DVC Technology and The Dining Plan

Asuneda said:
The "system" referred to is the computer systems. As the wife of someone who worked for Disney as a software developer, the "excuse" is COMPLETELY valid. DVC is a completely seperate business entity than Walt Disney World Corporation (who runs the hotels and dining). The structure of the enterprise network running all of the computer systems is extremely complex and built upon severl differing platforms (and languages). It is not simply a matter of pushing a few buttons or writing a few new lines of code in order to make the system function as we'd wish. First, the project has to be scoped out, then approved, then budgeted, then the business analysts get to go to work trying to get all differing departments functioning on the same page, then the developers get to go to work, meanwhile, everyone has to have an idea what other differing systems are being built somewhere else that may, in some way, impact this project, then we get to test and finally release. Get off their backs! Be happy your not paying rack rate and have a kitchen!

Thanks for sharing. I try at times to explain how Disney works, but it does not seem to come across as believeable I guess to some. Disney is a small city with over 55,000 employees, hundreds of departments, tons of legal issues, and as you so eloquently stated a very diverse computer system. These changes just don't happen over night even if Disney wanted them to.
I have kept up with this thread for 2 days and agree with some and disagree with others. I do believe that there are system issues related to this Dining Plan. I, personally, have a DDE and am excited to have it. My family would save more money with a dining plan though. DH and I share food with our kids on occasion but my son eats his own meals mos of the time. I always start with a salad so the credits are useful to me.

Personally, I would rather see an on-line waitlist system, where you can see your status on the waitlist. Or even, manage your points on-line capabilities before a Dining Plan. That's me though. I hate calling Member's Services and waiting on hold just to check on these things. DVC owners are as diverse as they come it appears. No matter what, some of us will be disappointed with the way things are done. Overall, I love DVC. I love knowing when and where I will be vacationing each year. What my Dining Plan will be might remain a mystery I guess.
At first I thought I would be excited about the Dining Plan. Now I don't think I would use it. First, I hate sitting around in restaurants...you wait to be seated, you wait to have your order taken, you wait to be served, you wait for the bill, and so on. I'd rather get in and get out as quickly as possible. Second, the age of my children (12, 10) make the plan expensive for four people when there is no way they would eat all the food the plan allows but have to pay adult prices for it. The only way I would even consider it is if they had a "Junior" rate somewhere in the middle between Child and Adult prices. But for those of you that think it will work for your family...good luck. :goodvibes
We seem to hear over and over from the Disney apologists that "we" don't understand enough about how DVC works to entitle us to an opinion about anything. I don't necessarily buy into the thinking that DVC is such a complex and technical piece of corporate ingenuity that mere mortals could never possibly comprehend it's inner workings, but everyone has their own comfort levels, I guess.

Rather than saying DVC members are only entitled to say good things about DVC because we lack the "learnin" to understand issues and suggest change, I'd rather that DVC share a little more knowledge of it's mysterious and secretive ways with us. Now I know, this may sound ridiculous to some that the members who pay the salaries and foot the bill for DVC should actually be entitled to legitimate and real answers from the people we pay to manage our timeshare program, but I guess I'm just wacky.

When the hot topic around here was ticket discounts, we had a core group of people who scolded everyone for wanting ticket discounts and reminded us about what was in our contracts when we signed on the dotted line. And then we got AP discounts. Had we all sat back quietly and said nothing, it's highly unlikely the ticket discounts would have ever materialized. So will we ever get dining plans? Probably will. But not if we don't say anything about it.

It's not a bad thing to ask for perks from DVC. It doesn't mean the requesters are anti-DVC or anti-Disney, though many times the apologists will attempt to paint that picture. I think we're all on the same side. We just want our Disney experience to be the best it can be.
I've waited to add my two cents:

I have personally used the DDP twice: once last February -when it was first introduced, and in August -when it was free. (So i have a fair basis for analysis of value vs cost)
For a family of 3 with a young child, it was wonderful.

Now, i am of the camp that as one who works 2 jobs, i DO NOT like to cook at home. This distaste is magnified on vacation. Even if we splurge on a 1 brdm (which we don't need due to the small size of our family) I will never fully utilize that kitchen. I have absoultely NO DESIRE to cook while on vacation.

As for the DDE: hmmm.... cost: $50, benefit: 20% discount---not much there for us; i don't drink and all it really covers is the tip.
But those who say the DDE is "better", this assumes that every DVC member is an AP holder. This may not make financial snese for those who go the same time each year, or only go every other year. Now, I did take advantage of the DVC discount on APs, but don't see the DDE working for us.

DH likes the idea of having most everything paid for before the trip commences. He also likes the idea of being able to order whatever he feels like having off the menu without calculating cost on what sould be a relaxing time together. TS meals are relaxing to us. We LIKE sitting in the restuarant, connecting with each other, getting a break off our feet. We don't view TS meals as wasted time. Especially 1 per day. And as DVC members--where's the fire? We'll be back!

As far as marketing issues: Dining is a draw. I don't see Disney denying DVC members the DDP, because it takes the money out of Publix's hands and places it into Mickey's. If you have the dining plan, you are not going to be stocking the villa with groceries for the week, but instead, dedicating your meal budget to Disney. It's win-win for them.

Technical issues: It very well may be that they cannot tie the systems together. However, why not simply create "meal tickets"-like park tickets have a certain number of park day credits loaded onto them, the TS, CS, and Snack credits would be loaded onto the card, the same as they are now, except the room key isn't coded onto them. A special "ticket" available to only DVC members. Simple technology used EVERYWHERE these days.

.02 spent :earsboy:


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