Do you ever feel looked down upon when staying at FW?


DIS Veteran
Apr 3, 2003
On our last trip we were waiting for our table at Boma and got to talking to another couple in the lobby. They asked if we were staying at AKL and we said no, FW. They then looked at us kind of down their noses and said "Oh, well, I guess if it's the best you could do it's not so bad." Needless to say, the conversation ended right there. I would have loved to have told them that staying in my MH beats any hotel room (my germs, my dirt, my dog, more space) and that the cabins cost more than their room at AKL, most likely. And that I've seen some tent and pop up setups that rival some deluxe resorts. And that camping is fun. It's not the "best we can do" but for us it's the best, period.

This isn't the only time this has happened. Once while waiting for the bus we overheard a group as they were passing by headed for the CBR bus say "Can you imagine having to stay at FW? I'd rather not come at all if I had to camp." What's that about? :rolleyes2 Other similar incidents also come to mind.

So I was just wondering if it's me -- do I attract these icky people somehow -- or do others feel looked down upon by small minded snooty people when staying at FW? Thoughts?
It really doesn't bother me. Obviously, these people have no idea what a jewel FW is, or how relaxing a disney vacation can be camping. For what I pay for my trailer per year, I could stay a couple weeks at a deluxe resort, but I just love that trailer, and like you said, it's our dirt, we get to take our dog with us, and I'll compare the steak I can grill at my camper to the best on property any day. So let them think we are suffering.
Personally I would never want to camp while at WDW, camping is just not my thing for a week. A long weekend is good, but anything longer and I start longing for my bed. So I can totally understand someone saying they would rather not come than have to camp.

But I have wanted to stay in the cabins, we almost booked one this year. And RV's can be really awesome. I'd stay in one of those in a heartbeat. Basically as long as I wasn't sleeping on the ground or an air matress that was on the ground, I'd be great. I like cooking out, the campfire etc, just need a bed!

My family is looking forward to spending some time over at FW this trip.

As far as what was said to you at Boma :sad2: , they were just incredibly rude and tactless.
I second Ftwildernessguy's response. We could afford to stay at hotels, but choose not to. I was down there in January and stayed at the ASMu and didn't enjoy it nearly as much as FW.

Camping is a life style. Why would I want to wake up and have to go somewhere, wait in line and pay a fortune to get a cup of coffee and breakfast!!

Given the choice, I'd rather stay at FW (unless the weather were bad) than even the deluxe resorts!!!

Besides the enjoyment of camping at FW, we are able to visit WDW more often because we aren't throwing our $$$ away on an expensive room where you just sleep!!!!
You know the saying about opinions are like ..........

I would chalk it up to ignorance, some people just feel like they need to tear others down to make themselves seem more important.

If I had a dollar for everyone ignorant I have met, I would be back at FW enjoying myself... :rotfl:
VAN said:
Given the choice, I'd rather stay at FW (unless the weather were bad) than even the deluxe resorts!!!!

A bad day at FW is better than a good day at work any time.
You really ran into some rude people. I stayed at the AKL in June and I wished I was at FW!

The location, the atmosphere and the people! You can't beat it.
Well, from someone who just stayed for the first time recently, those people are ignorant. Sure we could have paid a couple hundred more and stayed at the all-stars or Pop or even at a Deluxe... But we decided to tent camp. It was more fun than any hotel I have ever stayed in. With my double high air mattress, it was probably more comfortable than any hotel bed as well. And it was such a great trip... I have been recommending FW to all my friends and family. So much to do at FW and we had a blast. But hey, if they don't want to stay at FW, fine with me... It will ensure a spot for me for future trips. :cool1:
some people can be such jerks! what happened to "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all?"

I stayed at fw every year we went growing up and had the best time! I prefer it over the hotels any day! and when the dh and I have kids, guess where we'll stay? yep! fw! :love:
I'm so glad someone posted this, because now I don't feel so bad.

This past Christmas, we went to WDW and stayed at the FW Cabins. We made the choice to stay in the cabins for several reasons: 1.) we had six of us going (five adults, one two-year old) and wanted the space, 2.) we wanted to have a kitchen so the two-year old could still eat his grits and cereal and whatnot, 3.) we wanted to stay in the woods where it would be peaceful, 4.) during our Disneymoon, my wife and I vowed to stay at FW one day, 5.) it was just a quick boat ride away from MK, which is where we planned on being most of our trip.

