Early Roll Call for 10-31-04 Happy Halloween Cruise aboard the Wonder !!

Hi gang!

One last time...just want to confirm number of TOT goodie bags I need to have... 27??

Also, thanks to those who replied to my question about Port Canaveral. Sounds like we can make that work!

Ordered Logan's birthday basket today from Shirley...she said it is raining a lot today - reminants from Hurricane Matthew! I told her she better make sure that rain stuff was all gone before we get there...she said she would take care of it! Thanks, Shirley!!

Other than the things Ralph listed on the Newsletter, does anyone have a little list of "must have's" on the cruise? Anything that would make stateroom living easier??

Talk to you all soon!
To Shana and Everyone:

25 kids for the TOT. FINAL LIST IS ON PAGE 20. Make sure you print that so you can take it a long if you need to find anyone in our DIS group.

I am going to call DCL next week and hope that their TOT schedule is set to make sure it won't conflict with ours.

I went to the Disney store today and got the cutest felt embroidered Trick or Treat mini bags with a dressed up Eeyore and fake little treats sewn in. $3.49 on clearance!! I am going to put a few real treats in them and have my husband sneak them in to the stateroom before the kids go in so they have a suprise!

Even though we have been talking about this cruise for 2 years, my 5 year old realized this weekend that he would not be trick or treating at home and had a fit and said he wouldn't go on the cruise.

I told him, yes, he would still be able to trick or treat on the boat and he said no we wouldn't since we didn't know anyone. I showed him Ralph's great newsletter with everyones pictures and he got so excited. He usually only goes to about 6 homes and I told him he gets to go to 19 staterooms! Thanks again to everyone :)

Ooooppsss.... Thanks to Shana for pointing out I forgot to add the Mills family to the page 20 list. They are now added and our final number is 26 kids.

HONESTLY, last post on this.

There are 25!!!!!!! Not 26. I thought my number was wrong and went back and looked at my notes and counted Riley who I believe is not TOTing since he is little but his parents are handing out candy!

OKAY, so 25!!!!!
Actually if it's not too late can I add Riley to the TOT count? My DH is bummed that he won't be able to go. I will still stay in the room and hand out candy. If it is too late I totally understand. Thanks guys...... I am getting so excited!

I am not sure if this item was mentioned or not, but since it is an important item, it merits mentioning again. anti bacterial hand towlette wipes are an item whose importance cannot be understated. I dont know how many of you remember but last year there was a number of stomach virus outbreaks on the Disney magic and a few other cruise ships. the virus was transmitted through hand to mouth contact. the use of these anti bacterial wipes was strongly suggested and I would recommend them to everyone. use them to cleanse your hands before and after you eat, after using lavatory and after you have touched anything in common areas of the ship. It will help keep you healthy during your vacation. when people got sick last year they were confined to their stateroom, so an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. well, thats my story and I am sticking to it. Ralph.
Thanks, I put those on my packing list right after I read your post.

Marley, My 5 year old was also bummed that we weren't t-o-t at home so now I'm throwing a Halloween party for our whole block of kids (figuringing about 25) on the Wed before we leave. Now he feels he isn't missing out on anything.
Adding little Riley is not a problem. I'm sure he will enjoy it too!

OKAY, 26 is FINAL :) I promise.

lholman: My son, Isaac will be so thrilled. Question: Is your son bringing a Gameboy? It is a subject of much debate at our house right now. If your son plays Pokemon Gameboy games, you probably know they can link together and trade Pokemon inside the games. I feel like there may be some "down time" where they might get a chance to do that. However, I’d rather my son NOT bring his Pokemon card book. What do you think?

Shana: Thanks for looking out for us on the TOT!!

Marley: Thanks SO MUCH for including us!!! Like your 5 year old, my son was pretty disappointed about not going TOT in our neighborhood. I offered to have a party for his friends, but he declined. He’s going to a party on the Friday night before.

Ralph: Is it still possible to get a copy of the newsletter?

As far as the items to take - one thing I will be bringing this time is water shoes for the kids.

You may also want to bring the email address(es) of friends or family. There’s a computer "lounge" where you could send an email rather than a postcard. (You pay for internet time). I’m wondering if they have card readers to upload digital photos to attach to an email. Anybody know?

