Supposedly you know your hairdresser.....

I also think it's a lot harder to get COVID tests than folks think.
It vastly depends on where one lives. But I don't agree with "it's a lot harder". That was true of so many places a month ago but a decent amount of areas have been able to ramp up testing a lot.

In my area literally just today the County announced that this Friday any county resident can come for a test on a first come first serve basis until supplies run out. Just last week they announced they would do one for those with symptoms unable to get a test through their doctor. Before that since April it was random tests by invitation (filling out a survey) in a combination of targeted testing towards essential workers, before that it was only those who were hospitalized.

In some areas it may be more difficult OR they just might be using stricter criteria but as a whole we're not in the same place we were in late March and throughout April as we are now.

My best friend's son (age 6) spiked a 102 fever last week. She took him to the pediatrician and asked repeatedly for a COVID test, but the pediatrician wouldn't give him one.
He got strep and flu tests instead, and she was told to come back in 3 days if he was still exhibiting symptoms. I told her I was betting the office didn't want to have to report a COVID test to the state reporting agency, so it's easier to put it off to see if he gets worse. :( Thank goodness he didn't.

I don't necessarily think the doctor did anything wrong. You automatically assume there's some ulterior motive but at the same time I don't see one especially because it's just because a test wasn't administered. The strep and flu tests seem the good route to go. Just because someone has a fever does not mean they should automatically get a test. As a state I do believe the qualifications for mine was 2 symptoms PLUS a fever whereas in the recent weeks the fever aspect was dropped but you still had to exhibit at least 2 symptoms. From what you wrote it was a fever spike. Originally many drive-thru testing sites required a negative flu test prior to being given a COVID-19 test. Not that I don't truly understand wanting to get a test but that can also be just a parent's (or caretaker's) fear not that that fear isn't understandable to have. I sure hope the boy doesn't have it but maybe we need to temper our immediate reaction that people are out to get us as hard as that may be.
Or is everyone from now on supposed to run for a test at the first cough regardless of the cause?
Considering the data that shows this is contagious before showing symptoms it probably would be productive if more people did exactly that. The sooner someone is tested the sooner they can be identified as positive and quarantined to stop the spread.

This is an issue with American's mentality towards health though. As a nation we're terrible with preventative health and wait until we're almost dying to see a doctor. I am guilty of this myself and it's something I'm trying to get better about.

I don't necessarily think the doctor did anything wrong. You automatically assume there's some ulterior motive but at the same time I don't see one especially because it's just because a test wasn't administered. The strep and flu tests seem the good route to go. Just because someone has a fever does not mean they should automatically get a test. As a state I do believe the qualifications for mine was 2 symptoms PLUS a fever whereas in the recent weeks the fever aspect was dropped but you still had to exhibit at least 2 symptoms. From what you wrote it was a fever spike. Originally many drive-thru testing sites required a negative flu test prior to being given a COVID-19 test. Not that I don't truly understand wanting to get a test but that can also be just a parent's (or caretaker's) fear not that that fear isn't understandable to have. I sure hope the boy doesn't have it but maybe we need to temper our immediate reaction that people are out to get us as hard as that may be.
These restrictions on tests are a major contributing factor to why our containment of Covid have been so much worse than other nations. You can't stop the spread of something when you aren't proactively testing for it.
These restrictions on tests are a major contributing factor to why our containment of Covid have been so much worse than other nations. You can't stop the spread of something when you aren't proactively testing for it.
Certainly restricting testing because you don't have 330+million tests (well you'd need more than that really since people have to be tested again and again because of who they are) but realistically it is what it is right now. The situation is getting better as a whole as I stated.

Instead of immediately going to the "evil laugh" if you will of motives for someone not getting a test (when the only symptom given was a fever) though other tests were administered stands to reason we might want to ease up a bit. Is there corruption? Of course but let's not get the pitchforks out just quite yet on this one was my point.
Except literally any virus has those symptoms, and fever isn’t even an indicator of positive for covid either, and you need a fever over 100.4. If we have to stay home for every single sniffle or cough then there will be literally no one working ever. And allergies/mold etc are terrible this year here with all the rain we’ve had this spring.
yes this!
Ah you mean no hysterical fear inducing clickbait headline?:scared1: However could the news survive by reporting facts without spin? /s

I’ve been searching for follow up on the contact tracing and follow up tests but with holiday weekend may be a few days.
Of course that Dr Fair who swears he’s CV19 positive and got it through his eyes on a crowded flight in spite of FOUR negative tests-never heard of any follow up or any contact tracing to anyone else on that flight either (oh and the good doctor went out to the grocery store too)...and still pronouncing himself as recovering from CV19...why hasn’t anyone else on that flight come forward?
You don't need to have a fever to have covid. Many people are asymptomatic.
This is a risk everyone takes when going out. You have to understand when you go places you will be exposed. Everyone has to weigh that risk for themselves. Eventually we will ALL be exposed. If you have underlying conditions you should wait for that haircut until more people have been exposed causing herd immunity. We know who are most at risk from death from this.

Also, contract tracing is tough with widespread outbreak. Won't really work in areas like New York quite yet. There's just too much exposure right now. Works well in Hawaii and lets say Montana for now where there are very few cases.
This is a risk everyone takes when going out. You have to understand when you go places you will be exposed. Everyone has to weigh that risk for themselves. Eventually we will ALL be exposed. If you have underlying conditions you should wait for that haircut until more people have been exposed causing herd immunity. We know who are most at risk from death from this.

