~Dani and Bryan's Hopefully Fairy Tale Wedding on a Budget PJ and almost TR 12/5/10

I realize I never post photos on here of the events I write about. I need to do this-after I learn how not to make them ginormous on the screen. I will post pics of the welcome dinner, my place cards, wedding stuff, etc. Because I know, you must be dying to see them. Ha!

I forgot to tell you one thing that came out of the breakdown outside the Liberty Tree Tavern incident....where I had my ugly cry spell, all my family was waiting outside the restaurant as I went and got the potato head ornament. When I came back (still ugly crying) they roped off the area for the parade. Turns out the breakdown worked out for the rest of the family. They all got front row viewing of the parade right as it began. Bonus for them. Sinus headache for me. :) I also learned later that the cast members called Maxine to tell her one of her brides was melting down. Poor thing-she has enough to deal with. Apparently they have valium on hand for the brides. This would have been beneficial that evening :laughing:

More to come! Thank you to anyone who voted for me. You all are amazing!
Here are some pictures from the rehearsal and the welcome dinner! Thankfully I figured out how to resize so you don't see my pores.

My parents and me looking as if we were are being sentenced for prison:


My brother and me at the rehearsal. Apparently with the shirt he is wearing he was headed to a bowling league tournament afterwards:


The cutie patootie Rev Jack!


Me acting like I am not really cold. I did not want a jacket on in all my pics. It did not go with the outfit :) But the Mickey ears did of course.


Dinner begins-all the people I worked with at Disney. Not all of them, but some of the ones I am still in contact with!


It was really cold. Somehow my family got blankets from Housekeeping. That-or they stole them....


Bryan and I finally got a chance to eat. It looks like our friend Chad is going to hit us with a plate:


The gals who have been friends with me since freshman year of college:


Our last picture as a single couple before I ditched him and went to the Boardwalk for the night:


My friends decorated the bridal mouse ears with ribbons and bows from my shower. I also had a wand to walk down the aisle with. Hence the reason I have a giant pink flower on my hat. I have a plain set of Mickey ears I bought but will never use. Any ideas on what to do with it??

I will get more pictures eventually! We also have the professional ones coming from that night. After much editing of the bags under my eyes, I plan on sharing them.

Oh, and thanks for voting. I guess you can vote multiple times so if you feel the urge, do so! MUCH appreciated. I hope I make some of you laugh!

It's been a few days, impatiently awaiting another post! Usually I only look at pj/tr with photos, but yours is just as intriguing without them!
Hi! Your dinner looked like fun despite the cold...can't wait to see more pics from the wedding! You look awesome in the preview pics from Main Street!
I love reading your updates. You make me feel so normal! We have crazy arguments like that too and I always wonder if it's just us. Your wedding sneak peak video was adorable and you looked amazing. Looking forward to hearing more about your day!!
Hi All-

So here is my awesome day from the beginning so far:

-Cleaning up puke from a dogs bed

-Torrin waking up and telling me he peed his bed on accident

-Camden purposely stepping on the train tracks to be “funny”-he has no idea how much the big man Santa paid for that....

-Torrin climbing on to the top of the playhouse they have in their playroom and then getting stuck on the roof and saying that Camden put him up there when he really climbed up there himself

-I watch a classmate of Camden's on Monday named Andrew. Andrew caused Torrin to cry because he said Dora was a show for babies. Torrin screamed it is not for babies, and he is NOT a girl. Uh, ok. No one said you were a girl.

No accidents so far from the dog. Wahoo!

Alright, so I will get around to the wedding day sometime soon. I hope. I figured I would work backwards since I don't think I shared my shower invites, wedding invites, shower thank you cards, etc. So here they are. I did not blur out my info as I do not care if people stalk me. Kidding. Sort of.

Shower invite-I designed it and printed it myself. Sorry it is huge. I am trying to get this on here fast so I did not resize. In the time it took me to tell you that, I could have resized them....

Wedding Invite:
My animator friend Jason drew the Mickey and Minnie for us and I created the rest. remember, I have 1,000 of them so let me know if you need some to wallpaper a room.

My thank you cards for the shower gifts. Jason drew this of Bryan and me. If only I was that skinny in real life....and had her money. Actually she kind of looks like she has a belly. I wonder if Jason did that on purpose... :laughing:

Apparently I say "Thank You So Much" according to Bryan. I learned this at the shower on a video questionnaire they did and he said that is the one thing I say all the time. Too bad the cards were already done.

More to come. Promise. Oh, another random sidenote. Last night Bryan kissed me and said he was trying to keep the magic alive. When I hear magic, I think Magician so I said, without thinking, "Every time I look at you I see a rabbit coming out of a hat." It was perplexing to him, and after I thought about it, I laughed. I also thought that could be taken in such a different way than I intended.

Another thing to leave you with today that really stuck with me...Deep thought for the day: We must be willing to get rid of the life we have planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us.
-Joseph Campbell Oh, how I need to embrace this saying.

Have a great day!
Your posts actually make me laugh out loud! :laughing: I loved your invites and thank you cards! Super cute!
I love all of your invites. You look so pretty in the picture for the shower invitation.

I love reading your posts they are so funny!!!
I love that some people think I am funny. Thanks!

If you are tired of wedding stuff and want to follow my life, my personal blog is:


Thanks pixiegirl for saying I look pretty in the shower invite picture. It is amazing what a hair and makeup artist can do :)
lol, mickey and my baxter should have lunch together. sounds like the story of my house :) except baxter is almost 3 years old. :lmao:

I have to second KitKat (and many others) about your funny posts, you crack me up :lmao:

Your thank you cards are very cute, and your shower invites are (were?) very pretty. You and Bryan look really nice in the picture on the invite - and the caricature is cute! Looking forward to reading more! :cutie:

I am thinking I have not written the rest of my trip info because I am having bad post wedding depression. I waited my whole life to get married and it is over. Done. Finished. :sad2:

Hopefully I will get to writing it. But for now, here is a preview of our pics:


The photos are amazing Danni!!
Aww your wedding may be over, but your marriage is just beginning - that's a whole other adventure!!! You can always plan a VR at a later date - I am having a ball planning mine!!
I love your pictures. They turned out beautiful. It look like everyone had such a good time!!!
I love your pictures! Even my DF came and looked at them with me (and he loved them too!!) Everything looked so amazing! You really looked like you had a brilliant day!

I am thinking I have not written the rest of my trip info because I am having bad post wedding depression. I waited my whole life to get married and it is over. Done. Finished. :sad2:

Hopefully I will get to writing it. But for now, here is a preview of our pics:



Dani, this slide show made me cry. What an absolutely lovely wedding, and just think, you get to cherish the memories of that day forever.


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