Disneyland getting rid of lids for adult drinks & staws on ask only basis.

@tzeitel by your own post your kid doesn’t drink soda so obviously you don’t get my concern about sharing a soda. If my kid was just holding a cup of water it’s no big deal when it inevitably spills by accident or by someone bumping them. This is a big deal with a bright orange soda or a dark colored root beer. Plus crazy sticky. We are not local and it’s crazy expensive to go to DL and my kids want to go go go when we get to be there. We are not going to linger just so my kids can finish their drink slowly or inhale it to get going. It’s hot and they are thirsty. They might as well enjoy their drink while we walk to the next thing. My kids get soda as a treat at DL. That’s my choice. Its what they want that’s really cold and they find refreshing. When we get back home they know they’re stuck with milk. It’s usually the only treat they have while we run around all day. I don’t see why you have to be so angry that so many of us think this change will adversely affect us. Again as a non-local I’m not going to lug around straws (which are worthless without a lid) or a bottle I’d have to wash AND lug around when we go.

What about getting a bug in your drink because it had no lid? This was mentioned on another forum by a guest at the park. Just what I want, to spend a fortune on Disney priced drinks only to throw it out.
I am not local either. DD's drink of choice is milk. Every meal unless they do not have milk. So I get messy and sticky. Maybe get them the kid sized drink which still comes with a lid and they are more likely to finish it with their meal. First it was that I don't have kids, now it is that her drink of choice is not messy enough. It's ok, I am not so much angry as perplexed at the earth shattering consequences of not having a plastic straw (or however many you use a day).
@tzeitel by your own post your kid doesn’t drink soda so obviously you don’t get my concern about sharing a soda. If my kid was just holding a cup of water it’s no big deal when it inevitably spills by accident or by someone bumping them. This is a big deal with a bright orange soda or a dark colored root beer. Plus crazy sticky. We are not local and it’s crazy expensive to go to DL and my kids want to go go go when we get to be there. We are not going to linger just so my kids can finish their drink slowly or inhale it to get going. It’s hot and they are thirsty. They might as well enjoy their drink while we walk to the next thing. My kids get soda as a treat at DL. That’s my choice. Its what they want that’s really cold and they find refreshing. When we get back home they know they’re stuck with milk. It’s usually the only treat they have while we run around all day. I don’t see why you have to be so angry that so many of us think this change will adversely affect us. Again as a non-local I’m not going to lug around straws (which are worthless without a lid) or a bottle I’d have to wash AND lug around when we go.

What about getting a bug in your drink because it had no lid? This was mentioned on another forum by a guest at the park. Just what I want, to spend a fortune on Disney priced drinks only to throw it out.

I am actually very in the middle of this.Does it bother me or really affect me? No. In my area we already have been doing the no bag for years and the no straw for a few months that i can remember. I can see how being at home its no issue but how when you do it at a theme park as big as Disney where there are so many people daily then there might be issues. DD is 10 now so it is obviously not a big deal to us. And we all parent and allow different things and that is absolutely fine. DD can have all the churros and snacks she wants (still with some moderation) but when it comes to drinks or sodas she has always finished her drink at the table or tossed it unless its a bottled drink. She already has enough issues bumping into people that i have always tried to avoid her walking with things in her hand.

I can not imagine her being 5 or 6 and walking around with a soda cup with no lid. I would have to be apologizing every other minute for her spilling something on someone. If a kid spilled their drink on me i would not be mad, upset yes but when i am Disneyland I am always in happy mood and I can't say the same for other people. I can for sure see this having some not so nice situations.
But... they said the kid's drinks will have lids? So, if the kid is 5 or 6, won't the drink have a lid? Or are we now saying the drink that is too big for the kid to finish at the table is now too small for the kid and they need the adult size that doesn't come with a lid?
The reusable bags are washable.
So now I'm adding to my wash load (gotta be careful about using too much water, is that soap eco-friendly?). And don't forget to actually get the bag out of your car and return it so it's available the next time you go to the store.

Not all the reusable bags I have are washable. Several of them have this sort of plastic coating on them.
But... they said the kid's drinks will have lids? So, if the kid is 5 or 6, won't the drink have a lid? Or are we now saying the drink that is too big for the kid to finish at the table is now too small for the kid and they need the adult size that doesn't come with a lid?
I was going off what pp said. If the kids drinks will have lids and straws then I have no idea why some people are so upset and making it an issue.
To me its very simple Disney can do whatever they please and if i am ok with it or can deal with the change i will keep visiting and if i find an issue with change then i will stop. Unfortunately they will have to do something big for me not to go( don't tell Disney).
So now I'm adding to my wash load (gotta be careful about using too much water, is that soap eco-friendly?). And don't forget to actually get the bag out of your car and return it so it's available the next time you go to the store.

