20041218-cruise-friends-memories Part 5

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Virgil - no and no (they are different but we've never stayed at either.
Okay, I'm going for the way too obvious.....Boardwalk???

What a dope I am!
Hello everyone......

Just a quick hello.

I've missed posting for the last few days.......

Just finished my dayshift and will be starting my nightshift tommorow night. I'm working until the morning of our flight. Fun WOW.
It will make the vacation that much more exciting.

Anything new these days?
Got to get a few things done during the day while the kids are at school.

I suppose some people have already left for the south by now.......lucky them.

OK I'm going to check the weather in Florida and some of our ports of call.

Can't wait to go, only 4 more sleeps for us.

Best regards to all

Hi Gus....not much new....just hitting panic mode about being packed in time!

BEAR..........We need a hint!
afff said:
Are we going to reach 23,000 posts before we leave?


Maybe tonight, if I don't figure out where Bear is in the latest picture!!! LOL

I'll sit here and name every resort if I have to.
I couldn't think of the name of it! I knew it was Beach something...and my frends stayed there. Doggone it.
I have a handful more, but I am honestly needing sleep. The next three days of work are going to be rough.

A small comment on Survivor - I have not watched this show all along and knew before the final vote that the person who won did. It played that panel like a fine instrument.
Are you telling me that the finale of Survivor was on?? They weren't down to the final 3 or 4 this last week, were they???

Where have I been? Oh man..........

Ah, well....rather play "Where's Bear" anyway.
justmestace said:
Are you telling me that the finale of Survivor was on?? They weren't down to the final 3 or 4 this last week, were they???

Where have I been? Oh man..........

Ah, well....rather play "Where's Bear" anyway.

Uh, yes they are, and I'm sorry, forgot about the fact they run later for you on the Pacific time zone. I've kind of given it away, went back and edited it before anyone else sees it.
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