Anyone at an UK University?


When you wish upon a star!
Jun 8, 2005
Just wanted to see if this was a place where us university goers in the uk could talk to, as i dont really understand the American College system. Anyway, message here or PM me if you want to chat!
I'm doing law! just started my second year - three weeks in and i'm already swamped with work! lol! how about you? x
Im first year History. Loads of reading to do, and assignements comming out of my ears! But theres always time for dis :)
University of Wales Bangor :)

Just finished my Law degree last July, and am now doing PhD and teaching Contract and Tort to first and second years... so anyone doing law and needing help, just PM :)
I'm at Glasgow Uni and hoping to go down south for my PhD next year. :goodvibes
MadamMim... you have such an interesting research field! - I have to say I am a big fan of WW2, not in that sense y'know, but you get what I mean. The Holocaust was one my shortlisted topics for my PhD, but I couldn't really find a legal aspect of it that hadn't been done a thousand times!

What will your Ph.D research be on?
MadamMim... you have such an interesting research field! - I have to say I am a big fan of WW2, not in that sense y'know, but you get what I mean. The Holocaust was one my shortlisted topics for my PhD, but I couldn't really find a legal aspect of it that hadn't been done a thousand times!

What will your Ph.D research be on?

Do you know of any comparison between the Nuremburg Laws and the racist laws of the American South? Historians get their knickers all in a twist over the Nuremburg Laws being some sort of signal the Holocaust was inevitable, but they fail to remember that there were legally-scantioned second class citizens in other 'Western' countries as well. It'd be interesting to see it from a legal perspective.

I'm mostly a naval historian and my MLitt dissertation was a defense of Royal Naval intelligence on German naval rearmament in the 1930s. An aspect of the Naval Intelligence Division created in that time period was the Opperational Intelligence Centre which later became the integral Submarine Tracking Room of Battle of the Atlantic fame. Well, the OIC was started by someone named Denning whose private papers are just sitting in boxes and haven't even been catalogued. My proposal is to write his biography using those papers and show his personal influence on the war as a whole. It's all very 'one man makes a difference.' :laughing: So I'm hoping that it'll entice a professor from Oxbridge to take me on as a candidate.

I do run on don't I. Apologies! :hippie: :flower3:
i'm suprised at how many of us there are on here actually!

Eeyore's Tailfinder - sounds great what your doing! dont know if i'd have the confidence to teach tho! lol! i enjoyed doing tort last year! in the middle of property law at the mo and its so hard! lol! x
Princess Jayne - It's not too bad, I've only started this year and believe me it is tough to get the confidence to sit with a class, I was a bit nervous to say the least the first time! I hope it'll get easier over time! I'm okay with property but I much prefer Public :D Have you decided what you'll be doing your dissertation on yet?

Mimi - Don't worry, you're not rabbiting on! I get carried away too when someone asks me what I do, until I see a blank a look on their face! Ha! Your research does sound very interesting though, and I'm sure the guy's family will be very grateful that someone's taking such an interest in his life! We're kinda similar in the sense that we're both taking on the sea, hehe. My Ph.D is on Salvage Law, Underwater Cultural Heritage versus Commercial Salvage (concentrating mostly on the USA) specifically. A bit of a mouthful! My specialism is Salvage Law relating to RMS Titanic :teeth:
Mimi - Don't worry, you're not rabbiting on! I get carried away too when someone asks me what I do, until I see a blank a look on their face! Ha! Your research does sound very interesting though, and I'm sure the guy's family will be very grateful that someone's taking such an interest in his life! We're kinda similar in the sense that we're both taking on the sea, hehe. My Ph.D is on Salvage Law, Underwater Cultural Heritage versus Commercial Salvage (concentrating mostly on the USA) specifically. A bit of a mouthful! My specialism is Salvage Law relating to RMS Titanic :teeth:

That's awesome! The archaeology program I'm in is technically battlefield and conflict archaeology and I was taken in (even though I maintain that I will stay a historian and not stray to the dark side :laughing: ) because the department chair is interested in how maritime archaeology and naval warfare affects terrestrial warfare. My dream project is salvaging the ships of the Battle of Jutland in WWI and now I know a good lawyer to call! :banana:

By the by... Els doesn't have a dashing brother or cousin who happens to like American birds does he?
Princess Jayne - It's not too bad, I've only started this year and believe me it is tough to get the confidence to sit with a class, I was a bit nervous to say the least the first time! I hope it'll get easier over time! I'm okay with property but I much prefer Public :D Have you decided what you'll be doing your dissertation on yet?

We dont have to do a dissertation till our third year so i'm really just trying to get through this year! lol! think we get our third year options at easter so that'll be when i really need to start thinking!

Is the law in wales the same as in england? i know if you study law in scotland you cant practice in england but is it the same for wales?
PJ - Ahh same as us then, just wondered if you'd started thinking about it yet! Yup, my degree is an LLB and the law is exactly as in England... I should think the only extra bit that we do is learn the make-up of the Welsh Assembly in Cons.&Admin. Law.

Mim - That's really cool! You know, it's funny but I don't meet many people with an interest in marine archaeology :teeth: You'd think there'd be more right? Lol. My PhD specifically deals with the way the American courts deal with salvagers and salvaging ships - and all that 'is it right to salvage' ethos thrown in. I haven't actually started researching or writing yet (moved into my new office yesterday!) so I bet there'll be changes, etc. yet! But yes, if I do move into practicing from academics, please do be my first client! :teeth:

Oh, and Els does have a brother, yet sadly he is not dashing and IMO looks nothing like him :teeth: I think I got the good 'un! Are you from the States orginally then?
Mim - That's really cool! You know, it's funny but I don't meet many people with an interest in marine archaeology :teeth: You'd think there'd be more right? Lol. My PhD specifically deals with the way the American courts deal with salvagers and salvaging ships - and all that 'is it right to salvage' ethos thrown in. I haven't actually started researching or writing yet (moved into my new office yesterday!) so I bet there'll be changes, etc. yet! But yes, if I do move into practicing from academics, please do be my first client! :teeth:

Oh, and Els does have a brother, yet sadly he is not dashing and IMO looks nothing like him :teeth: I think I got the good 'un! Are you from the States orginally then?

I think anything worthy of being in a museum should be salvaged. Anything else, leave to the fish and the coral. :) I assume kids these days just don't appreciate the wonders of seafaring anymore. It's all these newfangled aeroplanes and rocketships. ;) How exciting about your office! Now's when you have to start collecting impressive-looking books to frighten the children with.

Yes I'm one of those American by birth British by choice people. :laughing: I plan on staying in the UK and working for one of the universities here since my field is Royal Navy and there's not too much interest in that stateside. But... I'll probably go where the money is better to start with. Just to pay off all the debt I've gotten from paying overseas fees. :scared1: lol
Oh my gosh I know, the fees for overseas students are terrible!!

I moved all my books in today, and I put my scariest ones closets to where the students will come in :laughing:
Yessss!!!! I applied for the ICP Summer 08 and I have my interview on the 19th November in Liverpool!

By the way, hi! I'm Sarah! I'm in my first year at uni. I'm studying Business Management with Spanish at Cardiff University.


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