Losers Check In Here!

Just saying hi from Loser-ville, which I believe I may be stuck in forever!


Hey -- at least you've got good company!!! :goodvibes

I don't know, but it seems like we haven't had near as many winners reporting lately. Have the drawings tapered off a bit, or are the same winners afraid to post (because they know we are bitter and will do them bodily harm...just kidding!).
Is this for all losers or just post card losers? My mom and I won Dream Fast Passes a few weeks ago at California adventure but I would like to win Ears or the Lanyard. I just started sending in post cards last week.
Is this for all losers or just post card losers? My mom and I won Dream Fast Passes a few weeks ago at California adventure but I would like to win Ears or the Lanyard. I just started sending in post cards last week.

We're flexible...you are allowed to join our prestigious group if you feel you are a loser in any capacity what-so-ever. So come on and join us (I promise we don't bite -- but have been known to whine a bit)! :hyper2: :charac2:
I think if maybe I can time my posts to be in between "winners" posts...y'know, a winner above me, a winner below me...maybe some of the luck will come my way? Humor me people...;)

Good Morning! I decided to start sending in a post card fo my DBF too. Hope it helps! I already decided that once the 100 post cards are gone thats it. I guess is I don't win the ears or lanyard before I go to Disneyland in Dec I could always buy them on eBay...
Waaaaaaaaaaaah....count me in as LoooooooooooooSER. I've been mailing out postcards - averaging, say, 3 per week since October. Nothing...nada...zilch.:sad1:

So, can I join your club?


Wow - take me off the list, losers! I got a box today! Dream Ears. So I'm no longer a loser...for now...

(still waiting for the BIG one, though).

Wow - take me off the list, losers! I got a box today! Dream Ears. So I'm no longer a loser...for now...

(still waiting for the BIG one, though).


Waaaaaaaaaaaah....count me in as LoooooooooooooSER. I've been mailing out postcards - averaging, say, 3 per week since October. Nothing...nada...zilch.:sad1:

So, can I join your club?


Wish I had the luck you did, that was a VERY short time to be on the losers list!! Congrats!!!:cool1: (Bye, the way, I am STILL waiting :rolleyes1 )
We just returned from a wonderful 4 day trip. . . wonderful, but no YOAMD winners in our group.

We saw many Dream Team members, and we even heard some saying "Code 56, moving in, clear, about to award Code 56". Several dream team members started running towards the exit of Haunted Mansion. I wonder what prize comes with Code 56!? :confused3
I am waiting to graduate from Loserville. I have sent 255 postcards to date and no wins. I must be very unlucky. Maybe that means that my Trip will be very very lucky.
255 IS a lot...I stopped at around 150...just too depressing to keep sending, hoping, and then reading about all the multiple winners out there. So, at least now I can say I didn't win because I didn't enter enough.. tho you think 150 would maybe be a winner. I just had to quit investing good $$$ that could be going toward a future trip. I am actually somewhat relieved we are not visiting during YOAMD...takes away the question of "why not us?" Here's hoping one of your 255 gets picked soon.

id love to get a lanyard for my new disney pins ive just got, maybe one day i get some pixie dust. send about 200 postcards and havent won anything :(
We were there for the week after Easter Sunday.

Not only did we not win, I don't even think we saw the Dream Team.

Anyone have any pictures?
Add me to the loser group. We just returned from a April trip. I hated the way YOAMD made me feel. I felt anxious and depressed--like I needed to be in line so that I didn't miss out on my "chance" to win. Towards the end of my trip my depression turned to bitterness when a lady on my bus who was wearing a dream fastpass was talking about how they not only won the fastpass, but her daughter won something too (I can't even remember what it was). :headache: Yuck, Yuck! YOAMD is like a vampire--it just sucked all the fun and whimsy out of my happy place!

(Of course, all that said, I will always LOVE WDW!!!)
I guess I am an even BIGGER loser than everybody else because I had no clue about post card entires! Ugh, I really have been missin out . . . .

Where can I go to find out about the post cards?
we just got back from a week at the world. I was really hoping for even a small dream, and I let my parents and other people who were going know all about YOAMD (they don't dis and knew nothing) and they all won and we didn't :(

My sister and her kids won 'family of the hour" on the dinosaur ride like dumbo in AK and got a certificate and were able to skip the line and ride a few times in a row. My mom and dad won instant fastpasses for Soarin - they walked up to the fp machines and before they put their tickets in the cm stopped them and walked them straight to the front of the line.
Both of those came from the regular cm's working the line.

My DF and I saw just one Dream team member the whole week. When we got in line for the snow white ride i spotted him waiting at the exit. THe line was very short (the only one that week) so when we got off I looked all over but he was gone. We went in the shop right there and looked around. As we were coming back out, we spotted him right back by the ride exit, and right as we walked up he stopped the family in front of us and asked the little girl to name her dream. I was excited for them, but so bummed that I missed it by that much!

We saw a couple of other people walking around with CM's like the ones in the pictures from some of the castle stay winners pictures, but I'm not sure if they won or not. THey were being escorted on and off the rides, so they must have won something big!

I have to say I was sort of disappointed, but the trip was great anyway.

Maybe we'll go back one more time before the YOAMD is over to try again!!
I belong here too... Not only did we not win in Febuary, and we too never saw the dreamteam ( well maybe once downtown, but I am not sure) we did not even see that many winners :eek:

I have been sending in post cards 2 a day for sometime, and everytime I see the postman park his truck and start towards the house I think today is the day :laughing:

Maybe In August !
I'm still waiting too. I wonder how long after people sent in their post card, before they got a prize.


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