Do Not Disturb Gone! (BLT)

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Reported instances suggest otherwise.
I haven't seen anyone report that someone barged into their room when all locks were engaged and the occupant told them, "no, you may not enter now." I've only seen people report that someone entered when the deadbolt/flip lock were not engaged, or that they allowed someone to enter. Did I miss something? (entirely possible - it's a LOT to read!)
I doubt that any of the people performing these room searches are trained properly. I mean, they are requiring that HOUSEKEEPERS do it... c'mon! They are trained to be housekeepers and it's unfair to expect them to take on this added chore.
Just because a person's job title is Housekeeper, that does not mean they have not been trained in this aspect.
But not the intended practice. Once corrective training has been done that should change.

Sorry, its not the norm. Its the exception.
Sorry, Disney is not getting a pass on this. Since they insisted on rolling out this asinine policy, they should have made damn sure people were correctly trained *before* they started acting as tough guy wannabe's.
Just because a person's job title is Housekeeper, that does not mean they have not been trained in this aspect.

We will agree to disagree on what training them to do this job means.

With proper training most people could do this job. That is going to take time and effort and good communication and I just don't see Disney rolling this out properly.

I highly respect the housekeepers at any resort so, just to be clear, I am not saying they are incapable of doing it. I'm saying that this would take more training than just telling them they need to do it or reading a memo. I'm also saying that this is unfair to ask them to do. They already have a job which is cleaning the room. Do they really need to be keeping track of which room has had a sweep and then going back and forth trying to manage this latest mandate? It's hard enough to clean all the rooms with the time that they are given.

As for the training, for example, are they trained in conflict de-escalation when a guest becomes angry at THEM? How are they supposed to handle communication when the guest in the room speaks a language that is different than their own? I could go on but we both know that this is not being handled properly by Disney.. at ALL in my opinion and in what more guests are experiencing and reporting back.

I suspect this reflect a training deficiency rather than actual intended practices.
Just to lighten your day a little and for a walk through the past when we didn't have to deal with this ******
Here's a little film I made you may enjoy.
And one from a few years ago...In my opinion the last non greedy uncrowded time before this new era of money/faux security above all else.
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But not the intended practice. Once corrective training has been done that should change.

Sorry, its not the norm. Its the exception.
I disagree. We've visited WDW very regularly for almost 40 Years. Disney is very inconsistent when it comes to training employees. The bar is much lower, than it once was.
I disagree. We've visited WDW very regularly for almost 40 Years. Disney is very inconsistent when it comes to training employees. The bar is much lower, than it once was.


Though I don't doubt it as I know unemployment is very low. Unfortunately it can get to the point where any warm body is hired.

Though I don't doubt it as I know unemployment is very low. Unfortunately it can get to the point where any warm body is hired.
Wow! They are numerous! So, many are uninformed. You can ask the same question of 5 CMs and receive 5 different answers. Too often, the response is a blank stare. I blame Disney for their lack of training. There has been a steady decline. We've had a thread or two providing specific examples.
When i was staying at Coronada Springs we had a random person shoving pizza flyers under the door because they had not lowered the security gate before the main gate the entire time we were there allowing anyone to bypass the gate where they asked for your magic band/id. I definitely would not trust after that experience opening the door to ANYONE.
Stayed at POP 1/11-1/15. We went back to the room for afternoon breaks on Friday and Saturday. Put up the room occupied sign and used the privacy latch. If anyone ever came to check the room we weren't there for it. We declined housekeeping, so didn't see them at all, either.
I started a thread yesterday about this same thing but geared it more toward if any one had any discussion with management about this policy. Just curious if anyone has spoken to a resort manager or received any feedback from guest services.
I started a thread yesterday about this same thing but geared it more toward if any one had any discussion with management about this policy. Just curious if anyone has spoken to a resort manager or received any feedback from guest services.

I did have a conversation with management about the situation on my recent trip. You can read about it on page 41 of this thread (post number 815), I believe. I think my conversation was productive and I absolutely believe that they're working out the specifics of what this policy is, and how it's implemented. Please let me know if you have any specific questions I may answer, but I believe the best advice I can give is:

(1) If you're worried about something specific, talk to front desk CM's during check-in about it and make sure that they leave notes about your discussion in your guest file (the computer). I think this is key for people who know they take naps everyday or folks like the person above who has totally legitimate concerns about traveling alone. This gives you some kind of backup that you can point to if a situation begins to occur.

(2) If you do have a real problem, talk to a manager immediately (or as soon as possible). Don't get irate and certainly don't hurt anyone unless you truly believe you're in danger. I guarantee you'll get better answers that will be more satisfying if you are proactive, calm and rational rather than a nutcase looking for a fight (which is totally how some of the comments in this thread read).
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