ABC 8x8 - POSTAL!!!!!!!!!!

Family obligations (read Christmas week) require me to be at WDW every 2 years for my birthday now. I have learned to deal with it.:lmao:
how cool is that!!?? i'd love to be there on my birthday, but thats in november and dh has no desire to go in november. besides we would have to take the little man out of school and we all know how dh feels about that!! NEVER HAPPEN!!! i'd do it in a minute!!!

so what day do you check out?

We check out on the 28th. Then we'll spend that last weekend before school starts with my ILs. She'll help me with the laundry and watch the boys so I can go get all my hair cut off. :)

My DH won't even consider the pulling out of school either. I totally don't get it. Their school career will not take a nose dive if they lose a week or TWO or THREE. :rotfl2:
and why are you chopping all your hair off???

I just chopped off 7 inches last week, I thought Lisa was going to have heart failure when she saw me! LOL
and why are you chopping all your hair off???

I just chopped off 7 inches last week, I thought Lisa was going to have heart failure when she saw me! LOL

I was telling PO3 the other day, my hair doesn't grow right. Everyone's hair grows in cycles. So you should always have new growth at different lengths on your head. Mine skips a few cycles. So I have this super long hair and then super short new growth. Nothing in between. So my long hair looks scraggely and skimpy and well, a rat's tail looks better than my skinny braid. Once this longer hair finishes falling out, all I'll have left is the short stuff. Might as well make it less noticable when it happens by cutting off 12 inches now and giving that little bitty pony tail to Locks For Love.
glad it's going to a good cause! Mine is getting super thin, I think from stress so I chopped it. It looks way better and curls now too. DH hates it, loves long hair, but watching it come out in the brush was horrible.
Grp 2 is completely sorted. I am about to go back to grp 3 and add the pages -- slow moving tonight as I have been keeping an eye on the Olympics.

Everything is so wonderful....
I finished grp 3, still have grp one. My legs are killing me from standing for hours. I'll be finished tomorrow night. I won't be mailing tomorrow. Don't want to take the kids -- boxes will be too heavy, so many trips in and out. DH will be home Monday and I can go without them. Also, I still have to box them up. THe large priority boxes are not self stick -- they have to be taped up. I sent you a pm.
All done sorting! I am going to start building boxes and packing these up.

I know this was a lot of work for all of us and in the end many of us were thinking that this was way too much work --- I bet when you see these it will be like child birth, you'll forget the pain and gladly sign up for one of these again!

Thanks for everything Susan.. but remember you know have to sweep the floor where said boxes were stacked for a while! :)

I found a dollar the last time when I moved boxes! :)
Thanks ladies! I am almost finished -- this box making is taking forever. I am determined to finish this tonight.


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