"Double Dip Delight" Alternate Western 09/27/08

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Hadley: Awesome! Oh, and after looking at kiddo's passport and the INS website, you're right; her passport expires 5 years after she got it. So we have 3 different dates for passports in this house, even though she and DH got them at the same time. Oh well. She'll just -have- to have another passport before we cruise on the new ships, I guess. *melodramatic sigh* :rotfl:

Oh, and if I ever start looking like my passport picture... wow. :scared1: That haircut/color did not flatter me! :rotfl:

Ya'll have a great day!

:rotfl: He-he I know that feeling with dates. We have four different ones! DH and I are still on the renewal schedules set before we even met each other and Marika got hers before Rio was born and then he got his. The kids are close enough together now I think I can renew/ replace (I know they do not really renew kid's) at the same time after teh cruise and get us down to three dates!:banana: Better yet, it will be Marika's last one as a "minor" (assuming 16 stays hte age for that for passports).

All that $$ we saved on renewals can now go towards Wicked tickets:)
Does anyone know if the ship is Sold Out? :confused3 We have been trying to book a room on the DCL Website for friends of ours, 2 adults, and it keeps giving me "error"
looks like it.

I too got the "no vacation dates available" error.

I did hear someone say "A homeschooled kid? Poor thing."

Yea....poor kid on a CRUISE and his school work is each port of call...poor, poor child :) hehehehehe

I am not sure if this is politically correct to ask, but here goes anyway.

Why do people homeschool their children? I know it may be different for every person, but is there a more common reason why - bad school districts perhaps. Also, how do you go about homeschooling your children - do you have to be a teacher and do you have to follow a certain curriculum? How do you know what to teach for each grade - do you follow your district's plans? Do you homeschool for K thru 12.

No one that I know of homeschools their children and I have heard of it plenty of times before this thread, but I never had anyone to ask about the specifics.

I have always wondered how people homeschool. Me, I am very happy some days to drop my kids off at school.
Have any of you booked a driver for excursions? I had never even thought about this until my aunt said something about it. She told me it's usually cheaper too. Usually when you book something it's a 4 hours trip or whatever then you have to wait for everybody and you come back and pretty much most of the day is gone. If you get a driver they take you all a4around and you can still do some things you want but you will be able to see more.

Just wondering if anybody has done this or how much it costs? Can you book a driver while on the cruise?
I am not sure if this is politically correct to ask, but here goes anyway.

Why do people homeschool their children? I know it may be different for every person, but is there a more common reason why - bad school districts perhaps. Also, how do you go about homeschooling your children - do you have to be a teacher and do you have to follow a certain curriculum? How do you know what to teach for each grade - do you follow your district's plans? Do you homeschool for K thru 12.

No one that I know of homeschools their children and I have heard of it plenty of times before this thread, but I never had anyone to ask about the specifics.

I have always wondered how people homeschool. Me, I am very happy some days to drop my kids off at school.

That's a great question...with LOTS of different answers :)

For our family, there's a handful of reasons. We like the freedom to include religion in our studies, we like following our own schedule, we feel our son's personality is best suited outside of a classroom setting, & our main reason is that we feel nobody would care as much about his education as my husband & I.

Like I said though, there's SO many different reasons people choose to homeschool. And I also understand & respect others who choose NOT to homeschool. My philosophy is that each family does what is best for their family, you know?

Let's see...I was a 1st grade teacher before our son came along, but I'm one of the few homeschool parents I know who was a certified teacher. Each state has it's own homeschool laws. Some states heavily monitor homeschoolers by requiring parents to submit curriculum plans, complete district exams, etc. Other states do no monitoring & parents are not required, by law, to report anything to their home district. And there's everything inbetween.

As far as curriculum, if you just google "homeschool curriculum" your eyes will go buggy! There are TONS of resources to choose from, & it's often a task of whittling down the multitude of choices & finding what curriculum & approach will work best for your family as opposed to having too few choices:)

Some families choose their curriculum based on religious vs secular content. Others choose it based on the learning style of their child (audio, visual, kinesthetic, musical, etc). Some families choose it based on price.

