The ABCs of Another Steppe Into Adventure!- Last Africa Ch. + World Showcase Pt. 2

(For a Contest Point: Did you listen to any of his tracks? If so, which one and did you like it?)
Finally listened. I like the first track the best, but enjoyed them all. Very relaxing. I think the third one was the most relaxing, but liked the first one more.
Lots going on lately, but will get back to replies soon. :)

Goal is to take the written exam for my pilot’s license by my birthday May 8th, so continue to plod along in my studies.

Hope to spend some time here tomorrow! Hugs, All!
Lots going on lately, but will get back to replies soon. :)

Goal is to take the written exam for my pilot’s license by my birthday May 8th, so continue to plod along in my studies.

Hope to spend some time here tomorrow! Hugs, All!

I don't believe in luck, so God speed on your studies and exam.

Wow, now I know 3 people (two family and you're kinda part of my family here) with birthdays 2 days apart each...May 4th, 6th and now 8th.
Running out of steam for the night, but will start this reply here. ;) More tomorrow. :)

We ran out of time on this trip, so wasn't able to do them, but last trip I made it about 3/4 of the way around and then hit the rail. I was kicking myself (hard to do while driving a car ya know. Or was it me kicking myself that made me hit the rail? Hmmm). Just that one time, so maybe next time I can make it all the way around.

I don't think I went 3 feet without hitting the rail. Maybe I'll have better luck flying... then again, no rails up there. ;)'s just that I'm not a big classical music person and instrumental piano music tends to make me check my eyelids for leaks.
I don't debate he's talented and his long stretch at POR shows he's popular/liked/whatever as does the Legacy award. I like the fact he plays and sings in church so he's using his talents there as well.

He seems to be a quite diversely talented guy!

Why thank you. I think FOW was in Africa and I was so bummed when I found out it had been closed down and couldn't see it (spoiler alert).


Yes, it was and a pretty cool show to boot.

Can't prove it to me by those photos...didn't look like a well done macarena to me. :rotfl2:

I'll try harder next time. ;)

After seeing Mark's reply, it makes more's a game on your phone that is Disney themed, but more slated for younger folks. Got it!
If I didn't need vegetables also, I think I could survive off of bacon and beef jerkey.

Correct. And I think there are 4 or 5 of them in selected countries around WS. Cute, but possibly too much so.

That explains why it looks like him! Man, I'm good! Okay fine, at least mediocre.


Sent a PM for real guess.


Truer words have never been spoken.
I'd take a trip to WDW over several hundred thousand points (unless those points were for a WDW trip)
I'd take a trip to WDW over winning any contest (unless of course the contest was for unlimited trips to Disney)

I'm pretty sure anyone here would. ::yes::

I just noticed you had my guess still listed as "xx" and I know I had numbers not letters.

(A bit behind yet, but will catch up eventually on Contest stuff)
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It won't ruin the song for you...
"Now, Billy Joe McGuffrey was a really clumsy kid...."

It's sung by Chris Rice who is one of my favorite artists (although not his normal style). Go light your world is the best. Another funny one he does is called Cartoons. If you're so inclined, you can look those up also.

You can never get enough Veggie Tales! THanks for posting yet another classic for those of us who raised children in the 90s!
Yes. I've inspired many people to stop reading and run away in terror.

It's working. By the number of commenters I have anymore, I'm doing something "right". :rolleyes:

And I rock, so we'd make a good pair.

Good one!

You mean this guy?

YES! Buahahaha!

Sounds like we each have our moments. :goodvibes

OH I have my moments alright. If I could just remember them all. Or even a few.

No. Pass. It starts off pretty good. I can definitely say I was enjoying it.... and then... the last 1/3 - 1/4 of the show? I felt like walking out.

I'll skip it then. Then again, I watch very few movies.... so...

Think of all the money you'll save!

YAY!!! More for flying!

I'm guessing you're right. Everyone has a phone these days. Why use up theirs (loss, damage, etc.)

Makes sense to limit cost losses.

That's a long list! :)
Here's two:

Columbia Harbor House in MK for lobster roll
Sweet and Spicy Chicken Waffle Sandwich at Sleepy Hollow

Exactly ONE of those sounds even remotely good.

Yes, I recall you saying. You are one of the reasons I want to hear them.

Ah, so I"m inspirational too.


<wanders over>

Hey! Where's the Coke????

