Life After Marathons: A Running/barre3/Coffee/Life Journal

By the way ... Paradise Pier was the same way. People complained that it was the same as any amusement park you'd find on the California coast ... which was the point. It was meant to pay homage to that part of California's history.
And now it will be a Pixar Pier that you can only find in DCA ;)

As someone who loves theming and design. Pixar Pier is a mess. That said I don’t want to overtake your journal with that discussion. Back to coffee and running!
And now it will be a Pixar Pier that you can only find in DCA ;)

As someone who loves theming and design. Pixar Pier is a mess. That said I don’t want to overtake your journal with that discussion. Back to coffee and running!

If you do want to complain about Pixar Pier, this is a safe space.
I love Pixar, but ... I think both Paradise Pier and my favorite Pixar characters deserve better.
I forgot that today is double star day. Do I go to Starbucks for the double stars? Or do I stick with the original plan of dunkin donuts, where I have to pay by credit card (which I'm fine with) because the app gives me issues every time i try to refill my card?
I went to Starbucks because it’s double star day. I cheated on coffee though. I got an unsweetened passion tea lemonade with raspberry syrup. It’s starting to be that time of year here in FL where the heat & any type of milk (dairy, soy & almond) makes me feel icky.
I went to Starbucks because it’s double star day. I cheated on coffee though. I got an unsweetened passion tea lemonade with raspberry syrup. It’s starting to be that time of year here in FL where the heat & any type of milk (dairy, soy & almond) makes me feel icky.

Anything that gets you double stars counts.
I meanwhile, went Dunkin Donuts. Which was a mistake, because I dont think the guy taking my order understood what I was asking for. Grr.
Somehow I missed some notifications in here... I remember looking at pictures tank tops and then all of the sudden people are talking about moving to California! What??

I got a venti iced latte today for double star day. I never ever get venti unless it's a reward and usually I'm sharing sips with my hubby then. But... give me alllll of the caffeine today. All of it.

How was your dunkin latte?
I am gonna have to bring it back up -- sorry y'all! Disneyland is my favorite park of all the parks. The first time I ever stepped foot inside DCA was when I did the Disneyland 10k in 2014. That is the only time I ever actually loved DCA. I remember being in awe of it. I smiled the whole time. (Bonus, my cousin designed Cars Land, so I was like really excited to finally see that.) But as a park itself, especially after changing the ToT (still bitter), I am like meh about it. We Disney on a budget usually and don't splurge on park hoppers, so if we are doing a trip to DL we are only going to DL itself. The pier is okay, the roller coaster is awesome but Bay can't ride it yet. The rides are all pretty meh. Cars is the best ride there and the line is always ridiculous. So anyway, gimme Disneyland all day. As for Pixar Pier, I am not overly excited for it. I want it to be done so we can make a Disney trip this summer and check it out. I am more excited about Toy Story Land at HS, tbh.

ANYWAY. It is 1pm and I just finished my morning coffee. And that's about how my day is going. Haha.
Somehow I missed some notifications in here... I remember looking at pictures tank tops and then all of the sudden people are talking about moving to California! What??

We change topics fast around here.

I got a venti iced latte today for double star day. I never ever get venti unless it's a reward and usually I'm sharing sips with my hubby then. But... give me alllll of the caffeine today. All of it.

I know the feeling...
(But that's lots of extra stars- yay!)

How was your dunkin latte?

It was aight. Not great, but not terrible.

I am gonna have to bring it back up -- sorry y'all! Disneyland is my favorite park of all the parks. The first time I ever stepped foot inside DCA was when I did the Disneyland 10k in 2014. That is the only time I ever actually loved DCA. I remember being in awe of it. I smiled the whole time. (Bonus, my cousin designed Cars Land, so I was like really excited to finally see that.) But as a park itself, especially after changing the ToT (still bitter), I am like meh about it. We Disney on a budget usually and don't splurge on park hoppers, so if we are doing a trip to DL we are only going to DL itself. The pier is okay, the roller coaster is awesome but Bay can't ride it yet. The rides are all pretty meh. Cars is the best ride there and the line is always ridiculous. So anyway, gimme Disneyland all day. As for Pixar Pier, I am not overly excited for it. I want it to be done so we can make a Disney trip this summer and check it out. I am more excited about Toy Story Land at HS, tbh.

I'm not sure we can be friends...

ANYWAY. It is 1pm and I just finished my morning coffee. And that's about how my day is going. Haha.