I even told my wife I was willing to pay the extra to have all those amenities. Well, when we're telling friends and family where we were staying, we got remarks such as "Well, it's a place to sleep, I guess", "You could have done worse, at least you're still on Disney property", and the ever-popular "If it's cheaper than staying in a hotel...."

I had to bite my tongue on several occasions. If they only knew how much this cheap room was costing us. LOL I think people equate Fort Wilderness with "campground" and to me, it's anything but a campground. If all campgrounds were like FW, I think camping would become the most popular recreation in America.

On our second day there, we were talking to another family while waiting for the MK boat to Grand Floridian (we were going there to see the Gingerbread House). The dad asked me "Are you enjoying your stay at GF?" And I said "We're not staying there, we're staying at FW." He kind of did a double-take and said "Ahh, roughing it, huh?" And I said "Yeah, if you consider having a fridge, stove, microwave, four beds and two TVs roughing it, then yep." His wife was like "You guys have a fridge and stove? Honey, why don't we have that in our room?"

I had to chuckle to myself. Poor, poor people slumming it in GF.
Had a similar situation this year. Stayed at Pop Century. We went to dinner at Ohana at the Polynesian, took the bus back to Downtown Disney. We had lei's from our dinner and had dressed in Hawaiian style clothing. A couple (obviously staying at the Poly) commented and asked if we had just come from the Luau. I said no, just dinner at the Ohana. They asked if we were staying at the Poly, I said no Pop Century. Well that was the end of the conversation right there, they immediately looked away! They never said another word to us the rest of the way. Glad they didn't because those are the type of people I don't care to associate with.

By the way, we had dinner at several Deluxe resorts, so took numerous buses. I really thought the Pop Century bus was more fun than any others. People seemed very friendly and had lots of fun conversations. The worst bus ride was from DD to Contemporary & Polynesian. Stuffiest bunch of people I ever met. No friendly people, no laughing, sharing experiences. BahHumBug!

What makes this funny is that I work for an extremely wealthy family, I am the Chief Financial Officer and probably make more money than most of the people staying at the Deluxe resorts! Yet I chose to stay at Pop Century! In my 15 years experience working for a wealthy family, most people with money and powerful positions are very nice people. They don't look down on others. The one's that look down on other's are usually the Wannabe's. You find them in any economic bunch, they try to elevate their own status by looking down on others.

I would be camping at FW if I could, we live in Washington state and are a little too far to pull our trailer across the country!

So be proud of who you are, enjoy your camping and don't worry what anyone else thinks or says!
:) :) :)
I think FW looks great, I 'am a pop-up kinda girl. I do not know if I could do the tent thing for a week. I enjoy long weekends in a tent. and do some off these "non'FW" people know that alot of the Class A's cost more than their homes.

I think during peak season FW could be a diamond in the rough, so to speak. I find camping relaxing. It would be like 2 vacations in one. The parks & camping.

sameyeyam said:
Had a similar situation this year. Stayed at Pop Century. We went to dinner at Ohana at the Polynesian, took the bus back to Downtown Disney. We had lei's from our dinner and had dressed in Hawaiian style clothing. A couple (obviously staying at the Poly) commented and asked if we had just come from the Luau. I said no, just dinner at the Ohana. They asked if we were staying at the Poly, I said no Pop Century. Well that was the end of the conversation right there, they immediately looked away! They never said another word to us the rest of the way. Glad they didn't because those are the type of people I don't care to associate with.

By the way, we had dinner at several Deluxe resorts, so took numerous buses. I really thought the Pop Century bus was more fun than any others. People seemed very friendly and had lots of fun conversations. The worst bus ride was from DD to Contemporary & Polynesian. Stuffiest bunch of people I ever met. No friendly people, no laughing, sharing experiences. BahHumBug!

What makes this funny is that I work for an extremely wealthy family, I am the Chief Financial Officer and probably make more money than most of the people staying at the Deluxe resorts! Yet I chose to stay at Pop Century! In my 15 years experience working for a wealthy family, most people with money and powerful positions are very nice people. They don't look down on others. The one's that look down on other's are usually the Wannabe's. You find them in any economic bunch, they try to elevate their own status by looking down on others.

I would be camping at FW if I could, we live in Washington state and are a little too far to pull our trailer across the country!

