Breakfast at Kona.....let's grab a table!!

Good morning, everyone!!:sunny:
Time to rise and shine!!:cool1:

Michele:: I guess you are back in school this week? Did last week fly by?
Nathan doesn't get out of school now until the week of April 6th for Spring break.

YM:: don't feel bad about the fruit. I bought bananas last week and only ate one......I think the rest are overly ripe now.:upsidedow
Nathan didn't help much with the girls' win. gary told him to just play a little defense and pass the ball to the girls.;)

Linda:: Sounds like Kenny did pretty well for himself on his birthday!! What was he going to do with the $10 at school? I'm just curious to know. He is somethin' else!!:laughing: pirate:

Lesa:: Hi, there!!!:wave2: I haven't seen more dance pics. I was actually going to post a pic of Nathan dressed as Harry Potter for Halloween, but I guess I don't have that on my computer.:confused:

Tryouts for Air Force One went OK. The coach that was supposed to be observing them kind of wondered off a time or two.....maybe he already knows who is going to make the team.:confused3 I know Nathan will be pretty disappointed if he doesn't make it. More tryouts again on Wednesday night.

I've whipped up a special "Disney" breakfast for us this morning. Please don't laugh, I worked really hard!:rolleyes1


I hope you all have a Terrific Tuesday!!:flower1: :flower1:
Donna... not laughing a bit, that is TOO cute! I actually do things like that at home, making "hidden Mickeys" for Kenny to find:laughing:

that little turkey, he said he wanted to take $ to the school store to buy crayons:rotfl: I have a tub of all the school supplies you could imagine here. So, I brought him in the office, pulled it out and told him to grab what he wanted. So, he grabs crayons, colored pencils, Pirates of the Caribbean pencils, erasers, glue stick... I think he's set for awhile:laughing: I think he just likes having $. Knowing him though, he'd give it to his little girlfriend.

He brought home this note that was TOO funny! For Valentines day he gave his girlfriend Lila a bag of these M&M's that had little love messages on them ;) well, he brings home this note they were writing back and forth (duh, no wonder he gets in trouble ;) ) and it says I love you, you're a sweetheart, can you bring me candy?:rotfl2: Is that too cute or what! I told him, you've got her spoiled already!! I asked him what her favorite candy was, he said he thinks Hershey kisses. So, I made a bag for him to take to her w/ hot cocoa hershey kisses, dark choc. kisses and reg. kisses to take to her and see what she thinks about that:laughing: they crack me up. And of coarse I had to tell him to QUIT passing the notes though! Just give her your phone # ;). He was excited about that:laughing:

I get up at 4:30 to register for my classes, it won't go and it won't go... then I go out there and they say for MY stuff....registration is 5am TOMORROW:eek: :sad2: figures!!!:rotfl: so...4:30 again tomorrow!:headache:

I hope everyone is having a great day:flower3:
Good afternoon!!

Nathan and his friend have just finished their science project and did a mini-presentation to me.
Just for the record...the alkaline batteries lasted longest at 5hr and 23 min. The rechargeables came in second at 2 hours and 47 min and the regualar carbon zinc battery was last at 2 hours and 40 min. Of course we would choose the rechargeables for the obvious reason of being able to reuse the batteries.

Lesa...I've been meaning to ask Michele when Lilly's birthday was; I knew it was getting close. I'll have to run find something special to post for her!!:cutie:

Be back in a few!!:banana:

I hope you have a wonderful 2nd birthday, Miss Lilly!!
Tell Nathan great job on the research:woohoo:

omg Lilly is two already!!!

Happy Birthday Lilly!


Happy Hump Day!!

It's supposed to be in the high 50's today...I can't wait!!:woohoo: the bad news is, by the weekend it's supposed to be really cold again.:cold::headache:

Michele:: I hope Lilly had a great birthday! Got any pictures?:cutie: princess: What did she get?

Lesa:: thanks for the heads-up about Lilly's birthday!!:thumbsup2
Did your window guys show yesterday?

YM:: Hi there!! Still recovering from the weekend birthday party? Just think, you have the parties over now until oldest DS has his. Is it in July?

2x2s:: How is your hand doing? Did you get the feeling back in the fingers?

Not much happening here. Nathan's friend, Nick stayed for supper last night. He was treated to a very special sloppy joe and tator tot meal.:laughing: What can I say, the guys love 'em!!:goodvibes

Ah... how long has it been since we ate from a big old skillet at the Wilderness Lodge? I wish I was there RIGHT NOW!!!:yay:


I hope you all have a Wild and Wonderful Wednesday!!
Linda.....Good luck registering today!!:teacher:
I'm glad to hear that Kenny has all the crayons and markers he needs!! Way to go, Mom!!
The special bag of Hershey Kisses for Kenny's girlfriend sounds great!!
Good morning gang:woohoo: OHHHH I wish we were all at WL right now enjoying that wonderful meal together! I love the WL!!

