AKL September 2007!

Thanks guys!!! I so appreciate your help and kindness. There's not a nicer group of people on the 'net than on the DIS!:disrocks:
8 days for us!!!!!!!!!!! Wheeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!

This time next week, I'll be freaking out making sure I've packed everything and getting through DD's dance class and getting the dogs/cat to the kennel, etc......you all know what I'm talking about! :scared1: :scared1:

I just can't believe it's so close! I hope to see some of you while we are there!!!
It's good to see the Sept AKL crowd is still out there. We are all going to have one fantastic time!!!! party: Only 3 more days to go for me - I cannot believe we are all almost there - whew!
I Run Long down to 4 days. WOW!!!!!

:banana: Space Ranger 1 down to 9 days, yahoo!!!!!

:banana:PrejeanPrincess and Carol/Houston down to 10 days.

What an exciting time for all of us. And for everyone elso too, those are just the three on the top of my head.

I see lots and lots and lots of food, family and fun in the near future for all of us. Mega pixie dust to all. :wizard:

Hey all,
PrejeanPrincess and I have not been posting much over the last week....it has been hectic, especially for DD (PrejeanPrincess). Getting 4 kids ready for the start of school on Monday (SpaceRanger I think she was just anxious for the kids to leave the nest and was ready for them to start on Sunday and you caught her goof on the date :lmao: ) Great first day of school for all 4!! Day 2 she had DS-5 home with high blood sugar (diabetes is such a nasty disease for a kid to deal with...or anyone for that fact!) and her DH had a wreck on the way to work. :sad2: He hurt his leg and back. He went to Dr. yesterday and haven't gotten the results of his back X-ray yet. Dr. gave work release date for next Friday....the start of his vacation! Hope the X-ray is okay. Maybe his truck will be fixed by the time we get home from WDW. Knowing we have trip insurance has has helped ease our mind incase something comes up and we can't go. He said he would just get a scooter and go..such a trooper couldn't ask for a better son-in-law. :goodvibes This Saturday we are having a swim party for the two girls at my house they both have birthdays within two week of each other so we sometime do a together party. I can't believe my grand-daughters are now 9 years old and 7 years old ....where does the time go. Well I have gotten off topic a little....next week it will be time to pack. I have been shopping and shopping and I think it is just a matter of putting it in the suitcase...I am ready to go! :banana:

9 days for us! :banana:

8 days for Space Ranger :banana:
3 days for I Run Long (hope you received your WDW travel packet) :banana:
7 days for Miss Liz :banana:

:dance3: and here is a dance for those of you that will be enjoying WDW when we have all returned (the last princess, amcjeep, pixie*dust, Wendi2000 and all the others to come!)

I had to cut out some of the bananas....it said I had 53 and could only use 25! :rotfl:
Hey all,
PrejeanPrincess and I have not been posting much over the last week....it has been hectic, especially for DD (PrejeanPrincess). Getting 4 kids ready for the start of school on Monday (SpaceRanger I think she was just anxious for the kids to leave the nest and was ready for them to start on Sunday and you caught her goof on the date :lmao: ) Great first day of school for all 4!! Day 2 she had DS-5 home with high blood sugar (diabetes is such a nasty disease for a kid to deal with...or anyone for that fact!) and her DH had a wreck on the way to work. :sad2: He hurt his leg and back. He went to Dr. yesterday and haven't gotten the results of his back X-ray yet. Dr. gave work release date for next Friday....the start of his vacation! Hope the X-ray is okay. Maybe his truck will be fixed by the time we get home from WDW. Knowing we have trip insurance has has helped ease our mind incase something comes up and we can't go. He said he would just get a scooter and go..such a trooper couldn't ask for a better son-in-law. :goodvibes This Saturday we are having a swim party for the two girls at my house they both have birthdays within two week of each other so we sometime do a together party. I can't believe my grand-daughters are now 9 years old and 7 years old ....where does the time go. Well I have gotten off topic a little....next week it will be time to pack. I have been shopping and shopping and I think it is just a matter of putting it in the suitcase...I am ready to go! :banana:

9 days for us! :banana:

8 days for Space Ranger :banana:
3 days for I Run Long (hope you received your WDW travel packet) :banana:
7 days for Miss Liz :banana:

:dance3: and here is a dance for those of you that will be enjoying WDW when we have all returned (the last princess, amcjeep, pixie*dust, Wendi2000 and all the others to come!)

