8/17/08 Captain Jack's Repossession Repo Cruise to PC thru TPC Part 2

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OOOH I'll go.... I'd even put up some of my dvc points....:rolleyes1


I wish a steam shovel was all my living room needed....:rolleyes1 I can vacuum the rug and it is covered in fur-person again within an hour or so. I'd have to rent a house in another country and even then i'd need a lint roller for myself...;)

In theory, my dog really sheds once a year. Like really sheds. Like 3 dog's worth of fur in a week. However, the weather down here is wacky for a husky, so she goes into shed mode whenever the temp gets above 60 or so. She did her 'spring shedding' a few weeks ago when it warmed up here & her full winter coat is back again. :sad2:

RUGBY on Castaway Cay

I was reviewing the list of Rugby paricipants for our Castaway Cay Rugby Game and noticed that a few people have dropped out. We would need at least 14 people to have a proper game (actual playing time is 15 min tops). Here is a list of players.

Peter (darthrugby)
David (the Welshman)
Alex (Davis son)
Jeff (aka Grumpy)
Andy R. (another Welshman)
Paul (from England)
John (MR Hubby)
Adam (Wheels)
M (skatingmom)
M's Hubby

Matthew and Annmarie dropped out, I don't know if MR is still coming on the cruise. Jeff?

If you are still interested please confirm with me through PM or the thread.

If Anyone new to the thread is interested in playing let me know and I'll add you to the list.

Social game, co-ed, touch, no tackling, 7 min halves, more info on the pirate zone.

The last news letter said our game will be held on the adult beach. I think the family beach would be a better choice for those of us with kids. The far end is usually empty. Let me know what you think.

I'd like to order Jersey's soon so also let me know your shirt size (s,m,l,xl etc.)

We're still in. Shirt sizes small and large.
My vote is for the family beach. My kids aren't thrilled with the kids club on CC. And we can still go to the bar at the family beach afterward. Isn't that why we are all playing anyway??
Thanks all! I appreciate all the information and support. I took a temporary break from my pity party and asked the girls why they did not want to go. Took some digging but oldest DD, Megan did not want to upset her Grandmother and youngest DD, Miranda thought if we went without Bill she would have to ride all the rides Megan and I wanted to since she could not stay by herself. Since she is not the bravest child, this was a deal breaker.
So... Bill said he would go the 4th week in June. I really do not want to go that time of year but that may be my concession.
I really want to go Memorial weekend since the weather will be a little cooler and the Flower and Garden Festival will still be going on. Crowds can't be any worse.
Girls would miss 2 days of school but they have not missed all year so maybe not too big of a deal.
Still working on it.

Now that it is on the family beach I may be interested. We are going parasailing. How long does a game of rubgy last?

Rugby 7's is 7 players per side, you play 2, 7 min. halfs, short and sweet.:)

In theory, my dog really sheds once a year. Like really sheds. Like 3 dog's worth of fur in a week. However, the weather down here is wacky for a husky, so she goes into shed mode whenever the temp gets above 60 or so. She did her 'spring shedding' a few weeks ago when it warmed up here & her full winter coat is back again. :sad2:

We're still in. Shirt sizes small and large.
My vote is for the family beach. My kids aren't thrilled with the kids club on CC. And we can still go to the bar at the family beach afterward. Isn't that why we are all playing anyway??

Hey, my thoughts exactly, thanks for the reply M.:)
Rugby 7's is 7 players per side, you play 2, 7 min. halfs, short and sweet.:)

I realized as soon as I posted that question I just identified myself as "Least likely to be picked on a team" :rotfl2:
I would like to but I will be happy to be on reserve in case someone who actually knows how to play wants to jump in. (If it was me, I would of course read up to make sure I knew what I was doing). :)

I don't think i have room for a Dust Bunny in my junk room! :rotfl:
And you're right, i think i'd be suggesting the alternate location.

Pheeww! (no hand wiping sweating brow smiley available) CNN decided to do the interview downtown. No drastic housecleaning required! :thumbsup2 DH's boss didn't have any trouble with him working from home this morning and a half personnal day this afternoon for this - so it is a go. He is taking the train after lunch and being interviewed this afternoon. Hopefully, they can tell him what time we should watch for it this weekend!

