Dieting for Disney

AggieGirl Welcome to our family!! No matter what the goals are that you have, you are welcomed here. We are not just for those who want to loose 20,40 or 60 pounds or more. We are here for anyone who wants to live a healthier lifestyle. We will push, celebrate, encourage and motivate as you need. Feel free to come by anytime that you like and share your workouts and dieting practices. Good or bad, we are here for you and each other. Thanks for stopping in to see if we can assist you in obtaining your goals.

Jen It is great to hear from you. It has been a while. You said something about wanting to ramp up your training but not really able to get outside to do any walking due to the cold. I can't remember. Are you a member of a gym where you can go too? What kind of training are you looking at doing and how intense do you get when training? I might be able to give you a few ideas with a little more info. Thanks!

UpdateWell, Liz and I have broken the 6 week mark to the Marathon (or at least the Half). I know she is doing wonderful in keeping up with the pace. My goal is to just be able to keep up with her!:worship: Seriously though, my training and dieting have been pretty good. It was funny today. I went to the gym and did my workout and cardio. Then, I went to the grocery store and then headed over to my Mom and Dad's house for a little bit. I knew my Aunts and Uncles were going to be there and I had something for one of them that was getting ready to go up to the mountains during the Christmas holidays. (They get together once a month to have dinner together. They have been doing this ritual ever since my Grandmother passed away.) A couple of my Aunts asked me if I could get any skinnier. I just simply replied that I was trying too! They were telling me that I didn't need to loose anymore as it is. One of them even said that a good strong wind could pick me up and blow me away.:rotfl: These are the same ladies that have been telling me that they couldn't tell that I had lost any weight at all for the last 10 years. Finally, I guess I have started getting the results that I have been hoping for. Anyway, just wanted to share that quick bit. I do hope that everyone had a great Thanksgiving and weekend. We have a brand new month and the last one of the year. How will we finish the year out? That is up to us but I say, let's finish out strong!!:cheer2: :cheer2:

Hi everyone! I hope you all had great Thanksgiving! I gained three ofmy pounds back which made me sick to my stomach. I thought I was being so good. Apparently not! I have lost two of those pounds so I am know at 23 pounds. GRRRRRR!!!!!! I need to get busy exercising. I have been so busy the past 3 weeks that there never seemed to be time to exercise but I will make the time from now on. We have 55 days to go before we get back to WDW and I want more weight off. Please pray for me. Thank you all for being there.
Hi everyone! I'm so glad you have welcomed me into your little spot.

I've been trying to ease into working out again and not overdo it. Saturday I walked on the treadmill for an hour, punched our BOB (punching bag/man) for about 10 minutes and lifted light weights with my legs. Yesterday I had a lot of house cleaning to do, so I didn't get a real workout in. Tonight I alternated walking and running for 30 minutes/2 miles and lifted weights.

I think I did great eating today except for my Dr. Pepper habit. It worked into my calories fine, but I know its not good for me. I'm an addict...someone help me KICK THIS.

52 days until I'm at Disney!
I'm in for 20 by Dec. 8th!

I love to snack! I constantly find food in my mouth and don't even remember how it got there. :confused3 I am going to go to the store today and get a little bottle of mouthwash to keep in my kitchen. When I want a snack I am going to put some in my mouth and drink water till the taste is gone. My theory is that I won't want to snack if I can taste the mouthwash because it would taste bad, and by the time I drink the water my tummy will be full of water and I will be happier eating less!

Hope it works because I have very little self control! :Pinkbounc

Hey, that's a good idea. I was sick awhile back and still have this stupid cough, I'll just do the throat spray stuff--that stuff's gross and it'll be good for my throat too.Did that last night and today a few times actually, worked good.
Hey everyone! It has been a while since I have posted and I do apologize. There have been a lot of personal things going on that have been taking me away. I have still been getting on the computer just about everyday but I have been using it to download stuff for my parents. I have been able to download a lot of old clips that have been posted on youtube that takes my parents back in time a bit.

