds on my pre-trip diet (because I'll surely gain it all back and then some). Once I get back, Special K will be my best friend for a loooong time... ;)
We lingered for a while over dessert and coffee, and we received a surprise visit from this guy:

Well, it wasn't a surprise for me, but the kids had no idea Remy was making appearances here, so when he showed up at our table, they practically squealed with delight! He was adorable, and the guy operating him was a scream!

You mean "guy cooperating with him...", right?
Now I really wish I would have made ADR for Chefs! Everything looked so good! and Im a huge Remy fan!

Gives you a reason to book another trip! I've accumulated many, many reasons that it's imperative we book another trip...soon! ;) I couldn't believe how adorable Remy was. We all fell in love!

Ah Chefs lunch...that was the highlight of my meals last June...it was just relaxing and delish! I booked it for our Oct trip...that quiche was excellent!

DH really enjoyedt he sliders at Capt Cooks...maybe he had them on a good day? :confused3 Or maybe he was so hungry he didnt know they were icky? :rotfl2:

Yes, wish I were there right now! Can't wait for your food porn in October! Where will you be staying?

I believe the sliders were good in October. I'm mystified still about how any combination of those ingredients could be bad? The biggest problem with them was the buns. Aladdin thinks these sat too long under heat lamps, or maybe got over-nuked. If Todd's were fresh, they were probably great!

We're leaving tomorrow for our trip :-)banana:) and we're eating at one full service restaurant a day! I've lost 4 pounds on my pre-trip diet (because I'll surely gain it all back and then some). Once I get back, Special K will be my best friend for a loooong time... ;)

I wish I liked cereal. I'm doing celery, carrots, fruit and yogurt and Thomas' light english muffins! BORING! Have a wonderful time on your trip and be sure to tell us all about it when you return!

You mean "guy cooperating with him...", right?

Er...of COURSE, I meant the guy COoperating WITH him! Why, what did I SAY? :lovestruc
Thanks so much for the Chef's review! I'm so excited now for our ADR in January. My father really wanted this ressie and we were happy to book it but I was kind of ambivalent about it. That was a fantastic review and now I'm right on board with it!
Our waitress at Les Chefs de France was named Clara. It's printed right on the receipt! Aladdin pointed this out to me last night. I'm so relieved to remember this (I knew before, just forgot), because we had so many wonderful servers, and we love writing a letter to Disney upon our return to let them know about all of our outstanding experiences...outstandingly good AND bad. Oh, and we have nothing bad to say about the food or service at ANY restaurant this trip, I promise!
Before we left the area of the France pavilion, I knew I had to try one of these:

The famous Grey Goose Slushy! Oh, my word! This was simply perfect! Just the right balance of sweet and tart, and all that icy goodness on such a hot day! I tried to convince Aladdin that he needed to drink more of it and not make me drink almost all of it, but he was just too full from lunch (and frankly, finishing up everyone's unfinished plates, how could he not?), so I had it mostly to myself. It was hard not to slurp it all down in one swallow, but I savored it as much as I could. It lasted until somewhere in the middle of the UK. I was hoping to give the Gran Marnier one a try on a different day (or convince Aladdin try it so I could have a taste, for scientific purposes, obviously), but we never got around to it. Another reason to book another trip!

Up next...dinner at San Angel Inn!
Ohh signing on - YUM so far! You have made me want to go back to Chefs De France . . . more ADR fiddling needed!!!!
Here's a place I wasn't sure about. Should we try it, or not? It seems to be one of those love it or hate it types of restaurants here on the Dis. I decided that we would probably love it, and if we didn't, at least we'd know. So we went for it!

We arrived a few minutes late for our 6 PM ADR. I asked the hostess if possible, we wouldn't mind waiting for a river-side table. She said they only have 6-tops along the river (actually I had noticed this during our ride on Rio del Tiempo, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to ask), but she said that she would check with the manager. She quickly came back and said that she would be happy to seat us in a few moments, but that our table would be in the second row from the river. No problem, we said. A few minutes later our buzzer went off and a different host excorted us to a table directly at the bottom of the stairs, several rows back from the river. I politely told him that we would prefer to wait for a table in the second row, as we wished to be closer to the river. Again, more chatting with the manager, then he came back and told us it would be only a few more minutes. We were seated by around 6:15, one row back from the river about in the center of the restaurant. We were much more pleased with this table than the one to which we were first escorted.