Oops, I forgot to mention I don't drink much. Sorry? Would you like a kombucha?
@pkondz Nuremberg is in Bavaria!! :goodvibes Technically it is in Frankonia, but became part of Bavaria in 1806 thanks to Napoleon.

And if you ever come back to Bavaria, especially Nuremberg, please get in touch, I am always happy to show people around and help planning. :thumbsup2
I am glad you piped up and said something. :) You've been very helpful in educating us about your lovely German region!!
Having snacks in place of a meal…Dole Whip for lunch, carrot cake cookie for breakfast….

Good one!! I've definitely done a Dole Whip for lunch before. Or Rice Cream for dinner. Yum!

No, I haven’t yet – but I’m still at work, I’ll try to remember to come back later an have a listen


I’ll have to say Africa. I seem to spend most of my time there between the Safari and the Lion King show.

I agree, it's such a lovely area!

“Who farted?” (sorry I raised 3 sons, plus 2 stepsons….fart jokes are automatic)


I love to go down on the Boardwalk and watch the performers (or watch Ryne watch the performers)

I was tickled to have learned that he knows them all by name and sees them every trip. That's neat!

At Epcot it’s not exactly off the beaten path, but it doesn’t seem a lot of people stop at watch…the Fountain show. I don’t know if it’s on the hour or how often, but periodically the main fountain “dances” to music. And in the same vein, over by Imagination I could watch the jumping water for way too long!

I too could watch the fountain for a VERY long time. I LOVE the music selections they have for the shows. I believe they are every 30 if not every 15. It's a lot more often than you'd think. And yes, I took time to get some photos of the jumping water last trip.

At Hollywood Studios I used to enjoy the drawing class that they would offer. But it’s gone now. I like to go by Indiana Jones where there is a sign saying Please Pull Rope, and getting people to pull it. Usually they’re just leaning up against the fence not paying any attention to it or maybe taking a picture, but not actually pulling the rope.

ME TOO!!! I miss that! A lot! :( You can still do that at AoA Resort, by the way.

Didn't do that last trip, but yes, it is fun to do. :)

Animal Kingdom I’ll explore the trails on Discovery Island and take pictures of or just watch the animals. We used to go over to the bridge over Kali River and squirt the rafters as they were coming back in.

Not many slow down enough to take in Discovery Island either; you're right. Nice to find shade and quiet in there.

At Magic Kingdom, like you already mentioned, the Flag ceremony is nice to catch. And as corny as it is I like to watch/listen to Sonny Eclipse sing!

And that's something I've never done! (Sonny) Cosmic Rays is never on my dining list, so just not there ever.

good question…ummm, it’s in the “j”oists of a building??? It’s cute wherever it is

Finally listened. I like the first track the best, but enjoyed them all. Very relaxing. I think the third one was the most relaxing, but liked the first one more.
Noted. I may buy or download some of his tracks. Nice for studying music.
Good luck on the exam studies!

And :hug: right back atcha! :)


I don't believe in luck, so God speed on your studies and exam.

Wow, now I know 3 people (two family and you're kinda part of my family here) with birthdays 2 days apart each...May 4th, 6th and now 8th.

Thanks!! I have some exciting new things scheduled and will let you know when things are more cemented. :)
It's working. By the number of commenters I have anymore, I'm doing something "right". :rolleyes:


OH I have my moments alright. If I could just remember them all. Or even a few.


I'll skip it then. Then again, I watch very few movies.... so...

So it shouldn't be a problem then.

YAY!!! More for flying!

You'll need it! That ain't cheap!

Exactly ONE of those sounds even remotely good.

I don't have to guess which one it is.

Ah, so I"m inspirational too.


Oops, I forgot to mention I don't drink much. Sorry? Would you like a kombucha?

No thanks. I've tried 4 different flavours so far. Didn't mind the ginger, but can't drink much at once.
And the Strawberry daiquiri was... horrible.
You know what? As an adult I actually think I agree with you. I find myself playing it as quiet background music on my laptop pretty often- the Future World Loop, the Main Street Loop, Even Adventureland Loops. It's just my thing. But when I hear it THERE, it the parks, or even on the paths at the resorts it completes the set- brings it all together, doesn't it?

It really does. I remember walking from our hotel to Disneyland and we started to hear music as we got closer, and Julie said, "Ok, I'm feeling it now. It's starting to feel like Disney."

How could I not recognize the artist who did my favorite soundtrack of all Disney movies? Oy! Ok, now I know and THANKS!

He's an incredible talent.

Could it be the BBQ is catching up to you?