Not all the reusable bags I have are washable. Several of them have this sort of plastic coating on them.

I think there really are two groups of people, those willing to make the changes work because the long term good for the environment is worth the small hassles.
And those that are literally grasping at straws to find any excuse why it's just too hard.
I mean even if you refuse a "single use" plastic bag and I think basically everyone did, is using it to carry something home then to empty your cat litter worth it sitting in a landfill for 500-1000 years.
And no matter how low of an income someone says they are, if they can afford to go to Disneyland, and it souvenirs even the sale ones, you can afford a dollar for bag....
But... they said the kid's drinks will have lids? So, if the kid is 5 or 6, won't the drink have a lid? Or are we now saying the drink that is too big for the kid to finish at the table is now too small for the kid and they need the adult size that doesn't come with a lid?

Generally we just share adult size drinks. For example I’ll get the chicken tenders and a drink at the Golden Horshoe. We share the meal and take the drink on the go. We do similar when waiting around for a show or parade. It’s usually not worth the price to buy two kid drinks instead of one adult size.

Is it the end of the world? Of course not. Like I said if this is there change to no lids I will just buy a bottle of soda or lemonade to share. It will be annoying at restaurants where bottles are not an option. As others pointed out there will be more spilled drinks on people and walkways. Given complaints about major slips in the previous pristine upkeep of the park this won’t help.

I live on the coast and know all about the issue of plastic bags in the ocean. I also know a lot of the recent changes, like at Starbucks, are bogus and will actually lead to more plastic use. I don’t think questioning changes makes anyone wrong or anti a clean earth or ocean life.
I think there really are two groups of people, those willing to make the changes work because the long term good for the environment is worth the small hassles.
And those that are literally grasping at straws to find any excuse why it's just too hard.
I mean even if you refuse a "single use" plastic bag and I think basically everyone did, is using it to carry something home then to empty your cat litter worth it sitting in a landfill for 500-1000 years.
And no matter how low of an income someone says they are, if they can afford to go to Disneyland, and it souvenirs even the sale ones, you can afford a dollar for bag....

My biggest issue with this straw thing, in particular, it is that it is based on VERY flimsy "science" and "statistics" that were, essentially, made up by a 9 year old doing a school project.

I would be 100% fine with this straw ban if Disney had already lined up a replacement (paper straws) ready to swap out. Instead, they just jumped on this bandwagon to look good and save themselves money, because banning straws and lids without suitable replacements WILL save them money. This isn't about the environment for Disney. Those plastic lids have been recyclable for a long time and Disney separates and recycles all its park trash. Straws are ALSO recyclable, as they are mostly made from #5 plastic. I don't understand what they are really trying to accomplish.

For the record, my kids do have a disability that prevents them from drinking out of a cup or bottle without pouring liquid all down their fronts, so this personally affects us.
So now I'm adding to my wash load (gotta be careful about using too much water, is that soap eco-friendly?). And don't forget to actually get the bag out of your car and return it so it's available the next time you go to the store.

Not all the reusable bags I have are washable. Several of them have this sort of plastic coating on them.

Couldn't you take a Clorox wipe or similar to the plastic-coated ones?
So now I'm adding to my wash load (gotta be careful about using too much water, is that soap eco-friendly?). And don't forget to actually get the bag out of your car and return it so it's available the next time you go to the store.

Not all the reusable bags I have are washable. Several of them have this sort of plastic coating on them.

It does take little practice to remember but if my 85 year old grandmother was able to adapt I think most people can make the switch too.

I'm not sure what type of plastic coating your bags have but all mine can be washed. The majority of them go in the washer with my towels. I hang them to dry. My thermal ones just get washed and rinsed in the bathtub, as needed which isn't too often. I do have several types of reusable produce bags, most of them are see thru mesh. For meat I reuse my old wet bags from our cloth diapering days since they are waterproof. I rinse them out in the sink well after use and then wash them in my next hot water wash, usually towels.
Straws are ALSO recyclable, as they are mostly made from #5 plastic. I don't understand what they are really trying to accomplish.

