Fat Girls Walking Club


DIS Veteran
Aug 3, 2006
Here is my story: My sister and I did a local 5k a couple of weekends ago to support the Ronald McDonald House. We were the only "pooh sized" people out there. So I have deceided to start the Fat Girls Walking Club. I am currently training to do the EE 5k in Sept. I am looking forward to this race, but I have to shave some time off. It has a 16 minute mile pace. Today, I did 2 miles in under 34 minutes. That is a personal best btw.

So I figured if I was doing this, then so are other people. Who wants to join me and support each other. Just not for races, but to offer encouragement at we go from the "Fat Girls Walking Club" to the "Skinny Girls Running Club"

Annette :)

Events that the FGWC are registered for:
Expedition Everest Sept 2008
Acourtwdw2- Amanda

Tower of Terror October 2008

WDW Half/full Marathon January 2009
Honeibee-Judy (Doing the Goofy!!)

Princess 5K/Half March 2009

Circle of Life 5K

Princess Half/5k

Minnie Marathon May 2009

Disney Land Half Marathon September 2009

WDW Half/full Marathon January2010
Yea for doing the 5K and great time on the 2 miles!!! :thumbsup2

I'll join you! :goodvibes I'm definitely very Pooh-sized, and the EE 5K is next on my list. I actually lost 130+ pounds on WW a few years ago, but some health setbacks and another baby later... :rolleyes1 Needless to say, I have found that it was MUCH easier to do these races without all the extra weight. We can do this!

Today I did 1.5 miles with two little boys - one in the stroller and one walking while grumbling loudly... :headache: Tomorrow, I think DS1 will be staying home with Daddy! ;)

Welcome Lynnda :) Thanks for joining and congrats on the weight loss. Tomorrow I am going for 2 miles at 32 minutes. Loaded up the IPOD with new tunes tonight. That will help.

Annette :)
Im joining. I need to get to that 16 minute or less pace. Have fun walking everyone.

Okay, Amanda and Annette....fess up. How are you ladies related? :teeth:

You know, once you do a 5k or two, you'll want to move on to a 10k, 15k, half-marathon, marathon, etc. You can do it!!!! :cheer2:

I'd like to join. I kind of go up and down on my mileage and time so I need to get back in the groove.
Okay, Amanda and Annette....fess up. How are you ladies related? :teeth:

You know, once you do a 5k or two, you'll want to move on to a 10k, 15k, half-marathon, marathon, etc. You can do it!!!! :cheer2:

I'd like to join. I kind of go up and down on my mileage and time so I need to get back in the groove.

Were sisters and we live together. We just went for a run/walk and our competive nature always gets the best of us. We have another 5k in 2 weeks and i want to get a new pr. My best is 44 mins.

Escape please join us, the more the merrier.
Amanda and Annette - How awesome to be able to motivate (and compete with) each other! :thumbsup2 Great job on the run/walk!!!

Susie - I'm so glad you joined us! :goodvibes How are things going?

Today I did 2 miles with the baby in the stroller. It was HOT, but I felt good the whole time. Yea!!

Keep up the great work, ladies!

Hi all, I would love to join your walking club. I'm not actually training for anything right now. Since I have a ton of weight to lose I'm going to be training/losing to train for the 2010 1/2 Marathon. Joined WW tonight, just can't seem to stay on track by myself right now and I end up weighing myself 15 thousand times a day and getting depressed. So, hubby hid the scale and I will only weigh in on Thurs at WW.
Bought a pair of good sneakers to walk in today also and MforM to get some guidance. Really need help with the motivation dept.:woohoo: :woohoo:
I am so glad that people are posting on this thread :)

Today I did another 2 miles in just under 35 min. I find that if I walk after work my times are worse, like today. Tomorrow I will walk before work.

My plan is to do the Disney Marathon before my 40th bday. That will be in 2010. I just want to finish and get the medal.

Amanda and I are very competitive with each other. She beat me today. I started out to fast.

I hope everyone has a great night :)
Hi all, I would love to join your walking club. I'm not actually training for anything right now. Since I have a ton of weight to lose I'm going to be training/losing to train for the 2010 1/2 Marathon. Joined WW tonight, just can't seem to stay on track by myself right now and I end up weighing myself 15 thousand times a day and getting depressed. So, hubby hid the scale and I will only weigh in on Thurs at WW.
Bought a pair of good sneakers to walk in today also and MforM to get some guidance. Really need help with the motivation dept.:woohoo: :woohoo:

The more the merrier! You posted the same time I did. Great minds must think alike :) Let's us know what we can do to help each other out

Annette :)
Hey Lynnda! Doing great! I just got a little too relaxed this Spring. I didn't keep up with my running/walking or exercsing in general and I just watched my weight climb, up, up, up.....and beyond. Ugh! I'm paying the price for it now. :sad2: However, I think with the right motivation from this group, I might can do something about it. :banana:

Still thinking about the Rock 'n 'Roll Half (San Antonio?) :teeth:

Amanda and Annette - I agree with Lynnda. A little competition is just the key to get each other motivated. I wish I had a partner to train with. Well, I do but she lives 7 hours away. :(

Can-Do-mom - back away from the scales. They are not your friend right now. One thing I like about weight watchers is that they encourage you to drop the weight slowly and effectively. A good friend of mine lost around 90 pounds with WW and she went from very little exercise to doing the WDW half in 2006. As a matter of fact, she's the one that encouraged me to do the half in 2007 which inspired me to do the full in 2008. You can do it. Just don't rush the weight loss. You'll be thankful that you didn't later.