The atmosphere here is just lovely! Dark and cool and peaceful. We loved it in there. I tried to take pics of the scenery, but they didn't come out because it was way too dark. I kept watching the sky, and periodically, it would look like a shooting star or a comet was blazing across the sky near the volcano; I kept telling my family to look up and notice...at some point they started teasing me that they weren't seeing it and I was crazy (this was after about half of my margarita, more to come about that), but I could see from Aladdin's face that he was joking. We later came to find out that the comet is part of a KimPossible assignment that we completed later in the week. Very fun!

According to the receipt, our server's name was Mali Villa, but to tell you the truth, that doesn't ring a bell at all. She was very cute and sweet, and helpful with descriptions and choices on the menu. We wanted a nice slow-paced meal because we were basically now buying time until IllumiNations, so we ordered drinks first, and spent quite a bit of time with the menu. There was a little bit of a lull in service between our appetizer and main course, which for us was no big deal because we had plenty of time and we were enjoying ourselves, but I could see how some might have been annoyed about slow service. "Mali Villa" did stop by a few times during this period, however, to say "your dinners will be right out, can I bring you anything in the meantime?" Our water and soft drink glasses were full all the time.

I started with the avocado margarita from La Cava de Tequila. This was not on the menu at SAI, but I asked the server if I could get one, and that was no problem.

I have to preface by saying that "the margarita" is my overall drink of choice. I tend to drink more wine than margaritas, because it's generally more accessible and less caloric, and I will on occasion go for a different kind of cocktail to evoke a mood, or when it's the specialty of the house (like for example a lapu lapu at the Poly or the african mojito at AKL). So I'm saying that I LOVE margaritas and I have been known to drink a few here and there. This avocado margarita was exceptionally delicious! It was thick and creamy, not too sweet, but I really couldn't detect any taste of avocado. I could swear it tasted vaguely of bananas, but I was way OK with that. The hibiscus salt on the rim of the glass was sooo good. Big thumbs up for this drink!

The chips and salsa at this place were very delicious. I'm sorry, I don't seem to have a pic of them. The chips were definitely fresh, with just the right amount of salt. I think I recall the salsa tasted home-made, was pretty garlicky and had a nice amount of cilantro, my favorite herb. If you don't like fresh cilantro, you probably won't enjoy this salsa.

For an appetizer, we all split the chorizo "Tacos De Papa."

They were fine, the chorizo was not as spicy as we would have liked, and the tortillas were a little soggy by the time they reached our table.

For our entrees, we really wanted to try 4 different ones for many different tastes.

Hercules ordered the Sirloin Relleno:

This was the winning dish of the night, IMO. The steak was cooked to a perfect medium-rare as ordered, the sauce was nice and flavorful and spicy, and all the flavors blended together beautifully. If/when we ever go back here, this will definitely be my choice...come to think of it, I would book an ADR here just for this steak (and the avocado margarita ;)). It was one of the best mexican dishes anywhere! Ironically, Herc wasn't in love with it. He thought it wasn't cheesy enough (sensing a theme here?) and he was disappointed he didn't get more fried plaintains. There were a few on the side, a garnish really, but I think he was expecting them to be more of a main ingredient.

Belle had the Pollo a Las Rajas:

The runner-up! This was very, very good! Belle liked it best and was very happy she ordered it. I would order this in a heartbeat, if they told me they were out of the steak. I know Belle would order it again, and it might be Herc's choice next time, too, if he didn't opt for a cheese enchilada. The chicken by itself was fine, but with the combination of the cheese, creamy sauce and yummy peppers, it really came to life.

I ordered from the section of the menu that was the house specialties, based on the suggestion of our server, the fish (corvina):

This was very good. I had never tasted corvina before (in fact I don't think I've ever heard of it, but Disney must be really into it, because we saw it had been added to a few other menus). We later discovered that it is a big game fish (around 100 lbs), found off the east coast of Florida. The fish was yummy by iself, if slightly overdone, and the risotto and sauce with it were very good. It was a very mild dish, however, and I was coveting Herc's more flavorful steak the whole time.