Also, contract tracing is tough with widespread outbreak. Won't really work in areas like New York quite yet. There's just too much exposure right now. Works well in Hawaii and lets say Montana for now where there are very few cases.
NYC is advertising for contact tracers and will train those with medical backgrounds in the how tos. I believe one of the tools they'll be using are cellphones which can help to locate a person via tower pinging and a user turning on their locale settings which I understand most people do. There are Metro cards used for public transportation as well; it's not that easy to be unknown anymore. FYI I always turn my locale tracker off when not needed but that's because I have an inordinate fear of "Big Brother", LOL.
As a essential employee, I was able to get my hair cut by my stylist in her salon. This was about 10 days ago??? She called the local county health dept. and clarified/confirmed what she had to do. She was required to have each essential employee have a letter on stating they were essential and all their contact info, I then had to provide that before the appointment. She was allowed to ONLY do hair.
Health Dept. required these letter for tracing, should the need arise.
Health Dept. told her she was the ONLY licensed person in the county to have called them and requested official guidelines to go about setting up appointment for clients.

She and her business partner run a two-man show, so it was just myself & my stylist in the shop. We both wore masks.
No, the insanity comes from the fact that we are still spreading the virus, when everyone knows how to prevent it from spreading but they just don't care.
They just don't care? Seems pretty clear they were wearing masks... many symptoms look a lot like allergies etc.... heck many ppl don't even have symptoms so let's all calm the heck down; figure out the facts before blindly and running insanely scared screaming for ppl. to be prosecuted and put away acting as if they were giving others a death sentence. Good grief...the mania and how easy it is to panic our human race out of using any kind of logic is really sad...and scary.
But working when they clearly had symptoms (aka were sick). The number one way to stop the spread is to stay home if you are sick.

Do you work? Have you seriously never gone to work when you've had a mild cough, or sniffles, a headache etc.? Come on...ppl. wouldn't get paid or have jobs if they literally stayed home for every little thing. I understand that right now all should be more on alert, but like I said many of the symptoms are the same for allergies etc., so I highly doubt those hair stylists really thought they had covid...add to that the fact that they probably haven't been able to pay their bills or feed their families for a while; I can have some empathy for ppl. trying to do the best they can in a crazy time.

There's going to be a risk anytime ppl venture out of their home...anyone walking around assuming theirs no risk to them going out of theirs is living in denial. Many ppl. show absolutely no symptoms so the risk is always going to be there for now.

Ppl. demanding these hair stylists be prosecuted for intentionally risking ones life seem to not be living in reality.
Do you work? Have you seriously never gone to work when you've had a mild cough, or sniffles, a headache etc.?
Yes I work and no I have not gone to work displaying (even mild) symptoms of COVID. I also do not work with the public.

In the past going to work with a mild cold is different than what we are experience right now. Right now and in the future that mild cold could be a potentially deadly disease.
You don't need to have a fever to have covid. Many people are asymptomatic.
Exactly my point. But pitchforks for “working with public while sick”. I Am NOT running to dr for a test every single time my allergies act up. Nor are they going to test me every time. NOT. GONNA HAPPEN IN REAL LIFE. I was in urgent care for many of those symptoms last week due to allergies, no fever though and no test per the MD who didn’t see the need.
And that’s why this whole thing is so easy to get judgy: what if she DID go to dr and wasn’t “symptomatic ENOUGH” for a test? what precipitated the test? The headlines now cry: 2nd stylist tests positive, one story claims knowledge worked while sick, another states she tested positive (was that because she WAS symptomatic or secondary finding due To testing that was started because of the first?) Headlines sayBOTH
From. Kansas City story these are direct quotes:
according to the Springfield-Greene County Health Department.
At this time, this is the only other positive result we have had from those tested as a result of the previous exposure,” health officials said in a news release.

Clay Goddard, director of the Springfield-Greene County Health Department, said in a news briefing Friday that another stylist worked with COVID-19 symptoms from May 12-17, 19 and 20 at the Great Clips. All of the stylist’s clients wore masks and will be tested, as will the stylist's coworkers.

So which is it? And what do very mild symptoms mean? A stray cough like from breathing dry air? Feeling tired from a poor nights sleep? Good gravy one would ever ever ever again have to work if that qualifies as “sick”
Please point to source of this “fact”. Haven’t seen a thing about customers testing positive.
They just don't care? Seems pretty clear they were wearing masks... many symptoms look a lot like allergies etc.... heck many ppl don't even have symptoms so let's all calm the heck down; figure out the facts before blindly and running insanely scared screaming for ppl. to be prosecuted and put away acting as if they were giving others a death sentence. Good grief...the mania and how easy it is to panic our human race out of using any kind of logic is really sad...and scary.

I wasn't talking about the hairdressers - I was talking about the population of this country. We've had over two months where people were supposed to stay away from each other, only going out to get the basic necessities, and only doing so while maintaining proper distancing, masks, etc. Why is it still out there then? Because people "cheat" - I watch my neighbors hanging out together on each others decks. One house has had a constant stream of visitors. That's the insanity. So many are trying to do this the right way, while others don't give a flying fig and keep the virus going. You know why they talked about flattening the curve? It's because, by our own selfish human nature, we can't stay put when we need to, so there was no way to eradicate. And for all the sacrifices some have made, others don't care and complain about this and that.


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