(The Mills)

do you think your son will let me borrow a game for the gameboy?? i have 3 mario bros games and tetris. i want to buy new games but not sure which ones :) I feel like such a dork having to ask kids which games are good :rolleyes: but i guess it beats buying stupid games
Hi Hip!

Logan just found his gameboy after not being able to find it for about 3 months! He has been playing practically non-stop since Sunday when his dad found it!! He isn't really into Pokeman too much, but I know he would love to share his games with your son. I am looking for a new game for his b-day, but not sure which one yet. Logan is only shy for the first 5 minutes after meeting someone, then look out! I am sure the 9ish year old boys will hit it off and have a great time together!! What is your son going to dress up as for Halloween? Logan is a Pirate.
I was wondering what the t or t was like on the cruise, ( we didn't get on the dis list) my son who is 11 is bringing a friend this year and we are traveling with another family with 2 girls, 7 & 11 and they are looking forward to t or t, and dressing up, but we adults are also dressing up too.
Hey Kellie and Shana,

Sharing the Gameboy games won’t be a problem. It’s always great to borrow these games to figure out what you like. Most of the time, we buy them pre-owned (used) and can resell them if we don’t like them or get bored with them. There are a number of stores in our area that sell used video games in all formats.

We just purchased our son’s Darth Vader costume last week. We’re still looking for a red light saber. We may end up going to Tatooine Trader (at MGM) and get one.

Hi all! I started packing today. A little early, I know. I am gone all day Saturday, and then out of town the following weekend. I must say, it sure made me feel better to get started, however, I now know that I have to go and get my oldest DS several new pairs of pants. I am going to find a way to bind him so that he will not grow anymore! I can't keep him clothed, as I am sure many of you are having the same trouble.

Anyway, just wanted to let everyone know that I have started and it has made me even more excited (if that is possible). :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :bounce: :bounce:
Marie: can't really tell you about the TOT that Disney has since none of us have ever done it. You might want to ask the people on the Magic Halloween thread. They go every year and know exactly what to expect. I know there is a TOT but not sure how big.

Gameboys: I just bought Andy one for his birthday last week and we have been getting several used games from EB games and he treated himself to the new Star Wars game this week. It is pretty cool. I'm sure he will have it with him and he is a good sharer :)

I too started pulling out clothes today and realized how much we are actually going to have to take!! My head is spinning! I just told Jason and Hayley we are going to have to sit down tonight and go through their dress clothes and see what actually fits. I think they also need new dress shoes so I have to get shopping! It will be here before you know it. :Pinkbounc

So funny about the gameboys! I have had to buy several games for the upcoming trip. We just bought the Mario vs Donkey Kong which the boys love. They also got the Mickey's Magical Quest which they don't fight over, but I guess it's ok.

Thanks for the reminder Marley. I need to get Spencer new shoes for the trip too. Not much longer!!!!

My boys Brandon (11) & Jacob (10) will be taking their gameboys & Yu-Gi-Oh cards. We can't seem to go anywhere without them. They are going to be the Blues Brothers. I have yet to inform them of "who" the Blues Brothers are. HA HA! We haven't come up with a costume for ourselves though.

I have a question - when do we find out our dinner rotation? And, can my father make two separate Palo reservations 1. our group of adults and 2. an anniversary dinner for my husband and I, or do we have to do it?

I have started ALL my list and packing a little - Just found out Science Fair Projects are Due November 5th. AAAGGHHH!

What time is everyone going to be at the Port?
TROD - We plan to be at the port around 10:30. We will be staying in Cape Canaveral the night before (at LaQuinta).

I wasn't planning on bringing the boys' gameboys, but I will certainly do so. They will all have so much in common with those!

We still haven't figured out the boys' costumes. We are way behind on that and need to get going. I think my DH and I will just where halloween clothes. We shall see!
Keep in mind, Saturday 10/30 is the end of daylight savings.

We are staying at Coronado Springs for Thursday thru Saturday. We are driving my SIL to MCO for a 11 AM flight, then it is straight to the Radisson (or Walmart or Publix to pick up candy supplies). We are staying at the Radisson when we arrive back in port, so we can park the rental car there while on the cruise. I think that I have read some where on these boards that they have a shuttle that may require reservations, but I need to give them a call. Our goal is to get there as early as possible......10:45 or 11 AM


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