To Infinity and Beyond - Becoming a Better DopeyBadger (Comments Welcome)

1 Week to Go! (Avengers: Endgame) + TrainerRoad High Volume Full Triathlon Plan Week 27/28 + 80 Day Obsession - Peak


12/30/19 - M - OFF
12/31/19 - T - Sonora (60 min; 84 TSS)
1/1/20 - W - 2 x 3 min @ 3k pace (Run)
1/2/20 - R - Phoenix (90 min; 95 TSS) + 30 min Brick Run at Easy (Run)
1/3/20 - F - 80DO-AAA + Whorl (75 min; 49 TSS)
1/4/20 - Sa - Longfellow (160 min; 176 TSS) + 40 min Evening Run at Easy (Run)
1/5/20 - Su - 110 min at LR (Run) + 80DO-Cardio Flow

Total Run Miles - 25.1 miles
Total Run Time - 3:29 hours
Total Run TSS - 192 TSS

Total Biking Time - 7:45 hours
Total Biking TSS - 404 TSS

Total 80DO Time - 2:28 hours
Total 80DO TSS - 47 TSS

Total Training Time - 13:43 hours
Total TSS - 643 TSS


Off day.


80DO-AAA in 2 sets of 15 cycle through each series and then move to the next one.

1 - Upright Row, Bent over Fly, Frog Sliders, Glute Bridge w/Loop
2 - Push-up, Skull Crusher, Weighted ab sit-up, Quad Ped Heel Press
3 - Bent Over Row, Hammer Curl, Knee Tuck, Fire Hydrant

Cycling: Sonora is an assortment of suprathreshold efforts consisting of 2x7 minutes at 105% FTP, 2x5 minutes at 108% FTP, 3 minutes at 115% FTP and 2 minutes at 121% FTP. Recoveries between intervals are a scant 1 minute long, but you can extend these by substituting Sonora -1 in place of this workout. RPM of 95.

This workout was no joke. It made me SUPER nervous. Essentially, I took the same number and intensity of intervals from three weeks ago, except instead of 3-5 min of rest between intervals, this was 50 seconds. So I really tried to attack this workout. And I was successful. In return, I was given a wattage PR for every 10 second interval from 12.5 minutes to 52.5 minutes. That's CRAZY! And I felt strong throughout the workout. It wasn't easy, but my body was able to give a very good effort.


Evening Run:
Conditions - ☀️ Clear, Wind 14mph to 24mph
Start: Temp+Dew = 23°F + 16°F; FL - 11°F
End: Temp+Dew = 26°F + 19°F; FL - 11°F

2 x 3 min @ 3k pace

Snow and ice on ground. Bad footing. Dressed like it was -10F.

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This one was tough because I had to find a stretch of road long enough to do 3 min of running without ice/snow. My normal route for I pace was definitely out. So I spent a good time scouting the roads and settled on a less than ideal option, but workable. All in all a decent workout, albeit brief. The two I paced intervals were 5:48 and 5:49. I attempted another interval in the middle of those two, but the footing in the opposite direction just didn't feel secure. Given the HAT, I can't complain with my fastest average GAP as of yet (albeit a very very short workout).


The last brick workout! I decided to ramp up the difficulty of the workout. I turned up the heat and I went with no fan.

Cycling: Phoenix is 90 minutes of continuous riding where you'll spend 75 minutes between 80-85% FTP. RPM of 92. Ummm, maybe high heat and no fan wasn't a good choice? I was sweating BUCKETS! It felt absolutely brutal, but I was able to make it through 75 minutes of HIM bike pacing.

Brick Run:
Conditions - ☁️ Mostly Cloudy, Wind 7mph to 12mph
Start: Temp+Dew = 35°F + 32°F; FL - 29°F
End: Temp+Dew = 35°F + 32°F; FL - 29°F

Dressed like it was 0F.

Man did I pay for it on this one. The cycling was brutal, but this run was a struggle in the HAT. I could tell I was underfueled or underelectrolyted because I felt completely off. Probably a combination of both. Ended up with 3.6 miles in 31 min (8:34 min/mile) with HR of 132.

Immediately came home and slammed some Ruffle chips. Instantly started to feel better, so likely a salt deficiency.


80DO-Total Body Core in 2 sets of 15 cycle all the way through each series then back to the top.

Series 1: Surrender to Shoulder Press, Quad Ped Crawl, Burpee Sliders
Series 2: Bent Over Row Tap Back, Squat Tabletop Row, Saw on Sliders
Series 3: Modified 1/2 Turkish Push-up, Side Reach Push-up, V Crunch to Scissor Crunch
Series 4: Runner's Lunge Curl, Static Sumo Hammer Curl, Slider Crawl Out
Series 5: Tricep Push up w/ knee tuck, Squat Hold Kickbacks, Weighted Windmills

Cycling: Whorl consists of 75 minutes of aerobic Endurance work spent between 60-75% FTP. RPM of 92. I considered doing a high heat/no fan ride again, but figured my body did need a bit of a break after yesterday's activity. So I stuck with a standard recovery type ride.