I have been keeping up with my training and healthy eating but I am still flustered a bit. The numbers are staying the same on the scale. Now, the only thing I can figure is that I am gaining some muscle and it is offsetting the fat loss because I am getting tighter and more tone. I am actually in the best shape of my life (and enjoying every minute of it). But I still feel like there is more that I can do. I mean I am heading out to the gym in just a little bit and I am going again tomorrow after my family's Christmas Party. I just called my Mom to see if there was going to be anything there that I would be able to eat. I am bound and determined not to cheat on my eating habits at all until after the races are over in January. (I know that this is a little overboard on my mentality but I have been in this mindset before and it worked very well for me. My motivation and determination is at an all time high!!)

I will try to keep you all posted on the progress. I do hope all of you are doing well. It has been quiet around here for a while now. (I know part of it is my fault as well.) I also know we are all in "Holiday Celebration" mode but if you can, let us know how you are all doing.

Thanks everyone!
Bryan:cheer2: :yay:
Happy Holidays everyone!! I know I haven't been here in a long time (no Disney trip planned so it's hard to come to the disboards a bit!). I hope you're all taking care of yourselves during this busy season. With all the parties and treats around, it can be a challenge I know. My goal is to maintain this season. Doing all this baking this week is not helping matters. We just got back from St. Maarten (beautiful!) and I'm still trying to lose that holiday weight. :scared1:

Anyway, I wanted to wish everyone well this holiday season and to let those of you training for the marathon coming up know that I'm cheering you on.:banana: :banana: Let's all get through this season feeling healthy and proud of our accomplishments!
Merry Christmas to everyone here on the Dieting for Disney thread!!! I know I have been AWOL a lot lately and I am very sorry about that. With everything that has been going on at work and all of time I am putting into the gym, by the time that I sit down at the computer, I am wiped out. I have been keeping up with what has been posted but just not able to respond. I will say that I am very happy to see Christa stopping by again. I have missed her. But then again, I have missed my time with all of you. I expect it will probably stay like that for the next couple of weeks and then I will be back to normal. (Whatever that is!)

Anyway, Merry Christmas to all of you here and I do look forward to hearing from you all soon.

Just wanted to wish everyone happy holidays
and a very Happy New Years!

My New Years resolution is the same as last year
and that is to continue working on myself and
my commitment to being healthier :goodvibes

Any body else thinking about the New Year?
Here we are again. It has almost a brand new year. New Year's Resolution time. I have to be honest. I hate that phrase. New Year's Resolution. What kind of image does that conjour up for most of us? This is the day that most of the Country promises to eat right and exercise religiously until they have reached some sort of goal. If any of you are members of a gym, you will notice that at the beginning of the year, it is a lot more crowded in there than it is at the end of the year. You will see every piece of cardio equipment being used for about a month and then, all of a sudden, they all disappear. Why is that? Most of the time, it is because they are not getting the results as fast as they would like. Others quit because they were not totally comitted in the first place. And some quit because it is too much work.

Well, I am here to say that we are a different breed. Most of us have been exercising and changing our eating habits throughout the winter, spring, summer and fall. We all have slipped a little along the way. Whether it was during the holidays, birthdays or just having a bad day, it doesn't matter. We slipped and then we got back on track. That's what sets us apart from those that just make a "resolution". As Arnold used to say, "I am here to pump you up!" We don't need to make a resolution. We need to continue on the same healthy lifestyle that we have been on and let the results come as they come. Don't get down because we don't loose 10 pounds a week like they do on the Biggest Loser. Just go out there and work hard. Don't pay attention to the weight but pay attention to the way your clothes fit and the way you feel. That is what is most important.

I hope this isn't preachy but somewhat inspirational. A healthy lifestyle is just that. It isn't something that last just a couple of months. It is a lifestyle. It is our lifestyle so let's make our lives the best that they can be.

Hope you all have a wonderful New Year!! Let's make it the best that it can be!!

Love all of you!!
Bryan:grouphug: :cheer2: :woohoo: :yay:
Hi everybody! Man am I ever MAD at myself. I had lost 26 pounds but I gained two pounds back through Christmas. So I am back to 24 pounds. Today I will get strict again and hopefully exercise as well. My dh and I will be at POR in about 28 days so we have started walking at night. You know we have to get in the disney "mode". LOL No seriously it helps a lot if we walk for a few weeks before we get there. I certainly don't want to go in the wrong direction with my weight. GRRRRR!!!!!!
Hi everyone,

Things have been so busy. I'm glad to see that everyone is doing pretty well. kimis--don't be too hard on've done a lot of work all ready. Just imagine how much easier walking on that Disney trip will be without the extra weight to carry around.