They keep sending us these Contemporary DVC brochures, that looks awesome! I still want to check them ALL out:laughing: I think we'd love OKW, laid back and relaxing place for sure:cloud9: maybe when I graduate:lovestruc

thanks Donna, I needed it! For the past two days I tried to register online, the darn people had a restriction on my name and I had to go in to do it:rolleyes: so, the classes I wanted, were GONE:headache: It won't be bad though. I took English, algebra and Psychology growth and development...13 credit hours. its all web based except english, so I'll have to go out there on Mon and Wed 10:30-11:45:woohoo: YM...whoo hoo...I don't have to get up early:laughing: :yay: something tells me you like to sleep in too:rolleyes1 :laughing:

Kenny forgot to give her the kisses yesterday, so we'll see if he remembers tonight. He was disappointed she didn't call last night.

I'm so jealous...50's! that is awesome. it is at least sunny here:woohoo: I started scrubbing walls yesterday and Mike reminded me that we probably have another 2 months of heating left:sad2: guess I'll scrub walls twice:laughing: I have the time!! Too bad you're so far away Lesa, I'd come help ya paint:cool1:

I hope everyone has a great day!
You guys are too sweet. Lilly loved looking at your birthday wishes.

Her birthday celebration isn't until Sunday since Grampa Blake isn't home yet. She got a couple of presents yesterday and a small cake my mom made. Then we had to go to Matt's basketball game. Which we lost!!

They sell a 50/50 drawing at the games. They had Lilly pull the winning ticket since she was the birthday girl. Then the lady who won, whose son is on the team with Matt, gave Lilly $2 for picking her ticket. Lilly was so excited. She loves to put money in her bank now. She saw the money the lady was handing her, yelled MONEY and practically snatched it out of the lady's hand. Of course I had her say Thank You.

I have been plagued the last few days with migraines. I have been spending a lot of time lying down in dark rooms. Even had to do it yesterday at work. I think it is hormonal. I am at "that" age apparently. The other night I woke up drenched in sweat and had to change shirts. If this has decided to come this early it better just finish up quickly and take ALL of its issues with it!!!:rolleyes1

Blake is still safe and traveling around China. He will be home Friday.:woohoo:

Had to take Nick shopping for the dance today. He will just be wearing a shirt and tie. No suit. He picked out a beautiful medium blue shirt. I bought a gorgeous black and blue tie. But no...we ended up at the tuxedo shop. He wanted a white bow tie:confused3 He told me it will make him look like a young Sean Connery. Frankly, I think he has lost his mind, but Nick has always marched to his own drummer. And he has a surplus of self esteem, he does not care one little bit what other people think about it. Which is great. Wish I had been more like that at his age. (or now:rolleyes1 )

Going off to bed. Have a great day!!

Linda:: I'm sorry to hear that all your classes were taken by the time you got logged on.:guilty: At least you will be able to sleep in.:cloud9:
That's too funny about the DVC brochures....I think Disney is trying to wear down your resistance.;)

Michele:: I'm sorry about your migraines. Unfortunatley I reached "that" age about 5 years ago......sweating one minute, freezing the next. I don't think I have other issues, but Gary may disagree!!:crazy::lmao:
That Miss Lilly is a smart little cookie......putting money in her bank is terrific!!
Give her a birthday hug for me.:goodvibes
Yeah!! Blake will be home on Friday!!

Today was Nathan's last day of Air force One tryouts. We are supposed to call the Rec Center tomorrow after school to see if he made the team. I think I'm more nervous than he is!

I hope everyone is having a relaxing evening.:goodvibes
Fingers crossed for Nathan's tryouts plus a lot of pixie dust!! pixiedust: pixiedust:

Running late already this morning, surprise.

I will catch up later! Have a Terrific Thursday!!
Good morning!!

I see Michele was up early this morning. Thanks for the pixie dust!!

Today I'm taking Nathan to scholl because of the science project/foam board. Well, that's my big news for the day!!:rotfl:

I'm in the mood for a warm, sunny tropical location this morning. (We just had a cloudburst outside!:eek: )
Don't forget the sunscreen!!:woohoo: :dance3: :banana:


I hope you all have a Thunder Mountain Thursday!!
Good morning!

