Disneyland getting rid of lids for adult drinks & staws on ask only basis.

Those plastic items you're referencing were never "free" to begin with. They were figured into the cost of your meal purchase. Just because it isn't itemized on your receipt doesn't mean you're not paying for it.
So we can expect a small decrease in drink prices then? Because my money is on an increase just like normal.
Those plastic items you're referencing were never "free" to begin with. They were figured into the cost of your meal purchase. Just because it isn't itemized on your receipt doesn't mean you're not paying for .

So Disney is going to reduce the prices a little then, Right?

They are doing this to increase profits. Most of those toys will end up in the land fill as well but they are highly profitable. The only difference between the two is one is highly profitable and the other is not.

But I agree that waste should be reduced, I just don't think that waste is Disney's motivating factor here. If it were the high profit plastics toys would also be gone.

But under current Disney management the monthly must have plastic popcorn bucket seems to be increasing. Kind of hypocritical of Disney that they want to take away every day conveniences for their consumers under the guise that it's all about the environment.

If it's only about the environment then make the new toys out of wood, eating utensils out of metal, cups out of glass and plates out of ceramics.

That would truly be NorCal crunchy Prius time. But it would cost a lot of money in materials and manpower to maintain it all and Disney is a for profit corporation which I don't begrudge them for one second.

I just wish sometimes they didn't go pee pee on the consumers leg and tell them its raining. Just be upfront and honest about it. Nobody is going to fault them for that.
So Disney is going to reduce the prices a little then, Right?

They are doing this to increase profits. Most of those toys will end up in the land fill as well but they are highly profitable. The only difference between the two is one is highly profitable and the other is not.

But I agree that waste should be reduced, I just don't think that waste is Disney's motivating factor here. If it were the high profit plastics toys would also be gone.

But under current Disney management the monthly must have plastic popcorn bucket seems to be increasing. Kind of hypocritical of Disney that they want to take away every day conveniences for their consumers under the guise that it's all about the environment.

If it's only about the environment then make the new toys out of wood, eating utensils out of metal, cups out of glass and plates out of ceramics.

That would truly be NorCal crunchy Prius time. But it would cost a lot of money in materials and manpower to maintain it all and Disney is a for profit corporation which I don't begrudge them for one second.

I just wish sometimes they didn't go pee pee on the consumers leg and tell them its raining. Just be upfront and honest about it. Nobody is going to fault them for that.

I don't think it's 100% for profit, but that's part of the upside for them, of course.

Can you imagine if they put out a statement saying they wanted to increase profits, so therefore they are eliminating one use plastics in their food service? People already lose their minds at everything they do, so I don't blame them for not putting it out there if increasing profits is a big factor here. PR and all that.
I'm interested in this, hopefully DIS does coverage. No issues, but wonder if a refillable container could be used instead of a lidless cup. It would be awesome if both coasts implemented a refillable cup option useable at all restaurants and resorts. It might be a slight inconvenience to transport them and wash them, but it's worth exploring.

My biggest issue with the refillable resort mug at WDW was the lack of soap at the wash stations- really grossed me out. One of the resort security guards dumped my drink all over and wouldn't let me go back out and through again without examining my bag again. Those were my only two issues though, so overall positive review. It was unfortunate it couldn't also be used in the park.

I'm ok with no bags if I know ahead of time to bring my own. In California that's usually the case at most stores so I tend to bring one with me.
Starbucks already does this I don't see why Disney can't do the same.

Probably because they are very different things. People buy their coffee and get in their car or walk to the office. You’re not carrying it around all day like at Disney. I’m not going to carry around a refillable cup, it’s going to be one more thing I don’t want to carry and it’s going to be sticky. I don’t want to argue with the kids over what to put into it, like putting coke in when it had orange soda last and hasn’t been cleaned because where am I going to do that? Even the kids complain about how many paper towels it takes to dry our hands dry in the bathroom after they switched to low quality paper towels that don’t work. It’s easy to buy and share a soda with meals but if lids and straws are gone we will just stick to the bottles. Not nearly as easy to share and leads to far more spills though so not nearly as convenient.
Well , i guess ill go to the dollar store and buy a few of those big plastic tumblers with the hard plastic straws. No biggie..ill just dump my drink in that and give the empty back to the mouse. He can recycle it. Ill justneed to remember to bring an empty shopping bag. Like the 25+ bags i forget when i go grocery shopping. Lol
I don't go to Starbucks much but I heard they are also planning to do away with straws and I was wondering how will people drink the frozen frappuccinos without a straw?

Same for Disneyland with frozen drinks like Rita's Margaritas. Have they said what they are going to do with frozen drinks? I hope they don't had out plastic spoons instead. LOL
Keep in mind this is all about a paradigm shift in thinking about single use disposable items.

