18 Wonderful nights at RPR.....Michael Myers too!! (2014 Trip)

Saturday 20th September................

We all slept like logs last night, and apart from hearing our neighbors at about 3.30am.........yes that`s exactly what they were doing!! We had been lucky this year we had very little sound coming from people around us in rooms so far, and apart from this amorous couple.....well, at one point we werent sure if it was just 2 people.....but apart from them we heard very little. It was funny though, had to laugh especially with Kyle with us in the room.....not what you want to be listening to. We didn`t cheer when they finished this year like we did last time we heard someone. We fell back asleep though and slept till around 8ish which was late for us last few days. It did take us a while to move and when I finally pulled back the drapes......it was raining outside. Surely not more rain. We had no plans for today as usual, but now we would have to come up with something that involved indoors......even I was fed up shopping at this point. So we thought we would have breakfast then decide.

Met the nice couple we had been chatting too this morning, they had loved HHN, I was so pleased..and they had lasted longer than us even with the rain, but they were going home today so had to make the most of it.......after we ate we said our goodbyes to this couple and wished them well, they were going to Studios this morning and he was going to do RRR as he hadn`t done it yet.........I hoped he did. Breakfast was busy this morning even though we were later, and we sat for ages and chatted and ate......eventually the rain subsided and we headed off to get the boat the the parks. We didn`t bring a camera today as wanted just a day where we didn`t stop for pictures or anything like that. I immediately wished we had, but we had taken so many and still had many days to take more. So no camera day was agreed......well until tonight!

It was coolish this morning.....maybe low to mid 70`s......cold to me. But when we got off the boat it immediately felt warmer.....and the sun was coming out. Much better. We headed straight in to the park and thought how busy it was compared to normal, but we were a lot later than normal. As usual the welcome on the turnstiles from staff members is lovely, they are so friendly. As usual though I always seem to end up behind someone who hasn`t signed their tickets or vouchers and it can hold queues up, today is no different so I jump behind DS who always seems to pick the quick queue......we go straight to DM, it had a 60 minute wait showing for regular queue, wow, we get straight on and as usual it`s so much fun. The people in front of us cause a hold up when it comes to being seated.......they leave an empty seat in the first car as grandma wants to sit beside her daughter and grandbaby......TM informs her they do announce parties may be split....she`s having none of it and TM is firm but nice, so she takes grandbaby and sits in the seats that don`t move.....she appears again saying she wants to sit in a motion seat.....at this point everyone is like.....come on......so eventually we move back a seat and we get grandma beside us......what a commotion to cause......poor TM did everything she could and she still wasn`t happy. I was even more gobsmacked when she announced on the way out you don`t mess with folks from Alabama???? Wow!! How can someone get so upset over a seat on a ride? Anyway we went on RRR, Mummy then round to DA again.

We weren`t very hungry as we had late breakfast so we wanted some ice cream instead. Went straight into ice cream parlor and Kyle had his usual chocolate, Tom asked for clotted cream and something else, and I asked for clotted cream. The girl behind the counter had already given Tom his and asked if we wanted to try his first as it was unusual and some people had said it tasted more sour like key lime flavor.......so I tasted some of Tom`s and she was right. That was not clotted cream ice cream the way we have it over here, but it was strangely nice. It was quite sour with some sweetness but I would never have picked clotted cream as the flavor if it was a blind tasting. We did enjoy it anyway as we finished every drop. Wouldn`t order clotted cream one again though, much preferred the toffee soft serve. Kyle thoroughly recommends the chocolate though!!!

We finished them and got up from the steps and went to go on Gringotts, but it was down and so we decide to wander around to MIB. DA was so busy today, I forgot it was Saturday. And this is where I did get annoyed with someone. As we were walking out one person bumped us with his back pack that looked like he should have been camping in the Himalayas with....it was huge!!!! He barely apologised and walked on......two minutes later it happened again......we had turned around to watch the dragon go breathe fire and we had moved to the side of the buildings so we were out of the way when....wham another person turned around....forgot he had a pack the size of an eight year old child on his back and bumped slam into me. It actually hurt this time.....goodness knows what these people carry in these things.......I yelled at him and Tom yelled at him too as he was still moving around and not caring if he hit anyone or not.......well, he was told in no uncertain terms what I thought of him....probably didn`t make the slightest difference to him but at least i told him he was being an idiot bashing around with that thing on his back. I think people forget it can hit people if they turn.....rant over!!