So be proud of who you are, enjoy your camping and don't worry what anyone else thinks or says!
:) :) :)

I know when we drive through those magical gates to enter WDW property, we all like to believe reality is suspended for the duration of our trip.

But it's really not. There are still elitists and snobs and they vacation also. I've actually heard parents tell their kids "No, that's not our bus, that's the bus for the cheap hotel."

But like you said, those people are probably "new money." They don't know how to act, so they act snobbish.

Same thing as people who look down on other people because they (GASP) shop at Wal-Mart or Target or K-Mart. I have an aunt who refuses to shop in any of those places, because that's where poor people shop.

Well, baby, consider me POOR. :confused3
sameyeam--> i agree about that! DH and i have stayed at all levels of resorts and yet we keep going back to POP!!!! We're going again this year and again next! we can't get away from it! the people are the greatest! and we have made plenty of friends on the busses! it's amazing!

Believe me i would LOVE to stay at FW, but until the kids are bigger, we better keep them in a crib ;) and until i can afford an RV, we're stuck at resorts! haha some people just don't get it.

and i agree with you again about the wannabees, my DH StepM is one of these..ughh
I have stayed at AKL, WL(many times), CR, Poly, and others. Last Christmas we stayed at FW in our 5th wheel and saw many, many MH's $500,000 and up. I bet those people didn't feel looked down on. We are going again to FW and hopefully we wont be looked down on as I feel FW is Deluxe. PS: the number one dinner show is at FW.
We were not staying at FW but this story applies. We had dinner at Whispering Canyon this past Easter evening. A late 20's couple without children were in line behind us for the boat back to MK. They struck up a conversation with the people behind them. They were loudly complaining that they had to share the boats/buses with the campground. That is was ridiculous that they spent as much money as they did and had to share these things with "them". It was one of the rudest things I ever heard. Plus, the man of the group was giving out all kinds of wrong advice. I have a suspicion that they may be Dis'ers because she had a lime green ribbon tied to her purse. They were wearing Mickey groom hat and Minnie ears headband. I did not ask because they were RUDE.
DISNEEFUN did you lay awake all night thinking about what was said? i bet not. these people don't have a clue,my 4 grand kids just love to travel in our motor home even for 21 hrs. because they know we will beach it all the way to wdw because that way it takes 3.5 days try that on a plane. plus they make friends all along the way , alway remember us campers are real nice most of the time lol. ps. it's not the size of the tip that makes a good person.
Our first trip to WDW in 2004 was possible because we were able to bring our travel trailer. Prices for hotels vs. campsite made our choice simple. For 12 days of camping we would have only been able to stay 5 days in a hotel...a no brainer in my mind. It was peaceful and the grounds are really pretty. We enjoyed the whole experience.

Our second trip just this past December was a quick one. We decided to "splurge" and stay at WL. It was beautiful seeing the decorations, but I really didn't feel it was any better than staying in our trailer.

After having those two experiences, we probably will be FW campers from now on!
I think it is because most of the people who say these kinds of things have been deprived of the camping experience and, in their ignorance, don't know any better.

I have been talking non-stop at work about my upcoming trip to FW and everyone keeps saying "oh no, camping is not for me. I don't know how you can tolerate camping for any period of time". Well I say, let them keep their opinions because that leaves more room at FW for the rest of us and they don't have any idea what they are missing.

I have also made a convert to the camping life, one of my friends had never been camping at all and about 8 years ago I convinced her to come along and bring her family. Well, we ended up having to get 3 sites because she invited another family to "share her misery" and her in-laws too, well she has since been back to FW 3 times and has recently been shopping around for a pop-up. Now, every time I see her husband or her in-laws the first thing they ask me is "When are we going camping?"

Some people just don't get that camping is a choice not a fallback option and many people go to FW for FW and never go to the parks.
I've never stayed at fw since I don't own a camper and am not a tent person but I remember as a child we had a popup and camping was our most favorite vacation. Those camp grounds weren't even at disney and we had a ton of fun add disney and camping and what could be better. We stay at the values. Could we afford a moderate, yes deluxe probably but I would rather stay longer and have more spending cash and stay at a value anyday. We have kids and when we went to Poly and a few of the higher end resorts they could not imagine why anyone would want to stay there. Different strokes for different folks, it's a shame they were so rude. If they went out and priced some campers they would realize it is not the cheap option.


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