Aladdin ordered the chicken mole poblano:

I'm picky about my mole, because I have a good friend who spent many years in Mexico City and she makes the BEST mole ever! I have to tell you the sauce was delicious! However, the chicken itself was very bland and dry, and there wasn't enough sauce to compensate. I suppose we could have asked for more sauce, but Aladdin seemed content enough. If it were my dish, I would have asked for more sauce, for sure. I'm not sure why Belle's chicken on it's own tasted better than Aladdin's chicken on it's own? It seemed to me that Belle's was just a grilled breast, while maybe Aladdin's was blanched and then grilled to mark it? I don't know...

The rice you see on all of the plates except mine was also very delicious. I don't remember specifically what herbs were in it, but it tasted very nicely seasoned, yummy on it's own as well as with each different sauce.

For dessert, there was some kind of birthday presentation for Belle, but I don't remember what it was or have a picture. Maybe a vanilla cupcake?

Aladdin ordered the vanilla flan:

It was good, neither the best nor the worst flan we've ever had. It's pretty hard to mess up flan!

I ordered the bread pudding (I could have easily skipped dessert, but you know I have a bread pudding thing):

This was very good but I was probably already too full to enjoy it as much as I could have. I love caramel, and the sauce was the best part for me.

Hercules had the hot chocolate with churros:

This was probably the best dessert! The cocoa was nice and spicy and the churros were crunchy and sweet. Just right!

Overall, we were more than pleased with our dinner at San Angel, and would be happy to return here for another meal. Give it a try if you are on the fence. Order the sirloin relleno or the pollo a las rajas! And PLEASE try an avocado margarita!

Up next...quick review of lunch at Cosmic Rays!
San Angel INN has improved! Im glad it use to be one of my faves and then Sept 2008 it let me down, on my honeymoon of all times! DH refuses to go back but I may have talked him into trying it again one day..AFter the new Haceinda San Angel tho..LOL
Great. Now you have me dying to go to Chefs AND dying for an avocado margarita. I need to stop reading these reviews. ;)
We all wanted to repeat a meal at Les Chefs, since we had loved our dinner there so much last trip! But, we only had two dinners in Epcot, so we decided to try it for lunch this time.

Hercules was feeling a little under the weather when we arrived at noon for our ADR. He had ridden Mission:Space Orange for the first time that morning, and let's say it really didn't agree with him. Good thing he took a pre-dose of Dramamine, otherwise I'm certain the day would have been ruined! After sitting in the shade for a pretty long time after the ride, he was ready to start making his way over to the restaurant. I think his disorientation and slight nausea may have come into play just a little in his enjoyment of the meal, because he wasn't in love with it as he had been before, but he still did seem to enjoy it, and he ate well (as we all did).

It was soooooo hot that day that walking from M:S to Les Chefs felt like crossing the dessert...only sweatier! This was such a welcomed site, like an oasis!

We were seated in the porch-like room all the way to the left of the restaurant as you enter. It is beautiful and airy and looks tres francais!

We were immediately served 2 loaves of the best baguettes ever, and iced water, and our server (who was OUTSTANDING, but I can't remember her name) took our drink order right away as we looked over the menu.

This bread was warm and perfect, with a light but crispy crust and very soft and not too airy, not too doughy on the inside. It had just enough salt for flavor without being too salty. Sooooo yummy.

I was really looking forward to tasting the duck, but sadly, it was not on the lunch menu, so I decided to follow the rest of my family and order from the prix fixe menu.

Aladdin, Herc and I all started with the onion soup gratinee:

This was huge and scrumptious, flavorful and not too salty, with a generous portion of ooey gooey cheesyness that was browned to perfection. The bread in the soup had the right amount of texture still to the crust. It was probably the BEST onion soup ever! A bowl of this, plus the half-baguette, would have been MORE than enough for lunch for each of us. But it was only the first course!

