I love credit cards so much! v3.0 (see first page for add'l details)

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Read this letter from a DL FA on FT today. Really liked seeing a crew perspective on this pandemic. As a flyer I'm pissed about people having to deal with last minute cancellations, route changes, etc. when it seems the airlines should have thrown in the towel on those long ago but I didn't realize the extent to which the crews were being subject to that real time. I got a giggle out of her Senior Mama comment, and I got a smile out of her receiving genuine thank yous from passengers and how that makes her happy.

Most of the perspectives I've seen (or experienced as a frustrated flyer) are full on anger, one way or the other- at companies, governments, crew and passengers. Refreshing to see a front-line perspective that was trying to simply explain the reality of what's happening in the sky right now.
I need those good vibes. He started cluster feeding so he’s up every hour and feeds for 10-15 minutes. He’s also not latching well at all and it’s starting to hurt. We’re using a nipple shield but I’m having a lot of trouble. I think I might also be producing too much for him

The more he nurses the more you will produce. Do you have a lactation specialist that you can call, email, text? I'm sure lots of us who have nursed can give you loads of advice but I learned from watching my daughter twice that it's different for everybody. I will say that if you can hold off a bit longer between feedings ( 15 minutes every hour sounds like torture) it might help. A baby is going to nurse for food and for comfort, so if he seems like he just wants to nurse a 'little' every so often, it's probably a comfort thing.

Maybe some other more recent mothers who nursed successfully can chime in for you.

It's the first week that is the most difficult. Once you get the routine going, it will be much easier than bottles of formula plus the diapers will be different.

And, he's gorgeous! Get lots of pictures now!
Congrats @Haley R He's adorable and so glad to hear you are both doing well.

here's my cc mini rant to add to that last post..... WHY oh WHY do I keep getting a mailed statemtent from P2's CIP telling me they can't email the info? WHY is the email on the account fine for all the other chase branded cc's but this one??
I get this on one of mine and one of P2s? Haven't figured out why either. I just throw it away as soon as it comes in.
Yeah, it happens with a CIP here as well. I don't understand because all the other ones work fine :confused3
On nursing, I wanted to give up with my first (DD). She didn't gain weight initially and the pediatrician wanted her fed at least every two hours all day (including night time). And my mom insisted my nursing dd was making her fussy. I stuck with it and am so glad I did but it was tough and exhausting. DS nursed fine--maybe I was more relaxed with him.

me too
I get this too. No idea, and honestly, I haven't looked into it lol. If you figure it out, let me know too haha.
I had to stop multi quoting there were so many of us. But this just started happening to me on one of my new cards--British Air. I have 8 or so Chase cards and the address is the same for all. Crazy. It makes me anxious every time I get the letter, but I'll ignore now.
Man you guys were busy. I made it a goal to barely use my phone in the hospital so even family was antsy and not hearing from us much. I’m gonna keep this kind of short because I’m working off fumes and the baby needs to feed again.

He was born at 9:21 am, weighed 8 lb 1 oz, and was 19 inches long. I think 2 or 3 people got the weight right. It was a very easy delivery and I only pushed for an hour. I did end up taking the epidural but no inducing. He just started cluster feeding today so that hasn’t been fun. I’m VERY sore and he just started having issues latching so we’ve been dealing with that. I’ll try to get on again sometime soon.

I’ll just drop this here... lol
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He’s so precious! Congratulations! 🥰
All of mine cluster fed. Especially during growth spurts and has newborns. Did the hospital help you with a lactation consultant at all? I've never used a nipple shield so I can't give advice in that area. One thing that even moms forget to tell you is that the first few weeks are HARD. They are magical and special and very difficult. Sleep deprivation is a real thing and babies who are not yet used to being outside can be hard to settle. As trite as it sounds hang in there, things do start to even out eventually. Feel free to PM me if you need anything. I'm by no means an expert but I can try to give some virtual encouragement and listen to some venting and frustrations if needed. :hug:

I agree with this. Even with #6 I went through some pain at the beginning again. She also had a lazy latch and it took us a few weeks to really get in sync.
This. 1000%. Adjusting to life with a newborn physically and emotionally is super tough. But you can do it, even when you need to take it one hour at a time (or 20 minutes at a time). It will get easier. We promise!
Amex has me confused. I have the offer Spend $100 or more, Get $5 back up to 4 times (total of $20).

My T-mobile bill is $195
3/24 T-mob charged
3/25 $5 credit
4/23 T-mob charge
4/23 $10 credit

I was expecting $5 credit each month. Not sure why I got $10 this month. So, does that mean $5 next month and done. Or, $5 for the next 2 months? I wish there was a way to track which offer was triggered or how much of an offer remains to be used. I guess after next month's payment I need to see if the offer has been removed, duh.

When I look under "Savings", for 3/23 it has T-mobile listed twice, once at $5 and once at $10.
Amex has me confused. I have the offer Spend $100 or more, Get $5 back up to 4 times (total of $20).

My T-mobile bill is $195
3/24 T-mob charged
3/25 $5 credit
4/23 T-mob charge
4/23 $10 credit

I was expecting $5 credit each month. Not sure why I got $10 this month. So, does that mean $5 next month and done. Or, $5 for the next 2 months? I wish there was a way to track which offer was triggered or how much of an offer remains to be used. I guess after next month's payment I need to see if the offer has been removed, duh.

When I look under "Savings", for 3/23 it has T-mobile listed twice, once at $5 and once at $10.
Ah, I bet it's cumulative, not per payment. Then it makes sense.
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