You can participate in online schools, where they give you the lessons, you report grades to them, & it's structured similar to a "brick & mortar" school system. You can assemble your own curriculum pieced with Math from this place, Science from this place, Literature from this place, etc. You can buy "curriculum in a box" where they have a skeleton schedule planned for you & all the supplies you'll need. Some families don't use any curriculum & let their child's interests direct them into learning experiences.

There's SO many ways you can homeschool, so it's hard to define it with a short explanation!

Some families know from birth that they will homeschool (we fall into that category). Other families choose homeschooling as an alternative to school because their child is struggling with some factor of schooling. Families might homeschool for a year or two to travel the world with their children. Again, there's SO many ways you can homeschool, there really is no black & white definition. I don't think you could put 10 homeschool families in a room together & come up with the same reasons, learning approaches, schedules, etc.

All that being said, my step-daughter is public-schooled because her mother doesn't want to pull her out of school. I was public schooled my entire life. I spent years teaching in both private & public schools So I have a great respect for both sides of the coin & I feel what's MOST important to remember is that every family is doing what is best for their family.

Thanks for asking the question though...I hope I didn't speak up for any other homeschoolers on this board too much...feel free to throw in your two cents too!!
DS is in Public School... however, We have compared what he learns to other schools in other States and WoW what a Difference it is between them.. :confused3

We are advanced to Some Southern Schools and yet Behind some Western Schools.. and yet the US is completely behind some other Countries in their Education..

I never knew was a vast difference it was until we did research for the past few years for Colleges for DS..

DS is in Public School... however, We have compared what he learns to other schools in other States and WoW what a Difference it is between them.. :confused3

We are advanced to Some Southern Schools and yet Behind some Western Schools.. and yet the US is completely behind some other Countries in their Education..

I never knew was a vast difference it was until we did research for the past few years for Colleges for DS..


Very interesting!

And HOLY CRAP....check out all those cruise countdown tickers. I'm SOOOOOOOO jealous!!!!!!!
Heather--I think you did a great job with answering about homeschoolong. And I was a Jr. High English teacher before I had kids so you are not the only teacher who homeschools (actaulyl I know several).

Donald and Daisy--yes we are a diverse group! I think about as diverse as people who send their kids to public school or private school. For example, I can see that we homeschool for quite different reasons than Heather (and we started only after trying public school for a number of years--and hope to have the kids attend eitehr public or private high school).
For us, our kids had a lot of problems in public school. Marika is a very bright kid and she was bored and frustrated nearly all the time. Even after moving ahead one grade and I really did not feel like it was a good idea socially to move her further ahead. Rio, was also moved up a grade by teh district which was really not good for him socially. Add to that he is a boy who dances and hates most typical sports and is small for his age and he was really a target for bullies. So, when we moved to NH we tried it for a semester and it worked really well for us and we have not gone back (though Marika went to a program at the school this past summer). Other benefits (for us) that we found we really like now that they are homeschooled are:
The kids have lots more free time. The real "work" of school can be accomplished pretty fast really (hang out in an elementary classroom someday and see just how much time is spent gathering everyone in one part of the room, discipling, lining up to go to XYZ, etc.). This leave the kids so much more time to just be kids and play in the yard, build spaceships out of boxes, etc. We also get to visit tons of museums when they are not crowded and TRAVEL in low season and tag along on all Dave's business trips.
That's so interesting to read Rio likes dance. On Friday, Reese has a trial ballet/tap class! He's been asking for months to take a dance class...there's a ballet school in the same building as his gymnastics class. The dance instructor said there are a handful of 4 & 5 year old boys in the classes, & was very encouraging towards his desire to try it out. What sort of dance is Rio into?
That's so interesting to read Rio likes dance. On Friday, Reese has a trial ballet/tap class! He's been asking for months to take a dance class...there's a ballet school in the same building as his gymnastics class. The dance instructor said there are a handful of 4 & 5 year old boys in the classes, & was very encouraging towards his desire to try it out. What sort of dance is Rio into?