Well that sounds like a super fun day.
My head is a jumbled mess right now.
Basically ... over the past few days I've been feeling like I'm not a "real" runner because I run much lower mileage than many other people.
I'm also trying to figure out cross training. I attempted to do a beginner pilates video on YouTube last night (this is a video I've done before, but not in a few months) ... emphasis on attemped. It did not go well.
Today I discovered that theres a barre place near my work and I've wanted to try barre for a while, but a) I dont know where it fits into my running schedule, and b) the beginner package is 3 classes for $60, and while that's a good price (single class is $35), what if I end up hating it after one class?
Also ... I know I should just be thinking about my current plan, but I cant stop thinking about future things, and then freaking myself out about future goals.
I'm just super confused about literally everything.

At least there's pizza for dinner and beer in the fridge.
My head is a jumbled mess right now.
Basically ... over the past few days I've been feeling like I'm not a "real" runner because I run much lower mileage than many other people.
I'm also trying to figure out cross training. I attempted to do a beginner pilates video on YouTube last night (this is a video I've done before, but not in a few months) ... emphasis on attemped. It did not go well.
Today I discovered that theres a barre place near my work and I've wanted to try barre for a while, but a) I dont know where it fits into my running schedule, and b) the beginner package is 3 classes for $60, and while that's a good price (single class is $35), what if I end up hating it after one class?
Also ... I know I should just be thinking about my current plan, but I cant stop thinking about future things, and then freaking myself out about future goals.
I'm just super confused about literally everything.

At least there's pizza for dinner and beer in the fridge.
I try and tell people that comment that running a marathon seems really intimidating, that it is all built up gradually. At this point, the end goal can seem impossible, but when you look at it on a week by week basis, the miles slowly add up. ‘Oh, I have 14 miles on my schedule? That’s only one more mile than I ran last week. I can do that!’ And if/since you are using a DopeyBadger Plan, you’re longest run may not be anywhere near 26.2 miles, but you’re total miles for the week will probably be close to/the same/more than what it would be if you were using a plan that had a 20 mile long run (or at least mine are).

TL;DR - You can do it. Don’t let the end goal scare you away when it is a gradual process getting there.
My head is a jumbled mess right now.
Basically ... over the past few days I've been feeling like I'm not a "real" runner because I run much lower mileage than many other people.

At least there's pizza for dinner and beer in the fridge.
Although you may be intimidated by someone else's mileage, there may be many more people out there just as intimidated by yours.Edited to add you are a very real runner.

Pizza and beer are always good. Even when they're bad they're still good.
My head is a jumbled mess right now.
Basically ... over the past few days I've been feeling like I'm not a "real" runner because I run much lower mileage than many other people.
I'm also trying to figure out cross training. I attempted to do a beginner pilates video on YouTube last night (this is a video I've done before, but not in a few months) ... emphasis on attemped. It did not go well.
Today I discovered that theres a barre place near my work and I've wanted to try barre for a while, but a) I dont know where it fits into my running schedule, and b) the beginner package is 3 classes for $60, and while that's a good price (single class is $35), what if I end up hating it after one class?
Also ... I know I should just be thinking about my current plan, but I cant stop thinking about future things, and then freaking myself out about future goals.
I'm just super confused about literally everything.

At least there's pizza for dinner and beer in the fridge.

I did barre classes for a whole year. You Will absolutely hate the first class because it’s hard. But after a few it does get easier as you know the routine and what to expect. I found it really helped my core and my flexibility. I only stopped because money as DH cringed at 155 dollars a month and I agreed.

I also couldn’t imagine running a marathon after my very slow 3 miles today so you are def a real runner in my book.
It's hard to not get caught up in other people's numbers, especially since we are all so open with sharing our accomplishments. But we are all on different paths at different places doing different things. The numbers, whether distance or pace, do not make you a real runner. The fact that you go out there and DO IT makes you a real runner. <3

My head is a jumbled mess right now.
Basically ... over the past few days I've been feeling like I'm not a "real" runner because I run much lower mileage than many other people.
I'm also trying to figure out cross training. I attempted to do a beginner pilates video on YouTube last night (this is a video I've done before, but not in a few months) ... emphasis on attemped. It did not go well.
Today I discovered that theres a barre place near my work and I've wanted to try barre for a while, but a) I dont know where it fits into my running schedule, and b) the beginner package is 3 classes for $60, and while that's a good price (single class is $35), what if I end up hating it after one class?
Also ... I know I should just be thinking about my current plan, but I cant stop thinking about future things, and then freaking myself out about future goals.
I'm just super confused about literally everything.