Probably. But hey, something's gotta kill you. Might as well die happy.

Oh, don't get me wrong. I think most kids would. And while I like to "get my kid on" at Disney, this just didn't do it for me. But now I can say I've tried it, right?

That's all anyone can ask.

All of those sound like really good options as alternate things to do. Well, except the golf for me. That'd just be frustrating and I think I'd let some very non-Disney words slip out. :blush:

I've been playing for years and still let non-Disney words slip out.
I know many of my readers are from other countries, so please excuse me while I gush a bit about ‘Murica.

No worries, I'm pretty fond of your fair country! And I can definitely do my share of gushing about Canada when prompted.

With quite some (appropriate) pomp and circumstance the Walt Disney World Marching Band entered from the Train Station side escorting the Veteran Guest of Honor to the Flagpole area. While he, and several other veterans I noticed, saluted, the band played a glorious rendition of The National Anthem as the flag was lowered by a uniformed security guard in reverence. At its conclusion, the flag was folded, and then presented to the selected Vet. Yes, I got teary. Yes, it was somewhat emotional. Yes, it’s still appropriate, in my humble opinion, to give respect to those who’ve fought and died for our freedoms and to pause to reflect in genuine gratefulness on the good we still have here in America.

This sounds so lovely. I'm never in this area of the park at this time, so I've never seen it. But maybe I'll have to make some time for it next trip and pay respects.

And, since this was a holiday party of sorts, why not celebrate and include a holiday-style meal? It just doesn’t get any more traditional than this: A gigantic platter of roast pork, turkey, and beef, stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans, cranberry sauce, mac and cheese, and rolls.

Nothing more holiday than that! Yum.

The only thing about this meal that made me go, "Hmmm..." was as they called each party’s name, the CMs all clapped and cheered for the group. It was just… odd and seemed out of place.

I found this weird the times we've eaten here, too!

With another bucket of cold water, I washed up and there was enough pressure coming out of the sink faucet for me to wash my hair. It's the little things.

The things we take for granted here!! :eek:

BUT, it was Sunday, and God had a special gift for me…. Coffee! Sometime during the night, my French press showed up and, using the Folgers and some hot water, I made a cup of comforting, hot, gloriously caffeinated deliciousness. It was a cup of Heaven on Earth.

Hallelujah! That must have been such an appreciated blessing!

Later I would learn that it was the beginnings of a bigger problem, but for then, all was okay.

Uh oh...

It was then we learned that by law ALL fast food street vendors and restaurants are closed on Sundays. And that the food that had been brought back for us had been cooked the day before and put away for … later?? So, it was risk Salmonella or pass out from hunger. I ate a little. Just enough to keep me going. Because it took us 6 hours to do what we had to do.

Oh man...tough choice...

At some point, our African-American friend and NGO Board Member who had traveled with us (for reals his name is George Orwell!) mentioned the value of the supplies saying something like, “This must be worth a lot.” I replied with a, “Yes, about $150,000 worth.” The look on his face was priceless. I’m pretty sure it wasn’t the dust in the warehouse that made his eyes a bit teary.


This is amazing.

I also wanted Bek to take mine at some point, as we had a good view of the supplies to send to our main donor as part of that documentation and, without remembering what led up to it, I snappedy (not loud enough for the student to hear, but too loud anyway), “but I don’t want her in the photo.” I am super ashamed, because it came out not at all what I was really trying to mean or say, but well, there it was. I simply wanted a “clean” photo for a specific reason. My aunt shot me a look of disapproval and I did smooth things over later, but clearly the situation had worn my patience down.

These things happen when everyone is at their limits. Sometimes we say or do things we shouldn't, and you definitely weren't yourself with how much you were enduring physically and mentally. We make mistakes, and we do whatever we can to apologize and make it right, and then we move on. Thanks for your continued transparency in all your reports!! :hug:

Now, shared in no particular order whatsoever, first let’s sing silly songs with Bob. (Why does Veggie Tales suddenly pop into my mind?)

Teehehe that's where my mind went, too!


“I was a music composition major at the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music. I love to write my own music. I have three CDs of all original compositions. Here is some of my latest work. I hope you enjoy it!”

Let me just say it now, if you like instrumental piano at all, I think his original compositions will amaze you. I listened to his material clips and you can too...

No way! Now I know who I'm going to have to go check out later this week...did my undergrad in western art music and love me some solo piano...

This guy!! He's the one who singled out Nathan and me and put a curse upon our relationship to have 10 babies!!