Rio currently takes tap, ballet and jazz. This is his seventh year of dance and he loves it (Marika danced for two years as a little kid and wore her fancy costume for the recital and was done--karate is her thing; I always say I have backwards kids:rotfl2: ) He has also taken hip-hop. He will always take as many dance classes as I can pay for and get him to. He is not in hip hop this year onl becuase it conflicts with theatre rehearsals. LAtely he taps dances everywhere (in line at teh grocery, while he does his school work, you name it):rotfl2: Oh, if Reese likes it I really recommend tryign to fit it into your schedule. The instructors are always so happy to have boys in the classes and it is great exercise, etc.
Rio currently takes tap, ballet and jazz. This is his seventh year of dance and he loves it (Marika danced for two years as a little kid and wore her fancy costume for the recital and was done--karate is her thing; I always say I have backwards kids:rotfl2: ) He has also taken hip-hop. He will always take as many dance classes as I can pay for and get him to. He is not in hip hop this year onl becuase it conflicts with theatre rehearsals. LAtely he taps dances everywhere (in line at teh grocery, while he does his school work, you name it):rotfl2: Oh, if Reese likes it I really recommend tryign to fit it into your schedule. The instructors are always so happy to have boys in the classes and it is great exercise, etc.

Yea, I thought it would be a hassle throwing a boy into the mix but the instructor said it was exactly the opposite! Sounds like Reese & Rio are very similar. Reese LOVES musical theater (his current favorite DVD he obsesses over is Joseph & The Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat...the one with Donnie Osmond). We went & saw The Wiz last week & he always comments that he wants to be on stage like the actors. We've got a handful of community theatres in our area that I'm hoping will expose him to some performance experience if he continues to want to try it.

Reese is also obsessed with instruments & is so "touched" by music. More so than any other family member, that's for sure!

Anyway--sounds like Rio may be cut from the same cloth :) :hippie:
Reese and Rio do sounds a lot alike. We'll have to get these "poor homeschooled" R boys together some on the ship or beach! They can put on a show:rotfl:
Heather adn Hadley
What great explanations of homeschooling, I have to say we do have a diverse group but respect each other enough to get along so well, Double dippers ROCK!!!!

My kids are in public school this year, Rachel went to Catholic school for 3 years, not for religion but b/c our old school district was not good. You both make Homeschooling look awesome, i wish I had the patients to try it, I love the vactioning part:rotfl:
Hey all I don't think I have posted in like a month :scared1: For some reason I had this crazy idea that life was going to slow down after the holiday, but instead it got way busy. Anyways things have calmed down some so I can return to a semi normal existence once again. I have been trying to keep up with the thread here and there. Thank-you to everyone who responded about my dress and formal night questions...glad to know we won't be alone. Ok I'm off to try and catch up on what I missed.

BTW is anyone else having this extra cold cruddy weather. We didn't even get above freezing for our actual air temp today and don't even get me going on what it felt like with the wind chill factored in today:cold: :cold: :cold:
We are having a very cold and wet winter. More snow so far then I have remembered in years. Expected 4 to 7 inches in the next 24 hours.

Can't wait for fall. Oh, I guess we have spring and summer to get through before we get there. Bummer. I think I will take it one day at a time. Lois
I forgot to add that I went to the DCL web site to check on availability on this cruise and it is COMPLETELY sold out. You can't pull up any rooms. That is awesome. Lois
Heather and Hadley - thank you so much for taking the time to answer my question. I have to agree with rkandrjsmommy that you do make it sound very enticing to homeschool, although I would never have the time and dedication necessary to so do. As it is, I have a difficult time getting my DS to do his homework and study....I could never imagine teaching him, although maybe he would be more agreeable to learning then. All in all, I am lucky that my school district is very good and my children learn easily.

Thank you again so much for answering a question I have always wanted to ask.:goodvibes
Weatherwise it's been chilly and windy here, but not really freezing. Not much snow at all this year...I just hope I didn't speak to soon. Actually, it was so windy today that a large part of my friend's tree came down, hit her shed, pulled the electrical service off the side of her house and damaged alot of the siding in the rear of her house. Surprisingly she never lost power even though the electric lines where laying across her yard and shed. I spoke to her earlier, and believe me, she cannot wait until September after today. BTW, her family is the one we are travelling with.
IT'S SNOWING!!!! :woohoo: I just had to tell everyone that it is finally snowing and STICKING!!:banana: We got around 2 inches tonight, not a whole lot compared to what some of you have gotten this winter, but very exciting for us!!

Have fun!
I'm telling you - come to KFalls - we are buried alive for the past 6 weeks!
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