90 Day Fiancé!

Told my boyfriend if they bring back Angela after seeing the preview of her flashing herself I'll just stop watching. She's absolutely revolting and disgusting as a human being.

This season just ended abruptly, I honestly was surprised how it's now the tell-all.

I agree 100% about Angela, WTH was that?
Oh did hear her say she went to the doctors birthday party?? Ew, why would that professional man want anything to do with her away from the cameras???? Myonly thought is that he's trying to get a gig on the show.
I agree 100% about Angela, WTH was that?
Oh did hear her say she went to the doctors birthday party?? Ew, why would that professional man want anything to do with her away from the cameras???? Myonly thought is that he's trying to get a gig on the show.

That Dr is looking for fame I think. He also treated the lady that put the gorilla glue in her hair.
I thought it was really freaky when Natalie started to put the rat/mouse in her hair...there is only one good place for a mouse and that is in a trap! Then when Juliana hugged Michael...can we say uncomfortable? It was cringe worthy! I do wonder if Natalie and Juliana will become an item? Angela is truly a disgusting specimen and TLC should be ashamed to show her on television. Andrei and the rest of the trailer park trash should be history in my opinion. I think that is a big made up plot to get us to keep watching and then Chuck turns on his fake tears....give me a break. And I can't stand Libby....she enables Andrei...let him go back to Moldavia!
I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’m actually starting to feel sorry for Yara. Jovi is acting like a spoiled brat, and so incredibly immature. Anyone expecting the mom of an infant to be fun needs a reality check. Especially one who has been solely responsible for the baby for most of her life...

She has plenty of faults and can be very rude. But he just seems to not grasp it’s never going to be the same after the baby.
I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’m actually starting to feel sorry for Yara. Jovi is acting like a spoiled brat, and so incredibly immature. Anyone expecting the mom of an infant to be fun needs a reality check. Especially one who has been solely responsible for the baby for most of her life...

She has plenty of faults and can be very rude. But he just seems to not grasp it’s never going to be the same after the baby.

I agree with you-he isn't ready to settle down. Also, with his kind of job, where he's away for months at a time, it's kind of understandable that she has gotten so close to the baby-she's her only companion, and she wants to choose where to live-she's the one living there all the time, not him.
I was so angry at Jovi, he told her the minute you want to leave (the strip club) we leave. Then he refuses.
Gwen is my hero, she put him in his place and that made me happy.
99.9% of the time once a woman becomes a mom her priorities change and she goes into Mama bear role.
Jovi needs some counseling big time.
Well that was some start to the reunion!

So Angela had breast reduction surgery because she couldn't breathe with her heavy chest, but now she has put in implants to make then huge again?!?!??!!?!?
No facelift, so I guess she didn't quit smoking yet.
Her outfit was ill fitting and her attitude as disgusting as ever.
I wanted to vomit when she went over and laid her leg across Mike's leg.
If Michael took a ride from a pretty woman, she would fly there and beat him.
She is gross and needs to be removed from the show.

Brandon was so sad when his parents talked about his Dad's illness.
I admit offering a down payment only on the house next door was something else, but Julia was about to lose it.
Brandon wants to go back and help his parents, but Julia isn't going to let that happen. She is mean. I wonder how she would feel if it was her Dad?
Well that was some start to the reunion!

So Angela had breast reduction surgery because she couldn't breathe with her heavy chest, but now she has put in implants to make then huge again?!?!??!!?!?
No facelift, so I guess she didn't quit smoking yet.
Her outfit was ill fitting and her attitude as disgusting as ever.
I wanted to vomit when she went over and laid her leg across Mike's leg.
If Michael took a ride from a pretty woman, she would fly there and beat him.
She is gross and needs to be removed from the show.