So MIB........it was fun and strangely busy.......there was quite a queue, but on and off in no time and then they went on Simpsons twice, I sat outside Kwik-E-Mart as usual and chatted to a very nice older man from Maine who was waiting for his family. We did ET which was cute as always, then decided to get HE and do a couple of rides in IOA. The queue was non existent for the train, so got to IOA very quickly and strangely the queue to go the Studios was huge! We went on Duelling Dragons a few times, walked round to The Hulk which the regular queue was quite long for a change, did that a few times and Dr Doom. It was incredibly hot now must have been around 3.30ish......so we got some more water, wandered through the Christmas shop where I spied a few things I might like, would keep that for another day. We walked back but oh my what a difference from yesterday temperature wise.......it was gorgeous. Just prayed it would stay nice for tonight as we planned a late night at horror nights.

Went up and got showered and changed and headed up to the Club Lounge where we had a well deserved glass of wine, we also noticed the weather was looking fantastic, it was going to be a totally different night tonight without rain. It was lovely just sitting and relaxing, we had done a lot of walking and of course would be doing a lot tonight, so it was nice to rest. Mike had asked about last night, well, he hooted with laughter when I told of my encounter with Mr Myers........I suppose it is funny.






We had sat for an hour or so before heading down to get the boat back to Citywalk......queue for boat was quite long but it was soon there. The weather was glorious and maybe even a bit too hot for this time of evening......but I wasn`t going to complain after last night.



We got off boat and planned to eat in Nascar which over the last few years has become a real favorite at Citywalk, but they were closed for a private event.......so after a quick conflab we decide on Margaritaville......walk back and wonder how long we`ll have to wait........as we are 3 people we are seated straight away......so into the restaurant and it is busy but it`s always a lovely place to eat. Now we had an idea what we were going to have in Nascar.....now we had to study the menu again.




Kyle has chicken and fries, I had bbq cheeseburger with no cheese and sweet potato fries and Tom has the ranch burger with fries




Food and service was excellent as always, there is such a great atmosphere in this restaurant, Jimmy Buffet helps of course but it`s just a fun place and food never disappoints. We don`t have dessert as we just don`t have room. I forget what I had to drink but it was some kind of cocktail and very nice it was too......Tom had a beer and Kyle had his usual V Daiquiri. It was a lovely meal but no we were heading to Horror nights and hopefully a dryer one.

More to come.........
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Now we had been fed and watered we felt ready for the night ahead. It was glorious weather wise and the crowds reflected that, everyone seemed in such high spirits and ready for a good night. Tonight we were using the hotel guest entrance, it is just to the right of the regular queue to get through the metal detectors. There is someone with a sign to show you the way. Now at airports one of us always get an extra check as we set off the metal detectors, tonight is no different. Tom and Kyle both get extra attention, but for no apparent reason and we are soon on our way in. I know I sound grouchy today, but the other thing that annoys me is young children at this event. I know Universal sells the tickets, but oh my I`m always shocked at how young some of them are. It`s not a place for them. Tonight as we walk in there are 3 young kids having a tantrum as they are not allowed to wear masks.......seriously! Don`t the parents read anything about the event. One must have been about 4!! Sadly wouldn`t be the only meltdown we would see over the next few nights of this.

Anyway. We probably should have a plan for houses but as usual we don`t.........so we head round to do Dollhouse first then Roanoke then to visit MM again. Tonight all the street actors are out and they are good. We pass through the Terminator area, which although I wouldn`t class it as a scare zone, it was our favorite zone to go through







They are all so good........I forgot to mention Bayou of Blood......it was really good, the witch lady was scary!!! She wandered through the crowds too and scared the living daylights out of several people.....anyway, we didn`t see the sacrifice tonight but the creatures were still roaming around and got me a few times.

So now we walked around to Dollhouse. This is a weird one. I didn`t know what to expect and didn`t get anything remotely like I thought it might be.....it was a creepy little house regardless but it was the smells that stay with you.

