Airmiles Armchair Chatter

Acupuncture is amazing. I had a second degree MCL sprain and my physio did Accu on it. It healed up quite quickly.
That’s one of the things I was meaning by vast differences. A physiotherapist goes to a weekend course to take acupuncture…same course that you or I can go to. They learn only a few general points on the body. A real acupuncturist learns over 1000 points. Now, things have a changed a tiny bit in the last few years. There are more regulations on practitioners but many have been grandfathered in. A real acupuncturist will diagnose you without you even saying a word. They examine your tongue and take multiple pulses. It seems like voodoo but they will tell you what your issues are before you even speak.
Strictly my opinion! Fibromyalgia is a BS diagnosis. It’s nothing more than a catch all when they have nothing else to tell you. There are no tests for it other than poking you in a few places and if you react then voila you have it. The symptoms are very broad and vague…things like fatigue, joint pain, irritability or headaches. The list is very long, 20+ things that can be symptoms of a dozen other conditions or syndromes. I’ve been on this rollercoaster for years. I was sent to 6 different specialists (I did my research and all were excellent and well respected) and got 6 different diagnosis. I was offered medication that would cause at minimum a 20% weight gain which was ludicrous as my main complaint was extreme joint pain. Over the last 20 years I have been relentless in finding my own solutions. Acupuncture, Osteopathy, Chiropractic etc etc. Pain is a huge motivator. Fortunately I have a roster of people that I see for treatment and now it’s on an as needed basis.

If you have any interest in Acupuncture I can give you some info. There are vast differences in who you go to.
Yep I agree unfortunately. Even family that are in the medical field have told me this about my Fibro Dx.

I did have blood tests and they showed a lot of abnormalities including Positive for ANA (which basically means you have an autoimmune disease but doesn't identify which one). ,,I also have high levels of inflammation (high levels of CRP).

I think an Osteopath would be a great idea and I have been going to a therapist for the facial /neck pain.
To be honest My therapist is excellent ,,I had my doubts when I first went to see him ,,,He is a certified Orofacial Myologist ,, yep I never heard of it before,,, but it is helping.

I need to motivate myself to move and walk each day. A year ago you couldn't stop me,, I was Go Go Go.

Thanks for taking the time to post ,,it's appreciated.
I will think on the Acupuncture recommendation ,,,needles are not my friend. lol
Hugs Mel
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The needles are as fine as a hair on your head. You very rarely feel them. Basically you go in, have the needles placed, then it’s lights out, soft background sounds (usually nature type stuff) and you take a little nap for a half hour or so. The absolute worst part of the whole thing is when the lights come on and you have to get up…no joke, it’s so relaxing you feel like jello when you get up.
Must say once again how much I love our safe little thread here on Canadian Dis. I was reading a few other threads out there and ours is educational, supportive and just plain old pleasant. A rare thing these days.

Thanks to all who post here for keeping it nice.
I had offer for last week: Earn 1 mile at two partners = 95 miles; 3 partners = 150; four partners = 200 miles

I did the three partners for 150 miles. Two of the three have posted. Air Miles shops is the one that hasn't. How soon does AM shops post? Not sure if the phone case I bought on Amazon will get me a mile, but that doesn't matter. I just need the 1 mile from AM shops for the offer.
I had offer for last week: Earn 1 mile at two partners = 95 miles; 3 partners = 150; four partners = 200 miles

I did the three partners for 150 miles. Two of the three have posted. Air Miles shops is the one that hasn't. How soon does AM shops post? Not sure if the phone case I bought on Amazon will get me a mile, but that doesn't matter. I just need the 1 mile from AM shops for the offer.
I don't have alot of experience with this but I checked and I placed an Amazon order on July 11th and it posted on July 11th on the Airmiles website.

  • July 11, 2023


  • Today the extra Airmiles posted

    • August 8, 2023


  • Hugs Mel
Staples also posted same day I made the purchase

  • July 22, 2023

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I’m thinking it will work because out west we have Save On Foods as a card linked offer but the spend is $100 for 10AM. So often if I go there to pick a few things up I will make up the rest to bring it over $100 with gift cards and the AM post every time.
Sounds great hon
thanks for posting.
Hugs Mel
Will I still earn 1 mile for AM shops even if the category is not included for amazon?

no, it has to trigger at least one mile to post to your account. If you're close enough to a staples that you can do an in-store pick up that is the easiest and for me, most reliable (never had to chase a single mile with them) way to earn a mile without needing to meet a shipping threshold. Just order things you would normally buy elsewhere- dish soap, snacks, kids toys, heck even staples 😉
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