April will be "Incredible"-y Fun!

Lauren- your son is just adorable, and he looks so proud of his medal, which he should be. What a great influence you are on him. Love your kitty picture too. When I had a cat she always curled herself up in the bathroom sink.

Veronica- congrats on your improved pace!! 2 minute improvement is a lot in a week. And congrats on your weight loss too!!

Lisa- you are INCREDIBLE!!!!
Congratulations!! Princess half, here we come!!!!!

Dona- happy -b-day to your son. How do they grow up so fast?

Did my 2 miles saturday walk/running in just under 30 min. Happy with that. I'll do it again today before the dentist and work.

My b-day is Feb 25, and I'm doing the 2011 princess half!!! I'm actually starting to believe that now.

Have a nice day.
Hi Everyone, I just joined the team:banana: My name is Lindsay I am 31. Married for 6yrs and a proud mom of two boys ages 5 and 3. I have been trying to loose the baby weight for years.....and in the process have managed to gain more:confused3 oops. Now I am determined to loose it once and for all. My motivation is doing my first 1/2 marathon.....the disney princess 1/2 in 2011. I am so excited to do this! I will be traveling with my mom and we will make it a girls weekend. I am also looking forward to meeting some of you. I was excited to join a team that I knew would have some others doing the princess 1/2.

My running backround is this.....I hate to run :laughing:, but afterwards I feel amazing and love to push myself and feel accomplished. I was a star athlete in high school and was extremely active. I played basketball, field hockey, and softball. All of which required lots of running and even while in shape I hated it. Now it gives me chuckles to think I have made my goal a 1/2 marathon. I am hoping that with training I will learn to love to run. I have done a number of 5K's in the past 1 1/2 years. My most recent was yesterday. I completed it in 41:57. Not bad considering I just started running again last week. It also was 49 degrees and raining.

I have started a journal and plan to post daily updates. Feel free to follow along and provide encouragement along the way. I know I will need it.

Thanks for letting me join the team. I think these boards are amazing....no Im sorry there incredible!:thumbsup2
Happy Monday Incredibles!

:welcome: to the Incredibles Lindsay!

Reading over everyone's posts it seems that there are a LOT of congrats in order! So I'll just say one big CONGRATS to all of you on your awesome times! :goodvibes

Veronica.....can you push some of that weight loss out California way! :wizard: That is one area I seem to be struggling in....just can't seem to get it to budge. I guess good news is that I'm not gaining, but I'm not losing either....

Well for me it is going to be a busy week....but going to fit in my running & bootcamp classes no matter what! I seemed to have fallen into a slump this winter and any small excuse got me out of exercising....but no more!

Hope everyone has an Incredible start to this new week!

and oh yeah...Veronica my bday is Jan 18th.
Hey guys... I'll do a much better check-in tomorrow but just wanted to let you all know I'm alive. I'm not doing any kind of running until Friday. :sad: It hurt last Monday after my 5.5 mile so I waited until Wednesday and did two miles. Felt fine. Friday, did 4 miles again and it started to hurt. It felt fine last night and stupd me, I got as far as 2.25 miles (at a 10:34 pace, darn it!) and I called it quits. So I'm cross training all week, with tomorrow off.

I'm totally into my Marathoning for Mortals book. OMG, the stuff I'm learning. I'll check back tomorrow... we have DS's swim lessons here shortly!
Happy Monday, Everyone! I'm sorry I didn't check in at all last week (what a good way to start on the team... :guilty:) I have been reading all of your posts, though, and a big CONGRATS to everyone!

For me... I ran in the Out & Back 4 mile Party Run on Friday night. It was my 2nd race ever, and the first over a 5K. I'm not all that happy with my time - 51:10... I was hoping to be under 50... But, all in all, I'm happy that I finished! I ran the first full 2 miles, and then ran/walked the 2nd half, including running up the hill to the finish line!

I'm not sure what my plans are going forward... I'm thinking about signing up for the Rock & Roll Half in Philly in September, and the Livestrong 10K in August... but first I have to convince my DH that it's ok to spend the $$! :laughing:

I'm also struggling with whether or not I should start throwing in some intervals to my training. Up until now, I've only worried about endurance, but I'd really like to cut back on the time.. :confused3:

Oh, and my Birthday is May 19!

I hope everyone is having a great day!

Happy Monday, Everyone! I'm sorry I didn't check in at all last week (what a good way to start on the team... :guilty:) I have been reading all of your posts, though, and a big CONGRATS to everyone!

For me... I ran in the Out & Back 4 mile Party Run on Friday night. It was my 2nd race ever, and the first over a 5K. I'm not all that happy with my time - 51:10... I was hoping to be under 50... But, all in all, I'm happy that I finished! I ran the first full 2 miles, and then ran/walked the 2nd half, including running up the hill to the finish line!