Belle decided to be different and try the lobster bisque:

She wasn't crazy about it, she thought it was too "fishy." I tasted it too, and I had to agree. She picked at it for a while, and Herc tasted it and thought it was GREAT, so he traded his half-eaten onion soup for her lobster bisque. It had some nice chunks of lobster in it, and was very creamy, but very fishy (I thought in a not-so-good-way).

For our main courses, Aladdin and I both chose the croque monsieur:

This was NOT your ordinary ham and cheese sandwich at all, folks! The bread was thick and wonderful, the ham was just right and the cheese was soooo gooey ad buttery with just a hint of nutty flavor. Delicious! Herc tasted mine and fell in love, wish he had ordered it!

Herc ordered the quiche lorraine:

Aladdin took the photo purposely after the first bite so you could appreciate what this looked like on the inside...only the pic isn't angled so well for that effect, sorry! This was very creamy on the inside with a nice flaky, buttery crust, but wasn't really cheesy enough for Herc's taste, and also had some ingredient in it that added a kind of sweet flavor that turned him off a bit. He said it was cinnamon, but I think it was nutmeg. He ate some, but I could see he was not happy he didn't order the croque monsieur, so I traded him half-way through mine. I took a few bites of the quiche and enjoyed it, and I think I ate all the greens on both plates, and then decided to stop and save room for dessert.

Belle ordered the baked macaroni au gratin:

Oh, my goodness!!! This was definitely the winner of the entrees! It was so creamy and cheesy with the macaroni cooked to just the right consistency. We all loved it! Herc detected a little of that same spice in it (nutmeg, I think), bringing just a little sweetness to the dish. Belle was only able to finish about half, so we all got to have a little more than a healthy taste of it!;)

I was planning on skipping dessert here, but from my seat I had been able to watch the pastry chef melting the chocolate for the profiteroles, and I knew I had to taste that chocolate! When nobody else in my family ordered the profiteroles, I caved.

WOW! Am I glad I ordered these! The pastry puffs were OK, the weakest part of the dish for sure. The chocolate sauce was divine! So rich and smooth and creamy! I don't know why, but I guess I was expecting something Hershey Syrup like, but I was WAY wrong. And do you see those little white chocolate flakes on the top? Well, these were...surprisingly...almost crispy! They added such a dimension of texture!!! I LOVED these!

Belle and Aladdin ordered the chocolate cake:

They both loved it! I thought it was good, but far from the best, or even second or third best, chocolate cake of the trip.

Hercules ordered the creme brulee:

He thinks this was the BEST creme brulee he has ever tasted. You can tell from the photo that they got the brulee part just right, and I can tell you that the creme part was perfect as well. It was somehow a little bit light, but very creamy at the same time. Excellent! I'd have to say it was the best VANILLA creme brulee I've ever had! ;) (It works if I qualify.)

We lingered for a while over dessert and coffee, and we received a surprise visit from this guy:

Well, it wasn't a surprise for me, but the kids had no idea Remy was making appearances here, so when he showed up at our table, they practically squealed with delight! He was adorable, and the guy operating him was a scream!

It was a WONDERFUL lunch, and I have to say that Les Chefs de France ranks very high amongst our favorites in WDW. How could it not? Some combo of bread, cheese and cream in every course! How bad could it be?! :cloud9: I imagine we we will be back here again; either lunch or dinner suits us just fine.

This post edited to add: The service we experienced here on this day was impeccable! Our server was quick to keep our water and beverage glasses full, our table cleared, and always appeared when it was necessary and was out-of-site when we were deep in conversation. We were looking for a leisurely pace, and she picked up on it beautifully; we weren't in any way rushed, but we never had to look for her when we needed her. I wish I had written her name down, because we would include it in our letter to Disney. The gentleman who was operating Remy was fantastic here, too...a little bit of a comedian and great with kids and adults alike. We are now 2/2 with perfect service at this restaurant. If you are on the fence about whether or not to try this place, DO IT!

Argh...I am drooling over this review YUMMM! 5 months to go ;)
San Angel INN has improved! Im glad it use to be one of my faves and then Sept 2008 it let me down, on my honeymoon of all times! DH refuses to go back but I may have talked him into trying it again one day..AFter the new Haceinda San Angel tho..LOL

Does he like steak? Cause that sirloin relleno was really one of the best things I have ever tasted anywhere! Maybe you can lure him back with that...or the margarita menu?