Pamela (pdarrah)
Pheeww! (no hand wiping sweating brow smiley available) CNN decided to do the interview downtown. No drastic housecleaning required! :thumbsup2 DH's boss didn't have any trouble with him working from home this morning and a half personnal day this afternoon for this - so it is a go. He is taking the train after lunch and being interviewed this afternoon. Hopefully, they can tell him what time we should watch for it this weekend!

Pamela (pdarrah)

Be sure to let us know so we can "meet" him before August :goodvibes
All I can say is this has been a very WEIRD evening! DH just got off the phone with CNN - Really!

I think I have mentioned before that he is very into Kiva.org and making micro-loans ($25 at a time) to individuals in 2nd and 3rd world nations. He has been involved with this for well over a year and spends a lot of time on the KivaFriends board (sort of like DIS for Kiva folks). Today, Kiva called him to ask if he would be willing to be interviewed. CNN Money is doing a segment on Kiva and wanted to talk to a lender who had loaned money to an individual that they had video for. DH fit their criteria and it helps that we are near a major city (about 30 miles from downtown Chicago). He agreed to do it and CNN called to do a pre-interview. The original plan had him going downtown tomorrow to a studio - but on the phone they asked if he would be willing for them to come to the house and tape him at his computer! It still isn't finalized - they'll call tomorrow morning with the final plan. They plan to air the segment "several times" this weekend.

As I said .... a VERY weird evening!

Pamela (pdarrah)

Wow that is so cool! :cool1:

Okay...beside me....who else saw all the movies being nominated for the Oscars?????:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

I can't tell you the last time I went to the movies. :confused3

G'mornin' pirate:s.
So, the only thing that is motivating me go to work this morning is that I need the cash for TOAL! I'm having a hard to believing that I work with grown ups. hmph.

WOW! That is cool.
I would need a steam shovel to clean out my den! My house is reasonably clean, but all the we-don't-know-what-to-do-with-it ends up in the den.

Sorry you're having a tough time at that salt mine! :hug:

I have a room like that too. It scares me.:scared:

Good Morning from Chicagoland. Presently, dark cold 5 above going to a high of 18, 0 tonight wind chill expected to be -15.
I think i'l just go home and live in my refrigerator, it's warmer in there than it is outside.

Oh well time to get the day started.

Stay warm! :goodvibes

I wish a steam shovel was all my living room needed....:rolleyes1 I can vacuum the rug and it is covered in fur-person again within an hour or so. I'd have to rent a house in another country and even then i'd need a lint roller for myself...;)

I hope to buy a new house soon so I can move everything from this house & clean it! :rotfl2:

Thanks all! I appreciate all the information and support. I took a temporary break from my pity party and asked the girls why they did not want to go. Took some digging but oldest DD, Megan did not want to upset her Grandmother and youngest DD, Miranda thought if we went without Bill she would have to ride all the rides Megan and I wanted to since she could not stay by herself. Since she is not the bravest child, this was a deal breaker.
So... Bill said he would go the 4th week in June. I really do not want to go that time of year but that may be my concession.
I really want to go Memorial weekend since the weather will be a little cooler and the Flower and Garden Festival will still be going on. Crowds can't be any worse.
Girls would miss 2 days of school but they have not missed all year so maybe not too big of a deal.
Still working on it.

Hope it all works out for you! :wizard:

We're still in. Shirt sizes small and large.
My vote is for the family beach. My kids aren't thrilled with the kids club on CC. And we can still go to the bar at the family beach afterward. Isn't that why we are all playing anyway??

That's one of the reasons I'm going to be watching the match! ;)


In my DS's elementary school the fifth graders do a big musical as their final goodbye to elementary school & it's always a big deal. When my DD was in fifth grade she got chorus in the Music Man (which basically means no part, she is just put in the background) so she came home sobbing. :sad1:

Fast forward 3 years & now the fifth grade play is The Sound of Music & DS got the part of Rolf! :yay: He was afraid his sister would be upset, but she was very happy for him. Should be an exciting but stressful few months since the play is in March & they will be doing a lot of rehearsals.