Straws are made from #5 plastic but they are not accepted at all recycling centers, even though they are made from polypropylene. I don't know if they are accepted at centers in CA but they have always been on the "not recyclable" list you get when you move to a new area and start your new trash service. I can't recall seeing lids on the do or don't recycle list at all though most places we have lived that recycle more than the US have a place to separate the lids so they are likely are more widely recycled t lest in other countries.
Generally we just share adult size drinks. For example I’ll get the chicken tenders and a drink at the Golden Horshoe. We share the meal and take the drink on the go.
I see all the complaints about people carrying around drinks and how they are going to be spilled. We are in the group that when we finish eating, it gets tossed. So, my question really is what do you do with the drink when you go on the ride?
Straws are made from #5 plastic but they are not accepted at all recycling centers, even though they are made from polypropylene. I don't know if they are accepted at centers in CA but they have always been on the "not recyclable" list you get when you move to a new area and start your new trash service. I can't recall seeing lids on the do or don't recycle list at all though most places we have lived that recycle more than the US have a place to separate the lids so they are likely are more widely recycled t lest in other countries.

The point is they CAN be recycled. I'm sure Disney, with all its might, could find a way to do so. Most lids have the recycling symbol on them. At least, Solo brand clear lids do. Not sure what Disney is using, but they could simply switch suppliers and use recyclable lids. My municipality in So Cal takes recyclable cup lids and straws.
I honestly don't understand the hubbub when it comes to straws. It sounds like they will be available upon request for those who require them or just really want them. I think most people (myself included) use straws just because they're there and we don't really think about it, so requiring us to consider whether we actually want one before being automatically provided one really prevents needless waste without depriving anyone of what they want or need.

I get the lid concern a bit more, because if you aren't thinking ahead about the lack of lids, you could find yourself in an inconvenient situation (e.g., sending one person to purchase drinks for a group while they wait for a parade, who then had to navigate pre-parade crowds with multiple open drinks). If they will also be available upon request for the foreseeable future, then that's no big deal either. If not, hopefully there will be ample signage to remind people before they make their purchase. It doesn't particularly affect me because we usually order ice water which we dump in out water bottle (wasting all those lids and straws), and if we want a treat like a soda or a hot cocoa we typically sit and enjoy it. I could see the inconvenience if they really are completely unavailable though.
The point is they CAN be recycled. I'm sure Disney, with all its might, could find a way to do so. Most lids have the recycling symbol on them. At least, Solo brand clear lids do. Not sure what Disney is using, but they could simply switch suppliers and use recyclable lids. My municipality in So Cal takes recyclable cup lids and straws.

Could they? Sure they could. But shipping trash isn't cheap so unless where they already send their recyclables to already recycles the straws it isn't likely to happen.
The point is they CAN be recycled. I'm sure Disney, with all its might, could find a way to do so. Most lids have the recycling symbol on them. At least, Solo brand clear lids do. Not sure what Disney is using, but they could simply switch suppliers and use recyclable lids. My municipality in So Cal takes recyclable cup lids and straws.

Whether or not straws and lids are recyclable or not, it is still better for the environment to not use them in the first place. Everyone thinks using a single use plastic item is okay if it can be recycled...but the process of recycling itself is not eco-friendly and uses many resources/money.

We should be doing all we can to conserve and produce less waste. If Disneyland can prevent 1000s of single-use plastic items from hitting the landfill everyday, is that not a good thing? The majority of us don't NEED a straw/lid to drink(and there are alternatives for disabilities)...it's just a convenience.

Gosh, a long time ago, back when people had to drink directly from cups, and straws and lids weren't invented...how DID they do it?! ;)
Just a reminder to everyone: this is a very interesting thread with good information. People have strong opinions coming from many different perspectives, different backgrounds, and different abilities and disabilities. Thank you for keeping things respectful! Let's keep it up so that the good information posted here can continue being shared.
Whether or not straws and lids are recyclable or not, it is still better for the environment to not use them in the first place. Everyone thinks using a single use plastic item is okay if it can be recycled...but the process of recycling itself is not eco-friendly and uses many resources/money.

We should be doing all we can to conserve and produce less waste. If Disneyland can prevent 1000s of single-use plastic items from hitting the landfill everyday, is that not a good thing? The majority of us don't NEED a straw/lid to drink(and there are alternatives for disabilities)...it's just a convenience.

Gosh, a long time ago, back when people had to drink directly from cups, and straws and lids weren't invented...how DID they do it?! ;)

Okay, so why not just make them by request only? Why ban them altogether?

And for the record , straws date back to ancient Sumerians, 5000 years ago.


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