Do Not Disturb Gone! (BLT)

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So I got back yesterday. Saw absolutely no difference in anything with the new guideline with the exception of no offer to skip housekeeping for a gift card. All staff were very respectful of the room occupied tag and at no time did anyone knock or I suspected when it first came up, being handled very professionally by Disney and the staff.

Thanks for reporting back.
Debating the merits of a policy is just fine, but there is no sense in arguing whether a particular post is true or not, or belittling someone for not believing it.
Including the definition of 'intrude' was intended to define specifics in the course of the debate....not to belittle.

By your logic we are allowed to debate but can not include any testimony. Suspect or believable.
How does one manage then? Do you require an affidavit from those posters?
A certified lie detector?
How about video evidence? Surely that can be faked too?
By your logic nothing ever happens outside of your observation.
If a tree falls in the forest?
Life doesn't work that way. Common sense, logic and critical thinking skills point to the real possibility that some portion of those testimonies ARE TRUE.
Hey all. I'm super happy to see this thread pulling back toward sanity -- it was sounding like a feedback loop of folks trying to make each other crazy and paranoid for a while there.

My situation that I described earlier in this thread is true and is most definitely a significant intrusion. A security guard walked in on my girlfriend who was sleeping and would have been alone in the room with her had I not seen him walking in and chased him down to do something about it. If somebody wants to "pics or it didn't happen" me here, then (a) that person is probably has a fair amount of cognitive dissonance because I'm sure they believe my restaurant reviews without pics and (b) they can keep on disbelieving this because I owe them nothing and further, I choose to be humane and constructive and therefore refuse to act in the ways they probably think I should. I didn't pull out a camera and shove it in any security guard or manager's face because I wanted to actually solve the problem rather than being a jerk who's threatening to whine to the internet. I could provide evidence of the compensation I received in the "experience recovery" process as a result of this situation, but I've been purposely non-specific about that because I don't want to accidentally encourage people to create negative situations just so they can get some compensation.

All that said, the upshot I'm still hoping that people take away from my situation is the following:
1) Most people won't notice the new changes and therefore YOU, statistically, probably won't have any problems!
2) If you believe you're likely to have a problem due to the timing of when you want naps or whatever, you should contact the front desk! Nobody wants to cause a problem for you and, though it's not always working, the CM's are TRYING to schedule these checks to work around people's schedules. The real kicker for me is that they make notes in the computer and record phone calls to call centers (they don't record front desk phone calls normally!) so if you notify people and someone still wakes you up from your nap, Disney is far more likely to want to work with you on resolving it because it's clear you tried to do the right thing!
3) If you do have a real problem, you need to address it with CM's and management right away. That can be a little tricky because, for example, the security CM who barged into my room first told me there wasn't a manager available right then (that's simply never true at WDW) and then promised to have his lead call me. Don't be dependent on them to make it right, you can go to your hotel's front desk and talk to a manager in person. You'll get a lot further if you're the calm person presenting solutions to a problem in the immediate aftermath of that problem instead of being the crazy person demanding to have their entire $10k vacation refunded after they're already back at home.

4) MOST IMPORTANTLY: I'm so very convinced that they took my situation seriously, and took my suggestions on how to keep it from happening again seriously, that I'm currently planning a short trip back to the same resort for my upcoming birthday. If that's not an endorsement of their process, then I don't know what is. Again, I'm not saying you 100% won't have any problems, but I do believe problems as WDW are generally solvable as long as you follow Wheaton's Law. I'd also suggest that "skeptics" try following that law on the internet too...

Have a magical day, all! :)
It could be that Disney hopes that the announcement of the implementation of the policy acts as the deterrent itself, rather than putting it into 100% practice. It's all still security theater either way. But maybe there was never an intention enforce this policy across the board.

"For me it's the final straw. I'm not a criminal and my family aren't criminals and I'm done spending tens of thousands of dollars a year at a place that treats me like one. When my current AP is up in Oct. I won't renew and I'll be sure to let them know why then as well."