I agree the avocado margarita is amazing.

I can't wait to have another one. It's high on my must do list for last trip!

enjoying your reviews

Thank you! So glad you're here reading!

Great. Now you have me dying to go to Chefs AND dying for an avocado margarita. I need to stop reading these reviews. ;)

No, don't stop! We've only just begun! :goodvibes

I'm really enjoying your reviews...thanks for posting!!:thumbsup2

You're welcome! And thank you for reading!

Argh...I am drooling over this review YUMMM! 5 months to go ;)

5 months goes by in the blink of an eye. It seems like just yesterday our trip was 5 months away. I'm very excited for you! Glad I made you drool.
The next day was Saturday, July 31, a Magic Kingdom day for us. We grabbed a quick breakfast at Captain Cook's (you're noticing the pattern here?). Aladdin and I were thrilled that on this day, there were berry yogurt parfaits! So he and I each had one, and the kids each had a bagel with cream cheese.

Aladdin and I really love those parfaits, and the kids enjoyed the bagels, which they toasted themselves in the available toaster.
For lunch we really wanted to try Cosmic Ray's, since we have never eaten there in all of our trips to MK, and we have read such great things on The DIS about it.

We got there a little bit before 12 and were amazed to see that we could easily find a table in the main room with a great view of the floor show ;). Even though we were well-prepared for the set-up and knew what was on the menu, we still experienced some indecision at the time it came to order. I think Aladdin wanted something that wasn't a burger, but it required splitting up to order and we weren't prepared or in the mood to do that. So we all stayed together in the same bay, the burger bay, and ended up ordering basic burgers, except for Hercules, who got a bacon double cheeseburger. We made 2 of the burgers into meals so we could share two side orders of fries. We also got two diet cokes to share.

We loved this place! The burgers were hot and fresh and there were lots of toppings to choose from on the fixin's bar; I had sauteed mushrooms and onions, and pickles on mine (oh, and cheese sauce!). The french fries were really hot and tasty, not greasy at all. We really enjoyed Sunny Eclipse, and we actually lingered a little longer in here than we usually do after CS meals; it was so cool and pleasant in there on this incredibly hot day, and we were content. We had already accomplished most of our "must-dos" of the day, and really just had a few more attractions to hit and we weren't concerned about lines at any of those. So we listened to a few more songs from Sunny. Very cute!

We did eat at Pecos Bill's the last day of this trip, and we all felt we liked Cosmic Ray's just a LITTLE better...maybe because Pecos Bill's was our last day, maybe because the fries were a little fresher at the particular moment they were served to us at Ray's, maybe because Ray's was new to us this time? Lots of factors could be in play here. We agreed we still wouldn't cross the park to have burgers at Ray's as opposed to Bill's. If we were hungry and wanted a burger, We'd just go to the closer one. But the more varied menu and the brighter atmosphere does give Ray's the edge, at least for us.

Coming up...dinner at Kona Cafe!
loving your reviews. great pics. we went to chefs for dinner last year . while we enjoyed the food our service was lacking - not awful but not good either. Think we will try lunch maybe next year (already have our adrs for this year) - it looks yummy. Looking forward to the rest.
loving your reviews. great pics. we went to chefs for dinner last year . while we enjoyed the food our service was lacking - not awful but not good either. Think we will try lunch maybe next year (already have our adrs for this year) - it looks yummy. Looking forward to the rest.

Thank you, I'm glad you're enjoying my report. We had dinner at Chefs a few years ago and it was one of our best dining experiences in WDW ever, food AND service, which is why we really wanted to go back this time. It seems a little hit-or-miss with the service there (like anywhere in WDW, it seems). The wait staff come over from France, sometimes only for a year, so the turnover rate is quite high, and if you happen to be there at a time when there are new servers, it's bound to be a little spotty. The only "problem" with lunch is that the menu is much more limited. I really wanted to try the duck, which wasn't on the lunch menu, nor was the wonderful dish I enjoyed there last time, the steak au poivre. We loved it though, and it was a great lunch, we'll definitely go back for one or the other!


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