But man, that guy can perform!! :goodvibes

(Yes, I realize I look pregnant in that ^ photo. I'm not.)

Haha I never would have thought that looking at this picture!! Now some of my recent photopass photos, however, have given that distinct impression. Especially when I've got a nice food baby going on after a good Disney meal. And being a newlywed, it certainly wouldn't be out of the question. Fortunately, I haven't had people asking me when I'm due just yet.
No worries, I'm pretty fond of your fair country! And I can definitely do my share of gushing about Canada when prompted.
I'm pretty fond of your fair country except your bacon isn't bacon, it's too stinkin' cold, you let @pkondz in and when I ran out of gas on the Alcan highway in the middle of the night.

Three of those four are true. (Or maybe I should say three of those are actual things I don't/didn't care for about Canada).
F is for: Five to a Car for Fifteen Hours

November 27th-

I had no voice with which to say “Good Morning” at 8:30, so in silence I took my bucket bath in our now pretty ripe bathroom. In order to conserve water, regular flushes had ceased altogether, so a nice “aroma" had hastened my use of that particular area. “Good enough” was declared, and I began to pack for our time in the villages; I wouldn’t need much as we’d only be gone for 3 days. The laundry I’d gotten washed the day before was done, but not completely dry, so I hung it in front of the fan, which was thankfully operational. That also meant I could charge my phone. One NEVER squanders an opportunity to charge a phone when it presents itself in West Africa! All packed up with nowhere to go and a rumbly in my tummy, I found myself downstairs with a packet of instant grits again. I just couldn’t do the fried lunch meat and eggs fried in palm oil again. It’d sure been nice to have a cup of coffee, but yesterday was the last I’d ever see of my French Press. It had disappeared for good overnight. Had I known a coffee press was such a hot commodity, I’d have been more careful. I sufficed with instant Nescrappay, held my chin up high, and…. Ooops, sorry; that’s just me being snooty.

At breakfast, we found out that several others, including my aunt, left about 10 minutes before we were ready without even telling us. Ummmm? Okay. That was odd, if not a bit…. I dunno. It was just strange. At the time, I thought it extremely inefficient and annoying, but it turned out okay because it did give us some extra time to relax and not do much. To this day, I have no idea what they were all doing, but I did NOT miss skipping an opportunity to be stuck in a hot car breathing in car exhaust and being squished with 4 other people.

Rebekah found it a good opportunity to ask one of the gals living at the house to braid her hair. This was the first time ever that this woman had touched a white person, let alone braid her hair. She was giggling a bit and remarked that her hair “felt slippery but was very soft”. She had Rebekah’s hair double French-braided in literally 30 seconds. W. Africans spend incredible amounts of time on their hair either getting it braided in elaborate weaves or putting on their wigs. The majority of what I saw were hair pieces and wigs of straightened black hair done in some sort of very fashionable hairstyle.

I found myself in my favorite place with my journal and became quite amused when I noticed little birds darting here and there around me. Occasionally they would land on the electric wire and I knew exactly what I was seeing! Mark, @Captain_Oblivious , this one’s for you… I give you….

The African Swallow. (Clearly, it was unladen. I did not clock its velocity.
And yes, I'm sure it was indeed a swallow by its tail and flight.)

Yes, I literally laughed out loud and thought that yes, I was indeed very anxious to get home and begin to share my adventures with all of you… my “other family”. (Is anyone even still reading? :confused3:confused3:confused3)

Before too long, I had written all I could and the waterfall, that was so lovely a few days ago, was all dried up, so I took a walk outside to see what else I could find. (Don't worry! Not very far- I basically stood at the entrance to our compound as I needed a chaperone to venture much further.) The children on the street were shouting and smiling at me and that’s when I learned my first Creole word. No, it wasn’t a swear word. I have been called those before, but today I was, “Ah-pah-toe Fee-nah”!!

“Apato-Fena, Apato-Fena!!!!” “Pretty white girl, Pretty white girl!!”

I was touched and amused. When I waved at them, they shyly giggled and waved back. So sweet.

Around noon we were hungry, and it was obvious no one was going to feed us, so it was up to me. I’d packed a couple of pouches of tuna and asked if someone could go out and grab some bread for us. With the little rolls that were brought back, I made a couple of sandwiches and then cut them into thirds. It just didn’t feel right to eat them by ourselves when it was obvious those waiting with us were not going to get food anytime soon either.

