2009 ~~ Project 365 Progress

Doing pretty good here. I've typed my journaling every day, and I have 3 weeks to transfer over. Going to do that this afternoon! I did order all of my pics last night, and DH got them today, so I just have to put them in!

How did February go by so fast??? :confused:
Brooke, you type yours everyday?? in what word?? then how do you transfer to the cards? or do you type it just because it's fresh in your mind then do you hand write them at the end of the week?
I have a word document saved to the desktop, and I type it in every day, while I can remember. If I don't have time to type all of the journaling, I at least title the day, and then I know what to go back and journal. Whenever I get a free 30 minutes, I transfer them over! :thumbsup2
I'm caught up! I spent some time over the past few days printing photos and copying over my journaling into the official book and I am caught up to yesterday! Even if I quit now, this is further along than I really thought I would make it! How is everyone else doing? .................P
i let it get away from me for a few weeks and what a pain to get caught up. i take the pictures every day but got out of the habbit of printing and journaling.
I've got 2 weeks worth of journaling to get onto the cards (it's typed in the computer--just have to copy it over). I'm hoping to do that this weekend! :thumbsup2
Well... I struggled with my photos last week during school vacation, so a few of them will be "posed", but overall I am doing well. I am caught up with my journaling up to yesterday. I will print another batch of photos maybe next weekend to keep me caught up. Everyone else doing okay??..............P
what besides the actual scrap project sitting in a pile cause I cant decide HOW to scrap it?

Yup going great :) least the pics are printed and the blog is up to date
Em, I LOVE your blog!! And may I just mention that I love the Green Mickey peace sign shirt! :thumbsup2
I'm caught up with my journaling, but not with my pics. I do my journaling over the weekends, and print the pics on Mondays. The daily thread helps me keep track, and then I just transfer that text here and print it out.

I'm making accordian albums that hang off the pocket for multiple pic days... tied with ribbon, they look really cute! :)
I'm making accordian albums that hang off the pocket for multiple pic days... tied with ribbon, they look really cute! :)

that sounds really cute, would love to see a picture! maggie
and the first 3 days of march... I got confused somehow and thought today was only tuesday... I missed a picture somewhere this week but I really don't know when... I need to put a sign on the back door that says "did you take a picture today" :)


the template is an older one from m originals and the paper and flair looking thing are from a cute little scrap kit that I just downloaded and for my life can't remember the name, I'll look tomorrow.
UPDATE ON ME: I hope some of you still remember me. I know its been ages. My littlest guy is 2 months old now. I've finally been healthy & functioning for the last two weeks. This c-section kicked my rear & I'm so glad this is our last baby. I found a suiture under my skin that I can feel (uck). It bugs me. OB said it can take 2 or more months from now to disolve or I can go back for surgery. I'm waiting a month & then if its not better, I'll head to surgery. The baby is beautiful & an angel. I'm totally in love.

Project 365: I haven't been able to keep up w/ pictures everyday. But, will be soon. My memory card is full. So, I'm off to Walmart to have them burned to a disc & will be downloading them to my dropshots account to keep track of the dates. Becky Higgins blog has the info I've been waiting to hear since January. The 2nd shipment of kits just got in. These are for the people that were on back order, not the ones on the waiting list. They are still trying to get more kits for the people on the waiting list. I checked my bank account & the kit amount has been deducted. So, my kit has been mailed. Yippie. I can't wait. I've also ordered the baby kotm. And will be ordering a 3ring albulm from ritzcamera.com (for baby). They are on sale & are either $15 or $20 depending on the color you buy. I'll be able to use the baby kit & the 365 idea for all the pics of Robert b/c all the page protectors will fit into the 3 ring. I'm so excited to get going again. I'm cleaning my scraproom/dining room today. I hope all of you have been enjoying this experience & I can't wait to be able to add some of my own.
UPDATE ON ME: I hope some of you still remember me. I know its been ages. My littlest guy is 2 months old now. I've finally been healthy & functioning for the last two weeks. This c-section kicked my rear & I'm so glad this is our last baby. I found a suiture under my skin that I can feel (uck). It bugs me. OB said it can take 2 or more months from now to disolve or I can go back for surgery. I'm waiting a month & then if its not better, I'll head to surgery. The baby is beautiful & an angel. I'm totally in love.