Brit's missed the last 3 days of school. She's had a high fever and is hacking all over the house. I'm sure the rest of us are going to end up getting it.:sick: I've had the lysol wipes going and hand sanitizer working.:rolleyes1We requested her homework to be emailed to us and so far she has a paper to write for gym.:thumbsup2

My window guys did show up on Tuesday. They replaced all the weather stripping that I said was to problem waaaaaayyyyyy back in November. :rolleyes: So far so good! It has been kind of warm since then so this weekend will be the true test. If this ends up being what fixes my windows after all this time..........:mad:

Donna good luck to Nathan with his science project. :thumbsup2 What a great idea for a science project! My fingers are crossed that he makes the team!:wizard: We're due for thunderstorms this afternoon and then snow tomorrow.:headache: I know spring is around the corner though, my finches are back trying to build their nest on my porch. We have a fake spiral tree on the porch that every year they try to nest in. Then we start getting attacked every time we use the front door!:rotfl2: Sorry I haven't posted more pictures, Dh has to put them on the computer for me. Hopefully I'll have them this weekend.

Linda sorry you didn't get all the classes you wanted. Congrats on getting registered!:dance3: My first thought is why you would have to scrub your walls twice, then I remembered the corn. Does it leave that much residue on your walls? You can help me paint anytime! We have the family room about done, just a few touch ups left. We are working our way around the house replacing the trim around the windows and baseboards. We are insulating as we go. Too sweet about Kenny and the chocolate!:goodvibes

2x how is your wrist? :hug:

YM I hope all is well in your neck of the woods! How are the boys?

Michele I'm glad Lilly had a great birthday. Too cute about the money! She is defiantly related to Nick!;)

My darling is bellowing (I mean calling) for me. Have a great day!
Hey there Michele!
That is great you're waiting for Grampa Blake to get home:cloud9: I'm sure he appreciates that ;)!!

MONEY:rotfl: that's adorable. I remember my ex's niece when she was little I didn't know she could even TALK until the pizza guy showed up and she starts screaming and gets all excited yelling PIZZA:laughing: she knew that word for sure! It was nice of that lady to share in her winnings too:yay:
oh, I sure hope your migraines are better soon! I've had them here and there too! :headache:
Glad Blake will be home tomorrow!
good Nick found what he wanted for the dance too. I'm sure he'll look just fine:cool2:

good morning Donna! thanks for a wonderful breakfast:hug: Best of luck to Nathan making the AFO team:cheer2: Hey, I'm just glad I GOT my classes registered, I ended up registering for 16 cr. hrs, I added microbiology:woohoo: that way my summer will be more open. I'll just take the 3 week STNA class and humanities online, more time for fun!:yay:

Mike asked me what I wanted for my birthday, I said to go to wdw. Kenny talks about it all the time and I said, maybe just Kenny and I could take a trip...Mike sounded like he wouldn't mind:rolleyes1 hmmmm maybe I will get down there soon! that would be too awesome! I wanted to check dates on wdw website and of coarse...its down:sad2: geesh!
Yeah...Disney knows what to do to get my attention:laughing: I get all excited everytime I see the commercials where the Mickey balloons pop out of the invitations for birthdays:laughing:

Lesa...sorry Brit hasn't been feeling well, poor girl!!
I hope the weather stripping fixes your window problems!!
The corn isn't TOO bad, but for some reason this year we got a batch of "dusty" corn and was a mess! I am sure that is why they're so bad this year. W/all three of us having allergy issues, I try to keep this house clean!
Way to go w/the painting! I think we're going to have to do that here too. Mike has been asking if I want any different colors etc. Guess that's the hint he wants to paint:laughing:
I'm sure every quarter will be interesting to see what is avail. once you get to it. Everyone hops on at 5am trying to get a particular class, so no way you'll always get a perfect schedule, but hey, its only 8 miles away, and FREE, I won't be complaining a bit:cool1: :woohoo:

Well, its official...Kenny is IN LOVE:rotfl2: he was telling me about how he can't wait til recess is outside again b/c he wants to kiss Lila! There are too many people around now and when recess is outside again, they can hide by the drinking fountain between two filing cabinets to kiss:lmao: b/c "you're not boyfriend/girlfriend til you've kissed":rotfl: AND... he's telling me next he wants to give her flowers b/c "you know April showers bring May flowers, we're in school in May right?":rotfl2: :lmao: I'm so glad he's so open and honest w/me but he's sure causing me GREY HAIR:rotfl:

I hope everyone is having a great day. Just cleaning house here:laundy:
I just called the Rec Center and Nathan made the team!!! He was sooo happy and I've already called Gary to tell him. I also told Gary that Nathan and Nick's science project/report was a succes and he said he wasn't worried about that!!:teacher: :rotfl2:

Lesa:: I hope your windows are finally fixed!! After all this time it may be what you told them in November??!!:eek: :headache: :scared:
Hope poor Britt gets to feeling better and noboby else catches her "bug".:sick:
I remember you getting attacked by the birds when you tried to go in the front door!! YAY SPRING!!!:laughing:

Linda:: That would be awesome for you and Kenny to go to WDW!!
Sounds like Kenny is on love for sure!! Nathan definitely isn't nearly that open with me. If he has ever kissed a girl ( and I highly doubt it) it's a secret from me.