I agree!!:thumbsup2
Bravo. Me too. There will be those who respond with "good more fast passes for me".
But truth be told why is it that less than 4 years ago (long long after 9/11) could stroll into the parks and a friendly old timer with a blue shirt with a mickey logo had you place your nap sac on a table ( a few on either side) for a cursory look see and then it was off to magic land....then its nope hundreds of security with yellow police like "SECURITY" on them and less than magic attitudes, then its METAL DETECTORS!, "line up take your things out of your pockets", then its long long bag check lines where they unzip your 4 inch purse, rife through every single little zipper in your nap sac, while hundreds wait behind you getting 'grumpy' with the delay, and you're a 65 year old grandma, then its line up at the resorts in a space thats not designed for large number of people to get on the monorail, then its an hour to get from the parking lot in the TTC and go through security.


If that doesn't feel like visiting someone in jail and being treated like a criminal to go to have a happy day while you spend $1000s
then I'm an oddball for sure.

To those who say "as long as I'm safe" etc. I say nahhhh.
Life is not safe. And you can not "security" your way to safety without living in a prison.
I'm willing to risk a little in life. And the 911 argument doesn't cut it for me either. Or the fact that there are insane murderers in this society.

Freedom is such a better feeling than prison.
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I'm pretty sure in this day and age they have people who are responsible for reading feedback on places like DIS.

I manage a business a lot smaller than Disney and we have people for that. We live in the age of social media.
Honestly one of the first things that I found out about the DIS is that from time to time it is known that someone from Disney had read things from the DIS. I would assume that most companies that have a social media presence be that FB, Twitter, blogs, etc as well as those who don't have social media presence have people in charge of reading and reporting back. Of course Disney is not reading every thread but I'm fairly certain that someone employed by Disney reads content found on the DIS as well as other forums. Heck for the DIS it's hailed as the largest Disney community..would be a bit interesting if Disney didn't at least read from time to time threads and information found on this website.
We have moved our vacation money to Universal. They have scanners for all of our belongings- no hunt and peck security guards rifling with their hands through our stuff and dumping them on a dirty table. 100% of the people go through metal detectors- no random chase downs. We stay at the Hard Rock hotel so we walk a few steps and arrive at the parks and City Walk. We just returned yesterday and had no threat of "security checks". We stayed club level and had housekeeping service and turn down service- and they respected our privacy while in our room. Free unlimited express passes- no lines for any ride including Harry Potter rides. Team members there are empowered to assist guests and can actually solve problems themselves- usually no manager necessary. If a ride does break down, it has been our experience that it comes back up in a few minutes and we are immediately offered a ride again by the team members there- no long walk or long wait in a guest services line. A truly relaxing vacation!
We have moved our vacation money to Universal. They have scanners for all of our belongings- no hunt and peck security guards rifling with their hands through our stuff and dumping them on a dirty table. 100% of the people go through metal detectors- no random chase downs. We stay at the Hard Rock hotel so we walk a few steps and arrive at the parks and City Walk. We just returned yesterday and had no threat of "security checks". We stayed club level and had housekeeping service and turn down service- and they respected our privacy while in our room. Free unlimited express passes- no lines for any ride including Harry Potter rides. Team members there are empowered to assist guests and can actually solve problems themselves- usually no manager necessary. If a ride does break down, it has been our experience that it comes back up in a few minutes and we are immediately offered a ride again by the team members there- no long walk or long wait in a guest services line. A truly relaxing vacation!
We have moved our vacation money to Universal. They have scanners for all of our belongings- no hunt and peck security guards rifling with their hands through our stuff and dumping them on a dirty table. 100% of the people go through metal detectors- no random chase downs. We stay at the Hard Rock hotel so we walk a few steps and arrive at the parks and City Walk. We just returned yesterday and had no threat of "security checks". We stayed club level and had housekeeping service and turn down service- and they respected our privacy while in our room. Free unlimited express passes- no lines for any ride including Harry Potter rides. Team members there are empowered to assist guests and can actually solve problems themselves- usually no manager necessary. If a ride does break down, it has been our experience that it comes back up in a few minutes and we are immediately offered a ride again by the team members there- no long walk or long wait in a guest services line. A truly relaxing vacation!

Just housekeeping. One of my friends was at Cabana Bay last week and walked into her room to find her housekeeper in the closet going through her suitcase.