Outside there was a strange lime-ish smell but when we got inside it was the diaper room that lingered the most. How they did that I don`t want to think about.......good house with some surprises and some good scares.....I was at the front.....again. I think with EP we queued for 15 minutes which was ok. Then on to Roanoke.......it was 15 minutes too, this was good but not a lot of scares yet......maybe by next week it would be better. Next was on to Halloween.......the regular queue was 75 minutes.....wow.......a TM told us although it was saying 75 it was going to change to around 90 soon. Wow!!! So straight to EP queue tonight but we bought some water first as thankfully it was gloriously hot.

Queue is around 10 minutes and as it is dark now the music seems even creepier again. We don`t get to see the full show on the front of the house again as we are in so quickly, but we have seen it already. So we are in again and the house is just as good as last night........even though you know where he is roughly, it still gets me every time.........Tom swears he thinks they had my picture somewhere saying "target" on it.........I don`t make it through the room full of Michael`s without grabbing on to Tom........but in the bedroom I turn to say something to Tom and I turn back round and he`s right in front of me, big knife up in the air.......I absolutely panic and just run away.......all the time screaming......well it seems to bring them out of everywhere.......my heart is still pounding as we reach the exit......in a good way though......so we exit and now we`re outside I`m laughing and I turn backwards to talk to them......then turn to walk further and hell`s bells....there`s another Michael appears outside from behind the fence........I nearly pass out at this point......Tom and Kyle are beside themselves with laughter. Now I need a drink ::yes::

It was so good seeing the Michael outside, I just never expected it and then I wished we had managed to get a picture as he was outside, but by that time I had propelled myself faster than I knew I could!!! So I do regret not getting a picture with the man himself. Fantastic house, I don`t think I could ever get tired of being scared in there.

We get a drink from one of the stands and head round to do The Walking Dead. Now, I have zero interest in this show but I heard the house was good and it actually was. The regular queue was about 75 mins, and I think we more or less got on straight away. It was good, but no real scares. It was the bit at the end that disorientates you with the lighting effect.......but I wouldn`t queue to go in it. Then we did Dusk till Dawn....I hadn`t even heard of the show, didn`t know it was a show till someone behind us told me so. I thought it was awful. The guy at the beginning was funny though......I thought he was the highlight.......no scares and no real cohesive story, although maybe if you knew the show it would be different. But this was my least favorite of all the houses.

We did AVP again. As we had EP we did Dracula again, and it was much better tonight. Some good scares and Kyle said he thought they had added a bit we didn`t see last night, it did seem a bit longer tonight, definite improvement. We walked back through The Purge, but doesn`t do anything for us tonight......it`s not scary. The Giggles and Gore house was weird. I don`t know what to make of that but we wouldn`t do that one again for some reason.


It`s late now and I think we have missed the last showing of Bill and Ted, to be honest we are quite tired so we head back but stop for some water.....we are all very thirsty. We sit for 5 minutes and all of us are complaining of very sore feet. Sitting down was the worst thing we could have done. We drink the water but none of us wants to get up. All we can think about is we wish we could get a cab from right here.......but we haul each other up and head out of the park towards the boats. Here we see some more young kids having meltdowns :confused3 There is one just leaving so we decide it will be easier on our feet to walk rather than stand still, so we walk and every step is agony!!! Why did we walk so much today!!!

Eventually we make it back to our room and we just collapse......get our shoes off first then have some more water, we are incredibly thirsty tonight, but it was incredibly hot. I`m so glad we managed to get all the houses done, so if next week the weather isn`t great at least we can say we`ve done them. We were also incredibly grateful for having EP. I wouldn`t want to stand in those queues ever for a two minute house......

So, we chat about what a good day we have had. It was busy but we loved every second, especially the Halloween house.....was a definite highlight of the whole Horror nights experience.

