Completed Page Swap - **Complete**

You know that part when you first walk into Animal Kingdom and you have to wait for rope drop? The place where they do that little show. Yup that's it. There is nothing else there except an entrance/exit to the Rainforest Cafe. There will be lots of green & cheeta prints.
:cloud9: sounds like a wonderful spot for a frog...
Here is my prototype for the Backlot at the Studios.


The mountain part is supposed to be Catastrophe Canyon.

OMG that is soooooo awesome! really hope you have got some serious talent.:worship: WOW! i :love: it!
:cloud9: sounds like a wonderful spot for a frog...

I have a frog for you:

this is a bridge in CT. There are 4 bronze frogs in all sitting on spools of thread. Very cool bridge!!! The spools represent the local cotton mills that were making a high quality thread.

story behind the frogs:
In the mid-1700s, local Windham-ites were awakened by a horrible flood of noises, a sort of bellowing and shrieking that seemed to come directly from above. The townspeople were terrified. This was during the French and Indian War, and many of the able-bodied men were up north engaged in battles. Many of those who remained in town thought the hideous noises were the war-whoops of local Indian tribes preparing to overrun the village, raping and killing everyone in sight. Others took a more spiritual tack, convincing themselves the horrible noises were from heaven and judgement day was at hand. Townspeople ran out of their homes (in various stages of undress) alternately shooting up into the air at an unseen enemy or falling to their knees in fervent prayer.

When first morning's light arrived and the sounds had slowly died off, the townspeople noticed no one had been killed or carried off. Later a few brave men rode their horses to the outskirts of town and discovered that a local pond, which had either been drained low by drought or a nearby mill operator, had a huge accumulation of dead and dying frogs all around its perimeter. It seems the horrible noises were not caused by "local savages" or God above, but by a whole mess of frogs who had finally reached a breaking point when their elbow room was reduced to nearly nothing. For years afterwards, Windham, then the county seat, became the laughing stock of Connecticut.

By the way, during the winter holiday season, the frogs are dressed for the cold with beautiful red scarves.
I have a frog for you:

this is a bridge in CT. There are 4 bronze frogs in all sitting on spools of thread. Very cool bridge!!! The spools represent the local cotton mills that were making a high quality thread.

I could never drive over that bridge. I am TERRIFIED of frogs and it doesn't matter if they are stone. They so totally creep me out. Ugh!
I have a frog for you:

By the way, during the winter holiday season, the frogs are dressed for the cold with beautiful red scarves.


OMG - they are beautiful. I was just about to go to bed and thought I would check in before I did and I am soooo glad. I even called DH downstairs (I am on the first floor and he was on the third:rotfl: ) and he even thought it was cool - and trust me, after living with me for the past 22 years he has seen his fair share of "Look at how cute these frogs are..."

I love that they get dressed up in the winter:goodvibes

If I had my way I would have one of each of those on the post leading up the front steps to our porch...and I love that they are bronze (I wished I'd learned to cast bronze while I was in school - If I had maybe I would have giant frog in front of my house by now;) )

Thanks for making me smile...OK off to bed

If I ever get a chance I will head down and take some pics for you. My brother lives there so it will be an excuse to visit. LOL

PS.If you ever come visit me we can do a walking tour of the town and the victorian houses and see the froggys up close and personal.

I'll try to scan some pics of our frogs at our old house. We had a pond and had dozens of frogs. We even had a 2 headed frog once.
sorry!!! :rotfl2:
I won't post pics of that one then.....

Can you just do it on another thread so that I won't open it and see scary things? Seriously, a frog in the middle of the road when I'm driving brings me to a complete halt. I am TERRIFIED of frogs.
Can you just do it on another thread so that I won't open it and see scary things? Seriously, a frog in the middle of the road when I'm driving brings me to a complete halt. I am TERRIFIED of frogs.

I promise!!! Are the pics of the frog bridge ok? should I move them??
here Shauna, these are way cuter! These are pics of a little visitor we had this morning. He was orphaned in our yard.




Oh my goodness! What a darling little cutie pie! What did y'all do with the baby? Is mommy really gone?

I promise!!! Are the pics of the frog bridge ok? should I move them??

I can suffer through the bridge because they are fake frogs. There's just no way I can handle live ones. Seriously, I have chills going up my spine as we speak.
hello shauna!

i had a very crazy week last week - but i did go postal :) on friday - so you will probably get them tomorrow - you will recognize my package by two familiar faces on the box :)

thanks for hosting! i did slip a little something extra in the box to thank you - enjoy!
what a great story about the frogs buffy. thanks for sharing it with us. i love the red scarf in the winter thing!
Oh my goodness! What a darling little cutie pie! What did y'all do with the baby? Is mommy really gone?

I can suffer through the bridge because they are fake frogs. There's just no way I can handle live ones. Seriously, I have chills going up my spine as we speak.

Sorry Shauna, I promise too, I will only do frog speak on a special frog thread...:hug:
hello shauna!

i had a very crazy week last week - but i did go postal :) on friday - so you will probably get them tomorrow - you will recognize my package by two familiar faces on the box :)

thanks for hosting! i did slip a little something extra in the box to thank you - enjoy!

No problem! As you can see, we had a somewhat crazy time here last week. I'll let you know when they arrive. Thanks for the goodies!

Sorry Shauna, I promise too, I will only do frog speak on a special frog thread...:hug:

It's OK. It's just that I have such a severe fear of them. The therapist never could figure out why either.
I have the Oasis pages [8, one for Tinkerbean] done.
I'm going to not let Hollywood Studios get me down. I'll have something ready to prototype today.


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