Changing the size of a DVC account

Jim - so sorry for your loss and sending prayers to your family at this time.

I agree with the posters that suggested waiting a while to make a decision. I lost my husband at 27 (I'm 32 now) and that is the best advice someone gave me - wait atleast 6 months before making big decisions.

Continued hugs to you and your family!
We also lost our youngest son in 1997 and from one parent to another not that it gets easier but the day will come when you don't feel like your life is going to end..I thank God for my husband and my oldest son and his family, my two little grandsons are the joy of my life..every day seems a little easier to bear but know that even after 8 years the pain is still there but not as strong..please go to DW with your family and remember your son and how he would have wanted to be with you and still is..take care of each other....
fondly, Marianne
Count me as another DISer who sends prayers to you and your family. I hope that WDW memories will be part of what remains always alive.
I can't begin to know your pain. Your son sounded like a wonderful young man of whom I sure you were very proud.

You and your family are in my prayers.
Thank you for all of the kind thoughts.

I called my guide today and while it may be possible to combine the contracts... it probably doesn't make financial sense to do so. I'm sure our two daughters will find a good way to share the total number of points.
This is really not a big deal for us. In fact... maybe it was just a way for me to build up enough courage to even enter the DVC boards again. Disney vacations have been a big part of our family for a long time, and the thought of Disney vacations without Gregory was such an empty and hollow feeling, I was originally not sure that I could ever do it again. Now we know that we will go again... probably next summer... and we will do so remembering the great times that we had together.

Greg really was a great kid. He touched the lives of so many people. There were many many hundreds of people at each of his two services, and I do not think there was a dry eye there.

This is letter that we had read to Greg at the funeral.

Letter to Gregory from Dad, Mom, Jennifer, and Kimberly


You already know how much we love you, and you know how very much we will miss you. The response from the community has been overwhelming… and it is because you touched so many people in such a positive way. You truly led an incredible life.

It was so much fun watching you become an adult… and dad constantly says that you used to be his son… but that you became his best friend. Mom cherishes your gentle heart, and your kind spirit. Although you became a fine young man, you will always be her “baby boy”. Your love for her was so deep and so unwavering… it tells highly of what a respectful person you are.

Kimberly says that you will always be her “baby bubba” and that she knows how sad you were when she moved to Montana to attend college. You know how much she loved it when you visited her, and she was really looking forward to you flying out to visit her once you received your pilot’s license. Jennifer loves you so deeply and she will miss your compassion toward everybody. She said she will miss planning “road trips” with you; she is very proud to have you as her brother. Even Spike seems to know that you are gone, and will miss the way that you cradled him.

We have been visiting Amanda, and although she was teary eyed… the first words to us were “He died doing something that he loved”. We reaffirmed that she would always be part of our family. You did a great job in choosing a wonderful young woman as your fiancée.

Gregory, Thank you for all that you have given us. Life will be very different for us without you here, but you have made us all better people. Our faith is keeping us strong and we know that you are with God. We will miss your smile and your hugs - but we will hold you in our hearts forever.

With all our love,
Dad, Mom, Jennifer, and Kim

Special note from Dad:

Son, I want you to know that Mom and I chose a lovely spot for your burial… and that both of us will be joining you someday, laying by your side. When asked where you should be buried, my immediate response was: “I want Gregory on my right side”. Mom said… that is nice because whenever you flew, Greg was on your right. After thinking about this for only a second… I changed my mind. All pilots know which is the “seat of honor” so we will spend eternity side by side… with you in the “left seat”.

Thoughts and prayers to you and your family; my heart goes out to you. Your loss is a reminder to all of us to savor every precious moment while we can. :grouphug:
Your letter brought tears to my eyes. My heart goes out to you and your family. I pray that He will fill your hearts with comfort and peace as you grieve.
Jim and Family,
I am so sorry for your loss. My son is at Cub Scout camp right now with so many wonderful people from Cascade Pacific...I'm sure you are very proud that Gregory was one of the people that helped to make it such a great group. How fortunate you are to have had such a special child that was able to touch the lives of so many in such a short time. Please try to be strong but know that we are all here waiting with a 65,000+ group hug anytime you need it. :grouphug:
I just wanted to add my condolences. Gregory sounded a lovely man and a wonderful son.
My condolences on the loss of oyur son. The days ahead won't be easy, but bless oyu for your strength in the face of this tragedy for your family.

As to your question...I do not believe the configuration of your contracts can be changed. Do you have someone else...a dear niece or nephew or child of a friend...that you might consider leaving the 3rd DVC contract to? If not, then you'd either have to sell it, buy more to keep it even for your 2 remaining sons, or hope that when the time comes, they can come to an equitable decision.
So very sorry for your loss. I can't even imagine the death of a child. I hope that your Disney trips will fill you with many happy memories of Gregory. I know that it is a place where I feel especially close to my father since we spent so much time there together.

Peace to you and your family.
:grouphug: There are really no words to help, but I hope you feel better knowing that you are in our thoughts and prayers.


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