Check-in dates?


Jan 21, 2009
So I was just wondering what everyone's check in date for those who have been accepted and have confirmed their date...

I am doing Fall Advantage ...

Check in Date: June 15th
I was wondering how you got a check in date so late. I really want to do the fall advantage, but wouldn't be able to move in until after may 31st. I've called college recruiting many times, and received many different answers. However, I'v talked to a lot of other people that applied for the advantage, and they said that the only dates avail are may 24 and may 27. So i was just wondering if thats true or not?
Thanks so much
Fall 2009
I check in Aug 10!!

Oh man, this is going to feel like forever!
I was wondering how you got a check in date so late. I really want to do the fall advantage, but wouldn't be able to move in until after may 31st. I've called college recruiting many times, and received many different answers. However, I'v talked to a lot of other people that applied for the advantage, and they said that the only dates avail are may 24 and may 27. So i was just wondering if thats true or not?
Thanks so much

June 15th is the date for the Quarter program. It may have also been available for FA (but if it was, it may have filled up).
I was wondering how you got a check in date so late. I really want to do the fall advantage, but wouldn't be able to move in until after may 31st. I've called college recruiting many times, and received many different answers. However, I'v talked to a lot of other people that applied for the advantage, and they said that the only dates avail are may 24 and may 27. So i was just wondering if thats true or not?
Thanks so much
I go to a quarter school so I am doing the Quarter advantage, I had two other dates but they were May 20, and 27th.
If you haven't had your interview yet I would tell your interviewer that you can't move out until the 31st. Good Luck
Do you get to choose or are you assigned date? If you were just doing Fall, would be beterr to get there on the 10th before everyone or latest on the 24th so you are gone for as short as possible?
Do you get to choose or are you assigned date? If you were just doing Fall, would be beterr to get there on the 10th before everyone or latest on the 24th so you are gone for as short as possible?

You get to choose your check-in date.

It's up to you. Me personally, I don't think I could wait til the 24th (one reason why I chose the 10th).
August 24th - Fall 2009! I get home from a summer camp that goes until the 22nd and then I go right to Florida, crazyness!
I feel like the only person arriving on Aug 12th lol but I couldn't do Aug 24th since it doesn't end until Jan 8th and that's the day b4 my birthday and the weekend b4 school starts back. If only I never had to graduate then I could stay at Disney 4ever lol.
Haha well be there for my birthday - it's the 28th of august so like 4 days after I get there :) People should check in on the 24th - I feel like the only one checking in that day...
I might've missed this in the presentation or something, but how does the check-in process work?

What I mean by that is I'm flying into Orlando all by myself. I'm assuming there's a shuttle of some sort (disney-owned or not) that goes to the resort?

If I check in on the 10th, let's say, will I be able to go to housing that night, or do I need a hotel? When are we supposed to be there by, so I know what time to get a flight in?

I dunno how I missed all that info :confused: Probably as an internal hire, they assumed I knew everything already; woops.
I might've missed this in the presentation or something, but how does the check-in process work?

What I mean by that is I'm flying into Orlando all by myself. I'm assuming there's a shuttle of some sort (disney-owned or not) that goes to the resort?

If I check in on the 10th, let's say, will I be able to go to housing that night, or do I need a hotel? When are we supposed to be there by, so I know what time to get a flight in?

I dunno how I missed all that info :confused: Probably as an internal hire, they assumed I knew everything already; woops.

If you arrive in FL the day before check-in (or earlier), you will need to get a hotel. And check-in officially starts at 9am, though people can get in earlier (I've been able to get there at 8am).


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