Tomorrow would be a chill day we had decided.
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I've got to ask... (though I'm sure you've been asked this before and I just haven't seen it!)... How do you remember all of the details of each day? Do you stop and journal often? I'd love to be able to remember all of these little details of my trips, and I always have good intentions, but the end of the day comes and I sit down to journal a bit and I can't remember what we did, LOL! Do you have some pro tips to share? :scratchin
i always get a new park hhn map each time i do hhn.
i put notes on it as time i got in the line and time i entered the house.

i do list a few of my thoughts on the map on my experiences.

that way it stays fresh in my mind when i do my write ups.
but, i don't post mine on the boards.
just do it to remind me to when i post to answer others questions.

sometimes i can post notes on my iPhone.

i think schumi has a great memory and remembers everything she does each day!
I've got to ask... (though I'm sure you've been asked this before and I just haven't seen it!)... How do you remember all of the details of each day? Do you stop and journal often? I'd love to be able to remember all of these little details of my trips, and I always have good intentions, but the end of the day comes and I sit down to journal a bit and I can't remember what we did, LOL! Do you have some pro tips to share? :scratchin

My iPad won't let me multi quote tonight???

Lol.......no one has ever asked me that actually.........

I do take notes every night, but I do have a good memory too. So when I start with the notes doing the trip report I remember everything that went on that same day.......does that make sense :rotfl:

But note taking every night is a must or it may all end up blending into one big hallucination :rotfl:
My son had a bit of a sprained foot today, and after 3 hours at the hospital (he feels pretty good now and it's probably going to be ok in a few days, so no worries), we're chilling on the couch relaxing finally. He's watching cartoons and both of us have hot chocolate. I'm reading away at your posts... probably have some more weird dreams (this time Halloween!), but I must say, hot chocolate almost shot straight out of my nose when I read about the two (or maybe three?) amorous neighbors of yours. I really needed the laugh today! Tee hee! :)
Great updates!

How annoying are those people who wear those backpacks with no regard for those around them? What are people thinking! He could have really hurt someone. Glad you were ok.

I am so in awe of your long trip! A week always feels so rushed, can't really get any downtime in hardly.

Looking forward to the rest! :goodvibes
Hubs and I are huge Walking Dead fans, although I don't care much for the gore aspect of it. I am a sucker for anything post apocalyptic! I wouldn't mind seeing that house. Hubs is a huge horror fan. The Halloween movies are his favorite. However, he hates haunted houses.. He says his nerves don't handle people coming up behind him.. He tends to react violently so he stays away. Part of him would loove to go to HHN but another part of him doesn't. Our kids are too young for that sort of thing now. Maybe one day...

I was cracking up about your neighbors being so..um..noisy! Hubs and I stayed at this swanky hotel once for our anniversary and our neighbors were quite noisy too! It is very awkward!
My son had a bit of a sprained foot today, and after 3 hours at the hospital (he feels pretty good now and it's probably going to be ok in a few days, so no worries), we're chilling on the couch relaxing finally. He's watching cartoons and both of us have hot chocolate. I'm reading away at your posts... probably have some more weird dreams (this time Halloween!), but I must say, hot chocolate almost shot straight out of my nose when I read about the two (or maybe three?) amorous neighbors of yours. I really needed the laugh today! Tee hee! :)

Oh hope your DS foot is better......poor little thing, cartoons always help :thumbsup2.........any more weird dreams last night?????
Glad you got a giggle.........it was funny.......reason we thought there was, well, more than two in the room is just "after".....we heard someone go out saying see ya......but we could still hear a couple talk ::yes::

Great updates!

How annoying are those people who wear those backpacks with no regard for those around them? What are people thinking! He could have really hurt someone. Glad you were ok.

I am so in awe of your long trip! A week always feels so rushed, can't really get any downtime in hardly.

Looking forward to the rest! :goodvibes

It`s the sheer size of them that boggles my mind.........thankfully I`m not little, but yep I`m sure they could have done some damage to someone more delicate than me. Rude.
I always appreciate how long our trips are, it is nice to have some down time too...........
Glad you`re enjoying reading along :goodvibes

Hubs and I are huge Walking Dead fans, although I don't care much for the gore aspect of it. I am a sucker for anything post apocalyptic! I wouldn't mind seeing that house. Hubs is a huge horror fan. The Halloween movies are his favorite. However, he hates haunted houses.. He says his nerves don't handle people coming up behind him.. He tends to react violently so he stays away. Part of him would loove to go to HHN but another part of him doesn't. Our kids are too young for that sort of thing now. Maybe one day...

