COMPLETE Super Sports'n'More

I hope to mail by Monday too...but we're so close (but not nearly close enough) that I should be ok for Friday. :rolleyes1
Lets face it, even though the planes are up in the air again here there's probably a big backlog, so don't sweat it on my account!;) (I'm always last to get them anyway....lucky I'm so patient:rolleyes1:rotfl2:)
Sneeky peeky time! Here are some pictures of my groups:


Bike - the {Learning to} is removeable - it's attached with repositionable dotto in case you don't need that part.



the infamous Mario



love them pirate tink.
love that mario!
and the pinewood derby too!
heck, i loved them all!
I will probably be mailing my groups out on Monday or Tuesday. I must apologize because I haven't been able to work on these since shortly after signups and I don't have the one group done to mail. I have been under the weather for most of a month now, and for the past week I have been almost unable to talk except for a low raspy whisper. I've been on two full rounds of antibiotics and it hasn't worked, and my MRI was inconclusive so they're not sure what is going on.
I feel really bad about not completing this swap, but I kept hoping it was just going to pass and I'd be able to finish. I guess I should have asked for an angel. I hope no one is upset and I'm really hoping to be back into swapping soon. I haven't signed up for the Toppers and Tags because I haven't been feeling well and I've got my son's eagle scout book to complete before his ceremony. Doesn't look hopeful that it will be completed on time either.
Thanks to all for hopefully understanding.

Which group isn't complete? Maybe it is one I can do.

I am sorry they can't tell you what is wrong. Hope you are feeling better soon!!
Ok...finished! They will go out tomorrow... :) Here we are...

1-American Girl (Grey, sparkle silver and white)

7-Cross Country/Track/Running (black with stars, sparkle silver, red)

8-Dance (sparkle silver, white, pink)

11-Performance –Drama/Music (black with stars, sparkle silver, white) 2 versions - 1 for drama for DIT and 1 for music for me. :)

15-Scouting-girl (green, brown and royal blue)
Really cute!

I'm not going to be mailing until Wednesday, I forgot about a big ole bill that's due tomorrow and I won't have any cash until after DH gets paid on Wednesday. Sorry, Ann, but it should be there before or on the due date.


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