I live in pretty progressive oceanfront town with a lot of the "bans" mentioned above. The bag ban was the first what the heck moment...now I keep a few reusable bags in the car and it is second nature and I will decline a bag even if offered in other cities. If I buy a a shirt...I can carry it to my car without the assistance of two handles in a bag that will just be thrown away. When I go to a quick serve restaurant at home...why get a lid a straw to just sit down then throw it out before walking out the door? I am a big boy and can drink from a cup like an adult.

There is a time a place...and need...for bags, lids, straws and plastics...but we now have a wasteful society that exists just because we can and it is cheap and the process and impact of manufacturing to disposal is invisible to most.

It all has to wind up somewhere.
I don't go to Starbucks much but I heard they are also planning to do away with straws and I was wondering how will people drink the frozen frappuccinos without a straw?

Same for Disneyland with frozen drinks like Rita's Margaritas. Have they said what they are going to do with frozen drinks? I hope they don't had out plastic spoons instead. LOL
Starbucks products are compostable or recyclable.
I can't remember the last time that I got a drink at Disneyland in anything but a bottle.
Take out containers are mostly compostable and some are just recyclable. Compostable utensles are provided for those who need them. Some restaurants will give you a discount for providing your own containers.

I keep a set of silverware, a large bowl, and a large tumbler at work for eating out. I always carry a camping spork, insulated water bottle and insulated coffee mug in my backpack when I go out.

It really isn’t that hard to conserve a considerable amount of landfill trash.

How does this relate to inside the parks at DL and DCA?
Keep in mind this is all about a paradigm shift in thinking about single use disposable items.

I live in pretty progressive oceanfront town with a lot of the "bans" mentioned above. The bag ban was the first what the heck moment...now I keep a few reusable bags in the car and it is second nature and I will decline a bag even if offered in other cities. If I buy a a shirt...I can carry it to my car without the assistance of two handles in a bag that will just be thrown away. When I go to a quick serve restaurant at home...why get a lid a straw to just sit down then throw it out before walking out the door? I am a big boy and can drink from a cup like an adult.

There is a time a place...and need...for bags, lids, straws and plastics...but we now have a wasteful society that exists just because we can and it is cheap and the process and impact of manufacturing to disposal is invisible to most.

It all has to wind up somewhere.

Walking around Disneyland is where you do need a lid and a straw on most drinks.
How does this relate to inside the parks at DL and DCA?
It doesn't. Someone asked how cities that don't allow landfill items to be used for take out manage with soups and other liquidy items. Or what do you do if you don't have your own utensils with you.

I think it would be great if Disney offered discounted or free refills with reusable cups.
I was wondering about that. How are we supposed to drink Rita's Frozen margarita without a straw? Just to play it safe, in October we will bring our straws from Arizona. :)

I'm all for conservation, but whoever decided this must not ever have purchased a drink for a 3 year old. I do carry silicone straws to use, but no lids? ha.

Just to be clear, they will have lids and straws. You just have to request it. As for having a straw for your frap, they will have it for those. Starbucks will just no long put the straw in, and they have the lids like sippy cups for liquid drinks.

I spent a fair amount of time at Stanford a couple years ago while my s-dad was hospitalized. They were ahead of the times, and everything you got there was compostable. Food boxes, utensils, straws, everything. ANd it was actually pretty good. Disney is very green already, this is just going one step further. They pride themselves on going green.

While everyone was up in arms about the bags a couple years ago, we don't even think about it now. Many counties in California, Florida, Hawaii, and Washington have already banned them. Again, I will wait and see how it goes. The plastic bags didn't hurt as bad as I expected.
Interesting how this is a big deal to so many. Living on the West coast, we recycle and use reusable grocery bags. Not a big deal. I bring a hydro flask to the parks, which is more convenient than always looking around for a place to get water. But I bring it wherever I go and have it in my car. We stopped using disposable straws at home long ago. I think it’s a good change, whether their intention is to save money or not.
Just to be clear, they will have lids and straws. You just have to request it.
I'm not sure that's confirmed yet. There were already reports of requests being turned down on the WDW side. By request seems so simple and a nice compromise. Honestly, Disney should have just confirmed up front if that's what they were doing.
I'm not sure that's confirmed yet. There were already reports of requests being turned down on the WDW side. By request seems so simple and a nice compromise. Honestly, Disney should have just confirmed up front if that's what they were doing.

Disney's official statement on this policy was that STRAWS would continue to be available by request. They said nothing about lids though they will still offer them for KID'S sized drinks and hot beverages like coffee, tea, and hot chocolate.


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