18 Wonderful nights at RPR.....Michael Myers too!! (2014 Trip)

Monday 15th September

We were up fairly early this morning, another glorious looking day outside, well we could see how nice it was once the condensation cleared off our window. Showered and dressed and I think we were in the lounge for just after 8, so we took our time as we are never in a rush to go anywhere on our trips. I had cinammon bun, fruit and some meat...all on the one plate.....lush!! Tom had his usual cereal and fruit and Kyle just stuck to cereal. He`s very easy to please at times. We sat and chatted with the staff for a bit this morning and then eventually we set off for the park......we were going to Studios today, our first decision of the day.......

We wandered down and went for the boat....Kyle decide he was going to walk and meet us there....as he left the boat arrived.....so we had just got sat down when we saw him mooch back, he had seen the boat from the path and thought he might as well get it since it was there.......we did laugh......and teased him about wanting to walk. There was hardly anyone on it this morning so he set off and we were in Citywalk in no time at all.

It was hot again......loving it though........so it was a quick walk to the gate and then we decided to head straight to Diagon Alley and not to any rides on the way today. We just wanted to take it all in at a relaxed pace again....and we would take pictures today. Park was quiet





It really did seem like we were almost alone at one point but when we turned the corner we could see more people......we did see this first though....


It`s still funny walking towards the new area when it was Amity for so long, but it is truly spectacular to see......I am totally in awe of what a good job they have done on it......



We had a look in a few of the windows and used the call box, which was fun.....then it was time to go through the entrance again to Diagon Alley...............it was just as enthralling as the first time and really does make you feel you actually there in the movie......




Now we knew where were headed to this morning......Gringotts ride.......we walked towards it and wondered whether it was functioning or if there was a huge queue, as we wanted to experience the full queue at least once, then we could use single rider when we pleased. I think it said 30 minutes so we wandered in and were immediately immersed into the world of goblins and banking......so impressive



We had already been told a manager at the hotel to look out for the chandeliers as they cost $2 million each......they were impressive, as was the whole place....those goblins are very realistic. We ambled through and realised there wasn`t that much of a queue in front of us at all......but with distant memories of Disney.....we were well aware how they could hide a queue and you turned a corner and there were hundreds in front of you.


As we wandered through we could take our time and try to take it all in, but of course with that much detail you just can`t......but we did our best. Soon we were getting our pictures taken which we didn`t know you got done......then it was on to this room......where we ended up waiting for about 20 minutes.


It wasn`t so bad as at least it wasn`t crowded and there was stuff to look at.......one woman then very loudly began to describe the ride to someone.....now I knew what the ride looked like and what it did, but Tom and Kyle knew absolutely nothing and I wanted to keep it that way, so i went to ask her to please not ruin the surprise for others who hadn`t ridden yet....when this little woman appeared behind me and not very politely told her she didn`t want to hear her version of the ride thank you very much.....I thought she was going to get a round of applause......anyway she didn`t relay the ride any further. So we stood and we stood then finally we got through to the elevator bit.


We got in the elevator and didn`t go anywhere for a while.....maybe around 10 minutes or so.....again there wasn`t that many people in it so it wasn`t unpleasant.....but soon the doors closed and we set off all the way down into the depths of the earth. It was a fun experience in the elevator.


We got out and mingled into the queue...picked up our glasses and soon we were climbing the stairs. If it hadn`t been for the technical break it would have been around 15 minutes from when we entered until we got to the start of the ride. The queue is impressive and we were even more impressed when we got to the top. We got on the back row first time.....I found the seats to be roomy and strangely comfortable the way it curves.....my feet didn`t touch the ground on the back row, I`m 5"7ish........but overall I thought the seats were fine in whatever row we sat in.

Then we set off. Wow!!!!! It is not a thrill ride by any means, but it is so much fun!!! We laughed and laughed and thankfully this first ride was uninterrupted by any faults or breakdowns. It was disappointing when it was over....we wanted to go again....so we got off to loud cheers from everyone around.....and set off back round. Queue was longer this time so we did single rider. Kyle and I got to sit together and Tom got on the front row of the same car......so much fun!!!