I was cracking up about your neighbors being so..um..noisy! Hubs and I stayed at this swanky hotel once for our anniversary and our neighbors were quite noisy too! It is very awkward!

If he reacts violently in certain situations then he`s right not to go. If you react at all and touch scareactors in any way you will be removed. So best no to then.

i`m not bothered by "noisy" neighbors........we have cheered before when it was over. Once in a castle hotel in Switzerland we shouted for them to hurry up..........it went on a long, long time!!!! We thought the walls were that thick we wouldn`t hear an avalanche in the next room!!!
Sunday 21st Sept...........Chill day...........

Well you would think we would have wanted a sleep in today........but no. It was the Singapore Grand Prix this morning so with the time difference it was on early morning. We kind of crawled out of bed......rolled would be more appropriate from me.......I ached all over. Tom was sore and Kyle mumbled his feet hurt. We are not grumpy morning people but this morning there was a distinct lack of conversation going back and forwards. It looked nice outside today, but we had already decided to give the parks a break today. Again, we had the conversation about going to St Pete`s but we all kind of looked at each other and shook our heads. Decision made. I do love a day at the beach, we used to stay overnight and have a lovely dinner after watching the sunset on the beach, but last few years we have really just gone for the day. Maybe next year.

But for now, Tom went up and got some breakfast from the lounge and brought it back down for us. And we sat back and watched the Grand Prix. Wished we hadn`t bothered as the guy we don`t like won. But there you go........

We had time to nip up and have more than the donut Tom had brought down.....so we had coffee and some fruit and Kyle had his cereal. Think we had missed most of the crowds this morning so it was peaceful and relaxing.

We walked down to the car park and it was lovely and warm, we were just ready for a day milling about doing not very much. First stop was the outlet centre at the top of IDrive........I actually can`t remember if we bought anything here, but did wander around Coach shop and unfortunately, or fortunately I didn`t see anything this time, despite some good bargains. We drove down to Bed Bath and Beyond.......I love this store. Full of everything....so I grabbed a cart and didn`t quite fill it but got some nice bedding, cutlery????? and some bathroom accessories. On the way out I spotted some little shopping bags with Frozen on them......one of my friends loves this movie, so that would be part of her little gifts I take back for her.

We thought now we would drive to LBV as we quite liked the outlet centre there. So we headed down that way and the roads were so quiet. We usually go Turkey Lake Road and it is quieter than I4. As we got nearer we thought we might have lunch first.......now there`s a lot of choice here so we headed into Crossroads and saw Perkins. We last went into Perkins and it was this one in 2007. I think we enjoyed it and it was a nice place. However we walked in, stood for a few minutes and I looked around and headed straight back out the door.......they were looking at the bakery counter which did look nice, and hadn`t realised I had gone........oops!! Eventually they came back outside and looked curiously at me.........it just didn`t look clean. Not the way I remembered it being. Maybe it just needs a revamp. But now Tom said he knew as soon as I walked in I wouldn`t eat there....lol......he knows me so well.

We drove 2 minutes to Chili`s............cheap and cheerful and always had a good meal in there......so we went in and it was busy but not too busy, so we were seated immediately and ordered some cold drinks.......the menu had to be studied for a while as none of us were sure what we wanted........well, Kyle probably knew what he was having. Kyle had chicken tenders and fries, Tom had chicken and steak fajitas and I had a half rack and sweet potato fries.........Kyle`s tenders were even nicer than ones from Smokey Bones and I didn`t think they could get nicer..........




Food was gorgeous and we were so glad we picked there to eat today. Service is excellent and guy who was looking after us was super nice, it was just a lovely lunch. So we finished off our drinks which was a gorgeous strawberry lemonade and headed down to the outlet centre.

