You're a National Treasure - Nov. Exercise Challenge

checking in:

only 1,356 left to hit 90%, it's totally doable between today and tomorrow!

Adding 30 minutes of yoga today. I decided today when I got home, to clear my head and do some yoga before cleaning and doing all the holiday prep. It felt so good to do that and now my cinnamon roll dough is in the break machine on the dough cycle, with just under an hour to go. I made the cranberry sauce already and tomorrow I'll make the string bean casserole. We are about to sit down to pizza for dinner...a tradition for us the night before Thanksgiving! :)
Bangzoom... I completely sympathize with your show schedule. We are entering tech week for Nutcracker next week. That means rehearsals until 9 or 10pm for my dds - and then 6 shows over the first weekend of December. It's been a lot of work to get here, but it's a beautiful show and the girls love it!

Tech week can be a killer, but once you see how much gets done each day, it makes it all worth it. Focusing on how much the girls love it and how nice the show will be is definitely helpful! Wishing them success!
bangzoom - yoga sounds like a really good way to warm up for the holiday.

I got in 30 minutes today. I had hoped for more, but I'll take it.


1,296 to get to 90% as a team.

hmack, you're such a motivator! I was going to leave the dog out back but after reading your latest, I decided to walk her to get some minutes logged :)

dizzyr - I wasn't always able to update daily, but I've enjoyed hosting a few times and I'm sure you'll be wonderful :cool1::cool1:

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.
30 min walk this morning

Hope everyone is enjoying their Thanksgiving preparation
Good morning Treasures!

congratulations goes out this morning to the newest Red Hots!
and me

As a team we're currently at 82.02% and need only 1,214 minutes to get to 90%, which is think is pretty awesome!

dizzyr - if you're up for being the December host, thank you. I think it's totally ok if you don't update every day and are going to be away for a couple of days. I update daily in part because (believe it or not) by nature I can be a bit of a procrastinator so making checking in daily part of my daily routine keeps me accoutable to myself and then by the end of the month I get so caught up in the numbers that I may tend to go a bit overboard. Bottom-line every host has her/his (have we had a guy host in the past?) personality and I think that's part of what makes this fun!

Woke up this morning to a brand new shiney white foot of snow, so some of my Thanksgiving prep may involve shoveling, which I'm trying to convince myself is a good thing because I can convert it to fitness minutes. But it's not really working.

Regardless of what you're doing today (big celebration or a quiet gathering or you're at Disney) and whether or not you celebrate Thanksgiving, for whatever reason. I hope you have a lovely day and find gratitude in the small things.

Russell: That might sound boring, but I think the boring stuff is the stuff I remember the most. - from the movie UP!
Happy thanksgiving SwissfamilyRobinson!

This quote's from your favorite non-animated and perfect for Thanksgiving!

Father Robinson: Don't you sometimes feel that this is the kind of life we were meant to live on this earth? Everything we need, everything, right here, right at our fingertips. You know, if only people could have all this and be satisfied, I don't think there'd be any real problems in the world.
70 minute walk/run ... there were a lot of people out there burning off calories to make room for Thanksgiving dinner!


Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!
Ok. My first race in the state of New York in the books. So I'm adding 75 min for me today because after the race we had to walk a bunch to get to the car. 840/1400

I thought Disney runners did costumes- I have never seen such elaborate and hilarious costumes as I did today! Everything from turkeys and hot dogs and hockey players to men in togas, speedos, and some girls dressed as port o potties pushing a target shopping cart w one of them in it. Started the race with two bananas and a gorilla and it just went on from there. V impressed with the humor.

And it was beautiful to run in the light snow.
Hmack, you're right - that quote is perfect for today!

I walked 52 minutes this evening - trying to walk off all that rich food!


I did 60 minutes yesterday morning of strength training and some extra stretching. We have a dual alarm clock that allows you to set two different alarm times. Normally we have one set for 5:00 and the other for 5:15 for every morning to ensure we are up on time. For yesterday morning, DH accidentally turned on the alarm for 5:15 yesterday morning, whereas I had switched the other one for 7:00, the time I was planning to wake up. Unfortunately once the first alarm woke me up at 5:15, I never got back to sleep. I did stay in bed until 7:00 trying to fall asleep but it didn't work. So I jumped out of bed at 7:00 and the first thing I did was work out, followed by baking the cinnamon rolls I had prepared the day before for breakfast. They were fantastic and I had another one thing morning, uh oh! ;)

Thanksgiving was wonderful as always and today I slept until 8:00 but stayed in bed for a while. I'm planning to do some cardio today. No Black Friday shopping for me, I don't leave my house today at all and I love it. Sometimes I need a day to just be at home and do nothing. I love those days. Will check in again later with more minutes, and hoping to make it to my 1000 goal after all! :)
good morning (nearly good afternoon!) sorry for the delay but I was out shopping this morning.

Congratulations goes out to:
swissfamilyrobinson who is now Team Purple
and SarahDisney is Red Hot

team total 83.59%
minutes to get to 90% = 975

70 minutes today of cardio and extra stretching!! 40 to go in order to get to goal...either tomorrow or Sunday I'm hoping! :)
Good Morning.

Congratulations goes out to:
Bangzoom for becoming Red Hot
snels who is Wish "Wowza" green!

and after adding 30 minutes on Thursday and 53 minutes yesterday I turned Wish "Wowza" green as well.

Our board is slowly but surely turning red and green - How Perfect!

I know that you've all been getting in your minutes and I hope that you have a minute or two to report your awesome efforts.

Don't give up now! We have only today and tomorrow and I'll clean up the math on Monday.

right now we're 521 minutes away from 90%. I KNOW we can do that today!

So Sweat and Report back. I'll be updating our Math as we Go!
Good morning all! :goodvibes

Back from WDW and so impressed to see all the cool colors on our board and so excited at the team numbers! :yay: :yay: :yay:

Adding another 180 minutes of walking from our trip for a total of 1090/1000.

Thanks so much hmack for hostessing this month and keeping us all motivated! :flower3:

Usually I would stop posting now that I've met goal but I will keep adding to the numbers for the rest of the challenge so we can meet those team goals. :cool2:


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