Disneyland getting rid of lids for adult drinks & staws on ask only basis.

I wonder how the US will ever survive when in the future more and more companies (ordered by law or just because they are getting sustainibility in their system) will take actions like this. Straws and plastic bags are the beginning.

Better be prepared. ;-)
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I wonder how the US will ever survive when in the future more and more companies (ordered by law or just because they are getting sustainibility in their system) will take actions like this. Straws and plastic bags are the beginning.

Better be prepared.
does anyone really care about the straws. I understand about green washing. But really? I do like real green companies though like https://singita.com

If you look a the disABILITIES forum, you'll see posts about why some people are concerned and upset about the new policy on plastic straws. While there are alternatives out there and Disney has said they are willing to work on finding ways to help guests with disabilities, these changes can be upsetting for some people. It may take a little while for some guests to find alternatives that work best for their families.
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I beg to differ. It's a pain in the neck to remember to grab those personal bags out of my car as I head to the store. Plus, you know how meat leaks sometimes? Not to mention the condensation of cold items in warm weather. Well, it makes for nasty, smelly bags. And I'm supposed to put new food in that bag the next time I shop? No thank you.

You wash them. I mean really.

Not all kids want kid sized drinks. So, if my kid wants an "adult" sized beverage, there's no lid? And then, while attempting to take a drink while walking in a queue he runs into the guy in front of him and you've got a big mess.

If the kid is old.enough to want/be allowed an adult size drink, they are old enough to drink without a straw or lid.

When I go to Disneyland, it is always crowded with people hurrying from one side of the park to another. People do bump into others. With a lid on a drink, not a problem, without a lid, a problem. I have been bumped standing out of the way, by kids and adults trying to get around groups of people and seen people get their drinks bumped time and again. So, lids do make a big difference in the parks.

Those plastic lids are so flimsy, they really dont do anything if someone bumps you.

Wow, please be careful when you fall off your high horse there. If you truly wanted turtles without straws jammed into their heads, yada yada, you would demand Disney to stop with all the plastic popcorn buckets, plastic toys in plastic containers, etc. Let them know to move from plastics to other earth friendly souvenirs, toys, etc.

I haven't heard of a turtle checking on popcorn buckets-have you?
If you look a the disABILITIES forum, you'll see posts about why some people are concerned and upset about the new policy on plastic straws. While there are alternatives out there and Disney has said they are willing to work on finding ways to help guests with disabilities, these changes can be upsetting for some people. It may take a little while for some guests to find alternatives that work best for their families.
As everyone knows I am disabled. I can understand the use of straws. In Australia we are starting to do this as well. The problem is we are having diminishing resources. And cannot just through out stuff. I believe if it does not diminish the customer experience why do it? I believe having my own take home - able soap is good for me because a, I paid for it b, it means I can take some of 'luxury' with me. And it reminds me of my stay. But I do not think we need all that packaging. Having said that. If straws create a good customer experience for you because they help you drink better or at all (and no I am not joking). there are reusable straws that you could use. Personally I would give anyone that has a disability a reusable straw that they can use per a person per a room. Simple unless there is some reason I have not thought of. I do think however we need to think of the practices and make sure its not just 'greenwashing' and actual 'green practices'
Plastic straws are not necessary. I am old enough that I can remember before we had plastic straws. We had paper straws. We used to chew them like gum when we were done with our drinks.

A couple years ago, I purchased stainless steel straws on Amazon. They are still there for sale. They are sturdy and they don't break/get holes, etc like plastic ones do. Best part of them is that you never run out of straws because you can wash and use again forever. If straws are important to you, I recommend picking up a set.
It's a policy, they want to REDUCE the amount of straws and lids and hope that in not making them available to all, they will use significantly less. If you need, or want, or can't live your life without, a straw and a lid, I'm nearly positive they will allow you to have one if you ask. This is the same place that finds chicken fingers for kids at restaurants where they aren't on the menu, create meals to fit dietary restrictions personally for guests who need them, do a pretty darn good job of being accessible, etc.

