New Info on VMK Newsletter Page - Pay for play rooms are no longer allowed in VMK.

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- tap, tap, tap -

Another nail in the coffin that is my VMK playing...

Stupid is as stupid does, and the "it's against values to be in a player's room when they are not there" is whole new level of stupid.

Oh, and I'll hold my breath about seeing scammers banned.

BTW, there's this great bridge I want to sell you...

no that would be swamp land in Florida ;)
Red highlighted line...This is really rich isn't it! and how do we know what warning has gone against our acct and how do we argue that warning or defend ourselves.

Case in point...I once said I moderated a fan site and got warned for impersonating VMK staff!

Like I have said before we need a point system for warnings, and a way to know what those points mean and along with that we need a player arbitration committee who does their job correctly and does not close the case until the player/customer is satisfied with the answer they have received. Not a flob off like most of us get when we use contact us.:headache:

I think that if there is a list of warnings given to players, that the player given the warnings should have some way to find out what warnings are on their record and when they were given. It isn't easy to know if a staff alet to the room counts as a warning to any or all of the people in a room, and it is possible that someone had used ignore for the people saying something against values and had no idea why the alert popped up. If there was a way to check for points or warnings on an account, or maybe even include a quote of what the person said that was against values it would help players learn what the staff thinks is against values.

I would also love for staff to give a quote on where it is in the values that you cannot be in a room without the owner present. After all, Phinny probably won't be in Shark Reef and both the winning and loosing rooms at the same time today, and that will FORCE players to "break VMK values" by being in a room when the owner isn't there.:lmao:
What I just can't understand is.... Does any of this make sense to the people in charge of VMK? I mean we all see them constantly refering to the Values, and how it says NOTHING in the values about these things, YET THEY are acting like it does say them.

Do 'they' think it all makes sense? So 'they' think VMK is a safe place? Do 'they' think they are running a great game? Do 'they' think they are fair and just?

Are 'they' that clueless?
I don't like the idea of not being able to be in someones room unless the owner is there. I play lots of games where you have to go to another room to recieve the prize from a quest kiosk. If we're not allowed to be in a room without the owner then it totally slows down the game as the owner has to do a trade with the winner.

Also many people have quests where you have to enter different rooms of their own which will now end up being against the rules since we cannot be in a room without the owner.

I'm glad that they are becoming stricter on pay to play rooms. AS for the turnstiles, I distantly remember Yavn talking about their purpose was to pay back people as their quest prizes cost a lot. I also think I remember him saying something about people who charge others to enter and then boot the person once they pay through the turnstile will be banned. I not sure it's thats rught, I usually don't trust my brain... :rotfl:
But VMK their selves are promoting "pay-to-enter rooms" with their turnstyles.
Please make up your mind VMK!!! You can't have it both ways. !!

I disagree. I use turnstyles so that people cannot enter my ride, except from the main ride room. Many others use them for similar reasons.

Nobody has to pay to ride my ride, but they cannot enter from just any point. They have to go to my main ride room.
2. Pay to Play rooms – where you pay to play a game and it's up to the room owner to award the prize – are extremely questionable. Starting immediately we will no longer allow these rooms in VMK.

I love this rule, but the notice is a bit ambiguous. Are all rooms where you pay to play against VMK values, or just the ones where it's up to the owner to award the prize? I don't run any such games, but an honest game like a race or something, as opposed to subjective or controllable games like Cute or Boot and Falling Chairs, might be fair and fun for some players.

And can someone explain to me the fun in Cute or Boot games? Maybe I'm just way to old for this game, but I really just don't get it. What's the appeal?
2. What if the Room Owner is not in their room?
Room owners don't have to be in their room, but if a room owner is not in their room you should leave the room and return when they are present. This way you avoid any trouble (like being scammed) and it's against VMK Values to be in a room when the owner's not present.


OMG! That means I am breaking the 'rules' every time I ride the DIS river??

This is the goofiest rule I have ever heard! :rotfl:
What I just can't understand is.... Does any of this make sense to the people in charge of VMK? I mean we all see them constantly refering to the Values, and how it says NOTHING in the values about these things, YET THEY are acting like it does say them.

Do 'they' think it all makes sense? So 'they' think VMK is a safe place? Do 'they' think they are running a great game? Do 'they' think they are fair and just?

Are 'they' that clueless?