I really struggle to see all the faults people have been coming up with about this ride, yes when it breaks down it`s annoying but it is an amazing experience they have given us and we couldn`t wait to go back on again. But we wanted to see all the areas again, so rather reluctantly we came out and wandered around it properly.












I think we took about a thousand pictures today alone........there was always something new to catch your eye and it was usually more spectacular than the previous thing......there is so much detail gone into this place, I have never seen anything like this level of theming before, anywhere......truly immersive and uncomparable.





More of today to follow
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More of the same day........

So we really wanted an ice cream, but the queue was so long we just didn`t bother, we bought some water instead....yum!! We were still blown away by everything that was surrounding us in this new area, and everyone around us seem to have the same opinion. Everyone looked so happy and impressed by it all which was so good to see. We lost count of how many TM stopped to chat and ask us what we thought of it all, not just in DA we got asked a lot by TM`s over both parks. We have never had a bad experience of TM`s in Universal anywhere.....they have always been so friendly and helpful and we always appreciate what they do, it can be a tough job at times. So we spent some more time wandering then decided to go back into Gringotts and use single rider......


It was a bit busier now but with single rider we were on in no time....we got split up this time and I got the front of one side and Kyle got the front of the other side.....Tom had already sat on the front so we didn`t offer to swap, he was behind me in my car. Really enjoyed it again and on the front was even more fun at the bit where you hang over......I think that`s my favorite bit of the ride.......we only did it once more as we had more to do today, so went back into the sunshine and yep, took some more pics then headed to Knockturn Alley again.






We love KA......and yes I totally forgot what this hand did....and it got me really good.......Tom pointed and said what`s that under the hand, so me being me put my face right up to it as it snapped down.......I let out such a scream........they of course thought it was funny......one man behind me said he hoped I wasn`t doing HHN!!!! Er, ok.




KA I think is my favorite place in DA.......I always liked the darkside of things, when I was at school I adored Macbeth and my English literature teacher decided I had something of the dark side in me as I was a little too keen on dark plays and books......lol.......the way they have done the inside of the roof to look like a moving dark sky is impressive, as is the whole area.

Kyle wanted to eat in The Simpsons area today, so we began to head out. We did look in the Leaky Cauldron, but the food doesn`t appeal at all so we took a few pics before setting off.





It is an amazing looking place and we may eat there one day, but in no rush to do so. So we head out into the sunshine and head over to the Knight bus......the conductor and the shrunken head are a lot of fun and spend some good time with you, although the queue wasnt huge at this point.





We began to wander round we knew we would be back plenty more times so were not sad to leave the area, I keep saying it`s so well done and it is, but London weather is not usually as pretty as it was today!! Kyle was getting hungry so we walked over the bridge but had to get some pics......





We do our usual MIB then they go on the Simpsons ride without me.....that is one ride I will never, ever do again. It`s so strange I can do other simulator type rides and I`m ok, but this yuk......Kyle thinks it`s because they don`t use glasses....maybe, it`s the only thing the others have that Simpson`s dont have. Anyhoo, I sit outside KwikeMart and wait for them. I could sit anywhere in the parks and just people watch....it`s fun and you do see some funny things at times......so they arrive and we go in and order food......I think I`m more thirsty than hungry just now but I`m sure when we get our food I`ll be ready for it.....Kyle has a cheese pizza, we share meat pizza and shrimp basket.....it was all lovely. Staff in here as usual superb, and they take us to an empty table. It`s quite a good system but there are a few people who come in the other door who don`t know how it works and just sit down, so they have to explain to some people who get a bit annoyed at times.......but I like the way you know you will get seated once you have your food.




Food is nice, and freshly cooked......Kyle had his gone before I could take the picture.......we didn`t finish all of the pizza and I think I ate most of the shrimp........it`s cheap and cheerful and fills a hole during the day......

We head round to do ET and I start sneezing like you would not believe......I must have sneezed about 15 times till we got to ET.......so once I stopped we went in and I always enjoy this ride. Kyle does come on with us, but really he only does cause I ask him too........we come out and head back out of the park, we are planning to come back in tonight for a while and on the way out we see some of the Horror Nights stuff laid out.