That said, it's also pretty easy to plan around them not having them, at least for those who use them as a convenience and because they always have used them. Heck, I brought my re-usable WDW mug into the parks so I could have more "storage" space for drinks besides my water bottle. It would be awesome if Disney included the parks into the re-usable mug zone eventually thanks to this. Who knows!
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This debate is going on all over FB disney groups as well. My take on it (and I am from CA where no plastic bags are allowed already) is that it is fine when you are at home going to the grocery store because you can have reusable bags in your vehicle. As much as I like my straws (sensitive teeth issue) I always ask for one in a sit down but could do without one if I had to because again I am sitting at a restaurant. But not having lids or straws for to go items is brutal. I can't imagine trying to drink a to go drink even in my car without a straw or lid. Just yesterday I went to McDonalds and asked for a bottle of water. They gave it to me but it was hot. So I asked for a cup with ice. They did not give me a lid or a starw. The cup was very small and I have deep holders in my car. When trying to get it out the cup of course collapsed. Not to mention it is more dangerous trying to drink a drink without a lid as if it spills chances are you could overreact and get in an accident. I am not saying I agree with the plastics just think with all our technology etc they could come up with something to replace it. Something recyclable or what have you. The same with the parks. I have tried carrying a tray of drinks WITH lids and they almost spill. I can only imagine the sloshing around and spillage just trying to walk to a table but esp with what they charge I know many people like to take what is left of their drink with them to drink throughout the parks. I personally prefer water bottles but if I did want a fountain drink it just seems unreasonable with spills, dirt, coughing etc. Not sanitary and will lead to many more spills. Wait till the first person falls on a spilled drink and sues! I think most of us care for our environment but they need to think of a better way. I can already see this leading to issues. And while I do think they give out WAY too many bags, giving out none or charging you is ridiculous too. I have said if they want you to use reusable bags then you should get one free with every say 50 or above purchase. And they could maybe have a way to make sure you aren't taking too many by scanning your ticket and that will tell how many bags you have recieved or something. I am sure with all the brains out there they could figure something out. But asking us to buy a bag after we have already spent a mint to me is unfair and then not providing any is a joke. I see people saying forget it if I have to carry eveyrthing around. Not to mention I don't think it is feasible for people to bring in bags. I mean who wants to have to carry a bunch of bags or reusable cups. Fine maybe if you have a stroller but not everyone does. I like to have as little as possible to carry in the parks because it hurts my neck and back to have to carry a bunch of stuff all day not to mention trying to get off and on rides. I hope they figure out that this is going to be an issue and think of a better way.
If you are carrying as little as possible in the parks, why would you be making a purchase large enough that you'd... need to carry it around the parks? Reusable bags can be TINY, you can fit one in a back pocket or a purse. They fold up. And most stores that "charge" for a bag do so minimally. If you find yourself buying enough stuff that you can't carry it, and you don't have a bag, and you're still planning on being the park for awhile, is paying $1 or so for a bag really outrageous? On top of that, many places that now charge for bags or ask you to request one are using much higher quality bags that in turn can be re-used. Disney's plastic bags are already of better quality than the average plastic bag but if they go this route, they will be worth the small charge for the convenience.
If you are carrying as little as possible in the parks, why would you be making a purchase large enough that you'd... need to carry it around the parks? Reusable bags can be TINY, you can fit one in a back pocket or a purse. They fold up. And most stores that "charge" for a bag do so minimally. If you find yourself buying enough stuff that you can't carry it, and you don't have a bag, and you're still planning on being the park for awhile, is paying $1 or so for a bag really outrageous? On top of that, many places that now charge for bags or ask you to request one are using much higher quality bags that in turn can be re-used. Disney's plastic bags are already of better quality than the average plastic bag but if they go this route, they will be worth the small charge for the convenience.