I had to cut out some of the bananas....it said I had 53 and could only use 25! :rotfl:

Well, I hope that Prejean Prince is A-OK. Here's to wishing that the XRays and all the other stuff comes back okay!:flower3:

SO, I'm totally ready......and totally jealous of you all who will be down there this weekend!!!! I got the boys haircuts thsi week - so they will have grown out a little by the time we are down there. I got them a smidge shorter than I would have normally. I don't get my hair cut for another week and a half!

My big dilemma now is the camera routine.

In my last job, I had an "office" camera that was FANTASTIC. Of course I used it for all my personal stuff, too. I had to give it back when I quit. Sigh. So now I have to buy a new one. To get a replacement for the office camera would cost upwards of $800....not looking forward to that. I did call one of my old co-workers and asked if I could "borrow" it for the week! :rolleyes1 It is a Canon professional series. I have an older Canon sure shot digital, but the other one just took such great photos. What do you all have that you LOVE?

I also let one of the teachers know that we would be out of town for a week. I never mentioned the word Disney....just said Family Trip. I don't have a good feel for her yet and don't know if she would be excited by the Disney connection or if she would pooh-pooh it. I'll keep you updated! I'm not planning on telling the other teacher until next week.......
Hey Ann,

I know what you're talking about! I too have a work camera that probably has more of my personal pictures than work pictures. It's a SonySuper Steady Shot, and takes good pictures. It has a 12X zoom, and is 5.1 megapixels. I recently saw a similar one at Walmart and BJs for about $300, which is half of what the city paid for it when they bought it. I spoke with my work partner, and he said just to "borrow" the camera for the week. I did buy a new 2 gb memory card for it myself, so I can say I used something of my own. :rotfl2: My DH and I are taking the camera with the agreement that if we loose or break it, we'll buy a new one for the city! The nice thing is, I know how to use it, so I don't have to goof around trying to learn to use a new one! :goodvibes And by the way, can't wait to see you there, we are arriving the same day!
Oh my! My thoughts go out to Mr PP!! But what a trooper! Get on one of those things and zip around! Good for him! Hope everything turns out okay, though.

We just found out today that DD has pink eye, so we had to get some drops for her. She hates it, but we keep telling her that she won't be able to do to Disney World if she still has "sick" in her eye. That got her right there to get the drops.

:thumbsup2 :thumbsup2 :lmao:

I'm so excited I can't see straight!!! It's going to be a long week!
I decided last night that I will have to take some Tylenol PM the couple of nights before we leave on our trip - I am so excited I can BARELY sleep NOW! :rotfl:

And my other middle of the night thought.....my two boys could not have more divergent personalities. Right now, Colin just zips off to kindergarten, not so much as looking back to wave goodbye. Andrew, on the other hand, clings, clings, clings and cries, cries, cries. And he LIKES his teacher! Next Tuesday is going to be hard. One extra weekend day and the clinging will be twice as bad as it was this morning. Then, on the way to work, I thought. September 24th will be TEN times as bad. That's the Monday after we've been at Disney all week...... Sigh. Nothing I can do about it. He just needs another month and a half to adjust.

Oh well. Happy Friday! I got into work this morning and had a thank you note from my new boss! Imagine! It was a "thanks for all your hard work, blah, blah, blah" note. WOW. Never in a million years would that have happened at my last job. This was a good decision!!!!

Making some noise.....:wave2: :wave2: pixiedust: :wave2: :wave2:

party: party: party:

:dancer: :dancer: :dancer: :dancer: :dancer: :dancer: :dancer: :dancer: :dancer: :dancer: :dancer: :dancer:

:crazy: :tongue: :crazy:

:wave: Hope everyone has a great holiday weekend!
I can't believe how little time is left now... I've gotta start packing!!!

Max started kindergarten on Wednesday, there was a parent's night on Monday and I worked up the courage to ask the teacher about the policy on family vacations during the school year.

I was feeling guilty about pulling Max out of school only 2-1/2 weeks into the year. She was actually pretty excited for us, she wants to come too! hahaha She said that she thinks family vacations are fantastic learning experiences and that if Max will be out for 5 days or more, we can fill out a form to do an independent learning plan and he won't even be considered absent! She will give him a little assignment in advance, like maybe a journal, taking/drawing pictures, or working out some type of math problem from something in his vacation experience. How cool is that? And I was worried...

