Applications are UP!

My dd applied today and failed the web interview. She was devastated. I mean devastated. :sick: She was applying for the fall program (Aug.- Jan.) If I could pick anyone to go to there and be a part of the program it would be my dd. I mean seriously. I had NO DOUBT in my mind that she would make it. :scared1: I was SHOCKED when she didn't. SO I read some of the replies to this thread and saw that it was mentioned that "I did my research" and "I am ready for the web interview this time". What exactly can you do to prepare for that web interview??? It said to answer honestly and not answer what you think they want you to say. Here is a girl that eats breathes and sleeps Disney. She has danced all of her life. She is your all american girl that is so well grounded. She selected 5 roles. It is upsetting because when we go to WDW, we see/interact with cast members that LOVE their jobs and some that act like they don't.It is frustrating because she wants to be a part of the magic so bad. She is 20 and we just got back last night ..her 18th trip. She knows so much about Disney already. I just don't know what they are looking for. She is a great girl, she has high standards and morals.She is a great student and hard worker. She is majoring in Mass Comm. with a dual track in marketing and PR. I just don't understand. If anyone has any advice ...please advise.

I'm sorry to hear about your dd! Is she going to try to apply again for the Spring? If she is, here is my advice: it says to answer honestly, but from the results I'm seeing from people who passed (which I followed and actually passed) is to answer the questions as if you were already working at Disney. Did she answer a lot of questions with a 'neutral'? Because most of the people who took the web-interview and did not pass answered most of the questions with either neutral, agree, or disagree. From many of the people who passed, they had all answered with mostly 'strongly agree' and some 'strongly disagree'. Tell her to answered in the extreme. What I mean by that is to answer the questions as if you were at work in Disney and have to act above and beyond with the guests instead of how you normally act everywhere else. Answer every question with 'strongly agree'/,strongly disagree with a few agree and disagree scattered in there. Don't answer any question with a neutral. That's what I did and I was able to pass.

I wish lots of luck for your dd and tell her not to give up! She can still try for Spring and I hope she gets accepted! Good luck!
I'm sorry to hear about your dd! Is she going to try to apply again for the Spring? If she is, here is my advice: it says to answer honestly, but from the results I'm seeing from people who passed (which I followed and actually passed) is to answer the questions as if you were already working at Disney. Did she answer a lot of questions with a 'neutral'? Because most of the people who took the web-interview and did not pass answered most of the questions with either neutral, agree, or disagree. From many of the people who passed, they had all answered with mostly 'strongly agree' and some 'strongly disagree'. Tell her to answered in the extreme. What I mean by that is to answer the questions as if you were at work in Disney and have to act above and beyond with the guests instead of how you normally act everywhere else. Answer every question with 'strongly agree'/,strongly disagree with a few agree and disagree scattered in there. Don't answer any question with a neutral. That's what I did and I was able to pass.

I wish lots of luck for your dd and tell her not to give up! She can still try for Spring and I hope she gets accepted! Good luck!

Thank you. :) You know I kept telling her since before Thanksgiving to come on here and read stuff and post questions. UGH She did a couple of times but she really needed to hang out here for a few months to gain some insight to how this all works. I think she did answer a few with neutrals. It just stinks that she has to wait until July 30th to apply again. I guess that means she would be applying for next Jan. right??
There is absolutely no hard evidence that extreme answers will work 100%. While some have said it worked for them, others have indicated that they did this as well and did not pass. It seems those people are forgotten about and the ones it worked for keep getting cited.

The "extreme response" way to do things is nothing more than speculation. It would be a disservice to anyone to think that is the definitive way to game the interview.
There is absolutely no hard evidence that extreme answers will work 100%. While some have said it worked for them, others have indicated that they did this as well and did not pass. It seems those people are forgotten about and the ones it worked for keep getting cited.

The "extreme response" way to do things is nothing more than speculation. It would be a disservice to anyone to think that is the definitive way to game the interview.

I am thinking it was probably the few neutrals. I was in the room when she took it and I remember her saying "I am not going to keep putting extreme" it makes me look like I am perfect. LOL So I know she had a few extremes but she was trying to be modest I guess. Personally she is very close to perfect. ;)
I am thinking it was probably the few neutrals. I was in the room when she took it and I remember her saying "I am not going to keep putting extreme" it makes me look like I am perfect. LOL So I know she had a few extremes but she was trying to be modest I guess. Personally she is very close to perfect. ;)

I had the same problem I felt like putting down too many extremes would make me look like I was trying to come off as perfect...I am naturally a very extreme person however, in the end I decided to just answer as truthfully as possible and hope that was enough.
I am thinking it was probably the few neutrals. I was in the room when she took it and I remember her saying "I am not going to keep putting extreme" it makes me look like I am perfect. LOL So I know she had a few extremes but she was trying to be modest I guess. Personally she is very close to perfect. ;)

I used neutral for one question and passed. It was "I am the most responsible (or maybe it was hard working or something positive like that) person I know." I thought it would be pretty cocky to speak so highly of myself and "strongly agree," but I also didn't want to disagree because that indicated I wasn't hard working (or whatever the positive quality was).

I also used a few regular agrees and disagrees.

In that light, I'm not sure if there's a great formula of only using strongly agree and strongly disagree. I think it's just a matter of taking each question as slowly as you can with the time you have and focusing on answering they way they would want a kind, confident and humble cast member to answer. :)

No matter what, I wish the best for your dd. The web interview is stressful, but from what you've said about her it sounds like she'd be a great asset to the cast!


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