We had a good wander around here, Kyle and Tom looked at watches and I picked up a cheapy $30 one in Fossil......just caught my eye...........it was purple ::yes:: We picked up some stuff from Lindt as gifts and then decided to head back to the hotel and chill out some more. So we drove back and went to our room and rested for and hour or so before showering and heading up to lounge where they were showing Back to the Future....so we sat in comfy seats and watched that with wine and chatted to staff. We did notice at one point it had started raining, but we were in no rush to go out tonight. It was nice just sitting in there relaxing with a wine or two.......Tom was on sprite again.........Mike asked where we were going as he knew only too well by now we didn`t use the lounge for dinner, told him we were going to Outback Steakhouse. It was somewhere we used to go a lot, but didn`t think it was as good as Longhorn, but tonight we would give it a try.

As we went through the lobby we noticed this again.......we had been told when it was quiet in September they closed it Sunday and Monday, but you could still sit in it and just chill out if you wanted.


someone mention purple parasols.........:rolleyes1




I taught him how to photobomb too well...........



Probably my favorite hotel entrance ever.........


We went to the one closest to Universal, it was ok last time we went and this time it looked just as busy which we always hope is a good sign. We got a nice table......I noticed an older couple beside us but never thought anything about them. So Bradley was taking care of us tonight, really nice young man who I thought seemed new. But we ordered one strawberry smoothie and 2 strawberry lemonades and then studied the menu. This couple just kept looking at us for some reason.....so I as I usually do smiled at them. They kind of nodded and buried their heads. Oh well, so our drinks appeared........2 milkshakes and a water? Sorry Bradley that`s not what we ordered.........he looked a bit confused but took them away and eventually came back with the drinks, correct this time and told us he would be back with the bread....that gorgeous honey wheat with the gorgeous butter that you try not to eat too much of.




And we waited, he came back to take our order so we thought then we wouldn`t bother.......as I was ordering I could feel this woman watching and it was beginning to disturb me a little but anyway, Kyle ordered Teriyaki chicken and fries, Tom ordered Porterhouse and mash, medium and I ordered the 8oz filet medium rare. So he took the order through then came back with..........more water........ok no bread, and we didn`t bother asking as we just wanted to enjoy our dinner..........

Food arrived..........as did our bread ::yes::




Kyle`s was lovely. Tom`s was slighty more than medium but edible. Now mine, I looked at it and thought that doesn`t look like a filet, it looks like a flatiron steak or a very small strip as it had no height to it. So I cut in to it and it was cooked through, being so thin I`m not surprised!!! I cut through the middle and it was full of sinew and again cooked through. Now I don`t care I`m only paying $30 for a steak or $100, but I want it to be right. So I called Bradley over and told him, I said that it was overcooked, not good quality and I didn`t think it was a filet. So he apologised and asked if I wanted another. I said of course I did. So he took it away and we waited. They tucked into theirs of course, Tom said his was not brilliant but nearer the bone was ok. The manageress came over and said.....talk to me.........bit abrupt, but I told her exactly what it was and it was overcooked and not filet. She said no problem the other one would be out soon.

I ordered a cocktail as I was fed up waiting at this point......Blackberry Sangria which was gorgeous......


Eventually another filet was brought out, Bradley got me to check it before he went away.......I could see it was perfect looking at it....But I cut into it and it melted unlike the previous piece of shoe leather they tried to serve. It was beautiful, I didn`t take a picture but I wish I had as the difference was amazing between the two. Of course they had finished their meal now. So the manageress came over and checked it was good and told her it was so she was happy. This older couple were still watching our every move and Kyle was getting annoyed, not like him at all but we didn`t say anything all the same.

We called Bradley over and asked for the check......he came back and left it with us........Tom laughed and said have a look........lol.........the drinks we sent back that were wrong and the steak we sent back were all still on the check......so we shouted him over and he said were we good to go.......er, no not quite. He was embarrassed and said he would sort it immediately, which he did. And this couple were still watching every move.......we paid Bradley and as I climbed out of the booth I looked at the couple, smiled and said Have a lovely evening.......they smiled back and said oh you too.......Tom wondered what I was going to say, but they were harmless really.

Would we go back there, probably not. I still think Longhorn is far superior for steaks but Kyle enjoyed his which I was glad about. Now we headed back to the hotel where we whizzed up to our room, got changed and headed down to the pool........it was hot again tonight. I managed to do some laundry as well, so I bimbled between the lounger, the pool and the laundry room. The pool wasn`t too busy tonight which is nice and it`s a lovely temperature again. We stay again till they blow the whistle. Head up and in bed for around 11 tonight.

