2009 ~~ Project 365 Progress

I'm still plugging away.. basketball season is coming to a close this week...and I've got photos printed to whip out the rest of January all but 1/31....so things are moving along nicely!! I always remember to take my photo...but sometimes don't get to the pages timely due to other commitments!!!
I have all but a couple of my photos printed and all my journaling is done. I just need to cut background squares and add them in to finish up January.


Here is what a typical 2 page spread looks like. This is for January. As you can see I have my journaling done, but I haven't put in any photos yet. The photos will go where you see white.


These pictures were such an inspiration. I wanted to do a basic slide-in photo type of album for this project, but was not sure how. I was intimidated with the idea of designing a 12x12 weekly layout every week WHILE working on catching up on my other albums. You inspired me!! I bought a mini 3 ring binder photo album with 4 page spreads. I decided to try to use the same cardstock for each day of the week (Sun and Thurs are the same, Mon and Fri are the same and Tues and Sat are the same.) and then one for the summary for each week. I also printed out the dates of the year and days of the weeks for each layout. The days are printed (and slowly dried) on vellum paper, run through a Zyron sticker machine and then cut to put on each cardstock background. I will be using 3x5 pictures (purple paper rectangle as an example) so I can keep it uniform. This is not a super creative album by week, but overall I am going to LOVE that I got it done. Each 2 layouts are 8 "photos" where the first 7 are photos and the last one is always the summary. When my whole album is prepped with the cardstock matting, dates inserted and days stickered, I will ONLY have to take one pic daily and write a summary weekly. How "easy."





Thanks so much again for the basic layout idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
With all the Project 365 threads, I'm so confused if I'm putting this in the right place. Please yell at me where to move it if I'm wrong. ;) I'm doing these digitally, but I wanted it to look like Becky's original book. ElenitaB was kind enough to send me a template for her LO, so I was able to keep that look, and alter it a bit. Since this is for the whole month (9 pages: 2 page LO for each week, and the first layout was for the 2nd half of the week), I'll just post thumbnails, but you can click on them for the full sized version.

Week 1:

Week 2:

Week 3:

Week 4:

Week 5:

Credits for the LOs can be found here:
I love all the examples that have been posted so far! So many creative variations on the same theme.

kswm30b - your digital pages look so much like the physical kit. Love the layouts. I'm stealing a couple of your picture ideas, if you don't mind. Love the sneakers as a way to represent the gym - I hadn't wanted to bring my camera there, but that will be perfect! And I have a LOST picture in my book also - are you loving the new season as much as we are?
Ok, I ordered pics today! Wooohoo!! Such a huge accomplishment for me. I love everyone's examples- keep them coming PLEASE!
With all the Project 365 threads, I'm so confused if I'm putting this in the right place. Please yell at me where to move it if I'm wrong. ;)

there are really only 2--the daily ones (for what you took a pic of on that particular day) and this one.

Nice LO's--they look just like the kit!
Picked up my latest batch of photos today and popped them in the album so I am officially caught up! I think I will continue with the printing photos about once a month, but I will try to be more diligent about journalling every day. I had typed up my journalling for January and then recopied them onto the cards - that's just an extra step and it took way longer than I expected. So I'm going to try and take a few minutes every night and just write directly onto the cards.
Picked up my latest batch of photos today and popped them in the album so I am officially caught up! I think I will continue with the printing photos about once a month, but I will try to be more diligent about journalling every day. I had typed up my journalling for January and then recopied them onto the cards - that's just an extra step and it took way longer than I expected. So I'm going to try and take a few minutes every night and just write directly onto the cards.

I typed mine out just til the kit came....now I go right to the cards. I'd never do it otherwise, LOL!!
kswm30b - your digital pages look so much like the physical kit. Love the layouts. I'm stealing a couple of your picture ideas, if you don't mind. Love the sneakers as a way to represent the gym - I hadn't wanted to bring my camera there, but that will be perfect! And I have a LOST picture in my book also - are you loving the new season as much as we are?

Thanks :) I knew I had to do it digitally. I'm alawys behind in getting pics printed, and I know I'd never get these pics printed & then scrapped. Doing it digitally is so much easier & forces me to do it!

Of course I don't mind! And, yes, I definitely am loving the new season. :)

there are really only 2--the daily ones (for what you took a pic of on that particular day) and this one.

I just wasn't sure if this was supposed to be just for keeping track of how you are doing, etc, rather than posting LOs. I thought maybe the monthly thread was for posting LOs (though now I know there won't be monthly threads anymore.)
Woot- Step 2 is decided and supplies purchased... I have been debating how to actually scrap 365 and finally took the plunge and commited myself to an idea... I will be scrapping basic 12 x 12 (which I hate but thats another story) and keeping the whole book black, white, red, yellow Mickey. I need to go buy some clear labels and Ill be 95% there :)
So glad to see that I inspired someone! At least someone is appreciating me these days, because it certainly isn't my kids! ;) Anyhow, lots of great things posted here. I myself am feeling extra inspired by everyone's committment to stick with this project................P
With all the Project 365 threads, I'm so confused if I'm putting this in the right place. Please yell at me where to move it if I'm wrong. ;) I'm doing these digitally, but I wanted it to look like Becky's original book. ElenitaB was kind enough to send me a template for her LO, so I was able to keep that look, and alter it a bit. Since this is for the whole month (9 pages: 2 page LO for each week, and the first layout was for the 2nd half of the week), I'll just post thumbnails, but you can click on them for the full sized version.
I love those! I've taken pictures of the first few pages I made, but I still need to get them on a site to share. Mine are nothing fancy compared to what I've seen here, but I still like them. :)
Wow, this thread has been dead lately. Is everyone just posting on the POTD (picture of the day) threads?? I'm just wondering how many are keeping up with this project. I am, but I am finding it difficult at times. I have had to go back a few times and "stage" a photo (but just once or twice). And I tend to be doing my journaling in spurts (I'll do the journaling for a few days at once), but at least it is getting done. My journaling blocks are written and in place up to last Thursday. My photos are not printed yet, but I plan on doing it this week if I get a day off!

How is everyone else doing?.....................P
Yeah I'm not doing to good on this either....
I'm back in school to get my personal Finance Lisence and I've taken on another course to become a full fleged travel agent. And it's spring show season from my craft buisness.
So when I can breath I'll take pictures.
I hat eto give this up but it;s not looking to good.
here's another layout from this project.... maggie


template is from m originals
I love your layouts maggie.

Very nice pictures madge.

Good for you Disney_Rider! I think what your doing is pretty darn exciting. :thumbsup2

I update my progress post, but it doesn't register as a new post. :sad1:


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