liv luvs disney's 2nd TR attempt

liv luvs disney

DIS Veteran
Mar 25, 2009
Okay, I've put this off long enough. We left the Fort exactly a week ago today.:sad1: Since being back, we're reminded that life goes on and it doesn't stop!

We were very fortunate to stay at the Fort for 10 days this year. Last year was just a week visit and we discovered early on, we wanted more! Next year we're hoping for a 2-week stay, but we'll take what we can get.

It was just the kids and me again on this trip. DH stayed behind to work. (Somebody has to pay for us to play.;)) My mother (aka Grammy) came along this year again, but didn't go to the parks with us. Evidently, The Young and the Restless is more important.:snooty: My Dad and step-brother drove the camper down for us, set up camp, and high-tailed it back to the country. Can't stay away from them huntin' dogs!

Enough chit-chat, let's get this thing started!

Wake up, wake up
The sun is up
The dew is on the buttercup!

It didn't take long before we were all up and loading up the last minute things in the camper.



Before long, the boys had everything loaded and we were ready to go. But, if you read my TR from last year, you'll remember Grammy makes us late for everything!!!:mad: Here are the boys waiting on Grammy.

We told Grammy we were leaving at 7:00 in hopes to leave by 9:00. It was 11:00 before we got on the interstate!

Our trip, thankfully, was uneventful and we got to our happy place around 2:00. Gretchen, my baby girl, took most of the pictures this year. Because she's just 10, some are rather interesting.







Sorry to already take a break, but my roots are screaming for some bleach. So, off to the salon, but I will return.:)
You are off to a great start!

Can't wait to see some more of your DD's photos!

I would have left without Grammy.

Maybe then she would be on time the next time.

I noticed that now that I have met you in person, I am hearing your voice with your accent in my head while I am reading your TR!

I'm glad that you didn't leave without Grammy. I had fun talking to her too!

Looking forward to the rest of the report once your roots are taken care of. A girl has to have her priorities, and it looks like you have yours in order! :thumbsup2

great trip report, grandma is lucky to have you, I think I would have left without her.
I think we passed on I4. I saw a soccer mom screaming at a couple kids headed towards Disney World as we were leaving.
You are off to a great start!

Can't wait to see some more of your DD's photos!

I would have left without Grammy.

Maybe then she would be on time the next time.

If you remember, last year Grammy made us miss breakfast at RFC at AK. Needless to say, I'm not sure she is on the invitation list for next year.

I noticed that now that I have met you in person, I am hearing your voice with your accent in my head while I am reading your TR!

I'm glad that you didn't leave without Grammy. I had fun talking to her too!

Looking forward to the rest of the report once your roots are taken care of. A girl has to have her priorities, and it looks like you have yours in order! :thumbsup2

I felt the same way when I was reading your TR.:laughing: It was like you were reading it to me.

Grammy enjoyed speaking with you too!

It feels good to be blonde again!!!

great trip report, grandma is lucky to have you, I think I would have left without her.
She made up for her time discretion by cooking for us all week. But as I told TCD, I'm not sure if I'm going to invite her to come along next year or not.:confused:

I think we passed on I4. I saw a soccer mom screaming at a couple kids headed towards Disney World as we were leaving.
Under normal circumstances, that might have been me. However Gage was not in the car with me so I could not have been yelling at him and Gretchen is too sweet to yell at. Besides, we were entering our happy place so I really had nothing to scream about.:cutie:


Can't wait for more!
Well, my roots are taken care of and if we can just get our geography lesson behind us, I'll finish up at least day one.
While checking in, we were assigned to site 1714. We paid for a full site and requested, if possible, the 1700 loop. We got what we wanted. :cheer2: Last year, we had 1713 so we knew where we were going. As soon as we pulled into the 1700 loop, I spotted LornaDuck's site and was thrilled.






The bad news is this site was a booger to get into. The good news is we were in and I was happy.

The bad news got worse when we could not let the slide-outs all the way out. My Dad, who does not like confrontation, said it would be fine. I, who paid for the site, said it would not. I called the front desk and explained our dilemma and they offered a different loop that would not work for us either. In the end, we were upgraded to the 1200 loop with plenty of room to move around. Here are some other random pictures of the 1700 site before heading over to the 1200 loop.



Remember that a 10 year-old is the photographer and she isn't being paid.



No pics of setting up in our new site. I think the excitement had turned to "let's get this over with already!":rotfl2:

Once we were set up, we had a quick bite to eat. Sorry Brother Dave, no pics of our late lunch. It was just sandwiches and chips - nothing picture worthy. Though I must say every meal I ate, including the ones on the road from Knoxville, I felt like I should be photographing. However, they were usually half-digested before I could locate the camera!