Did anyone tell TrainerRoad this is suppose to be the taper period? 4 hours of cycling with 8 days to go until the event? I mean I get it, the math works out for the training load, but still.

Cycling: Longfellow is 4 hours of aerobic Endurance riding spent between 65-75% FTP. RPM of 87. Definitely felt like I under ate for this one on either Friday night or Saturday morning. Mostly because it never felt all that smooth. Couldn't get comfortable in the seat. But I did eventually get through it.

Got a haircut in prep for next weekend's possible heat. I also picked up some Liquid IV from Costco to give a try. It's low carb, but super high in Sodium and Potassium. A possible good option for hydrating in the days prior to the marathon, the morning of the marathon, and as an extra supplement during the race itself.

Evening Run:
Conditions - 🌙 Clear, Wind 8mph to 15mph
Start: Temp+Dew = 26°F + 19°F; FL - 18°F
End: Temp+Dew = 26°F + 20°F; FL - 18°F

Dressed like it was 0F.

Nothing remarkable about the run. Just took it super easy with little effort. 4.5 miles in 40 min (8:50 min/mile) at 128 HR. It was a little concerning because my Garmin VO2max dropped to 56. The lowest it has been since mid-September. Is my cardiovascular fitness really as low as mid-September now? The HAT is definitely contributing. So I decided Sunday's LR would be non-HAT. I verified with the research that after several days of HAT, it's ok to inter-mix some non-HAT days. Especially on planned harder days.

I tried some of the Liquid IV. It was alright. Nothing special. So hopefully does what it's suppose to.


Morning Run:
Conditions - ⛅ Mostly Cloudy, Wind 15mph to 29mph
Start: Temp+Dew = 29°F + 25°F; FL - 18°F
End: Temp+Dew = 32°F + 27°F; FL - 18°F

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I needed the confidence boost of a non-HAT run. I feel like that HAT brick on Thursday might have pushed me a bit too far. So I wanted to see where I was at with a non-HAT run. It's important to note I wasn't going to let myself make this anymore than a LR though even with the non-HAT nature of it.

I drank 16oz of Liquid IV at 8:20am, my SIS Beta at 9:05am, and then started the run at 9:27am.

The beginning of the run did not feel very smooth. Of course having 4:40 hours of exercise the day prior might play some role in that. It wasn't until around mile 4-5 that the legs got of their funk and started to respond. It's kind of funny to look at the HR data in retrospect because it kind of lines up. The HR was higher in the beginning, but then as the run proceeded the HR came down. Had my Tailwind concentrate at 45 min, Maurten Caff gel at 60 min, and Egel at 75 min. Originally I wasn't going to do a fast finish, but I decided to just let the legs loose a little and see what I could manage when I was actually trying. Pulled off a 6:37 GAP lap (2:54) which I believe is only the 4th lap I've done under 3 min. Don't know if that's a PR for the fast finish lap, but it's definitely on the top end. Finished feeling happy with the effort. Overall it was 12.8 miles in 102 minutes (7:50 GAP) with HR of 134. My Garmin VO2max went back up to 57, but definitely below the 60 I was hoping to hit in these last few weeks leading into Disney. This run is in line with the 11/24 and 12/8 runs of 7:52/7:49 GAP with HR of 135/133 with Garmin VO2max of 58/58. So like I thought the HAT has been masking and misleading the Garmin VO2max data here at the end. I mean I knew that was probably true, but sometimes you've got to see the data to truly believe it.

The urge to go the bathroom was fairly sudden once I got home which was unusual. So I attribute that to the Liquid IV and hopefully it was potentially doing what it's suppose to and aid in hydration status.

80DO Cardio Flow. Done and done.

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Only 7 days to go!!! Next week is race week. A little bit of juggling from the original plan because we're leaving on Thursday and I don't have access to a bike in Disney. So I moved the Thursday double to Wednesday. I had moved the Tuesday cycle to Monday, but felt the day off was probably more important. I don't plan to do 80DO this week, so I'll move the Tuesday cycle from Tuesday night to morning to give some more time between it and the Wednesday double. So in all it's 45 min of increasing interval cycling, 120 min IM Tempo intervals + 15 min fast evening run, 30 min easy w/ strides Thursday morning before the flight, and 20 min easy w/ strides on early Saturday morning to get a feel for the T+D of Sunday.