I've been maintaining over the holidays which I am happy with. I'm back to my exercise routine tomorrow, and looking forward to the rest of my time off before school starts up again.

I hope everyone had a fantastic holiday season and is looking forward to the best of everything in 2009.

It's here! I'm late! It's late and I have to go to work in the morning.:sad: So with all of that being said, I am just going to wish everyone a very Happy New Year and hope that all of your DREAMS do come true this year!

Now, I have to get to bed and get some sleep. I will be back very soon!

:grouphug: :cheer2:
Yeah I gained a pound over New Years, I dunno-- it's all about getting a little tipsy and eating a lot for us (and board games lol). I am back on track now. I informed my physical therapist I was not going to wear a shoe lift all the time or get a special shoe made and he informed me I'd never get rid of my back pain then. SO I am more determined than ever now to lose weight and now maybe more....;)
50sjayne It is totally normal for you to gain some weight during the holidays. 90% of the country does. We can't let these little set-backs keep us from making our goals. We also can't let it get us down. Just remember, it is part of the process and that is exactly what loosing weight is. It is a process. It takes time, effort and a lot of willpower. But I do have faith that you will come out on top of your battle.

Update This will be my last post until next week. Liz and I are leaving tomorrow heading to Marathon Weekend. (If you are a believer, please say a prayer that our knees and legs will hold up thru the torture to come.:rotfl: ) We are both very excited and ready to go out and do our absolute best. But even more important, we want to have fun with it.

I also wanted to put in a little word of inspiration. There is proof that this change of lifestyle thing works. Back in February, I was around 25% bodyfat. Now, with all of the training and proper eating that I have done, I have been able to get it down to 12%.:eek: I was shocked to hear that number but I will take it.

Anyway, that was by boastful moment. I do hope everyone has a fantastic week and I look forward to coming back and reading about your success and hopefully, talking about ours.

I know I'm late......but I wanted to wish you both a wonderful marathon this week no matter how fast you're able to go. I think it's just a terrific goal. I'll be there in spirit, cheering you on!:cheer2: :cheer2:
Okay I need lots of help. I started my official diet yesterday. I am not a good dieter as food is my "friend". So I am trying to change my life habits. Here are my stats:
current weight 232.4 pounds
goal weigh 150 pounds
total weight lose needed 72.4 pounds
next disney trip 1/26-2/4
weight loss by disney goal 40 pounds
Does this look possible? I am starting my exercise program today. Please keep me in your prayers to stay focused. I am in seemingly good health but I know that won't last at this weight much longer. I am 51 years old and I know I need to be in better shape.

Okay it is me again. I went back all through those very many pages to find my goal. I failed. I knew i had but I didn't know how badly I failed. I have 17 days to our disney trip and I am only at 27 pounds. I know there is NO way to lose 13 more pounds in 17 days and I am really trying. This is so discouraging. I know you all know that but I am so mad at myself. I have really tried hard to get this weight off. Is there any way to lose another 13 pounds in 17 days?

Thanks to you all for letting me vent but I apolize for letting myself and others down.
Hey everyone! We are back from Marathon Weekend. WOW! What a trip!! First of all, let me say that Twotoohappy is one of the greatest people I have ever met. She was the one that told me that I could do something like this so many months ago and I thought she was crazy. (Still do a little but aren't we all???) She pushed me, encouraged me and made me believe in me. She told others on our other team thread that I was more inspirational in person that I was on the boards. Well, right back at you! You told me I could when everyone else was telling me that I had lost my mind. I can never repay you for that.