In my DS's elementary school the fifth graders do a big musical as their final goodbye to elementary school & it's always a big deal. When my DD was in fifth grade she got chorus in the Music Man (which basically means no part, she is just put in the background) so she came home sobbing. :sad1:

Fast forward 3 years & now the fifth grade play is The Sound of Music & DS got the part of Rolf! :yay: He was afraid his sister would be upset, but she was very happy for him. Should be an exciting but stressful few months since the play is in March & they will be doing a lot of rehearsals.

Congrats to your DS!

Okay, now I have this song running through my head...."The hills are alive with the sound of Griswold..."
Congrats to your DS!

Okay, now I have this song running through my head...."The hills are alive with the sound of Griswold..."

LOL Thanks Deanna!

I keep singing, "I am sixteen going on seventeen", but DS gives me the evil eye everytime I do. I can't help it! :confused3
LOL Thanks Deanna!

I keep singing, "I am sixteen going on seventeen", but DS gives me the evil eye everytime I do. I can't help it! :confused3

Thanks Diane for getting that song in my head!!!:rotfl2: :rotfl2: Now I have to put some oldies music on to get rid of your song!!:rotfl: :rotfl:
LOL Thanks Deanna!

I keep singing, "I am sixteen going on seventeen", but DS gives me the evil eye everytime I do. I can't help it! :confused3

Geez, wenches.... "High on the hill was a lonely goat..... " .

I was Disney Dream Team dreaming to Ken (DH) the other day...... wouldn't it be wonderful if Julie Andrews was the Disney Legend guest on our cruise.....
:cloud9: He figured there is just no way that is going to happen - hey one can dream can't they.....
Geez, wenches.... "High on the hill was a lonely goat..... " .

I was Disney Dream Team dreaming to Ken (DH) the other day...... wouldn't it be wonderful if Julie Andrews was the Disney Legend guest on our cruise.....
:cloud9: He figured there is just no way that is going to happen - hey one can dream can't they.....

Really, Wendy, you had to get "The Lonely Goatherd" stuck in my head?????:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Julie Andrews would be beyond amazing to have on the cruise . . .
FYI for anyone renting a car at PC:
I just got a notification that the Budget MCO location is closed at 1:00 pm on 9/1.
It will be ok for us since our flight leaves at 2:00 we would have to be there anyway but for some having a late flight may be affected if you need the office.

I think I have come to the conclusion that you are correct. I would probably be watching them the whole time and not the sites.
This whole trip just seems doomed. Tonight, at least at one time, Bill and both girls have said they do not want to go to WDW. :confused3 I mean do I have bizarre kids or what? Fine, I will spend the $ some other way.
The 1st time I ever went to WDW it was just my Mom and in in 1996. I am thinking about asking her again but since my parents have turned into world travelers it seems like they are always gone.
I am having a pity party for myself tonight so please feel free to ignore.
I am sure I will feel better tomorrow.

Oh Coral:hug:
I get plenty of those parties too.

Maybe you can spend the money on a spa vacation:goodvibes

Hey Diane..Congrats to your son!

I have a funny Sound of Music story!

A friend of mine said one day...so in the Sound of Music....that Maria she solves problems really well...I said to him "huh?" He says "well you know the song "how do you solve a problem like Maria?",,,he put emphasis on the wrong word and thought Maria was a problem solver...NOT the actually problem!
we still laugh about this!

Ignore the weird post I posted on the CC Roll Call. I was showing my Dad how to use boards. He sent a huge list of questions to his TA that could have been answered on the boards.

Hey Diane..Congrats to your son!

I have a funny Sound of Music story!

A friend of mine said one day...so in the Sound of Music....that Maria she solves problems really well...I said to him "huh?" He says "well you know the song "how do you solve a problem like Maria?",,,he put emphasis on the wrong word and thought Maria was a problem solver...NOT the actually problem!
we still laugh about this!


Well, I will never think of that song quite the same way again . . . was this an actual adult friend, Chrissie???!!:rotfl:

Yes, Diane, congrats on your son's part -- and extra praise to your daughter for being so supportive . . .:lovestruc
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