Oh, and on the science project we did add a little "Green" note about the use of rechargeble batteries being better for our environment than alkalines.:thumbsup2

Hope you are all having a wonderful day!!:flower3:
Yay for Nathan!!:banana: :cool1: :cheer2: :cool1: :banana: Way to go!! I knew he could do it!! Great job!!!

Gary wasn't worried about that:rotfl2: guys for ya huh:laughing:

Great idea about going "green":idea:

2x... how is your wrist???? sorry but we worry about you:hug:

Yeah, I'm hoping we might be able to manage a trip, it would be wonderful for sure!

ohhh Kenny is very open with me. He came home and told me that Lila kissed him at recess:love: He's on cloud NINE to say the least:rotfl2: it cracks me up! BUT...he brought home a note from the teacher that he was caught passing TWO notes:rolleyes: the woman is getting on my nerves. I understand he's no angel but the only person that got in trouble was Kenny, no one else lost a "ticket" and no other notes went home. I told Kenny to quit writing notes and his punishment is he's going to bed early for a week. His DS is already taken away:rolleyes1 :rotfl2: or that is "most effective". I think he needs to get LILA off his mind:laughing: I'll be glad when this school year is over!! He said "but I try to be honest" and he is, I just want to keep it that way.
Congratulations Nathan!!!!

Kenny.....Stop passing notes!!


:rotfl2: :lmao:

He's turning into quite the ladies man!!:love:

Matt's team won last night by 2 points but Matt didn't get to play again. I really like this coach but Matt is pretty much the 8th man and he really doesn't get to play much. Tues night he got in for exactly 44 seconds I know he isn't the best shooter but he has always been amazing on defense. Now his coach will tell me that he loves Matt and really wants to play him more, that Matt deserves it, he has more hustle than most of the other boys and he uses Matt as an example to the other boys for the kind of player he wants but then in a game situation if it's close Matt doesn't play. I am just not used to this. On all the teams Matt has been on before this he has been one of the starters and got to play most of the game.:confused3

Only one more game then the playoffs start. I don't know what the format his this year. We are in a different league.

Tonight at the girls game is the Snowcoming celebrations. We have to go to see Matt presented with the court. The pep rally is this afternoon. since the 2 schools are connected I am taking the last hour of classes off and going over to watch. I have to take pictures you know!!

Oh my gosh, yesterday at school the gym classes are in the pool right now. During 1st hour it is 8th grade and there is an autistic boy in the class. 2nd hour is the teachers prep and he always spends 25 minutes of it swimming laps for his workout. Well no one noticed anything until the 3rd hour 7th graders came in. In the corner of the pool where the boy was standing there was POOP all over on the bottom of the pool!!!:scared1:

They got the kids dressed, took them back to the gym to shoot hoops or something. They called down another teacher to watch the kids so the poor gym teacher could take another shower. He was so disgusted that he had swam with that!! I told him even tho there is a lot of chorine in a public pool he needs to call his doctor and tell him. I don't know if they would give him a shot of something or what. But you hear about people getting sick from that. YUCK!!!

Well I got up early but of course now I am running late. How about I fill in for Donna this morning. Let's all imagine ourselves having breakfast with Pooh and the gang!!

Blake comes home today!!:cool1: :dance3: :yay: :woohoo: :cheer2: :flower3:
Good morning and TGIF!!:woohoo: :woohoo:

Michele::: Thanks so much for the breakfast!! I am kicking my feet up and really enjoying this!! You're a sweetie!!:goodvibes
YIKES!! I would be pretty discusted swimming in someone else's doo-doo!!:scared: Better to have breakfast with Pooh than swim in it!!:scared1:
Sorry to hear about Matt's playing. Nathan plays great defense, too. I am pretty concerned about his playing time on this league; it's new to us. We figure at least he will get more practice time.:rolleyes1
:woohoo: :woohoo: Blake comes home today!!:yay: :yay:

Linda:: sorry to hear that Kenny's wonderful kissing day was spoiled by a note from the teacher!! Maybe she just wants to be freinds with you; that's why she is sending you notes, too.:idea: :teeth:
Sorry.....but I'm cracking up over Michele's note-passing pic!!:blush:

Hi, YourMajesty, 2x2s, Maureen and Lesa!! I hope you all have a Fabulous Friday!!


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