Brandon was so sad when his parents talked about his Dad's illness.
I admit offering a down payment only on the house next door was something else, but Julia was about to lose it.
Brandon wants to go back and help his parents, but Julia isn't going to let that happen. She is mean. I wonder how she would feel if it was her Dad?
I missed if they said what was wrong with Brandon’s dad. I don’t fault Julia for refusing the move next door. She sees it as I see it, a way to continue their control over Brandon.
I missed if they said what was wrong with Brandon’s dad. I don’t fault Julia for refusing the move next door. She sees it as I see it, a way to continue their control over Brandon.
I don't think they said specifically about Brandon's dad. And I agree, that tactic was total manipulation and I don't blame Julia at all. However, I do think she needs to get her jealousy under control. It's clearly impacting the relationship in a bad way.
I missed if they said what was wrong with Brandon’s dad. I don’t fault Julia for refusing the move next door. She sees it as I see it, a way to continue their control over Brandon.

No, they didn't want to elaborate on his illness.
Upcoming scene shows Brandon saying he wanted to move closer to the farm and he missed it.
They are trying to control Brandon, but so is Julia.
They aren't going to work out.
Oh I forgot about this, Why the heck is Mike allowing Natalie to still use his bank card?
She has moved to Florida and you're supporting her?
If you would have cut her off, she would have gone home.
He never seemed to like her very much, I now think that was an act.
julia is correct in her statement that if they were ever to accept money from brandon's parents towards a home it would never be their home-his parents would always hold it over them. i'm sorry his father is ill but this is a hobby farm that was never meant to nor never served as the family's means of support.

mike and natalie.......................boy oh boy oh boy. it was a look of sheer surprise on her face when he said he was disabling the credit card and initiating divorce. i truly believe she is so self absorbed and believes herself to be so irreplaceable that it never occurred to her that mike wouldn't continue to be married in name and supporting her wherever she chooses to live. as soon as that segment ended she sure hightailed it quick to that room to call her mom and start boo-hooing about her situation. me thinks she'll be relying on mom to support her until she can find some other fool.
mike and natalie.......................boy oh boy oh boy. it was a look of sheer surprise on her face when he said he was disabling the credit card and initiating divorce. i truly believe she is so self absorbed and believes herself to be so irreplaceable that it never occurred to her that mike wouldn't continue to be married in name and supporting her wherever she chooses to live. as soon as that segment ended she sure hightailed it quick to that room to call her mom and start boo-hooing about her situation. me thinks she'll be relying on mom to support her until she can find some other fool.
The thing with these two is that there is this constant game of bluff and counter-bluff. So the threat of leaving or divorce has always seemed to be just that - a threat. But, yeah, I could see Mike actually going through with things this time. She's not his glorified housekeeper anymore, so why support her?
i agree with his mom and one of the other women on the show who said he needs to find a girl that likes to live on the 'farm', will drink beer with him...but i wonder if the reason he ended up chit chatting with an international girl in the first place is b/c the nature of his job has him leaving at the crack of dawn to do his 2+ hour commute (i imagine longer in snowy months) and getting home dog tired from the commute home (i can't imagine commuting on the west side-it was horrific traffic 24/7 the last time we were there). it's hard to develop and maintain a face to face relationship when you are exhausted 5 nights a week/trying to keep up with your property the remaining 2. lots easier to be able to connect on-line with someone at odd hours of the day/night if their waking hours are our normal sleeping hours.

there have been now i think 2 guys in the 90 day franchise who lived in the more rural areas of western washington. their fiance's came from different parts of the world but despite both getting here on the premise of being very willing to live a rural existence-neither was up for it once they spent any time.

i hope he finds a nice woman, i hope she finds a nice psychotherapist.
Nope! I don't think moving close to the farm is a bad compromise, Julia still has her own separate space and Brandon can help out the farm when he wants. She acts like that's the end of the world.
Julia wants an urban lifestyle and moving near the farm is not going to deliver that.

I also disagree that she will have "her own separate space" as you know her mother in law will be at their house all the time. His parents don't respect boundaries and this offer is yet another example of that.

I could have sworn they mentioned being 30 minutes from the farm currently? That is plenty close.
It really makes zero sense why Mike continues to commute 2 hours each way to his job. Why not just move closer? I can't stand Natalie but I can sympathize with her being alone for 12+ hours a day, out in the middle of nowhere, with no job and no family or friends.


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