Coming from the person who met the creator of VMK should say a lot about these new so called rules. I really think that most of the people in VMK have a form of autism. Now that is not a bad thing. Some of these people have created the most creative and technological games and computer programs. Which today we enjoy. But what is does show is that they really lack in true people skills. My son has aspergers and he is a computer wiz however when it comes to communicating, though very polite and nice is clueless when it comes to how people react.

As I said before they need to have people in VMK just to deal with public relations. Yavn is super creative and really caring guy!!!!!!! But when he has to deal with communicating with the players he got off the boat an island too soon and did not finish the public relations course 101.
I guess now it is illegal for us to go on the dark rides... Hooray, a good reason not to waste my credits on them!
EDIT: WHOAH! On number three they said that using ignore keeps the problem from getting any worse. Sure, it keeps you from seeing it, but it does NOT keep anything from happening. I think whoever wrote that Top 5 FAQs thing is really unpopular by now!
This is another "rule" that will disappear in a week when he does the next newsletter. They have all these rules but where ore they written down?

Remember when Yavn said "no muling" - well, good luck finding that rule anywhere on the VMK site, but it is still a rule and you are not allowed to break it or you will be flogged at Noon in the Town Square
The BIG BIG BIG Difference between the PAY Rare and Turnstile is.... Turnstile has a limimt on what can be charged, and no chance to take a persons money more than once eveery 2 hours... Pay to Play I have seen kids fork over things 2...3.... even 4 times before finally losing and not paying.

This is where I agree. They are trying to eliminate scams where the room
owners will bleed a player dry to get as many items as they can before they
boot the player from the game. These "pay to play" or "pay to stay" rooms
are abused so much that I can understand the new rule.

Because people are getting scammed so much in those rooms, VMK Staff have
to constantly monitor them, often with visits from "visible" staff to either
make the room owner fork over the prize or shut down the room completely.
These "pay to play" or "pay to stay" rooms are probably taking up WAY too
much of Staff's time in the game.

If a player runs a game and says "I have prizes", but doesn't give them
out, it's not hurting anyone but his/her own reputation. The other rooms are
deliberate ways to sucker players out of their items.

I am so glad that those rooms will be banned. I think if players want their
cute or boot, falling chairs, etc., the room cannot list "pay" in it.
They should have the rules (different ones each time) pop up on the loading screen as your waiting to log into VMK. Not enough players actually read the newsletter. But you have a captive audience during the log in...
They should have the rules (different ones each time) pop up on the loading screen as your waiting to log into VMK. Not enough players actually read the newsletter. But you have a captive audience during the log in...
I don't know about you, but I never look at my VMK screen while logging in. I'm sure many people would agree with me.
They should have the rules (different ones each time) pop up on the loading screen as your waiting to log into VMK. Not enough players actually read the newsletter. But you have a captive audience during the log in...
Interesting idea, they could make up new ones each time in addition to the regular accepted rules.:rolleyes:
Do they enforce anything?

We all know this too well, my case is the perfect example-where they turn it around and call the person scammed the liar and the cheat.

Oh Mal, you sound so bitter. I know it is hard. Here's a hug for you. :hug:
For clarification purposes, is it actually against vmk values to be in a room when the owner is not present? I'm asking cause most of the trade rooms i've seen have no owner present most of the time. I could be sitting in a trade room for an hour and not see the owner come by.

So just wondering...

Not to mention going though teleporters to rooms where the owners are not present like the DiS river and tons of other river rides in VMK. Again something promoted by VMK theirselves.
I don't know about you, but I never look at my VMK screen while logging in. I'm sure many people would agree with me.
Sure, there are some players who don't watch the log-in scree, but alot more probably do (especially newbies). And any extra exposure is good. Can't hurt to have more players who know what the rules are in VMK right? What do you do while VMK is loading?
Anytime Yavn feels the need to justify a new rule he makes, he just says "It is against VMK Values" when in fact, it isnt, never was or had been. This is just a shining example of his arbitrary rulings. This text will be gone in a week and new players will have never seen it since it isnt written down ANY where else.

Yeah, that is what gets to me about the deleting of accounts. He might say it once every 2-3 months but what about those people that don't happen to see that one posting?

Yavn reminds me of "Big Brother" from the book 1984; whenever the government "Big Brother" changed it’s mind about something all the laws/history books had to be rewritten, and they were **always** in the process of rewriting it.
no that would be swamp land in Florida ;)

Hey Hey... there is lots of swampland in South Jacksonville and people have actually built million dollar homes on it and they don't understand why their homes flood during the rainy season. :lmao:
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