Next on the agenda was to set up the little screen room that was purchased 18 months ago, but had yet to be taken out of the bag. My Dad told me that we didn't need the instructions.:confused3






Suffice it to say that we did need the instructions - at least the first time putting it up.


Smooth sailing from here:




TCD, can you see what my shirt says???

I love my Dad!


And when it was all finished,

Soon after their break, my Dad and step-brother put the lights on the bikes and left.

We live 10 hours from my parents and in the 17+ years since I left home, only 1 time has my Dad stayed longer than 24 hours at my house! He is a home body!

With that, the kids and I did a little looping on the bikes, heading straight for Lil' Lisa's loop. She wasn't home any of the 3 times we stopped by. I think her neighbor thought about calling the cops on a group of stalkers!:laughing:
I had already knocked on Lorna's door several times too, to no avail. However, third time's a charm. And boy we hit the jackpot! Lorna, Lisa, Magic Bus, their spouses, and their dogs were having a mini grand gathering! Too bad we didn't have Gretchen take any pictures. We didn't stay long 'cause we had some smores calling our names. We went to the campfire and tried to watch Up, but I was exhausted and had to cut it short.


Despite saying she wasn't, I think Gretchen was a little tired too.

Personally, I think Chip is the only one who looks awake in this picture.
Well it's about time, sister!

Great start. Now carry on...

I feel like such a goob, 'cause I'm sooo not the writer so many (including you) are on here. But, I'm giving it a shot!

Stay tuned. I did get some food pics for you. In fact, it became a joke with Grammy and the kids. They would say, "Did you get a picture for Dave?" :rotfl2:
I feel like such a goob, 'cause I'm sooo not the writer so many (including you) are on here. But, I'm giving it a shot!

Stay tuned. I did get some food pics for you. In fact, it became a joke with Grammy and the kids. They would say, "Did you get a picture for Dave?" :rotfl2:

blah blah blah, blah blah blah. Heard this story already. Keep writing Olivia. You're doing great.
TCD, can you see what my shirt says???

Um . . .


Does it say "I heart TCD?"

I didn't think so.

It looks like it says something about Tennessee.

"I heart DaveInTN?"


OK I give up.

But I still like your TR.

And your DD did great with the photos.

I don't think I've seen a photo of pine bark on here before.

And, she took a good photo of pine bark!

Um . . .


Does it say "I heart TCD?"

I didn't think so.

It looks like it says something about Tennessee.

"I heart DaveInTN?"


OK I give up.

But I still like your TR.

And your DD did great with the photos.

I don't think I've seen a photo of pine bark on here before.

And, she took a good photo of pine bark!


:rotfl2: Although I do heart TCD and DaveInTN, my shirt just says Tennessee Volunteers, but you knew that already. I wore it just for you.

Once again, Gage refuses to wear anything TN! I've informed him that in a year or two, when Dooley turns them around, don't be asking for a TN

Thanks for the compliment on the pine bark picture. She's quite talented if I do say so myself.
Seeing your TR so far through the eyes of a 10-year-old is great! She certainly has done a fine job so far.:thumbsup2. We are heading down in a few weeks and I hope to be able to keep up with the great writers and pic takers on this board!;)
I feel like such a goob, 'cause I'm sooo not the writer so many (including you) are on here. But, I'm giving it a shot!

Stay tuned. I did get some food pics for you. In fact, it became a joke with Grammy and the kids. They would say, "Did you get a picture for Dave?" :rotfl2:

Well you sure doing better than I could, that's why I don't bother. I like Lisa am hearing you accent (cause I don't have one) as you are writing this. As I said before sorry we got to spend so little time together, but am happy we got to meet and next time will be longer.
Well you sure doing better than I could, that's why I don't bother. I like Lisa am hearing you accent (cause I don't have one) as you are writing this. As I said before sorry we got to spend so little time together, but am happy we got to meet and next time will be longer.
Umm, yeah, you keep tellin' yourself that!:lmao:

Are you coming Thanksgiving? :woohoo:
To Florida? Yes. To the Fort? No.
Seeing your TR so far through the eyes of a 10-year-old is great! She certainly has done a fine job so far.:thumbsup2. We are heading down in a few weeks and I hope to be able to keep up with the great writers and pic takers on this board!;)

If a 10 year old and I can do it, anybody can!:thumbsup2

Seriously, I enjoy any TR that involves the Fort!:love:


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