I'm not saying that couldn't happen at Disney. But don't think that you're immune at Universal - or anywhere.
We have moved our vacation money to Universal. They have scanners for all of our belongings- no hunt and peck security guards rifling with their hands through our stuff and dumping them on a dirty table. 100% of the people go through metal detectors- no random chase downs. We stay at the Hard Rock hotel so we walk a few steps and arrive at the parks and City Walk. We just returned yesterday and had no threat of "security checks". We stayed club level and had housekeeping service and turn down service- and they respected our privacy while in our room. Free unlimited express passes- no lines for any ride including Harry Potter rides. Team members there are empowered to assist guests and can actually solve problems themselves- usually no manager necessary. If a ride does break down, it has been our experience that it comes back up in a few minutes and we are immediately offered a ride again by the team members there- no long walk or long wait in a guest services line. A truly relaxing vacation!

That sounds great! I, too, have thought of staying at Universal as our primary resort, and just going to WDW at times from there. I stayed at RPR and loved it last year, a mid vacation break from Disney:) Everything and everyone was first class IMO. If Disney keeps going as it is, I will be sorely tempted to do this.
We have moved our vacation money to Universal. They have scanners for all of our belongings- no hunt and peck security guards rifling with their hands through our stuff and dumping them on a dirty table. 100% of the people go through metal detectors- no random chase downs. We stay at the Hard Rock hotel so we walk a few steps and arrive at the parks and City Walk. We just returned yesterday and had no threat of "security checks". We stayed club level and had housekeeping service and turn down service- and they respected our privacy while in our room. Free unlimited express passes- no lines for any ride including Harry Potter rides. Team members there are empowered to assist guests and can actually solve problems themselves- usually no manager necessary. If a ride does break down, it has been our experience that it comes back up in a few minutes and we are immediately offered a ride again by the team members there- no long walk or long wait in a guest services line. A truly relaxing vacation!

We just had the same great experience at the Royal Pacific Resort. We were planning to do Disney this year if the right deals were available as we alternate between the two. But with this latest policy by Disney they are off the radar and another fantastic stay at Royal Pacific is being discussed.
We just had the same great experience at the Royal Pacific Resort. We were planning to do Disney this year if the right deals were available as we alternate between the two. But with this latest policy by Disney they are off the radar and another fantastic stay at Royal Pacific is being discussed.

Great plan! We talked to many team members at the parks and resort. A lot were former Disney cast members who say they are much happier at Universal! We're happier too!!

"For me it's the final straw. I'm not a criminal and my family aren't criminals and I'm done spending tens of thousands of dollars a year at a place that treats me like one. When my current AP is up in Oct. I won't renew and I'll be sure to let them know why then as well."

Bravo. Me too. There will be those who respond with "good more fast passes for me".
But truth be told why is it that less than 4 years ago (long long after 9/11) could stroll into the parks and a friendly old timer with a blue shirt with a mickey logo had you place your nap sac on a table ( a few on either side) for a cursory look see and then it was off to magic land....then its nope hundreds of security with yellow police like "SECURITY" on them and less than magic attitudes, then its METAL DETECTORS!, "line up take your things out of your pockets", then its long long bag check lines where they unzip your 4 inch purse, rife through every single little zipper in your nap sac, while hundreds wait behind you getting 'grumpy' with the delay, and you're a 65 year old grandma, then its line up at the resorts in a space thats not designed for large number of people to get on the monorail, then its an hour to get from the parking lot in the TTC and go through security.


If that doesn't feel like visiting someone in jail and being treated like a criminal to go to have a happy day while you spend $1000s
then I'm an oddball for sure.

To those who say "as long as I'm safe" etc. I say nahhhh.
Life is not safe. And you can not "security" your way to safety without living in a prison.
I'm willing to risk a little in life. And the 911 argument doesn't cut it for me either. Or the fact that there are insane murderers in this society.

Freedom is such a better feeling than prison.

There is being free and there is disregarding basic safety and being reckless. To me this is no different that the security check I go thu to get into concerts, or to get on an airplane. 9/11 changed things permanently. So has the Vegas shootings.
There is being free and there is disregarding basic safety and being reckless. To me this is no different that the security check I go thu to get into concerts, or to get on an airplane. 9/11 changed things permanently. So has the Vegas shootings.
The Boogie Man doesn't scare me.

Goya (Here Comes the BogeyMan)
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There is being free and there is disregarding basic safety and being reckless. To me this is no different that the security check I go thu to get into concerts, or to get on an airplane. 9/11 changed things permanently. So has the Vegas shootings.
I could be wrong but as far as the last time I had really looked into the initial announcements so far Hilton has outwardly come out and said their adjustment in policy was due to the Vegas incident while Disney has stayed mum's the word on the whys.