The weekend was very much a success. First off, we did the 5k on Friday morning going thru Animal Kingdom. It was cold so I was wearing some of my workout pants to stay warm. Didn't help much sense I didn't have anything to cover my arms with. Well, nevertheless, we got going (after what seemed like an eternity waiting in the cold). Since we both were doing the Half the next day, we decided to take it easy in the 5k so not to hurt our chances to finish the next race. We finished the 5k in roughly 45 minutes and I was feeling good. Nothing was tight. Nothing was hurting. Made me feel like "I have this!". That's when I should have realized that something was going to happen.

The next morning was an early one. It's ok. I woke up before the alarm clock went off anyway. Talk about being anxious! I got up and got ready and took off. I had soo much energy at the beginning of the race that I felt like I could float 13 miles. I was stoked but I wanted to play it smart. I started off with a slow pace, just wanting to stay ahead of the sweepers. Then, around mile 3, I was going to pick up the pace some and do a little bit of jogging. Then, finish strong with a lot of jogging/running at the end and just see what kind of time I would post. Well, I was doing good until I got to mile 7. That's when I realized I had made a mistake. Not on purpose. Just an oversight. Piece of advice. Make sure that your toenails are trimmed up neatly before going on a run. Mine needed to be so one of them cut into the toe next to it and was rubbing into that wound for the rest of the run. Man, that hurt. I really wanted to quit but I couldn't. That would have let so many people down that I wouldn't have been able to come home and face my family, co-workers or my friends. My time wasn't the greatest but for my first, I am happy. I finished in 3:07:11. Next year, I am going to cut that down too at least 2:30. This year, I am going to focus on getting my stamina up so I can go out there and move my name up the leaderboard. I won't win but I won't loose either.

Since then, I have taken some time off from the gym to recuperate but I am planning on getting back in there tomorrow. I want to build some more muscle and strength before I start dieting and toning again.

I want to thank all of you for supporting us during the Marathon. I would also like to say that the experience was incredible. I would highly recommend this as a trip to everyone! I guess the only thing left to say is "Liz, did I do ok?".

Hope you are all having a wonderful week!!!
Bryan:thumbsup2 :woohoo: :yay:
Kimis - I know you think you failed in reaching the goal that you set but losing 27 lbs is a huge accomplishment. That's over 10% of your weight - which is the amount that WW says that by losing you get a ton of health benefits.

I know it's a week later, but if I were you I would be happy if I lost another 1 - 3 lbs in 17 days.

Have a wonderful trip!!

(I just found this board and can't wait to join the challenge)
Hey everyone! Sorry not to get back more often. It has been very hectic since getting back from Marathon Weekend. I took most of last week off from the gym just to give my body time to heal and recuperate from all that I did to it last year. I have also allowed myself some freedoms with my food intake. I am taking a couple of weeks and pretty much eating what I haven't been allowing myself to eat for most of last year. It's all going to be good though because I am throwing my body into shock right now so when I do go back on my healthy eating and cardio programs, I will see even more results!! I am still hitting the gym and lifting weights but I am taking this week off from the cardio trying to make sure that all is healed up from last weekend. I think I have talked myself into doing another Half Marathon here locally. It is called the Mercedes Half and if I do it, I will be able to get some more "bling". The 2 things that are holding me back are the money and my foot. I am still having just a little issue with my foot hurting on the top of it. I am hoping that I don't have a stress fracture but I haven't had it checked yet. It is getting better but that is because I have been so cautious with it. As time gets closer, I will let you know how that is and if I decide to run.

Thanks everyone! I do hope that you are having a fantastic week!

I know I'm late......but I wanted to wish you both a wonderful marathon this week no matter how fast you're able to go. I think it's just a terrific goal. I'll be there in spirit, cheering you on!:cheer2: :cheer2:

Thanks!!!! Had a blast :cool1:
There's nothing like being with all the WISHers in one place!

Okay it is me again. I went back all through those very many pages to find my goal. I failed.

Any weight loss or healthy life style
change is not a failure. Not getting to your goal right away
is just a bump in the road, it happens, just stay the course!
Have fun on vacation :goodvibes

I guess the only thing left to say is "Liz, did I do ok?".
Hope you are all having a wonderful week!!!
Bryan:thumbsup2 :woohoo: :yay:

I had the best time with you at the marathon
and can't wait until our next race together :cool1:

The DFD Wonder Twins rocked the 5k and 1/2 marathon in '09!


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