Finally, FINALLY! At 2:00 the car came to get us, and we set off for the office where we had to stop to print off the manifests we’d made of the supplies in the suitcases we’d brought with us. It should have been done DAYS before, but we’d learned to roll with a different way of doing things. We’d not eaten anything since the sandwiches earlier (they were SMALL!) and by the time we had done what we needed to at the office we were very hungry again. Someone went out to get a couple of schwarma for us from the same place we’d eaten on our first full day in Sierra Leone. I cannot describe how delicious these were. Then again, Top Ramen would have been the most delicious meal I’d ever eaten right about then too.

***warning, a paragraph with boring World History coming your way***

After we’d eaten, we left for the warehouse again to meet up with all of the others who would be convoying with us to the village. On the way, I couldn’t help but notice a very different style of home in a particular district.

I, being the curious sort, asked about why they were so very unique among all the other homes we were seeing. If you recall, Sierra Leone was ruled as a British Protectorate in the late 1800s and was the destination of many freed slaves or land given to mercenaries fighting in the Napoleonic Wars. Hence the name “FREETOWN”. In short, Freetown has a long history of British influence and was even the home of the Empire’s African areas for a time. It also (still) has the oldest Western-style university on the African continent. This paragraph below from Wiki further on confirmed what I’d been told. Come to find out, these homes were the remnants of those homes built by Nova Scotian folks during that Colonial period, so were very, very, VERY old.

From Wiki...

“On 24 August 1792, the Black Poor or Old Settlers of the second Granville Town were incorporated into the new Sierra Leone Colony but remained at Granville Town.[33] It survived being pillaged by the French in 1794, and was rebuilt by the Nova Scotian settlers. By 1798, Freetown had 300–400 houses with architecture resembling that of the American South, with 3- to 4-foot stone foundations and wooden superstructures. Eventually this style of housing (brought by the Nova Scotians) would be the model for the 'bod oses' of their Creole descendants.”

“Bod oses” means “Board Houses”.

There, that oughtta make my Canadian readers feel proud! @Terra Nova guy , clearly you have quality architecture if it can withstand 250 years of tropical weather.

Another thing I noticed on our way was an ENORMOUS, and I mean that in every possible sense of the word, tree that stood towering over everything around it. I pointed it out after I lost view, but everyone in the car knew exactly the tree I was referring to. I won’t go into its history or story but will instead refer you to this if you are interested. We passed it too quickly for me to get a photo, but there is one here:

It has some of the coolest history evuh!! Think American Thanksgiving- I promise you won’t be sorry you read this very short article. I mean if a tree has its very own WikiPage, you know it's gonna be awesome!

A few more shots along the way:

While we loitered, waiting for everyone to show up and the truck to finish getting loaded, I found this to be amusing. Yes, I’m that juvenile. It shouldn't need too much translation…

In all, 6 vehicles would be traveling including a big truck with all of our supplies. Our leader wanted this to be a big deal so had made up printed placards for all of the cars. You have to understand some things here- a bit of culture and backstory…

For them, an outreach and donation of this size is a huge, big deal. Especially this particular one as it has quite a story to go along with it.

The Founder and CEO of our organization grew up in the village we would be going to first and spending the majority of our time. He, like all the other people still living there, are, quite literally, some of the poorest people on earth. They farm (BY HAND!) all of their crops, they make, yes, you heard me right, MAKE their own coal to cook with, eat one meal of rice, except on very rare occasions, every day, and live to be about 40. Ahmed had no shoes until he was 18 years old. One day when he was 13, he went to his father and told him he could not live that way and did not want to become a farmer for the rest of his life. He would leave that very day and seek a better life. He told them, his mother and father, that he would someday return, walked 8 miles to the highway and hitch-hiked to Freetown. That day.

He found a job doing laundry for an Indian man who sponsored him to go to school. He worked and studied hard, and eventually found himself doing other jobs and making other connections. When he was 18, he was invited by that same Indian man to go to India to study at university and, being an incredibly charismatic and sharp businessman, Ahmed started his first business. His success story only continued to grow from there, but he never lost sight of his life’s mission: to return to his home to bless and develop his little village, Mayola, into something wonderful.

To add a bit more backstory, Ahmed’s father passed away before he could return there. This broke his heart, but only served to strengthen his resolve to work hard and return to be a part of lifting his village out of poverty. He now lives in Maryland with his wife and children and spearheads much of what the organization does in Sierra Leone. PM me if you would like to read more. I do know they recently bought a tractor to finally be able to farm a community tract of land that Ahmed bought himself (200 acres or so?) for village food resource security. Huge!!!!!