We wander to Ben and Jerry`s so someone can have chocolate ice cream.........we have water again......then we pop on The Mummy and RRR....Kyle and I ask for the front which we get........I always remember the first time I went on Rockit.....oh my, I stood for ages watching it trying to pluck up the courage....and eventually I went on........I was so scared going up the hill lift, but then I loved it.....as long as we got the front couple of rows as it is a much smoother ride. We make our way back to the boat and there is a bit of a queue.....there`s a woman who doesn`t look well and seems to be on her own, so I ask her if she`s ok and she says she thinks she`s going to throw up.......I`m not good with that but we ask if she wants to go sit down....then her daughter and her very annoyed husband and kids turn up and the daughter insists on going back to the hotel with her.....he is not happy but they get on the boat. This sounds awful, but I dread the whole way back in case she is ill.......she isn`t though. So we go back to room to change for going back out.
More to come.......today is long!!
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Busy day!
I agree on the Simpsons. I think it's funny but there is something about it :crazy2:
That was nice of you to ask the lady if she was ok.
Monday 14th Part 3.........

So we get off the boat and walk up to our room, it is lovely and cool inside.....it`s wonderfully hot outside but nice for a break. We quickly shower, change and head up to the lounge for a bit before we head back to the park. It`s lovely and quiet tonight.......we have a couple of glasses of wine each as no-one is driving anywhere. Kyle has some cheese as they have his favorite kind we have some salad with blue cheese dressing which I usually hate....except in here and in Jake`s. Same stuff made in house.......we sit for quite a while and chat to the staff as they wander round. It`s so nice to catch up with them again from last year.

We get chatting to an English couple who are staying for two weeks.....we had nodded to them briefly before as they were in same times as us, but tonight we spoke and had a lovely chat with them. He wanted to do HHN but she wasn`t keen.....we were persuading her she would love it and it was working. They were lovely and we got on well with them. There was however an older woman who kept interrupting and was being quite rude at times, but she joined in and I just didn`t like her, neither did the other girl but eventually it was back to just us and the other couple talking. Then we decided to head off as we were keen to get back to the park.


It was still really hot so we decided to get the boat......


I spotted this woman who was the spitting image of Betty White from the golden Girls...well what she looked like 20 years ago.......we got chatting to her and her husband and sat with them on the boat. Her husband was very pleasant and we chatted about several things.....they were very nice and it`s always nice to talk to new people and get to know them. So, we get off the boat and wish them a good evening, and we head back into The Studios.



It looks so lovely as we walk in to the park.......we do DM first then RRR, we get the front row again.......it is so fast tonight........and so much fun......we go round and go on The Mummy....and take some pictures........and wonder if it was going to rain....it was very humid now so we wouldn`t have been surprised.

Where is everyone????????







DA was really lovely at night, very different feel to it. But we still wandered around and stared at things as if it was for the first time.




We decide to go in for single rider again tonight, there is a queue of around 45 minutes but single rider is very quick. We get to the top of the stairs and are immediately asked to move to the ride car.....Tom and I are together and Kyle is on the other side........we go first.......we just get to the bit where the trolls are going to throw the car when it breaks down.....well It had to happen at some point to us. We are on the back row and it`s fine, not uncomfortable at all even with my legs not touching the floor. After about 10 minutes we move off but nothing is working properly........when we get back to the station they tell us we`ll be riding again and to walk with the TM who takes us up the child swap area and we get straight back on again.....we get the front row this time without asking...yay......we sit for a while before we set off and wonder where Kyle is and whether he got to ride again......but then we are moving.......and this time it`s perfect. There`s a few people complaining to TM`s and asking what compensation they are going to get......seriously!!! You just got to ride it again without queuing......one man asks for a complimentary EP for next day and is told there is no EP for this ride.....he then asks for those slips you give out to go to the front.......cheeky man!!! He doesn`t get one but TM deals with his attitude very well.

It is hot and humid when we get out. Kyle didn`t ride again and was waiting in the shop for us......so we had a bit of a wander and admired the area at night.


We seem to spend ages just walking around but soon we decide we`re hungry and think we`ll go to Sal`s at Portofino Bay.....love their pizza`s!!