I will say to me the Vegas incident is different than 9/11 on many levels--truly 9/11 is a very very complicated incident that took years and years and years to actually come to fruition. That's not to say that someone can't plan for years for something like Vegas but there are some big differences to me but that conversation is not appropriate really on the DIS due to the guidelines.

Here for the hotel part the running thought being thrown around is a daily security check appearantly makes the incident less likely to occur. But there is still a very real possibility that it won't. I really really hope nothing happens at any of Hilton's or Disney's or anyone else's property in the years to come where a daily security (or what is now being advised a one time security check based on the length of stay for Disney) actually occurred because then you're back to square one as far as actual safety goes rather than a more legal/liable protection.
It doesn't have to do with the "boogie man". We take steps every day to make sure something bad doesn't happen, even when the odds of it are low.
We wear seat belts and helmets. Odds are low of getting in a crash, but most of us take the steps to mitigate what may happen anyway. We wear knee pads when we skate. There is gear for skiing. They have tornado drills at school, even though the odds of that exact school getting hit are low.

There is taking steps to protect and there is burying your head in the sand banking that something bad won't happen. If you prefer the later, have at it. I work someplace that is considered a target and have been through Active Threat Training. I'm glad places take steps to do what they can to protect us, even realizing nothing is perfect. It is still better than doing nothing and keeping your fingers crossed.
There is being free and there is disregarding basic safety and being reckless. To me this is no different that the security check I go thu to get into concerts, or to get on an airplane. 9/11 changed things permanently. So has the Vegas shootings.
In your mind perhaps things changed but in reality nothing has. The problem with that mindset, especially for people who are clueless about weapons, potential weapons and security, is that "checks" like a "room check" are utterly useless but people who have little to no understanding of safety or security get lulled into a false sense of 'security' and agree to all sorts of intrusive and needless hoops because of it. There were people here who posted that bags and luggage coming from the airport didn't need to be checked for firearms... that's a staggering level of ignorance because a person can check an unlimited amount of firearms into their bags and upto 11 pounds of ammunition, yet plenty of posters here would feel perfectly "safe" having that being hand delivered to a resort by Disney employees.

Consider that on 9-11, other than conspiracy and overstaying visa's, the hijackers did nothing illegal that morning prior to standing up and taking over those airliners. No security protocols at the gates were circumvented. Vegas, while horrific, cannot be prevented and housekeeping was in the room of the madman everyday but the last day. Exactly how does this insanity stop that? Nothing can, short of 100% of resort guests being scanned every single time the enter the property and unless Disney builds an unscalable wall between all parking areas and rooms/buildings, it isn't even worth the effort.

No one has even tried to answer this in the past 30 pages, so it bears repeating:

How do these room checks prevent or catch anyone?

Under the current room check system: Any and all illicit items are kept in luggage until after the room is serviced / checked. Also any items could be left in a vehicle in the parking lot until after the days "check".
*Which is what the Vegas murderer did BTW, kept it all in luggage until that day.

Under a future scenario where a room AND the luggage are all inspected: potential bag guy leaves all illicit items in vehicle in parking lot or simply launches an attack on the day of check in.

Under a future fix for aforementioned future fix: Disney inspects all room contents AND luggage AND all vehicles entering Disney property: Disney security finds guns and ammo in a guests car and says "are you leaving those in the car or checking them at the front desk?" Guest replies either "Leaving them in the car" or "checking in at the front desk" and either way the CM says "Ok thanks, have a magical day!"
*Disney and 99.999% of other companies and businesses in Florida are prohibited by law from preventing a lawful gun owner from having firearms in their vehicle. There are similar laws in most other states also.

So, specifically, how does this new intrusive policy of harassing guests who have shown no actual signs of nefarious actions occurring in their rooms do anything to improve security or prevent any sort of actual attack?
How do these room checks prevent or catch anyone?

It is a deterrent. Plain and simple.

Also keep in mind Disney always had the right to enter your room. Now they are more upfront about it, that is all. And most guests already have their room entered every day, so this policy changes very little if anything for them.

You are also conveniently forgetting how different air travel was prior to 9/11. But maybe in your mind as no system is perfect, and as some are bothered by having to go through screening we shouldn't do it at all? I mean, what are the odds that someone on your plane has something planned? And who is saying you catch everyone 100% of the time, so why even try? That is how your post reads to me.
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