Ahmed fulfilled his promise to return, and now does so as a celebrated hero. His first visit back was only 2 years ago but was only for a single day. This time, with us beside him, he returned to his village again with near demi-god status. I will pick up the rest of his story in the next chapter, for I am out of time for tonight Friends. Next time, I will continue with our convoy, the long, long, long, long road to Mayola, and the welcome we received as we got there. I think it will touch your hearts… it certainly did mine.

I leave you with the requisite lizard shot- I just couldn't help myself. ;)

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So it shouldn't be a problem then.

No. Besides I need to put more episodes of The Crown on my queue.

You'll need it! That ain't cheap!

So, newsflash!!!!!

I decided on my Happy Birthday to me gift!!

I've been studying my little tooshie off (I wish I could say it really did that) and registered for my written exam on May 7th. If I pass, Happy Birthday to me Gift #1. The very next day, ON MY BIRTHDAY, I will have my very first loggable flight time with a CFI...

to the tune of $96/hr for the Cessna 150 and $58/hr for 2 hours of CFI time. That's roughly $220 for my first 2 hours. I need 40 hours. I could go to Southern Italy easily on this. I have no idea what I was thinking. :guilty:

Yes, it'll be worth it, but oy:scared:

I don't have to guess which one it is.


No thanks. I've tried 4 different flavours so far. Didn't mind the ginger, but can't drink much at once.
And the Strawberry daiquiri was... horrible.

EWW, no, that really does sound horrible. I like the chai spice one.
It really does. I remember walking from our hotel to Disneyland and we started to hear music as we got closer, and Julie said, "Ok, I'm feeling it now. It's starting to feel like Disney."

I think my favorite BGM is the stuff in Future World at EPCOT. Very cool orchestral there!

Probably. But hey, something's gotta kill you. Might as well die happy.

Goin' down fat and in flames, but hey, it's a great way to go!

I've been playing for years and still let non-Disney words slip out.

And then they throw random places with sand or water. No wonder the bar at the end of the course is such a popular place. :rolleyes:
No worries, I'm pretty fond of your fair country! And I can definitely do my share of gushing about Canada when prompted.

So... what are your favorite things about Canada?

This sounds so lovely. I'm never in this area of the park at this time, so I've never seen it. But maybe I'll have to make some time for it next trip and pay respects.

I think worth it once, even just to get a dose of public respect. :)

I found this weird the times we've eaten here, too!

It seems to out of place. Like I get it at Whispering Canyon or maybe Prime Time where things are more interactive, but a place where it's all Pilgrims and Separatists and whatnot?

Hallelujah! That must have been such an appreciated blessing!

And yet a sadly short lived one. :(

Oh man...tough choice...

Yes, very. ON the bright side, I didn't get any stomach illness at all.


This is amazing.

I was so soooooooooo thrilled to be part of it all!

These things happen when everyone is at their limits. Sometimes we say or do things we shouldn't, and you definitely weren't yourself with how much you were enduring physically and mentally. We make mistakes, and we do whatever we can to apologize and make it right, and then we move on. Thanks for your continued transparency in all your reports!! :hug:

Another "transparency moment" in the next chapter...

Teehehe that's where my mind went, too!


Hey! It's Bob AND Larry!!!

No way! Now I know who I'm going to have to go check out later this week...did my undergrad in western art music and love me some solo piano...

You were!?! So you have a degree already! In what?

This guy!! He's the one who singled out Nathan and me and put a curse upon our relationship to have 10 babies!!

But man, that guy can perform!! :goodvibes

He is an outstanding performer! And, okay, that is super funny! :lmao:

Haha I never would have thought that looking at this picture!! Now some of my recent photopass photos, however, have given that distinct impression. Especially when I've got a nice food baby going on after a good Disney meal. And being a newlywed, it certainly wouldn't be out of the question. Fortunately, I haven't had people asking me when I'm due just yet.

It's a talent to look 9 months along... at 50! :lmao:
I'm pretty fond of your fair country except your bacon isn't bacon, it's too stinkin' cold, you let @pkondz in and when I ran out of gas on the Alcan highway in the middle of the night.

Three of those four are true. (Or maybe I should say three of those are actual things I don't/didn't care for about Canada).

Your run out of gas story sounds a lot like our cross-Crapistan carburator freeze-up story. The night we almost died.


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