We head out to the boats and luckily there`s one waiting, so we hop on. It`s a nice little sail and we are soon there. This hotel is lovely, but I don`t want to stay there for some reason......I`m glad we have missed the opera singer again as I don`t enjoy that.....I know some do......but not us. It`s so quiet around the square and we wander in to an empty Sal`s and sit down. It`s a lovely little place and we try and eat there every visit. We don`t enjoy the other restaurants in this hotel at all but Sal`s we love. Kyle orders a cheese pizza......I`m always surprised he likes it as it`s so garlicky, but he has it up there with his favorites, he asks for it with a bbq base instead of tomato and they are happy to do that.......we order the large bbq chicken have some water and a wine each.






The food is delicious as always.....Kyle never finishes his crusts for some reason, I don`t either actually........those pizza`s are just so tasty I almost wish I had room for another but we are suitably stuffed and now heading to get the boats back to the hotel. We have to wait a bit for the first boat, and when we get to Citywalk the RP is just pulling in so we get straight on it......I`m so tired at this point I could sleep on the boat, but as we get off Kyle suddenly realises......he missed dessert......unbelievable!!! I tell him I`m going to the room if he wants dessert he can go get it himself.......so Tom goes with him and I head up and get ready for bed. They are gone ages and I begin to wonder where they are.......eventually they appear with what the girls in Jake`s now call the secret dessert....lol.......there was a big convention in this week and Jake`s was bouncing apparently....so they had to wait a while for it. I ask Kyle if he feels ok to eat that dessert so late....he just looks and laughs......he`s young. Well I am sleeping before my head even hits the pillow tonight......I can`t remember what time it is, but it`s late for us..........and it was draining today as it was hot and humid all day and into the evening. But tomorrow is another day.....:)
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Busy day!
I agree on the Simpsons. I think it's funny but there is something about it :crazy2:
That was nice of you to ask the lady if she was ok.

It really was busy......I was so tired by the time I went to bed.......as for the lady, well you always think if it was your mum you would someone to take care of her :thumbsup2

Glad to have you still reading along....it`s becoming an epic tonight :blush:
Great pictures of Diagon Alley, I'm enjoying your trip report a lot. You do a great job of bringing us along with you as you write about each day, thanks for that.

You all look so happy and relaxed in your photos--often like you're on the verge of laughing. Your vacation looks like it was pure fun.
Great pictures of Diagon Alley, I'm enjoying your trip report a lot. You do a great job of bringing us along with you as you write about each day, thanks for that.

You all look so happy and relaxed in your photos--often like you're on the verge of laughing. Your vacation looks like it was pure fun.

Oh we really do have a wonderful fun time on our trips.........thank you for the lovely comments, I'm so glad you are enjoying reading along :goodvibes

Awesome pictures and more great updates! :thumbsup2

I can hardly wait to see Diagon Alley in person. :cloud9:

Thanks Gina, oh you will love Diagon Alley I'm sure....it is spectacular.......it'll be here before you know it :)

oh i so love schumi's trip reports......

she writes like a pro!

Aww thank you kindly........that's nice of you to say..........:goodvibes
Wow, the park was empty that morning. It's like it's your park only.

We live Sals at PBH. If we are at RPR we go over for a dinner too. Never too busy at night and great pizza.
I love reading about all the food you eat!!! my trip planning is all about where to eat!!! I really enjoy how easy Universal is to plan for
Wow, the park was empty that morning. It's like it's your park only.

We live Sals at PBH. If we are at RPR we go over for a dinner too. Never too busy at night and great pizza.

It was spookily quiet at one point.....no one else around......didn't last though......yep, love Sal's pizza :thumbsup2

I love reading about all the food you eat!!! my trip planning is all about where to eat!!! I really enjoy how easy Universal is to plan for
I know I had to work and have been sick but 3 updates!! I don't know how you do it.

I love the pictures of US that have no people in them. I guess I can only dream about having pictures without crowds of people in them as we will be there January 2 and 3, 2015. :confused3 Guess Ill have to look at yours:rotfl:
I know I had to work and have been sick but 3 updates!! I don't know how you do it.