On another note, I LOVE LOVE LOVE the MfM book. What an inspirational guide. I followed the walk/run training plan to almost a T for my first half marathon. All I wanted to do was to finish the race and I did with ~15 minutes to spare....thanks to that book!
Help-what is the MfM book? I feel like I should know this but I don't.

I also agree with putting away the scales. They won't tell you the truth. Remember muscle weighs more than fat. I haven't done WW in years (like 20) but I have friends that have done it with a lot of success. Maybe I'll have to think about that. I remember when I did it it was a lot of cottage cheese and tuna. I know that it has changed but that memory scares me :)
Help-what is the MfM book? I feel like I should know this but I don't.

I also agree with putting away the scales. They won't tell you the truth. Remember muscle weighs more than fat. I haven't done WW in years (like 20) but I have friends that have done it with a lot of success. Maybe I'll have to think about that. I remember when I did it it was a lot of cottage cheese and tuna. I know that it has changed but that memory scares me :)

MFM is Marathon for Mortals. I too am a walker and did the 1/2 in Disney this year. It's true, I swore I would never do another race and I'm training for the 1/2 in 2009. Working on reducing my Pooh size and don't be discouraged because walking will build muscle and trim inches. Measure or watch your clothes get loose. I now fit in a lot of clothes that I wore when I was 10 pounds lighter just because I've trimmed off so many inches.

Speed will come as your legs become stronger. I've been power walking for 15 years and feel better now that I did when I THOUGHT I was at my best. Also, finishing any race - to me - is train hard and have a very POSITIVE attitude. 75% is a mind game.

Get a route on www.mapmyrun.com and then do it. Slowly start to decrease your time to complete that route by increasing your speeds. When that becomes less of a burden, increase your route, change it or try a local track for a flat course to work on speed.

Enjoy your new workout, it will be the best thing you do for yourself, less injuries and being 54, I have recently found that running is not good for our internal organs both upper and lower. :sad2:

good luck.

We have a park that is close to our house that is marked for running/walking. In some places there a smallish hills. For what I need right now, it is perfect. In time though I will have to branch out.
I will have to look for that book.

Have a great Friday everyone :)

Annette - Marathoning for Mortals by John Bingham and Jenny Hadfield. Although this book is for those interested in doing a half or full marathon, I would highly recommend it for anyone (walkers and runners) doing any events. It's very motivational with lots of humor, tips and inspiration for the average Joe. I'm sure it would get the DIS seal of approval if there was such a thing. :laughing:
I just looked it up and my local bookstore has, so it will on my list of things to get this weekend.

Need to ask a weird question- what do you like to wear when walking? We live in MI so right now the temps are in the high 70's low 80's. I am wearing an oversized tee and yoga pants. I want shorts but can't seem to find any that are long enough not to ride up in my size (26). Any advice?

I am going shopping tomorrow after work, so any input would be great :)

Annette :)
I've started walking in a lightweight pair of capri's in the evening when it's a little cooler. We've had alot of 80's-90's but the humidity here in Ct is horrible some days. I would love to find some shorts that work, but I have trouble with them riding up also as I'm a size 24.:yay: not for long though:yay:
Hi ladies!! :wave:

Hi Susie! :wave:

Can Do Mom: Champion has compression shorts that are 9" long. That is what I train and race in. Sometimes if it's not too hot a wear a running skirt over them. Tres chic!

I think I got them from the Just My Size catalog. I'll see if I can find the link. :thumbsup2

ETA: Here ya go.... http://www.jms.com/cgi-bin/ncommerce/ProductDisplay?prnbr=CH327&cgnbr=6051000000

And hey, they're having a sale! Whooo hooo!
Hi ladies!! :wave:

Hi Susie! :wave:

Can Do Mom: Champion has compression shorts that are 9" long. That is what I train and race in. Sometimes if it's not too hot a wear a running skirt over them. Tres chic!

I think I got them from the Just My Size catalog. I'll see if I can find the link. :thumbsup2

ETA: Here ya go.... http://www.jms.com/cgi-bin/ncommerce/ProductDisplay?prnbr=CH327&cgnbr=6051000000

And hey, they're having a sale! Whooo hooo!

Oh, goody! I need to order some.

Hey Judy! :goodvibes I meant to tell you that your running pace is AWESOME! You are getting quite speedy! I went out last night on the track and the best I could do is 13:47. I was pleased with that but there is NO WAY I could maintain that for 13.1 miles. I'm working on it, though. :teeth:
Oh Suzie...:blush:....Thank you! :hug:

It's the compression shorts. :thumbsup2 They make me look speedy so I think I am! :lmao:

(Actually they are so tight right now I go fast so I can get out of them quicker! :eek: ) Just kidding. :laughing: Sorta. ;)


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