Because obviously I don't know that I am going to buy something. I don't PLAN to buy souveniers. Disney WANTS you to be spontaneous and buy stuff. I never know if I am just going to get a pin or T shirt or perhaps several shirts or maybe even something bigger. That is the point. I don't want to have to bring in several bags just in case I MIGHT want to buy something. And for your info I reuse ALL my bags. I don't consider plastic bags a single use to begin with. Back when we still had plastic grocery store bags we always saved them and used them to line trashcans, for cat litter, to take to the beach or pool for wet clothes, to pack dirty laundry in when traveling etc. I always take all my disney bags home and reuse them. I NEVER just throw them out. And I think the people that are so adamant about getting rid of everything and telling people to get over it are not being very amenable either. As I said I am not saying I disagree and I said I think they should be able to come up with a policy. I don't attack people who differ from my views like I see so many others who are for the ban. I always try to give a differing viewpoint and try to think of agreeable options. I think that by not automatically giving out these items is a start. Perhaps not giving them out in a sit down restaurant but only on to go items and only if asked. I also said perhaps they could give out reusable bags. And please tell me why they need to CHARGE for those! If you are spending the kind of money that most people spend I think they could give you the bag. If they are truly a dollar then they can AFFORD it! It is called good customer service. I see people saying, well I don't want to have to buy items and carry them around so I will wait and get them at the end of the day and then forgetting or deciding against it. This is against their bottom line of making money. I also said that they could limit the number of bags people receive. I know that when I was there last month I already had one bag so when I made another purchase I declined a second one. I think people need to be more understanding and realistic then just blasting anyone who disagrees with their ideals. I think it is sad that everyone who thinks the ban is good tries to make everyone else who disagrees out to be evil or something!
Because obviously I don't know that I am going to buy something. I don't PLAN to buy souveniers. Disney WANTS you to be spontaneous and buy stuff. I never know if I am just going to get a pin or T shirt or perhaps several shirts or maybe even something bigger. That is the point. I don't want to have to bring in several bags just in case I MIGHT want to buy something. And for your info I reuse ALL my bags. I don't consider plastic bags a single use to begin with. Back when we still had plastic grocery store bags we always saved them and used them to line trashcans, for cat litter, to take to the beach or pool for wet clothes, to pack dirty laundry in when traveling etc. I always take all my disney bags home and reuse them. I NEVER just throw them out. And I think the people that are so adamant about getting rid of everything and telling people to get over it are not being very amenable either. As I said I am not saying I disagree and I said I think they should be able to come up with a policy. I don't attack people who differ from my views like I see so many others who are for the ban. I always try to give a differing viewpoint and try to think of agreeable options. I think that by not automatically giving out these items is a start. Perhaps not giving them out in a sit down restaurant but only on to go items and only if asked. I also said perhaps they could give out reusable bags. And please tell me why they need to CHARGE for those! If you are spending the kind of money that most people spend I think they could give you the bag. If they are truly a dollar then they can AFFORD it! It is called good customer service. I see people saying, well I don't want to have to buy items and carry them around so I will wait and get them at the end of the day and then forgetting or deciding against it. This is against their bottom line of making money. I also said that they could limit the number of bags people receive. I know that when I was there last month I already had one bag so when I made another purchase I declined a second one. I think people need to be more understanding and realistic then just blasting anyone who disagrees with their ideals. I think it is sad that everyone who thinks the ban is good tries to make everyone else who disagrees out to be evil or something!