I'm not sure what my plans are going forward... I'm thinking about signing up for the Rock & Roll Half in Philly in September, and the Livestrong 10K in August... but first I have to convince my DH that it's ok to spend the $$! :laughing:

I'm also struggling with whether or not I should start throwing in some intervals to my training. Up until now, I've only worried about endurance, but I'd really like to cut back on the time.. :confused3:

Oh, and my Birthday is May 19!

I hope everyone is having a great day!


Hi taralee. Great Job on your race, at least you finished strong! I am not too far from philly and am interested in doing a longer run before the princess 1/2 in march. Where is the livestrong 10K?
I am home today due to my little guy being sick so as he is napping I have been catching up on the posts. Being new to the boards I thought it would be good to try to get an idea of who you all are. Just one question...do I have to find a new thread for each month?

Lauren- I live somewhere in the middle of philly and the amish country. Isnt it an amazing experience to see the amish life. Somedays I wish my life could be that simple.:) I would have to agree philly is a great place but definitely a pretty dirty city compared to others Ive been too. Its not as bad as NYC though I think they are the winner. We are visiting TN this summer. Gatlinburg...is it anywhere near you? We are going for 10days and I am a little nervous about running since I am assuming its quite hilly. Not sure yet what I am going to do.
My kids ran in the kids race the day prior to the 5K I did yesterday. They had gorgeous weather (which I was glad for) then for my race it was 50 and raining. :laughing: I too felt bad for those who trained for the 1/2 marathon. Luckily they all were allowed to finish. I cant imagine those poor marathon runners from the race in your area that must have been so disappointing for them.
Ok ladies, just a quick fly by. I am off to bed here in a few minutes. I know, I know you are all looking at your clock going :confused3 but I am absolutely EXHAUSTED!! Stayed up too late last night chatting with my friend in Cali about my new training plan (which he emailed to me). Poor lunch choice today did not help, so I am off to sleepy-ville for a full 8 hrs of shut eye. Running intervals tomorrow on the mill.

Great job everyone on the racing over the weekend!!! As long as you finish, that is all that matters. Tomorrow at lunch I will try to update the b-day/race post.

Welcome to Lindsay, my newest peep. At the end of April (only a few short days away!!) I will post on this thread the link to the new May thread. I will do that each month so its easy for folks to find their way.

Patsy-the weight loss, well I am working hard at it, I can tell you that (well except for todays lunch, comfort food extraordinaire was much needed). But I used flex points and didn't eat dinner since I am still not hungry. Water is key tonight, I feel dehydrated. Keep on with it, it will happen eventually.

Keep being INCREDIBLE ladies, I am proud of you all!!:lovestruc
We are visiting TN this summer. Gatlinburg...is it anywhere near you? We are going for 10days and I am a little nervous about running since I am assuming its quite hilly. Not sure yet what I am going to do.

Welcome to the Incredibles! I felt the same way about running as you until the last few months. Now I am actually starting to enjoy it. I was the person who said I would NEVER be in a half or a marathon. At some point, I will learn to never say never!

Gatlinburg is a great place to visit. I actually live in Middle Tennessee, so I am about 4 hours from there. Pigeon Forge is very commercialized, but there are lots of tourist-y things to do there: my kids loved Dollywood, and there is a nice water park at Dollywood as well. There are also go-cart/putt-putt places (we enjoyed Old McDonald's putt-putt course near the outlets), outlet shopping, shows (like Dixie Stampede), etc... Gatlinburg is a little more scenic with a little bit of a Swiss alps kind of feel, and the Smoky Moutain National Park is beautiful. Hiking in the park is great. There are lots of nice trails. The Pancake Pantry in Gatlinburg serves a yummy breakfast. As far as running is concerned, the strip in Pigeon Forge is flat, but once you head toward Gatlinburg and get more into the mountains, any runs will be quite hilly.

Again, welcome to the Incredibles! So glad to have you on our team!
Hi taralee. Great Job on your race, at least you finished strong! I am not too far from philly and am interested in doing a longer run before the princess 1/2 in march. Where is the livestrong 10K?

It's in Center City... I believe that it starts at the Art Museum. Let me know if you sign up... It would be fun to meet someone from the boards!
Welcome to the Incredibles! I felt the same way about running as you until the last few months. Now I am actually starting to enjoy it. I was the person who said I would NEVER be in a half or a marathon. At some point, I will learn to never say never!

Gatlinburg is a great place to visit. I actually live in Middle Tennessee, so I am about 4 hours from there. Pigeon Forge is very commercialized, but there are lots of tourist-y things to do there: my kids loved Dollywood, and there is a nice water park at Dollywood as well. There are also go-cart/putt-putt places (we enjoyed Old McDonald's putt-putt course near the outlets), outlet shopping, shows (like Dixie Stampede), etc... Gatlinburg is a little more scenic with a little bit of a Swiss alps kind of feel, and the Smoky Moutain National Park is beautiful. Hiking in the park is great. There are lots of nice trails. The Pancake Pantry in Gatlinburg serves a yummy breakfast. As far as running is concerned, the strip in Pigeon Forge is flat, but once you head toward Gatlinburg and get more into the mountains, any runs will be quite hilly.