I start school on September 24th, so it feels like we are starting a whole new life - it's a little stressful, but I'm looking forward to getting into a groove and having a nice weekly routine.
Hi. I'm new to this thread we changed our dates to sept 30- Oct 6th from Jan. I was hoping someone could help me.. on our arrival day what would you do? We will get there about 1-3pm. We have park tickets so should we go...and where to? We have reservations at rain forest cafe at downtown Disney at 6:30.. should i cancel this? It's just my husband, me and our almost 2yr old son. Just need some ideas. Thanks!!!
Hi. I'm new to this thread we changed our dates to sept 30- Oct 6th from Jan. I was hoping someone could help me.. on our arrival day what would you do? We will get there about 1-3pm. We have park tickets so should we go...and where to? We have reservations at rain forest cafe at downtown Disney at 6:30.. should i cancel this? It's just my husband, me and our almost 2yr old son. Just need some ideas. Thanks!!!

The first time we went, DD was just under 2 and we went to DTD the first evening we were there. It was nice to get her adjusted a bit since I figured she would get overloaded if we went straight to the parks.....especially since we had been up since about 4am and flew down from Illinois.

Now that we live in Atlanta, we go straight to MK on our first day. We drive down so DD gets some nap time in on the way. We usually get to the resort between 12 and 1 and are at MK by the time the 3pm parade heads down Main Street.

It's really a toss up. I HAVE to go to MK first thing because it just doesn't seem like vacation until I walk up Main Street. :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

If you get in that early and you purchased a ticket for that day anyway, I would head to either MK or Epcot.....depending on hours. But, of course, that's just me.....I'm a bit obsessed.

Oh, and HI!!!!!!!! Welcome to the thread!!!!!
Thanks so much.. we are driving from Atlanta the night before half way. :) So would there be time to go to the parade then to dt disney to dine at rain forest cafe at 6:30?
Hi All, Our time is getting very close now and I have started to get serious about what I am packing....nothing in the suitcases yet but I have started some piles of stuff. I always pack way more than I need, but I want to have it just in case. Only 6 days to go and the grandkids are really getting excited now. :banana:

Miss Liz, How is your DD doing? Has the pink-eye started to clear up? I sure hope so. I bet she is really getting excited! Have a good trip.:goodvibes

SpaceRanger1, Have you told the kids yet? I know how hard it has been to keep that a secret. Last year we almost let it slip in our conversations quite a few times. :lmao: Look for us at AKL, we should not be hard to miss...twin 5 year olds and the 2 girls that think they are a little older than they really are and of course the 3 adults (so to speak :rotfl: ) that are trying to keep up with them. If I don't post again, have a great flight and hope you get lots of magic :wizard: .

I Run Long, I have probably missed you but if not have a great time...maybe we will run into each other. I sure would have liked to have been at the Seattle airport to see the kids expressions when you went to catch that other flight!!!!!:goodvibes Have fun!!! and here is some pixie dustpixiedust:
I decided last night that I will have to take some Tylenol PM the couple of nights before we leave on our trip - I am so excited I can BARELY sleep NOW! :rotfl:

Oh well. Happy Friday! I got into work this morning and had a thank you note from my new boss! Imagine! It was a "thanks for all your hard work, blah, blah, blah" note. WOW. Never in a million years would that have happened at my last job. This was a good decision!!!!

Momto2boysSC, I know what you mean about the Tylenol PM.:thumbsup2
So glad the new job is going so great....it makes a big difference when the boss is someone you like and treats you with respect. Good for you!:yay:
Carol--DD's pink eye cleared up pretty quick. She's still got about 3 more days of drops, but she's getting much better at getting them. She just can't wait to go!

We were talking to a couple at church today about our Disney trips. They are leaving two days after we get back. We were saying that we should all go at the same time sometime and September 2008 was thrown around as a possible date. DH seemed up for it, but I'll try not to get my hopes up yet.

Tiffany--you should be able to watch the parade and still make it to DTD by 6:30, I think. I'm not sure if there is a direct bus from MK to DTD, but you could always go to one of the monorail resorts and take a bus from there if you wanted. I would say to not stress yourself out.....do what will be easiest for you and your family. Vacation is not a time to stress!!! Really!!