At least there's pizza for dinner and beer in the fridge.

I don't know many "fake runners" who spend ~4 hours a week running. You're definitely a real runner regardless of pace, goal distance, miles per week, duration, and on and on and on. You tie up your shoe laces just like Des Linden does. You go out there and run easy on some days and hard on other days just like Des. You have good days and bad days just like Des. Sometimes you meet your goals and sometimes you don't just like Des. And just like Des, if you keep trying, then you'll attain those future goals of yours. I mean heck, I can't even run much more than 200m that Des can run 26.2 miles for.

You could check out the McMillan Core Routine that I'm doing. It's only $5 a year with tons of videos that slowly build up. I don't have the strongest core and I've found most of the workouts attainable. It's also nice that it's slowly progressive.
I try and tell people that comment that running a marathon seems really intimidating, that it is all built up gradually. At this point, the end goal can seem impossible, but when you look at it on a week by week basis, the miles slowly add up. ‘Oh, I have 14 miles on my schedule? That’s only one more mile than I ran last week. I can do that!’ And if/since you are using a DopeyBadger Plan, you’re longest run may not be anywhere near 26.2 miles, but you’re total miles for the week will probably be close to/the same/more than what it would be if you were using a plan that had a 20 mile long run (or at least mine are).

TL;DR - You can do it. Don’t let the end goal scare you away when it is a gradual process getting there.

Thank you.
So ... I think what's messing me up so much is not distance, but setting unrealistic goals. Like, right now I'm thinking about running a sub-1hr 10K in 2019 .... except that my PR for 10K is 1:05:36 and I haven't even gotten to the sub-40 4 miler yet. So instead of focusing on the goals that I know I can work to achieve (like marathon, which I know is just a process), I'm giving myself unrealistic goals like being able to shave a lot of time off of my paces in a short period (and I'm going to be focusing on distance more than speed during that period).
So basically, instead of focusing on the goals that I'm supposed to be working towards, in my head I'm setting unrealistic goals that I know I can't meet.

Although you may be intimidated by someone else's mileage, there may be many more people out there just as intimidated by yours.Edited to add you are a very real runner.

Thank you.
I think mileage was probably the wrong word for me to use, it's just how it manifested in my head. The issue is more that I don't dedicate an adequate percentage of my available time to running. There are people who work more hours than I do and have kids and volunteer obligations and a million other things that I don't have, but still find time to run 1-2 hours every day. Most weeks I have more rest days than run days, and even on run days, I rarely run more than an hour. If I was serious about running, I'd be willing to dedicate more time to it.
So what right do I have to call myself a runner when people who have less free time than I do spend more of that free time running?

Pizza and beer are always good. Even when they're bad they're still good.


I did barre classes for a whole year. You Will absolutely hate the first class because it’s hard. But after a few it does get easier as you know the routine and what to expect. I found it really helped my core and my flexibility. I only stopped because money as DH cringed at 155 dollars a month and I agreed.

Hmm ... so maybe the 3 classes is a good idea, because that way I'll be forced to go back even if I hate it the first time because I paid for two more classes, so I'll have more time to learn to like it.
The price for monthly at this place is $175, I think. But I'd probably only go once a week, so I'd buy either individual classes or a multi-class package. But still, not cheap.

I also couldn’t imagine running a marathon after my very slow 3 miles today so you are def a real runner in my book.

Thank you. Until about 6 months ago, I couldn't imagine running a marathon, so ... you're not alone in that thought.

It's hard to not get caught up in other people's numbers, especially since we are all so open with sharing our accomplishments. But we are all on different paths at different places doing different things. The numbers, whether distance or pace, do not make you a real runner. The fact that you go out there and DO IT makes you a real runner. <3

I get what you're saying about being on different paths. But I feel like I'm not doing enough, but I just don't have any interest in giving more and doing more. So what right do I have to consider myself a runner when I'm not willing to do what it takes to reach the next level?

(Although I don't know if you'd approve of my beer ... I might be too mainstream for some people's tastes.)

I don't know many "fake runners" who spend ~4 hours a week running. You're definitely a real runner regardless of pace, goal distance, miles per week, duration, and on and on and on. You tie up your shoe laces just like Des Linden does. You go out there and run easy on some days and hard on other days just like Des. You have good days and bad days just like Des. Sometimes you meet your goals and sometimes you don't just like Des. And just like Des, if you keep trying, then you'll attain those future goals of yours. I mean heck, I can't even run much more than 200m that Des can run 26.2 miles for.