Again, welcome to the Incredibles! So glad to have you on our team!

Thanks for the info. We are staying in a log cabin I think outside of pigeon forge. We are going with friends. There is a hot tub:lovestruc We are just going to sit back and relax and enjoy being with each other without any other distractions. We are definitely going to do some hiking as much as we can with the little ones. I am very excited to be doing that. We are also going to dollywood and the ripley's aquarium. Thanks again for all the tips. We may have to check out the pancake place.

It's in Center City... I believe that it starts at the Art Museum. Let me know if you sign up... It would be fun to meet someone from the boards!

I will definitely let you know. I think that would be a great race to do since I have only done 5K it will give me a little more length under my belt before the 1/2. I will keep you posted.
Good morning, gang. I'll try to be back later for personals... I'm at work today and the only one here and it's a busy day. I just had to vent for a minute and hope that's OK.

So I'm banging my head against a wall. Not only can I not run until Friday because of my knee, but all my future races are in jeopardy. I just found out last night that due to a screw-up, not on our part, my mortgage is going up $420 a month for the next 12 months. We're tight on money as it is and this gonna make things so much harder. So I have no idea where I'm gonna find extra money for race registrations, in particular the Princess Half and our first family vacation in March. I just want to cry. We're trying for a modification but it's not looking good. ::sigh:: Can't catch a break here...

Sorry about the vent. BBL
Good morning, gang. I'll try to be back later for personals... I'm at work today and the only one here and it's a busy day. I just had to vent for a minute and hope that's OK.

So I'm banging my head against a wall. Not only can I not run until Friday because of my knee, but all my future races are in jeopardy. I just found out last night that due to a screw-up, not on our part, my mortgage is going up $420 a month for the next 12 months. We're tight on money as it is and this gonna make things so much harder. So I have no idea where I'm gonna find extra money for race registrations, in particular the Princess Half and our first family vacation in March. I just want to cry. We're trying for a modification but it's not looking good. ::sigh:: Can't catch a break here...

Sorry about the vent. BBL


Sorry that your knee is holding up your training. Hang in there on your trip to Disney. There is a lot ot time between now and the Princess Half. I hope that it all works out for you and your family.

Good morning, gang. I'll try to be back later for personals... I'm at work today and the only one here and it's a busy day. I just had to vent for a minute and hope that's OK.

So I'm banging my head against a wall. Not only can I not run until Friday because of my knee, but all my future races are in jeopardy. I just found out last night that due to a screw-up, not on our part, my mortgage is going up $420 a month for the next 12 months. We're tight on money as it is and this gonna make things so much harder. So I have no idea where I'm gonna find extra money for race registrations, in particular the Princess Half and our first family vacation in March. I just want to cry. We're trying for a modification but it's not looking good. ::sigh:: Can't catch a break here...

Sorry about the vent. BBL

Vent Away!

I hope your knee is feeling better soon! I hope everything works out with your mortgage... I'll keep my fingers crossed that the modification works out for you!
Hey Incredibles!

Sounds like the entire group is racing along at a great pace. I am still working on W6D3 and hope to finish and move on to week 7 tomorrow night. Went to visit my family this weekend in Cocoa Beach. Ate dinner at the Port, Fish Lips, and watched the Disney Wonder cruise by. Wish I was aboard!

Keep up the Pace,

Sorry to hear about your dilemma jess. Hang in there and in the meantime feel free to vent all you want. I hope it all works out for you. Keep us posted.
I did my first run with my Garmin today. I love it! I haven't really set it up for anything yet, just hit start. I did 3 miles in 31:49 (played around with a 3:1min run/walk ratio--I am still amazed that I go faster with walk breaks).

Question for those experienced with races--I was looking at info about a 10K race nearby that I want to do Labor Day weekend. The info said it is for runners only. Does that mean you can't walk at all?

Jess--So sorry for the challenges you are facing. I hope your knee improves quickly. The 1/2 is a long time from now, so keep hoping. Maybe the financing will work itself out by then.

One more thing--like the true dork that I am, I ordered an iron-on Incredible logo. I am going to find a red tech shirt for it. Wearing it will motivate me and help me to feel INCREDIBLE! I'll post a picture when I get it done.

Have a INCREDIBLE day!
Hi everyone. I am off again today with my ds who is sick. :sick: Poor little guy has been running fever. It was nice to have time to prepare a good dinner. I just have a question to anyone doing weight watchers. I cant find my activity points slider and am wondering how many extra points I get for a 30min high impact workout. If anyone can help me that would be great.

Lindsay, I use the following equations to figure out my activity points:

Light Activity is your current weight x # of mins x .000232

Mod Activity is your current weight x # of mins x .000327

Heavy Activity your current weight x # of mins x .0008077

Pretty accurate, and since weight changes every day around here, its easy to do.


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