Now it's time for the Endgame. Whatever it takes.
2020 Disney M Weather: 8 days to go!

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Start at 5am and end at 8am
1/3/20 - T+D of 139-139, 71% cloudy, 33% chance of rain, 6mph SSE wind
1/4/20 - T+D of 140-140, 50% cloudy, 15% chance of rain, 7mph SE wind
1/5/20 - T+D of 140-140, 78% cloudy, 16% chance of rain, 7mph S wind
2020 Disney M Weather: 7 days to go!

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Start at 5am and end at 8am
1/3/20 - T+D of 139-139, 71% cloudy, 33% chance of rain, 6mph SSE wind
1/4/20 - T+D of 140-140, 50% cloudy, 15% chance of rain, 7mph SE wind
1/5/20 - T+D of 140-140, 78% cloudy, 16% chance of rain, 7mph S wind
1/6/20 - T+D of 142-143, 79% cloudy, 13% chance of rain, 7mph SSE wind

Dark Sky (which according to Forecast Advisor is the most accurate for Orlando, FL over the last 30 days) says much the same.

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Too bad the race wasn’t this past Sunday.... it would have been unicorn weather for sure. Crossing my fingers for some cooler weather still!
Is it too early to talk about strategy and pace for the half? It looks like my T + D wont be much different from Sunday. A 140 sounds brutal. I do love it warm but not like that, not for races.
Is it too early to talk about strategy and pace for the half? It looks like my T + D wont be much different from Sunday. A 140 sounds brutal. I do love it warm but not like that, not for races.

Pacing in a race like this comes down to how much risk you’re willing to accept. The standard T+D adjustment is 4% from ideal. The further you deviate from that, the more risk you are willing to take on. That increased risk means that your slow end possible projection gets slower and slower the closer you try to aim for near ideal pacing. So how much risk are you willing to accept?

Deadline for guessing is Friday, right? Want to wait as long as possible in case the weather forecast miraculously improves.

48 hours prior to race start. So Friday at 5am eastern. It’s a smart strategy to wait because the weather will undoubtedly be a factor. Although you can change guesses up until it locks Friday morning.
Honestly my A race is April so i am thinking i want to adjust. I think i could still get a PR as i need a 1:52 so aiming for an 8:30 pace will still put me at a PR. Maybe run try to stick to the 8:30 for miles 1 to 10 and then if i am feeling good i can pick up the last 5k???
Honestly my A race is April so i am thinking i want to adjust. I think i could still get a PR as i need a 1:52 so aiming for an 8:30 pace will still put me at a PR. Maybe run try to stick to the 8:30 for miles 1 to 10 and then if i am feeling good i can pick up the last 5k???

Looks like the adjusted T+D pace based on 141-143 is 8:36 min/mile. So a 1:53:28 estimated finish based on 13.2 miles. So you can risk 8:30 pace, but know you might end up with a 2+hr HM time instead because of blowing up.
In my opinion, it doesn’t make sense to be aggressive in the heat. Heat accumulates and there’s no way reduce the heat during your race. Anything you can do to reduce the heat early, like slower paces will greatly help. I can also speak from experience, you aren’t likely to fight through the heat induced fatigue very well. I’ve felt tired in cold weather and managed to fight.... heat will suck your soul from you lol.

Also, from my understanding you can pre load electrolytes the day/week before. From my understanding, real foods work better than nuun or pedialyte. I’m a big fan of root vegetables because they’re high in potassium and a lot of other electrolytes.... Don’t worry about sodium too much. You can always season your food with salt or even better seaweed lol.

Lastly, you don’t need much of a warmup. Your muscles will feel good far quicker in the heat... in fact I’d throw an extra caution against going out too hard, because you’re likely to feel even better than your typical tapered Superman feeling lol.

Oh and don’t bother pouring water on your head... Florida is too humid, it’ll have no effect on your thermal regulation and actually may hamper it. Best way to deal is just keep your paces slow early.

Don’t stress, you can still have a good race in the heat! Just gotta stay patient and adjust your expectations.
Oh and don’t bother pouring water on your head... Florida is too humid, it’ll have no effect on your thermal regulation and actually may hamper it. Best way to deal is just keep your paces slow early.

Would putting a damp towel/cloth/ect on your chest/core be beneficial? I did that during a hot race back in September and it seemed to be helpful, but wondering if it was more likely just placebo.
Well I guess that definitely rules out the 1:48, that is 8:15 pace and I don’t think it will happen. Will attempt to stay at 8:36, slower than I would like but not sure it is worth the risk. I won’t have sun but that humidity has gotten me in the past. I have actually had that blow up before in 2007. Thought it would be good, weather I think was mid 60s but major humidity and I blew up big time. Obviously since I remember 13 years later :rotfl2:


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