They do! That's why they're going to still have bags available to you. Maybe it's because I live in a big city where daily life is impossible without carrying at least a small bag with me but I'm just not grasping how carrying a folded up re-usable bag is a dealbreaker for those who don't want to have to pay for a plastic bag. I'm not saying there isn't a valid argument to continuing to have them available but I do think that reducing how many are used by encouraging people to consider just how much they need them is fine. I do agree that if you spend a certain amount of money, the bag should be included but I have no problem with people being asked to pay for a bag either. Just pretend the $30 t-shirt you're fine paying for is $31 instead and you're golden.
I guess we shall have to agree to disagree. I don't live in a large city and I think too that is the difference. I live in a suburb and we don't have good public transportation etc. I have heard people complain about people driving their cars too much and I used to live near Portland and rode the train to work everyday. But where I live now the transportation is VERY unreliable and not safe. Therefore I am forced to drive more than someone would if they lived in a large city. I still try to make my trips conservative though by going in a loop and not zig zagging and only going out when I absolutely have to etc. So I think people who perhaps live in different parts of the world don't understand that it is not necessarily like that in other areas. Again I feel for the animals and our planet just as much as the next person and I think that finding ways to end waste and keep animals safe is GREAT. I am just saying that I think they could find better ways. And I am someone who is pretty low income so I don't like to spend what I do as it is. We don't buy a whole lot of souvenirs but every once in awhile we do and sometimes my mom or my kids or someone else is paying or we find something that is on sale or clearance. They had several clearance racks for pixar pier stuff last month. I don't go to the parks expecting to buy things and I usually wish I could buy more than I usually do but sometimes I do splurge and usually I have to charge it so every extra dollar does count. I know it seems like no big deal 1 extra dollar but it adds up. And as I said I am sure disney can afford to give their customers a bag if they spend over a certain amount. I agree they don't need to give someone a bag for a pin or something small or maybe even 1 T shirt or if people do need one then maybe they could pay for that but when you buy several things I think they should. But as I said to each their own. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and bottom line Disney is going to do what they do and no matter what we think or feel they will do what they want. The question will be how will the backlash affect the bottom line. If there is enough of it they will be forced to either change the policy or come up with alternatives.
I beg to differ. It's a pain in the neck to remember to grab those personal bags out of my car as I head to the store. Plus, you know how meat leaks sometimes? Not to mention the condensation of cold items in warm weather. Well, it makes for nasty, smelly bags. And I'm supposed to put new food in that bag the next time I shop? No thank you.
The reusable bags are washable.
Another thought... just brings your own bottles drinks in the park. You use more plastic than a straw and save $2!

This is what I do! I don’t drink soda and neither does my kid, but I bring reusable drink containers filled with water, plus a few juice pouches for my son and a Spindrift or two for myself. I don’t think I’ve ever purchased a drink in the parks to be honest, other than the water/milk/juice that comes included with a kids meal.

That said, I think lids are pretty nice to have in a crowded amusement park environment. I would not want to have someone’s drink spilled on me. I have actually had two drinks spilled on my by other park goers... wine and beer. No lids. It was annoying.
@tzeitel by your own post your kid doesn’t drink soda so obviously you don’t get my concern about sharing a soda. If my kid was just holding a cup of water it’s no big deal when it inevitably spills by accident or by someone bumping them. This is a big deal with a bright orange soda or a dark colored root beer. Plus crazy sticky. We are not local and it’s crazy expensive to go to DL and my kids want to go go go when we get to be there. We are not going to linger just so my kids can finish their drink slowly or inhale it to get going. It’s hot and they are thirsty. They might as well enjoy their drink while we walk to the next thing. My kids get soda as a treat at DL. That’s my choice. Its what they want that’s really cold and they find refreshing. When we get back home they know they’re stuck with milk. It’s usually the only treat they have while we run around all day. I don’t see why you have to be so angry that so many of us think this change will adversely affect us. Again as a non-local I’m not going to lug around straws (which are worthless without a lid) or a bottle I’d have to wash AND lug around when we go.

What about getting a bug in your drink because it had no lid? This was mentioned on another forum by a guest at the park. Just what I want, to spend a fortune on Disney priced drinks only to throw it out.
I could be wrong about the bag issue at Disney, but here the amount charged (5 cents- paper bags only) is dictated by law and does not go to the vendor. If it is law in Anaheim to charge for bags to reduce use, then Disney isn't setting the price.

LMK if I'm wrong and I'll edit!
It’s California law to charge $0.10/bag for a “reusable” plastic(thicker/sturdier then single use)or paper bag at any location that is deemed “grocery” so this applies to places like target and Walmart in addition to a normal supermarket.
As everyone knows I am disabled.
No, I didn't know you were disabled.

I could be wrong about the bag issue at Disney, but here the amount charged (5 cents- paper bags only) is dictated by law and does not go to the vendor. If it is law in Anaheim to charge for bags to reduce use, then Disney isn't setting the price.

LMK if I'm wrong and I'll edit!
See Dina's post below.

It’s California law to charge $0.10/bag for a “reusable” plastic(thicker/sturdier then single use)or paper bag at any location that is deemed “grocery” so this applies to places like target and Walmart in addition to a normal supermarket.


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