I love the pictures of US that have no people in them. I guess I can only dream about having pictures without crowds of people in them as we will be there January 2 and 3, 2015. :confused3 Guess Ill have to look at yours:rotfl:

Sorry to hear you were sick......hope you're better now :goodvibes

It was a long night doing 3 posts on the one day........didn't get a whole lot else done :rotfl:

You'll still have a wonderful trip.........doesn't matter how busy it is......at least you'll be there. It really was amazing that day......it took us back to 2007 when there really was no one there one day.......hard to imagine now......

Glad you're reading along :thumbsup2
Tuesday 16th Sept........

We were exhausted this morning........none of us wanted to get up first and shower today.......doesn`t happen very often but today we were tired. Eventually I got up first as it takes me longer than them, plus I was getting hungry....lol.......I could taste my fruit, Toast and cinammon bun so I jumped up.....well, moved quickly and hit the shower. They have the tv on again and it`s on the weather channel......it`s "only" going to be in the high 70`s today......how will we cope with such cool temps!!!

Breakfast was, as always lovely and we took our time again today, it did look dull outside when we were in the room but now it had cleared and looked lovely. So we headed off down and decided to walk....it didn`t feel any cooler as we set off just felt as hot as it had been. We noticed this morning that the walking bridge to and from CB had been put in overnight.....it`s not a pretty bridge at the moment but it`ll serve a function. When we arrive at the gates to IOA it doesn`t look busy at all. So we wander in and take our time heading round the The Hulk......it`s a walk on and we get on the front, they want to go on again so I go and sit in the shade and see this vision beside me..........

This picture was one of the casualties of Photobucket for some reason......

Yep.......the dreaded Brazillian tour group leader........my immediate thought was oh heck no.......but, the tour comprised of around 8 families.....they are not noisy, just seem to have to walk together across the path? So I sit and wait and do some more people watching and snap some pictures. They`re not too long before they appear and we do our usual Dr Doom which had a 10 minute wait but straight on with Express....no I don`t want to wait 10 minutes to ride.........we do this about 6 times this morning....then head round to a surprisingly busy Spiderman........only do this once and then we head around to do another favorite that is JP. It`s so beautiful again today and not as cool as the weather channel said it was going be.......it`s hot......





We get round to JP and it`s slightly busier than the previous day we were here.....well, there`s maybe 40 people in the regular queue......Kyle had decided he wouldn`t go on today as he was fed up getting drenched......I thought that was what was supposed to happen.......but we go on four times and by pure luck we get a boat to ourselves the first time......I love it......but we know we are going to get soaked.......but we actually don`t, more like a sprinkle.....we do get a bit wet next time but the woman in front of me takes the full blast of the wave that whooshes up towards us.......she doesn`t find it funny......we were hooting like coyotes it was such a fundrop!!


We walk round to HP and on the way see it is actually getting a bit duller, no cooler but it`s still lovely. We go on FJ just once, well they go back on again and I head round to see the station at Hogsmeade and wait for them till we go on Duelling Dragons.....it is lovely.......



And looking back to Hogsmeade is so nice too......doesn`t look too busy either......


We stop for a quick wander round behind Mythos......beautiful area and hardly anyone goes there.....



We enjoy a couple of rides in Zeuss Landing and have a bathroom break......love these cute bathrooms and have always been lucky enough to find them all clean and tidy anytime I go in.

We don`t spend a long time here today and we decide to go to Confisco Grille for lunch. It`s always a favorite of ours, the menu is nice, simple and very inexpensive. Service is always top notch too.....and it`s always cool to walk into from the midday sun.



We get seated immediately and I order fanta as does Tom, Kyle has a strawberry smoothie......I always wondered what their sangria tastes like so I order a glass.........it was ok..........I order Pad Thai, Tom orders the signature burger and Kyle has his usual cheese pizza.......