So that was our do nothing day.......our feet were suitably recovered and ready for some more park time tomorrow.
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Outback has this salad that is to die for.. Bleu cheese pecan chopped salad.. So delicious! I do go to steakhouses when Hubs gets a wild hair for some beef. I usually make do with a side salad and baked potato but the outback salad is actually really yummy so I don't mind going. Sadly, the closest outback to us is about 30 minutes or so away.

Chili's is a favorite of mine! My daughter used to call it Pepper's. ;)

I am so hungry now, thinking about eating out!
Oh hope your DS foot is better......poor little thing, cartoons always help :thumbsup2.........any more weird dreams last night?????
Glad you got a giggle.........it was funny.......reason we thought there was, well, more than two in the room is just "after".....we heard someone go out saying see ya......but we could still hear a couple talk ::yes::

I dreamt about hospitals that night! (Doesn't help that I also watch The Walking Dead and they're in a hospital right now too -- so between The Boy and his foot and THAT show!) Your report makes me want to do HHN! Although, I'm a wuss when it comes to getting jumped at so I probably couldn't handle it. I just like being creeped out... not jumped at! DS is SO looking forward to the all the Harry Potter stuff! He's been before but barely remembers and loves Harry Potter more now that he is older.
Sadly, the closest outback to us is about 30 minutes or so away.

Only 30 minutes away? Crikey, we'd travel to the moon if it opened up a restaurant worth going to :laughing:

I dreamt about hospitals that night! (Doesn't help that I also watch The Walking Dead and they're in a hospital right now too -- so between The Boy and his foot and THAT show!) Your report makes me want to do HHN! Although, I'm a wuss when it comes to getting jumped at so I probably couldn't handle it. I just like being creeped out... not jumped at! DS is SO looking forward to the all the Harry Potter stuff! He's been before but barely remembers and loves Harry Potter more now that he is older.

Lol.......HHN is so much fun.....if you're a bit nervous it's even better......especially for others watching :rotfl:

Oh your son will love all the potter stuff.........it truly is amazing and DA and KA are the best themed place I have ever seen :thumbsup2
Kyle had chicken tenders and fries, ........Kyle`s tenders were even nicer than ones from Smokey Bones and I didn`t think they could get nicer..........

Totally agree :thumbsup2 . I have no idea what Chili's does to their chicken tenders, but OMG......they are divine ::yes:: .

Insert drool here :worship: .
Gina glad it wasn't just us that thought that........Kyle does have tenders a lot.....lol.......and those were the best of any he tried.

He usually quite happy to share as portions are always huge anyway, but he was quite reluctant to part with these ones........

Nice pic :thumbsup2

Guess what I'm craving now :rolleyes1
schumi, we love going to Outback.
the best steaks in town !!

we went last night for dinner at the Outback and thought of you and yours when we were there.

they are the one place where we can order medium rare and it comes medium rare.
i would drive an hour if i had to for that place......

i'm so glad they took care of the error you had when you received your steaks.
it must have been a busy night there when you three ate there.
but sometimes there are slip ups which you can over look as the food is well worth any drive and wait.

i am so enjoying your trip report.
love the pictures you are including....

think you have outdone yourself this year on your trippie...
you write so well.
schumi, we love going to Outback.
the best steaks in town !!

we went last night for dinner at the Outback and thought of you and yours when we were there.

they are the one place where we can order medium rare and it comes medium rare.
i would drive an hour if i had to for that place......

i'm so glad they took care of the error you had when you received your steaks.
it must have been a busy night there when you three ate there.
but sometimes there are slip ups which you can over look as the food is well worth any drive and wait.

i am so enjoying your trip report.
love the pictures you are including....

think you have outdone yourself this year on your trippie...
you write so well.

A great steak is well worth travelling for..........yes it was busy, and I can forgive......but I`m so fussy about steak........I kept saying....never had this in Longhorn :laughing:

Glad you`re enjoying it and thanks for the nice comments :hug:


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