Well ... I very rarely run 4 hours a week, so ... #fakenews. And I think you're going to love making my marathon plan, which will consist of a few hours on Sundays, and like 15 minutes on the treadmill during the week. Des may have good days and bad days, but at least she's dedicated to working hard to do better. As you've recently discovered ... I'm perfectly fine with being mediocre and I don't have any interest in exploring my full potential.
Also, I don't even drink coffee like Des ... I buy my coffee pre-ground in a store. I don't pick out the beans and roast them myself.

You could check out the McMillan Core Routine that I'm doing. It's only $5 a year with tons of videos that slowly build up. I don't have the strongest core and I've found most of the workouts attainable. It's also nice that it's slowly progressive.

And you make it sound so fun with all the side planks with leg lifts and assorted other difficult things.

Sorry guys ... this is a little depressing. I just feel like I'm not dedicated enough to running to be any good at it, but I'm too dedicated to running to explore other exercise ideas. So, as per usual, I'm stuck.
Well firstly, I hope your pizza was delish and your beer cold :)

The issue is more that I don't dedicate an adequate percentage of my available time to running.
Whoa girl... Who gets to define what’s adequate these days?? Just because someone does more than you does not make you “less than.”

So what right do I have to call myself a runner when people who have less free time than I do spend more of that free time running?
To continue with what I was saying... your free time is your free time! You have other priorities and that’s just fine. I often prioritize hanging out on the couch with my husband over running longer (or at all). Those people running longer than you probably have their own guilt of what they are or aren’t doing. You do you.

If I was serious about running, I'd be willing to dedicate more time to it.
Why does running have to be so serious?? Run for fun! It should be adding to your life, not making it stressful. Running is just 1 part of who you are, not your entire identity!

Sorry guys ... this is a little depressing. I just feel like I'm not dedicated enough to running to be any good at it, but I'm too dedicated to running to explore other exercise ideas. So, as per usual, I'm stuck.

So I actually stayed away from yesterday’s mileage question. I added up my miles last month and was really happy with the total. Then... I compared. Which is terrible! “Comparison is the thief of joy” and we should all be focusing on what brings us joy. So if that’s running 2 miles or 20 miles or no miles on a day, do what brings you joy.
Well firstly, I hope your pizza was delish and your beer cold :)

Thank you. :)

Whoa girl... Who gets to define what’s adequate these days?? Just because someone does more than you does not make you “less than.”

So ... me. I'm not convinced that I dedicate enough of my free time to running.

To continue with what I was saying... your free time is your free time! You have other priorities and that’s just fine. I often prioritize hanging out on the couch with my husband over running longer (or at all). Those people running longer than you probably have their own guilt of what they are or aren’t doing. You do you.

The issue is ... I don't have other priorities. It would be one thing if I was working on personal projects or spending time with other people. But I'm not ... I'm generally just wasting time. I could run for an extra half an hour before work and still make it in on time, but I don't because I set an imaginary limit for how much time I want to spend running. It's not that I'm doing other things instead of running that bothers me ... it's that I'm doing nothing.

Why does running have to be so serious?? Run for fun! It should be adding to your life, not making it stressful. Running is just 1 part of who you are, not your entire identity!

I'm going to avoid going down the rabbit hole of whether or not I have an identity :)

So I actually stayed away from yesterday’s mileage question. I added up my miles last month and was really happy with the total. Then... I compared. Which is terrible! “Comparison is the thief of joy” and we should all be focusing on what brings us joy. So if that’s running 2 miles or 20 miles or no miles on a day, do what brings you joy.

My problem is ... I'm not happy with my total. It's a much lower number than I'd like. Last month's mileage is very far from bringing me joy.


Anyway ... long story short, I have no idea why I'm running right now, but unless something major changes, I can't stop.

