'This is a whitewash of justice'

Is it possible that people thought there may be some issues with the Chicago PD and wanted it investigated independently?

Yeah let’s blame the police for this whole thing - of course there’s no chance that someone pulled strings for this celebrity. It must be the cops’ fault. I think the Chicago PD should just all go on strike and let all the Chicago celebrities and politicians take control of the city
And now he is contemplating suing the city? One of his lawyers said they are "weighing our options." I think that would be a huge mistake.
And now he is contemplating suing the city? One of his lawyers said they are "weighing our options." I think that would be a huge mistake.

Suing the city? This kid is really acting like a little punk. The last beating he took was fake but perhaps he needs a real one.
Suing the city? This kid is really acting like a little punk. The last beating he took was fake but perhaps he needs a real one.

Kid? According to your profile, he's only 3 years younger than you. :laughing:
His bail was forfeited and he did community service. Similar diversion is offered every day all across the country to people in every walk of life.
Well, I guess it depends on what you mean by "similar".

I have no problem with Smollett not going to jail. I have no problem with the charges being dropped against him. You're right that diversion is a common tool used as an alternative to traditional prosecution. The problem is the gross imbalance in the nature of the exchange between Smollett and the prosecutors. Contrast this deal with the one recently offered to Patriots owner Robert Kraft. Prosecutors offered to drop the charges against Kraft (as well as the other non-famous men arrested in the same operation) in exchange for community service, a fine, AND a public acknowledgement that they likely would have been found guilty if they had gone to trial. I think this sort of deal would have been fine in Chicago too. There is no real added value in sending either man to jail, or subjecting them to a public trial. The public shame, humiliation, and an acknowledgement of what the police concluded would have been sufficient.

The problem in the sweet deal given Smollett, is the utter lack of acknowledgement on his part that story he told was a hoax. He now gets to claim that he was "cleared" of that accusation. I know that prosecutors say he was not and they believe it was a hoax, but they now lack anything that they can point to to contradict his claim now that every detail about the investigation has gone down the legal "memory hole." This is now a "non-case". It also now gives Smollett the cover to reverse a lot of the social and professional cost that he's recently paid. The people that were initially skeptical of the claims that the Chicago PD made against Smollett are now latching on to the "cleared" narrative as evidence that their suspicions that this was in fact a "witch-hunt" against a hate-crime victim were warranted.

In the end, Jussie Smollett paid a very small fine, did a bit of community service or something, gets to say that he's been "cleared", gets to claim the PD mishandled the case, gets to claim the "real attackers" are still out there, gets to threaten legal action against the city, and has offered zero contrition. I'm not sure that this is the normally desired outcome of "diversion" programs and deals.
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Since when do people get credit for community service they have done in the past?

He did the community service within the past week, finishing this past weekend.

Not my attempt to suggest that the situation is proper, merely stating what occurred.
Heard on news today that investigation has started to see if Smollett was given preferential treatment - duh. He could’ve caused a race riot in Chicago yet I’m sure he will get more money and fame out of this crime then he would’ve ever had as a small time actor. Heck I never even heard of him before this hoax, but wanna bet he will become a media darling guest starting on Dancing With the Stars and Big Brother. Not to mention his celebrity biography which will be given a seven figure advance sum and guest spots on all the usual talk shows.
Maybe it isn't over till it's over....
This is what I am hoping....
Seems that the Feds are still involved, and should now increase their efforts.

"Los Angeles-based criminal defense attorney Steven Graff Levine tells Yahoo that the Empire star’s case isn’t closed just yet.

“I think this case is really just starting now,” Levine says. “I think this dismissal has opened up a brand new can of worms, because I think people who were not interested in the case before are now very interested in the case. This case is far, far, far from over.”

The lawyer addresses questions about why Smollett forfeited his $10,000 bail, why the Chicago Police Department is angry at the charges being dropped, why the charges were dropped at all and more in the video above.

The FBI is still investigating Smollett, looking at whether he sent himself hate mail laced with white powder in the days before the alleged hate crime. ABC Chicago reports that the FBI is also “reviewing circumstances surrounding the dismissal of criminal charges against Jussie Smollett.”
Maybe it isn't over till it's over....
This is what I am hoping....
Seems that the Feds are still involved, and should now increase their efforts.
Don't get your hopes up. Prosecutors are given pretty wide latitude when it comes to prosecutorial discretion. Unless it's found out that some palms were greased with cash in order to secure the dropping of the charges, Smollett will continue to be able to claim for a long time that the dropping of the charges is proof that he was framed by the cops.
Don't get your hopes up. Prosecutors are given pretty wide latitude when it comes to prosecutorial discretion. Unless it's found out that some palms were greased with cash in order to secure the dropping of the charges, Smollett will continue to be able to claim for a long time that the dropping of the charges is proof that he was framed by the cops.

FBI is federal. Chicago prosecutor has not a damn thing to say about whether Smollett is charged with federal crimes.
The war of the words continues...

CHICAGO (WLS) -- Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel said the city is calculating how much it cost to investigate Jussie Smollett's case and will be sending the actor the bill.
Emanuel said police are still figuring out the total spent on the investigation. But when they're finished, the city will be contacting the "Empire" actor's attorneys.

Then he said this: "Given that he doesn't feel any sense of contrition and remorse, my recommendation is that when he writes the check, in the memo section, he can put the words, 'I'm accountable for the hoax.'"

Emanuel said he believes Smollett not only cost the city financially, but also damaged Chicago's reputation of being a place that welcomes people of all walks of life. Emanuel said when the actor pays the city back, he should also apologize.

Smollett's legal team fired back Thursday afternoon, issuing this statement:
"It is the Mayor and the Police Chief who owe Jussie - owe him an apology - for dragging an innocent man's character through the mud. Jussie has paid enough."
FBI is federal. Chicago prosecutor has not a damn thing to say about whether Smollett is charged with federal crimes.
Well, we'll see what exactly they have on him with regard to that. I think it might only be the statements from the two brothers which might not be strong enough to charge him, but maybe he was dumb enough to lick his own stamp.
He did the community service within the past week, finishing this past weekend.

Not my attempt to suggest that the situation is proper, merely stating what occurred.
Yes, that came out after I made my post. I was going off of what his lawyer said initially. She seemed unaware of his weekend of envelope stuffing.


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