Just wanted to say hi and welcome back!! I'm glad the baby is doing well and that you are doing better! I hope your suture will dissolve with no surgery! :wizard:
Decided to make a monthly post, since it was looking ridiculously large as just one. February!


Feb 1: Dinosaur on my zyrtec bottle
Feb 2: Practice room
Feb 3: Big silver candle on the dining room table
Feb 4: Lunch at Chipotle with friends (On the cell phone)
Feb 5: Mom's office where we had lunch
Feb 6: Pretty sunlight out the front door
Feb 7: Gorgeous sunset! (On the cell phone)

Feb 8: Violin again
Feb 9: Orchestra rehearsal
Feb 10: The school bell tower, pretty light (cell phone again, need to be better carrying the camera)
Feb 11: What was a pic of snow - can't see the snow, but still pretty
Feb 12: My mom's valentine's gifts for me - beautiful orchids and a scrapbook of my first 3 years teaching :)
Feb 13: Tech rehearsal for the Gala
Feb 14: The Gala

Feb 15: The Campus Rec Center - couldn't work out all week, kinda missed it
Feb 16: Pretty view out the front door before heading to class
Feb 17: Cello professor's recital
Feb 18: Interesting clouds on the way to dance
Feb 19: Late Christmas: MST3K!
Feb 20: Friends over for dinner
Feb 21: Crossstitch I'm working on at the moment

Feb 22: Computer screen - stupid history class
Feb 23: Recording a project in the studio
Feb 24: The violin sonata I've been working like crazy for Thur
Feb 25: The Z-pack for my sinus infection - yipee
Feb 26: Me performing in a composition recital
Feb 27: Little birds in the tree by my car
Feb 28: My coffee mug-award from winter reading program

M 1: sunset while I was doing history work
M 2: Friend's dress rehearsal for recital
M 3: record breaking high of 77, looking at the blue sky while laying in the sunshine
M 4: the orchid that still looks good from Valentine's
M 5: Me turning pages at my friend's violin recital
M 6: A new palm frond unfurling
M 7: Interesting bumper decoration on car in front of me

M 8: Cutting my friend's hair
M 9: TCBY after the orch concert
M10: Pretty snow on the trees
M11: Now the dinosaur has an eye pencil
M12: Lunch at the Hawaiian restaurant
M13: Play we went to
M14: WDW!!!!!!! My sister and her boyfriend

M15: Coming out of Philharmagic
M16: Releasing ladybugs on my VIP tour
M17: Marching band on main street
M18: Back home at 2 in the morning after a delayed flight and rebooking through...i don't even remember
M19: Pretty purple hyacinths
M20: Clouds that took over my sunshine time
M21: Dance workshop

M22: Enjoying the weather
M23: A treble clef made out of stop smoking magnets
M24: My roommate playing in a recital
M25: crazy fog!
M26: And snow
M27: and again
M28: OM tournament
I have been really lax in my journaling and somewhat lax in my picture taking. Someday when my kids look at this, they will wonder why I only took pictures between 8pm and 10pm at night!! I'm going to take some time while in the waiting room at the dentist today to catch up on my journaling................P
pee. LOL I just got my email from the company. My kit has been shipped. I have a shipping # this time & the baby kit too. I love getting packages in the mail. It makes me feel extra special even when I ordered it myself. How long did it take you to get your kit once it was shipped?
just sent off jan/feb to shutterfly since they were offering a free 8x8 book. should be interesting to see how it turns out. If it looks cute, guess that's the way I'll go. :) maggie


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