The food was lovely, except my Pad Thai. Usually it`s beautiful but there was something not quite right about it today. It tasted more like parmesan than spicy peanut........our waiter noticed I hadn`t eaten much of it and asked what was wrong with the meal. Told him and he asked if I wanted another cooked, well I had eaten less than half but I wasn`t hungry and they had finished their meals by now so I declined and we just asked for the check. We waited a few minutes longer than normal for hm to come back but when he did he had taken the cost of my meal off. That was nice as I hadn`t asked for any discount. We still tipped as normal though as he was very nice and service was still good. It was a bit disappointing but it was only one meal. Tom and I decided to go back to the room but Kyle stayed on his own for a couple of hours to do the rides over again. I had to do some laundry.

We always walk through the Christmas shop whenever we leave and always get more than we should from it........so much choice though. We don`t buy anything today and head back to the path to walk to the hotel. We are there in no time and get some laundry washed and dried......joyful!!! We sit up in the lounge while it gets done and just chill out, it`s so quiet having a coffee and chatting to the staff. We head back down as Kyle was coming back in, so we all get showered and changes and head out to Mall at Millenia again for a mooch......we are going to red Lobster tonight but Kyle fancies a Linda`s dessert again.

When we arrive, it is pouring down with rain....really heavy but once inside Kyle and Tom go get his cake and I sit upstairs in the food court and wait for them....Tom had decided to buy us a caramel apple betty cheesecake to share.......it tasted nice but didn`t look it......so won`t post the picture......food pics are supposed to be appealling!


After we ate them we headed to Macy`s where I got some more stuff from Clinique. We pay in pounds what it costs in dollars fro everything so I got some real bargains. One of the moisturisers we pay £50 for and yep that`s what it is in dollars....so of course I`m going to stock up. We headed to the wine shop across the road from the Mall as we have to get someone a gift again. We love this shop and I`m amazed at the selection of wines and spirits they have.........I could bankrupt us in here. But we choose a bottle for him and head back to the hotel. It has stopped raining now so it`s pleasant to be out in.

We drop the wine in our room and head up to the lounge for the last hour of happy hour....... it`s fairly quiet tonight so we sit at the sofa`s and I get some wine....Tom is driving tonight again.......we chat to one of the guys about HHN and he tells us a few things we didn`t know...........and keeps topping up my glass........we don`t have anything else tonight, the salad doesn`t look so nice and we see someone eat the cheese without using tongs.......why do people do that!!! But around 7.45 we left for dinner at Red Lobster down at the convention centre.

We use this one still because of poor service from the one opposite Four Seasons......I won`t go back to that one now. But this one is always busy and service is good, as is the food. Takes us ages to get down I-Drive tonight, and we see where the Orlando Wheel is going to be......that is something we are looking forward to seeing......it`s going to be a decent size.....but we get to the restaurant and it`s really busy so we have to wait around 15 minutes......no problem.




We take ages over the menu tonight, and we devour some cheese biscuits while we decide what to eat. Kyle goes for Maple chicken which he loves, Tom orders snow crab, scallops and shrimp and I have Lobster, scallops and shrimp. We have a lovely waitress as usual who tells us the kitchen is really busy, we tell here we`re in no rush, and it really isn`t that long a wait





Food was as always really lovely, I always get Tom to break the shells on the crab as I`m not very good at it, but he is. I got King crab in Clearwater a few years ago and I couldn`t have broken it with a hammer.....so Tom did it for me, good one of us can!

Kyle decides to have the chocolate wave, no surprise there and Tom and I share the strawberry cheesecake......I never usually have room for dessert but liked the idea of sharing one. It was nice.



We really are full now. Dessert was lovely though as I usually just eat the ice cream off of Kyle`s dessert. It was late now, can`t quite remember what time but late for us to be out and about. We drove up IDrive and thought about stopping for mini golf for about 5 minutes.......we felt about 150 as we just wanted to get to bed.....lol.......I keep thinking I couldn`t cope with living the high life anymore. But we are back in the hotel, parked and back in room before we know it. Now we all spring to life and chat for about an hour with the tv on. Eventually one by one we fall asleep, I think we made it to midnight before crashing.

Will decide in the morning whether to go to St Pete`s beach or hang around one of the parks.
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I also enjoy your trip reports. A nice easy read and very insightful.

Great update!

Love your park outfits by the way...very cute and also practical I imagine. They seem perfect for that Florida heat. :sunny:


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