And here's a little noise for those who are traveling soon and those who are on their way:

:dance3: :dance3: :yay: :banana: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:
I saw this on another board... We're so planned out it won't work for us, but it seems that a lot of folks did this last year.

September Disney Dining Plan Option

In anticipation of the increased demand at the full serve restaurants during the Magic Your Way "free dining" period, guests who arrive by September 22, (length of stay thru September 29) can redeem a Table Service meal for a Quick Serve meal. In consideration, you will be given your choice of:

Disney Dining Plan Snack Certificate good for two snacks. (These must be redeemed at the same time at the same snack location) ~OR~
Disney Merchandise Certificate good for one selected Disney collectible pin and lanyard set.

Two weeks from now I'll be watching firewords over the castle!!!!!
SpaceRanger1, Have you told the kids yet? I know how hard it has been to keep that a secret. Last year we almost let it slip in our conversations quite a few times. :lmao: Look for us at AKL, we should not be hard to miss...twin 5 year olds and the 2 girls that think they are a little older than they really are and of course the 3 adults (so to speak :rotfl: ) that are trying to keep up with them. If I don't post again, have a great flight and hope you get lots of magic :wizard: .
The secret is still safe at our house. Only have to hold out four more days. I think we can make it. The kids dressers are looking a little empty right now, but they are buying into the fact that we are just getting caught up on laundry. My co-workers with no kids think they will figure out something is going on. I say no way, DS5 is to worried about video games and playing star wars to notice. He is smart enough to figure it out, but he won't put the time into. DD5 is cute and smart to, but she will spend to much time worrying about here babies, ponies, puppies and following big brother around to figure out what is going on.

My wife just finished a set of t-shirts for all of us. Lime green with Mickey head names on the front and surprise family vacation to Disney on the back Sept 2007. I think we will get the kids up early on Friday and bring them down stairs to get some clothes to wear. Then video tape them getting their shirts. I think at first they will think it is cool to have custom Mickey shirts and will eventually look at the back and be really surprised as they try to figure out what is going on.

We will be a sight to see Monday morning at IAH. Oh well, I'm not a proud man, just one very happy guy taking his kids on vacation!

We were talking to a couple at church today about our Disney trips. They are leaving two days after we get back. We were saying that we should all go at the same time sometime and September 2008 was thrown around as a possible date. DH seemed up for it, but I'll try not to get my hopes up yet.

And here's a little noise for those who are traveling soon and those who are on their way:

:dance3: :dance3: :yay: :banana: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:

FYI - My TA says we should be offered a bounce back of FD for 8/30 to 9/27 next year. I have asked her to clarify what type of restrictions, deposits and flexibility to changes such a program would have. But hey it may work out for you and your friends. They said if no one offers it to you to stop and ask at guest relations and they can hook you up, but only while you are registered on property.

Oh well. Happy Friday! I got into work this morning and had a thank you note from my new boss! Imagine! It was a "thanks for all your hard work, blah, blah, blah" note. WOW. Never in a million years would that have happened at my last job. This was a good decision!!!!

:wave: Hope everyone has a great holiday weekend!
I think I have said before, but I agree. I have changed jobs and come to an employer that treats me better, thanks me for my hard work and really thinks I am a person and not a machine. I am so glad you job has worked out well for you.

Now it is after 12 and I should go to bed, but first...

ONLY 4 days to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!
going to AKV (does that count)

Sept 16 to 21!!!

never stayed at AKL before so looking forwarded to it.

definitely have eaten at Boma!
going to AKV (does that count)

Sept 16 to 21!!!

never stayed at AKL before so looking forwarded to it.

definitely have eaten at Boma!

Of course that counts! :thumbsup2 And you are getting very close to the very exciting single digit countdown!:cool1:

All I have to say is 2.5 days of work left.:banana: :banana: :banana: Assuming I can concrentrate on anything besides Disney..... Actual "work" tie might be less, ha ha.
I've hit the 10-day mark WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This morning I SWEAR my car smelled like the monorail!! Not like poo, either. I mean like how it SHOULD smell, or how I remember it smelled when I was a kid!! :goodvibes


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