S/O What's You Least Favorite Ethnic Food?

Japanese. I don't like any seafood at all so there's that. I went to a Japanese restaurant with an Asian friend once and she was well versed in everything so it was fun to try! But I just did not like it. My favorite by far is Mexican!
Peruvian octopus. I've never actually eaten it, but a friend ordered it one night at a local restaurant. Ruined my dinner.

I like Peruvian food generally, especially their churrasco, but octopus...no, gracias.
Peruvian octopus. I've never actually eaten it, but a friend ordered it one night at a local restaurant. Ruined my dinner.

I like Peruvian food generally, especially their churrasco, but octopus...no, gracias.
Sounds intriguing....
Japanese. I don't like any seafood at all so there's that. I went to a Japanese restaurant with an Asian friend once and she was well versed in everything so it was fun to try! But I just did not like it. My favorite by far is Mexican!
Well, for some ppl it's the raw meat they don;t like...
Peruvian octopus. I've never actually eaten it, but a friend ordered it one night at a local restaurant. Ruined my dinner.

I like Peruvian food generally, especially their churrasco, but octopus...no, gracias.
Just had Greek charcoal grilled octopus, it was delicious, dd18 said it was her favorite entree.
Sounds like you and she are open minded...
My kids will eat anything (although it took many years of exposure). Now that they are adults, they like almost any new food they try. Dd19 is currently doing a 75 day healthy challenge and discovered she loves tofu (I’ve offered it to her many times). The downside is the expense when doing delivery, pizza and Chinese is cheaper than sushi and Thai (Indian is also a favorite).
Thai for me. For some reason it just tastes sweet to me. I can find dishes I like but in general when my husband wants Thai, I am not thrilled.
I don’t have a least favorite really. Of the ones I have tried, I have favorites in each that I really enjoy. Of course, there are many types of cuisine that I haven’t tried simply because there aren’t any restaurants in my area. I am not a seafood fan at all, so any cuisine that is predominantly seafood would probably be lower on the list.
My kids will eat anything (although it took many years of exposure). Now that they are adults, they like almost any new food they try. Dd19 is currently doing a 75 day healthy challenge and discovered she loves tofu (I’ve offered it to her many times). The downside is the expense when doing delivery, pizza and Chinese is cheaper than sushi and Thai (Indian is also a favorite).
I think it's good when a family has learned to try anything and not to pick at their food...
I don’t care for Indian food. There is nothing wrong with it, my mind just can’t seem to accept baking spices in my meat dishes.
I don’t have a least favorite really. Of the ones I have tried, I have favorites in each that I really enjoy. Of course, there are many types of cuisine that I haven’t tried simply because there aren’t any restaurants in my area. I am not a seafood fan at all, so any cuisine that is predominantly seafood would probably be lower on the list.
fla4fun: Good point, some areas are less multicultural...
I don’t care for Indian food. There is nothing wrong with it, my mind just can’t seem to accept baking spices in my meat dishes.
Hi C&Jx2: Depends on how strong the spices are, I suppose. Korma isn't very hot; but the Vindaloo is really strong...
In my limited experience, I'd say Indonesian. We lived with an Indonesian grad student once, and everything he made was either FIERY hot (and I loved spicy hot cuisine at the time) or smelled like spoiled, fermented fish. No, thanks.


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