I am going to take a few steps to hopefully ease some of the frustration that I'm associating with running right now:
1 - Remove myself from running-related discussions. I will still be reading people's journals (and commenting when I can) because to me that's more supporting friends than talking about running, but ... no more Running Thread and no more facebook running group (I haven't left the group, but I'm snoozing posts)
2 - Minimal tracking. I will still use my Garmin, and I will still track monthly mileage and shoe mileage, but no more running journal where I track splits, notes, etc. My weekly reports that I send Coach @DopeyBadger will probably just be screenshots and links to Strava. Right now, I don't think I have the mental capacity to really keep track of my running.
3 - No personal projects relating to running. On Sunday I started building a running tracking web app. That will get dropped. Maybe I'll want to come back to it in a few months, but for right now, I need to start a non-running personal project so that I'm spending time on something other than running.
4 - If 1-3 don't work ... consider dropping the marathon distance. I don't know if I'd still go to WDW for the 5K/10K (or if I'd skip marathon weekend and do princess instead), I'll decide that if it happens (this is a last resort type situation), but I think the marathon distance is part of what has gotten me into this situation, and if I can't get myself out of it another way, I may have to sacrifice my marathon goals.

I'm sure I'm going to regret all of this, but ... right now I feel like I have to do something. And this is what I came up with.
Hey guys...

So, I'm feeling a little better today. Still not great, but better.

I've always seen myself as a casual runner. Which is perfectly fine. I've also always thought that marathon runners are not casual runners. Which is fine, because I never planned to run a marathon anyway.
But then suddenly I turned around and I was planning to run two marathons. Which is something casual runners dont do in my mind. So I'm having a huge conflict between the races I want to do and how I see myself as a runner.
The way I see it, I have three options for how to resolve the conflict:
1 - Figure out why I want to run the marathons. If I have a good reason, then it's easier to ignore the conflict in my head
2 - Accept that casual runners can run marathons. They just do it super casually :)
3 - Accept that I might actually be a serious runner. How I'm going to manage to do this without running any more than I did when I was a casual runner is going to be interesting l, but it's an option.

Writing my marathon update, which came at the same time as some life stuff (the work computer is staying at work tonight...I cannot deal with working at night three nights in a row), kinda just brought this all to the forefront.

In more important news ... people who cold brew (I know I'm not the only one here) - do you use store bought grounds or grind your own beans? What beans do you use? I've been using the Acme supermarket hmbrand house blend, and it's kinda tasteless. I just put up another batch because those are the grounds I have in the house, but ... this is not working for me.
You run, you are a runner! I get it on reading so much of other people's running 'diaries' & how it can get you down about what you are doing. (Sort of there myself but not with training but basically life, I need to step away from some social media groups myself where people run all these races and travel all the time for them) If you have the mind & will you can become a marathon runner of whateve type you want to be. I have been running since I was 13/14 and I've been competitive, casual, didn't race at all.....always running at least for excerise,... then now I'm back to I've got time goals. Anyway, casual or competivite or whatever, you are a runner :)
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Sorry guys ... this is a little depressing. I just feel like I'm not dedicated enough to running to be any good at it, but I'm too dedicated to running to explore other exercise ideas. So, as per usual, I'm stuck.

Who is defining both "enough" and "good" for you? You, right? But you're defining it based on what you're seeing from others. Not what you're seeing in terms of your own personal improvement and growth. Are you a better runner than you were a year ago?

Also, question: what would be the worst that would happen if you DID dedicate more time to it? The way I'm reading your post, you sound like you're beating yourself up because PART of you wants to do more, and PART of you is drawing a line. What happens if you test the waters on the other side of the line? Maybe you hate it and realize that you are currently giving all of yourself that you are willing to give to running. And that's totally OK. That doesn't make you less of a runner, that makes you someone who is practical with your time and emotional/physical needs as they are today. Or, maybe you're ok with it, and you feel like it's ok for that line to move a little.

I'm sorry to see that you were in a funk though. I totally get it. I've been angst-y towards running this week myself. Also glad to see that you're feeling a little better today, and I LOVE this list (your point three gets to my point above, but I didn't see it until just now :))

The way I see it, I have three options for how to resolve the conflict:
1 - Figure out why I want to run the marathons. If I have a good reason, then it's easier to ignore the conflict in my head
2 - Accept that casual runners can run marathons. They just do it super casually :)
3 - Accept that I might actually be a serious runner. How I'm going to manage to do this without running any more than I did when I was a casual runner is going to be interesting l, but it's an option.

RE: cold brew: we have a local coffee shop that we like. we switched to grinding our own beans for regular morning coffee years ago and won't look back. BUT, we do have the coffee shop grind the beans we use for cold brew (which are a different "flavor" that the beans we get for morning coffee). Different grind setting, and it doesn't matter to us as much how "freshly" ground the cold brew beans are. That said, we only buy what we'll use in a week or two.


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