DDA Chapter 20

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Yes, what's that mean?
Apparently it's an abnormality in the canyon wall that just happened to make a seven appear based on the types of rock there. The tour guides joked that it was the number 7 landing platform for the aliens....
Seeing all the vacation photos tonight has made me even more determined to travel. Real Life is just to monotinous.
Tammi great pictures!

Chanon I have already told you but I will say it again, love the pictures from the Grand Canyon! I did not look at them again, did you take any out before posting the link here:rolleyes1
Seeing all the vacation photos tonight has made me even more determined to travel. Real Life is just to monotinous.

Deb you sound so down :hug::hug::hug::hug:

I hope you are all feeling well soon & can get your lives back to normal.
Tammi great pictures!

Chanon I have already told you but I will say it again, love the pictures from the Grand Canyon! I did not look at them again, did you take any out before posting the link here:rolleyes1
Are we missing some????
Deb you sound so down :hug::hug::hug::hug:

I hope you are all feeling well soon & can get your lives back to normal.
Me too.

I missed the last segment of Amazing Race because I was getting the kids in bed. :rolleyes: Can someone PM me who got kicked off?

ETA: Thanks, Deb and Jen!
I'm actually starting to feel a bit better. I told Chris that it feels like I've been in a fog for the last 3 weeks and the fog is finally lifting. I am amazed that the mucus has already changed from green/yellow to clear or white. I don't know why doctors are so hesitant to prescribe antibiotics when someone clearly has an infection. I've actually gotten alot done today. My laundry pile is much smaller though there is still a pile. Hunter is working on homework, but at least he stopped procrastinating at the moment.
Oh, I forgot to mention that I managed to sort all of the socks in the giant sock basket too.
:scared1: I didn't mean for ALL of those pictures to end up in that slideshow!
Besides Disney Florist or shipping something to the resort myself, is there any other place does that does gift baskets?

If & that is a big IF, Riley & I go in August I would like to do something special for his 13th(I know going to Disney should be enough).

Any ideas?
I should head to bed.

But I am still wide awake.
I like Betsy (memories by betsy)
her web site:
her email is: betsy@memoriesbybetsy.com

easy to work with and very flexible. I have used her quite a bit

Besides Disney Florist or shipping something to the resort myself, is there any other place does that does gift baskets?

If & that is a big IF, Riley & I go in August I would like to do something special for his 13th(I know going to Disney should be enough).

Any ideas?
Janet - was it you asking about Southwest? They will open their dates through October on April 14.
I need to get to bed. I also need to get an appointment for Hunter to see the doctor again tomorrow. It's been over a month since he has actually been normal. He still has a cough and he is absolutely exhausted all the time. He seems to start crying over the littlest things and he is struggling with his schoolwork which has never happened. I'm torn as to whether I should go into work, make the appointment and leave to bring him or if I should just stay home and keep him home :confused3 The cat has a vet appointment at 4 PM which makes taking him after school difficult. I suppose that I could make it for the evening, then he'd only miss lacrosse. Now that I've thought it out (by sharing with all of you) I think I'll see how he feels in the morning.
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